11 resultados para LIE ALGEBRAS
A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Management from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics
In this article I focus on women workers’ experiences of transformation from line work to teamworking in Finnish clothing companies in the 1990s and also show what happened after this transformation in the clothing branch. The undertone of it is rather melancholic. Following an initial period of intensive and successful development, clothing work was moved from Finland to countries of cheap labour, such as Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Russia, and even China. In this type of network manufacturing, the development of modern information and communication technologies played a central role. My aim is to present the standpoint of women clothing workers in this process. The main body of the empirical data of my study consists of dialogues with clothing workers, union representatives, supervisors and managers. I also make use of my fieldwork notes, memos and research diaries from three companies over a period of five years. Furthermore, in the background lie the action research material from Scandinavian type work conferences and the survey material of an extensive mail inquiry that covered the whole branch in Finland. My own research started in 1991 as a mail inquiry and then continued as a case study in companies from 1992 to 2000, by employing action research and ethnographic methodologies.
Cahiers d'ethnomusicologie, V.22, pp. 223-237
Resumo: Os profissionais de saúde podem estar expostos a vários factores indutores de stress crónico nomeadamente de natureza profissional destacando-se, entre os seus possíveis efeitos, a diminuição da resposta de anticorpos após administração de vacinas, entre as quais, a vacina contra a gripe. Uma vez que os trabalhadores da saúde estão expostos a factores indutores de stress e, simultaneamente, a agentes biológicos cujos efeitos poderão ser prevenidos pela vacinação, é pertinente estudar a influência do stress na resposta imunitária à vacina contra a gripe em enfermeiros. Constituíram objectivos deste trabalho: (1) estudar a associação entre a presença de stress crónico em enfermeiros hospitalares e a “insuficiente” resposta imunitária à vacina contra a gripe, avaliada um mês após a vacinação (T1); (2) estudar a associação entre a presença de stress crónico em enfermeiros hospitalares e a redução dos títulos de anticorpos dirigidos às hemaglutininas seis meses após a vacinação (T6) e (3) identificar algumas características das unidades de internamento e do trabalho dos participantes que possam estar associadas à presença de stress crónico e estudar a sua possível associação com a resposta imunitária à vacina contra a gripe. Realizou-se um estudo caso-controlo incorporado num estudo de coortes e a amostra em estudo foi constituída por 136 enfermeiros saudáveis (83,8% sexo feminino; média de idades de 33anos) de um hospital universitário. Realizaram-se entrevistas individuais e aplicaram-se as versões portuguesas dos questionários The General Health Questionnaire (GHQ12) e Maslach Burnout Inventory – Human Services Survey (MBI-HSS) para determinação da presença de stress crónico pelo método da triangulação, no início do estudo (T0) e realizou-se a recolha de dados relativos à caracterização de elementos de trabalho nas unidades de internamento. Foi administrada a vacina contra a gripe e determinou-se os títulos de anticorpos dirigidos às hemaglutininas de cada estirpe componentes da vacina contra a gripe utilizada em 2007, antes da vacinação, um mês e seis meses após a vacinação. Não se encontrou associação, ao nível de significância de 5%, entre a presença de stress e a “insuficiente” resposta à vacina contra a gripe, avaliada pela taxa de indivíduos que apresentaram um aumento, ao fim de um mês, inferior a quatro vezes os títulos de anticorpos antes da vacinação. No entanto, encontrou-se uma maior proporção de indivíduos com stress no grupo de participantes em que ocorreu uma diminuição do título de anticorpos dirigidos à hemaglutinina AH1 (ac AH1) em T6, quando comparado com o respectivo grupo controlo. A diferença entre grupos foi estatisticamente significativa, quando se avaliou a presença de stress pelo método da triangulação usando a entrevista (p=0,006), pelo método da triangulação usando o GHQ12 (p=0,045) e ainda usando a combinação dos três critérios (p=0,001). Após análise multivariada, verificou-se que a associação entre a presença de XXVI stress e a redução dos ac AH1 em T6 manteve significado estatístico (respectivamente, p= 0,010, p= 0,042 e p=0,002) e apresentou odds ratio ajustados, em função de cada um dos métodos de avaliação da presença de stress, de 3,643, de 2,733 e de 5,223. A quantidade de trabalho percepcionada como sobrecarga constituiu o factor indutor de stress mais vezes referido (58,8% da amostra e 61,8% dos enfermeiros de unidades de internamento), seguida dos conflitos entre profissionais. O contacto com o sofrimento e a morte de doentes foram identificados em quarto lugar pela amostra, mas em segundo pelos enfermeiros de unidades de internamento. Nesses, verificou-se uma associação positiva entre trabalhar em Serviços onde o número de doentes falecidos foi muito elevado e a presença de stress, medido pelo método da triangulação usando a entrevista (p=0,039), usando o GHQ12 (p=0,019), usando a escala de exaustão emocional do MBI-HSS (p=0,012) e pela combinação dos três métodos (p=0,014). Verificou-se também uma associação positiva entre a presença de stress, identificada pelo método da triangulação usando a escala de exaustão emocional do MBI-HSS, e o trabalho em serviços de internamento onde a percentagem de doentes idosos (p=0,025) e a taxa de letalidade (p=0,036) foram elevadas. Contudo, não se encontrou associação entre a exposição muito frequente ao sofrimento e à morte de doentes e a redução do título de ac AH1 em T6. Possivelmente, a exposição a esse factor indutor de stress, apesar de estar relacionada com a presença de stress nos enfermeiros de serviços de internamento, não foi suficientemente intenso para, por si só, estar associada à redução do título de ac AH1 em T6. A associação encontrada entre a presença de stress crónico e a redução do título de anticorpos AH1 em T6 vem apoiar a resposta à questão de investigação inicialmente colocada de que o stress poderá influenciar negativamente a manutenção dos títulos de anticorpos, mesmo em indivíduos adultos não idosos. Assim, o risco de um enfermeiro com stress apresentar redução do título de anticorpos dirigidos à hemaglutinina da estirpe AH1N1 – A/Solomon Islands/3/2006 ao fim dos seis meses do estudo, foi 3,6, 2,7 ou 5,2 vezes superior ao de um enfermeiro sem stress, consoante o critério de stress ter sido determinado, respectivamente, pelo método da triangulação usando a entrevista, pelo método da triangulação utilizando o GHQ12 ou pela combinação dos três critérios. Summary: Health workers may be exposed to various factors causing chronic stress namely those related directly to their activity, in particular the decrease in the capacity of the response of antibodies after the administration of the vaccines, amongst others the Influenza vaccine. Since health workers are exposed to factors causing stress and at the same time biological agents, whose effects may be prevented through vaccination, it is important to study the influence of stress in the immunity response to the Influenza vaccine on nurses. The aims of this study are: (1) to examine the relation between chronic stress in hospital nurses and the “insufficient” immunity response to the Influenza vaccine, assessed at one month after vaccination (T1); (2) to examine the relation between chronic stress in hospital nurses and the decrease of the hemagglutinin titles of antibodies six months after vaccination (T6); (3) to identify some characteristics of internment units and the work of the participants that may be related to the presence of chronic stress and to study its possible relation with the immunity response to the Influenza vaccine. A control-case study, integrated in a coortes study, was carried out and the sample under analysis consisted of 136 healthy nurses (83,8% female; average age 33 years old) from a university hospital. Several individual interviews were conducted and the portuguese versions of General Health Questionnaire (GHQ12) and Maslach Burnout Inventory – Human Services Survey (MBI-HSS) was applied in order to determine the presence of chronic stress, using the triangulation method at the beginning of the study (T0). Data concerning the particular features of the internment units was collected. The Influenza vaccine was administered and the titles of hemagglutinin antibodies of each strain composing the Influenza vaccine used in 2007, before vaccination, and a month and six months after vaccination, were determined. There was no statistically relevant (5%) relation between stress and the “insufficient” immune response to the Influenza vaccine, according to the rate of individuals that showed, after a month, a level of antibodies concentration lower than four times the level prior to the vaccination. Nevertheless, there was a greater number of individuals with stress in the group of participants in which there was a decrease of the hemagglutinin titles of antibodies AH1 (ac AH1) in T6, when compared to the control group under study. The difference between groups was statistically relevant when assessing the presence of stress by triangulation method using the interview (p=0,006), by triangulation method using the GHQ12 (p=0,045) and by the combination of the three criteria (p=0,001). After multivariate analysis, it was verified that the XXVIII relation between the presence of stress and the reduction of the ac AH1 in T6 was statistically relevant (respectively, p= 0,010, p= 0,042 and p=0,002) and the odds ratio were, according to each of the methods used to assess the presence of stress, 3,643, 2,733 and 5,223. Overwork was the most emphasised stress-causing factor (58,8% of the sample and 61,8% of the nurses working in the Internment Units), followed by conflicts arousing among co-workers. Witnessing the suffering and death of patients was ranked as the fourth cause of stress, but the second by the nurses of the internment units. The former revealed a positive connection between working in the services, where there was a high rate of deaths, and the presence of stress, when assessing the presence of stress by triangulation method using the interview (p=0,039), the GHQ12 (p=0,019), the MBI-HSS emotional exhaustion scale (p=0,012) and by the combination of the three criteria (p=0,014).There was also a connection between the presence of stress, identified by the method of triangulation using the MBI-HSS emotional exhaustion scale, and working in the internment units, where the percentage of elderly people (p=0,025) and the mortality rate (p=0,036) were high. However, there was no connection between frequent exposure to suffering and death in patients and the reduction of ac AH1 titles, in T6. Although one can establish a connection between stress in nurses working in the internment units and the aforementioned stress-causing factor, the exposure to that factor was not, per se, intense enough to reduce the ac AH1 title in T6. The relation found between the presence of chronic stress and the reduction of AH1 antibodies titles in T6, corroborates the hypothesis that stress can negatively influence the title of antibodies, even in non-elderly adults. Thus, and according to the criteria used to define stress, by the triangulation method using the interview, by the triangulation method using the GHQ12 or the combination of the three criteria respectively, the risk of a nurse suffering from stress showing a reduction in the title of hemagglutinin antibodies for the strain AH1N1 – A/Solomon Islands/3/2006 six-month after Influenza vaccine was 3,6, 2,7 or 5,2 times greater than on a nurse suffering from no stress at all. Résumé: Les professionnels de la santé peuvent être exposés à différents facteurs inducteurs de stress chronique de nature professionnelle. On remarque, parmi les effets possibles, une baisse de la réponse des anticorps après l´administration de vaccins, comme en particulier, le vaccin de la grippe. Lorsque les professionnels de la santé ont été exposés à des facteurs inducteurs de stress, et de manière simultanée, à des agents biologiques dont les effets pourront être prévenus par la vaccination, il est pertinent d´étudier l´influence du stress dans la réponse immunitaire au vaccin de la grippe chez les infirmiers. Ils ont constitué des objectifs d´études et de discussion : (1) étudier l´association entre la présence de stress chronique chez les infirmiers, en milieu hospitalier, et la “insuffisant” réponse immunitaire au vaccin de la grippe, vérifiée à un mois après la vaccination (T1); (2) étudier l´association entre la présence de stress chronique chez les infirmiers, en milieu hospitalier, et la réduction de la teneur des anticorps dirigé à la hémaglutinina six mois après la vaccination (T6) (3) identifier certaines caractéristiques des unités d´internement, et étudier les aspects du travail des participants, qui puissent être associée à la présence de stress chronique et étudier sa possible association avec la réponse immunitaire au vaccin de la grippe. Une étude cas-contrôle incorporée dans une étude de groupe a été réalisée et un échantillon, pour étude, a été constitué par 136 infirmiers sains (83,8% de sexe féminin, âge moyen 33 ans) travaillant dans un hôpital universitaire. Des entretiens individuels ont été réalisés et les versions portugaises des questionnaires de General Health Questionnaire (GHQ12) et Maslach Burnout Inventory- Human Service Survey (MBI-HSS) ont été utilisés pour déterminer la présence de stress chronique grâce à la méthode de triangulation, au début de l´étude (T0) et un relevé de données relatives à la caractérisation d´éléments de travail dans les unités d´internement a été fait. Le vaccin de la grippe a été administré et les teneurs en anticorps dirigés aux hémaglutininas de chaque composant du vaccin de la grippe pour 2007 ont été déterminés, avant la vaccination et un mois et six mois après. On n´a pas trouvé d´association, à un niveau significatif de au moins 5%, entre la présence de stress et la “insuffisant” réponse au vaccin de la grippe, évaluée par le taux d´individus qui ont présenté une augmentation, à la fin du mois, inférieur à quatre fois la teneur des anticorps par rapport à avant la vaccination. Cependant , on a trouvé une plus grande proportion d´individus victimes de stress dans le groupe des participants où il y a eu une baisse de la teneur des anticorps dirigé à la hémaglutinina AH1 (ac AH1) en T6, après comparaison avec le respectif groupe de contrôle. La différence entre les groupes a été statistiquement significative lorsqu´on a vérifié la présence de stress grâce à la méthode de triangulation, en utilisant l´entretien (p=0,006), par la méthode de triangulation en utilisant le GHQ12 (p=0,045) et en utilisant aussi la combinaison des trois critères (p=0,001). Après une analyse XXX multivariée, on a vérifié que l´association entre la présence de stress et la réduction des ac AH1 en T6 a conservé un signifié statistique (respectivement, p=0,010, p=0,042 et p=0,002) et a présenté des odds ratio ajustés, en fonction de chacune des méthodes de vérification de la présence de stress de 3,643, de 2,733 et de 5,223. La quantité de travail perçue comme une surcharge constitue le facteur inducteur de stress le plus souvent cité (58,8% de l´échantillon et 61,8% des infirmiers des unités d´internement), suivi par les conflits entre professionnels. Le contact avec la souffrance et la mort des patients a été placé en quatrième position par l´échantillon, mais en deuxième position par les infirmiers des unités d´internement. Dans ces cas, on a vérifié une association évidente entre le fait de travailler dans des services où le nombre de patients décédés a été très élevé et la présence de stress, identifiée par la méthode de triangulation, en utilisant l´entretien (p=0,039), le GHQ12 (p=0,019), l´échelle de fatigue émotionnelle du MBI-HSS (p=0,012) et en utilisant aussi la combinaison des trois critères (p=0,014). On a aussi vérifié une association positive entre la présence de stress, identifiée par la méthode de triangulation, en utilisant l´échelle de fatigue émotionnelle du MBI-HSS et le travail dans des services d´internement où le pourcentage de malade âgés (p=0,025) et le taux de mortalité ont été élevés (p=0,036). Malgré tout, on n´a pas trouvé d´association entre l´exposition très fréquente à la souffrance et à la mort des patients et la réduction de la teneur de ac AH1 en T6. Probablement l´exposition à ce facteur inducteur de stress, bien qu´elle soit liée à la présence de stress chez les infirmiers des services d´internement, n´a pas été suffisamment intense pour, en elle-même, être associée à la réduction de la teneur ac AH1 enT6. L´association trouvée entre la présence de stress chronique et la réduction de la teneur des anticorps AH1 en T6 vient renforcer l´hypothèse que le stress pourra influencer négativement la manutention des teneurs en anticorps même chez les individus adultes jeunes. Donc le risque qu´un infirmier stressé présente une réduction de la teneur en anticorps dirigés à la hémaglutinina de le composant AH1N1-A/Solomon Island/3/2006 à la fin des six mois d´études a été 3,6, 2,7 ou 5,2 fois supérieure à celui d´un infirmier sans stress, après avoir déterminé le critère de stress, respectivement par la méthode de triangulation utilisant l´entretien, par la méthode de triangulation utilisant le GHQ12 ou par la combinaison des trois critères.
Masters Thesis – Academic Year 2007/2008 - European Master’s Degree in Human Rights and Democratization (E.MA) - European Inter-university Centre for Human Rights and Democratization (EIUC) -Faculdade de Direito, Universidade Nova de Lisboa (UNL)
The Aljezur "graben" is a crucial piece in understanding the Caenozoic evolution of the SW atlantic portuguese edge. Detailed study of the sedimentary filling and bordering accidents allows the identification of several evolution steps since the Miocene. The graben is bordered by accidents that dislocate geomorphologic surfaces (Littoral Platform to the W, Interior Platform to the E), and also Neogene sedimentary units. The sedimentary filling is composed by conglomerates and sands grading into clays and bioclastic limestones (Burdigalian to Serravalian), upon which lie unconformably fine reddish sands, sometimes with abundant micas. Genetic and geometric relationships between these sands, those in higher surfaces outside the "graben" and the main bordering faults, are discussed. As a conclusion, the reconstruction of the tectono-sedimentary evolution is attempted, integrating it in a "pull-apart" context associated with the Messejana-fault system and it's reactivation by the differently orientated alpine compressions.
RESUMO - Os trabalhadores dos ginásios com piscinas apresentam maior prevalência de lesões fúngicas, como a Tinea pedis e a onicomicose, devido às características intrínsecas da sua actividade profissional, pois apresentam mais horas por dia de exposição à contaminação fúngica das superfícies. Esta situação verifica-se não só por serem os que mais frequentam os locais possíveis de estarem contaminados, como é o caso de balneários, vestiários e zona envolvente às piscinas, mas também porque algumas das actividades desenvolvidas são realizadas com os pés descalços. Além disso, a utilização de roupa sintética e de calçado ocluso, que retêm a sudação excessiva, favorece o desenvolvimento fúngico. Constituiu objectivo deste trabalho conhecer o risco de infecção e/ou lesão (Tinea pedis e onicomicose) nos trabalhadores dos ginásios com piscina e a sua eventual relação com a exposição à contaminação fúngica (ar e superfícies) dos locais de trabalho. Foram descritas as variáveis ambientais e biológicas que influenciam a infecção e/ou lesão fúngica em ambiente profissional e exploradas eventuais associações entre essas mesmas variáveis. Foram também conhecidas as diferenças da contaminação fúngica das superfícies entre as duas principais estações do ano (Verão e Inverno) e entre antes e depois da lavagem e desinfecção. O estudo realizado possui uma componente transversal, em que se pretendeu descrever os fenómenos ambientais e biológicos da contaminação fúngica em ambiente profissional e explorar eventuais associações entre variáveis; uma componente longitudinal, em que foram conhecidas as diferenças sazonais da contaminação fúngica das superfícies; e, ainda, uma componente quase experimental, em que foi analisada a distribuição fúngica nas superfícies antes e depois da lavagem e desinfecção. Na vertente transversal foi considerada uma amostra de 10 ginásios com piscina e outra amostra de, pelo menos, 10 profissionais de cada estabelecimento, perfazendo um total de 124 trabalhadores (75 Homens - 60,48% e 49 Mulheres - 39,52%). Foram realizadas 258 colheitas biológicas aos pés dos trabalhadores, efectuada a avaliação ambiental da contaminação fúngica dos estabelecimentos através de 50 colheitas de amostras de ar e 120 colheitas de amostras de superfícies (60 antes e 60 depois da lavagem e desinfecção) e efectuados os respectivos processamento laboratorial e identificação fúngica. Foram também avaliadas as variáveis ambientais temperatura, humidade relativa e velocidade do ar, preenchidas 10 grelhas de observação, com o objectivo de efectuar o registo de informação sobre as variáveis que xx influenciam a exposição ocupacional às espécies fúngicas e, ainda, completadas 124 grelhas de observação inerentes à colheita de material biológico, de modo a realizar o registo dos profissionais com lesão e outras informações pertinentes para a análise laboratorial. Todos os 124 trabalhadores responderam a um questionário, em simultâneo à realização das colheitas biológicas, de modo a conhecer algumas das variáveis individuais e profissionais com pertinência para o presente estudo. Num dos estabelecimentos, foram também estudadas as diferenças da contaminação fúngica das superfícies entre antes e depois da lavagem e desinfecção e, ainda, entre as duas estações do ano (Verão e Inverno). Nesse estabelecimento, foram realizadas 36 colheitas de superfícies antes e 36 colheitas depois da lavagem e desinfecção, em 6 dias diferentes da semana, durante 6 semanas sequenciais em cada estação do ano, completando um total de 72 colheitas de superfícies. Foi ainda criado e aplicado um método para estabelecer um padrão de exposição profissional a fungos nas superfícies, de modo a permitir definir níveis semi-quantitativos de estimação do risco de infecção fúngica dos trabalhadores dos ginásios com piscinas. Para o critério da Gravidade, considerou-se que a gravidade da contaminação e, consequentemente, da possível lesão, está intimamente relacionada com a espécie fúngica envolvida. Foram calculadas as médias da contaminação fúngica por cada estabelecimento antes da lavagem e desinfecção, de modo a estabelecer os níveis de Frequência e, em relação à Exposição, foram estabelecidos intervalos para agrupar as horas semanais de trabalho. Dos 124 trabalhadores que participaram no estudo, 58 (46,8%) possuíam lesões visíveis. Nesses 58, as Leveduras foram as mais isoladas (41,4%), seguidas dos Dermatófitos (24,1%) e de Fungos Filamentosos Não Dermatófitos (6,9%). Candida parapsilosis e Rhodotorula sp. foram as Leveduras mais frequentemente isoladas (20,2%); no caso dos Dermatófitos, Trichophyton rubrum foi a espécie mais frequente (55,5%) e, relativamente aos Fungos Filamentosos Não Dermatófitos, Penicillium sp. foi o mais isolado (15,6%), seguido do género Fusarium (12,5%). No que concerne à contaminação fúngica das superfícies, 37 fungos filamentosos foram isolados. Fusarium foi o género mais frequente, antes e depois da lavagem e desinfecção (19,1% - 17,2%). Em relação aos fungos leveduriformes, 12 leveduras diferentes foram identificadas, tendo sido os géneros Cryptococcus (40,6%) e Candida (49,3%) os mais frequentes antes e depois da lavagem e desinfecção, respectivamente. Em relação à contaminação fúngica do ar, foram identificados 25 fungos filamentosos diferentes, em que os 3 géneros mais frequentemente isolados foram Cladosporium (36,6%), Penicillium (19,0%) e Aspergillus (10,2%). Relativamente às leveduras, foi identificado o género xxi Rhodotorula (87,5%) e as espécies Trichosporon mucoides e Cryptococcus unigutulattus (12,5%). Verificou-se associação, ao nível de significância de 5%, entre lesão visível e horas semanais e entre lesão visível e tempo de profissão, comprovando a influência da duração da exposição ao factor de risco (contaminação fúngica do ambiente profissional), para a presença de lesão visível nos trabalhadores expostos (Tinea pedis e onicomicose), ficando demonstrada a relação entre a exposição ao factor de risco em estudo – exposição profissional a fungos – com os efeitos para a saúde. As variáveis ambientais avaliadas (temperatura, humidade relativa e velocidade do ar) não influenciaram a contaminação fúngica do ar e das superfícies, não tendo sido evidenciada nenhuma relação estatisticamente significativa (p>0,05). Contudo, verificou-se influência do número de ocupantes que frequentaram cada um dos estabelecimentos nas médias das unidades formadoras de colónias por metro quadrado nas superfícies antes da lavagem e desinfecção. Não se verificou correlação entre os resultados quantitativos da contaminação fúngica do ar e a das superfícies dos 10 estabelecimentos monitorizados. No entanto, verificaram-se diferenças significativas, ao nível de significância de 10%, entre a contaminação fúngica das superfícies e a contaminação fúngica do ar (p<0,1), tendo-se constatado que apesar de 50% dos valores mais baixos terem sido superiores na contaminação fúngica do ar, a contaminação fúngica das superfícies apresentou-se com maior variabilidade quantitativa. Em relação às diferenças significativas na contaminação fúngica das superfícies nos 10 estabelecimentos entre antes e depois da lavagem e desinfecção, apenas se verificou redução significativa (p<0,05) da contaminação fúngica depois da lavagem e desinfecção nos balneários e vestiários masculinos em relação aos fungos leveduriformes. No estabelecimento seleccionado, verificou-se que a relação entre a contaminação fúngica e a temperatura e humidade relativa não foi significativa (p>0,05) em ambas as estações do ano e também não se constatou influência dos ocupantes nos valores médios das unidades formadoras de colónias por metro quadrado das superfícies antes da lavagem e desinfecção em ambas as estações de ano. Em quase todas as situações em que se verificaram diferenças significativas entre as duas estações do ano, verificou-se um aumento das unidades formadoras de colónias por metro quadrado no Inverno, com excepção do total das unidades formadoras de colónias por metro quadrado antes da lavagem e desinfecção nos balneários e vestiários masculinos em que se verificou aumento no Verão. Constatou-se também que apenas ocorreu redução da xxii contaminação fúngica depois da lavagem e desinfecção nas escadas de acesso no Inverno e nos balneários e vestiários masculinos no Verão. Com a aplicação do método para estabelecer um padrão de exposição profissional a fungos nas superfícies obteve-se, nos 10 estabelecimentos, com Nível de Risco Mínimo 65 locais (54,2%), com Nível de Risco Médio 23 locais (19,2%) e com Nível de Risco Elevado 32 locais (26,6%). Próximo do jacuzzi e junto ao tanque foram os locais com mais classificações de Nível de Risco Elevado. No estabelecimento seleccionado verificou-se que, no Verão, depois da lavagem e desinfecção, ocorreu um maior número de locais classificados no Nível de Risco Elevado e, no Inverno, constatou-se a situação inversa, tendo sido observado maior número de locais com Nível de Risco Elevado antes da lavagem e desinfecção. Junto ao tanque e nas escadas de acesso à zona envolvente ao jacuzzi e tanque foram os locais com mais classificações de Nível de Risco Elevado, no Verão e no Inverno. Foram isolados nas superfícies fungos comuns aos isolados nos trabalhadores. Antes da lavagem e desinfecção, 30,3% dos fungos foram isolados nas superfícies e nos trabalhadores e depois desses procedimentos 45,5% dos fungos foram também isolados comummente. As Leveduras foram as mais isoladas comummente e as que se verificaram mais frequentes antes e depois da lavagem e desinfecção da superfícies e, também, nos resultados das colheitas biológicas realizadas aos trabalhadores, foram o género Rhodotorula e a espécie Candida parapsilosis, permitindo confirmar que a infecção fúngica dos trabalhadores está relacionada com a contaminação fúngica das superfícies. Concluiu-se que é necessária a intervenção em Saúde Ocupacional no âmbito da vigilância ambiental e da vigilância da saúde, com o intuito de diminuir a prevalência das infecções fúngicas. Para a prossecução desse objectivo, sugere-se a implementação de medidas preventivas, nomeadamente: o controlo da contaminação fúngica das superfícies mediante procedimentos de lavagem e desinfecção eficazes, de modo a minimizar a contaminação fúngica das superfícies; a identificação precoce da infecção através da realização de colheitas biológicas periódicas aos trabalhadores, inseridas num protocolo de vigilância da saúde; e, ainda, a sensibilização para a aplicação de medidas de higiene pessoal e o tratamento das patologias. A aplicação do método criado para estabelecer um padrão de exposição profissional a fungos nas superfícies servirá não só para a estimação do risco de infecção fúngica dos trabalhadores de ginásios com piscinas, mas também para facilitar o estabelecimento de valores fúngicos de referência, a implementação de medidas correctivas adequadas e imediatas e, ainda, a prevenção de infecções fúngicas, não só nos ginásios com piscina, mas também noutros contextos profissionais. ------------ SUMMARY - Gyms with swimming pools workers have higher prevalence of fungal injuries, such as Tinea pedis and onychomycosis. This is due to their work intrinsic characteristics, since they have more hours per day of exposure to surfaces fungal contamination. This occurs not only because they attend sites most likely to be contaminated, such as showers, changing rooms and pool surrounding area, but also because some of the activities are done barefoot. Furthermore, synthetic clothing and occluded footwear use, which retain the excessive sweating, promotes fungal development. The aim of this study was to know gymnasiums with swimming pool workers infection and/or injury (Tinea pedis and onychomycosis) risk, and its possible relationship with exposure to workplace fungal contamination (air and surfaces). This study describes environmental and biological variables that influence infection and/or fungal injury in a professional setting and explored possible associations between these variables. Differences in surfaces fungal contamination between the two main seasons (summer and winter), as well between before and after cleaning and disinfection were known. It was developed a study with an cross-sectional perspective, that aimed to describe the biological and environmental phenomena of fungal contamination in a professional environment and explore possible associations between variables; an longitudinal perspective in which were known surfaces fungal contamination seasonal differences; and also with an almost experimental perspective that analyzed surfaces fungal distribution before and after cleaning and disinfection. The cross-sectional perspective comprised 10 gyms with swimming pool sample, and another sample of, at least, 10 professionals in each establishment totalling 124 workers (75 men – 60,48%, and 49 women – 39,52%). Were performed 258 biological samples at workers feet, environmental fungal contamination evaluation from the establishments through 50 air samples and 120 surfaces samples (60 before and 60 after cleaning and disinfection) and conducted their laboratory processing and fungal identification. Were also evaluated environmental variables, such as temperature, relative humidity and air velocity completed 10 observation grids, in order to obtain data about variables that affect occupational exposure to fungal species, and also completed 124 observation grids inherent to biological material collection, in order to know the professionals with injury and other relevant information for laboratory analysis. All 124 workers answered to a questionnaire at the same time that occur biological samples collection, in order to xxv obtain information about some of the individual and professional variables with relevance to this study. In one of the establishments were also studied differences concerning surfaces fungal contamination between before and after cleaning and disinfection, and also between two main seasons (summer and winter). In this setting, there were performed 36 surfaces samples before and 36 surfaces samples after cleaning and disinfection on 6 different week days for 6 sequential weeks in each season, totalling 72 surfaces samples. It was also created and implemented a method to establish a pattern for surfaces fungal occupational exposure, in order to help define semi-quantitative levels estimation to fungal infection risk in gyms with swimming pools workers. For Gravity criterion it was considered that contamination severity and, thus, the possible injury are closely related to implicate fungal species. Was calculated fungal contamination average by each establishment prior cleaning and disinfection, in order to establish Frequency levels. Regarding Exposure, were established weekly hours group intervals spent in professional activity. From the 124 professionals tested, 58 (46,8%) had visible injuries. In the 58 workers, Yeasts were the most isolated (41,4%), followed by Dermatophytes (24,1%) and Other Filamentous Fungi Besides Dermatophytes (6,9%). Candida parapsilosis and Rhodotorula sp. were the most frequently isolated Yeasts (20,2% for each), from Dermatophytes, Trichophyton rubrum was the most frequently isolated species (55,5%) and from Other Filamentous Fungi Besides Dermatophytes, Penicillium sp. was the most frequent (15,6%), followed by Fusarium genera (12,5%). Regarding surfaces fungal contamination, 37 filamentous fungi were isolated. Fusarium genera was the most frequent, before and after cleaning and disinfection (19,1% - 17,2%). Considering yeasts, 12 different yeasts were identified, being Cryptococcus (40,6%) and Candida (49,3%) genera the more frequent before and after cleaning and disinfection, respectively. In relation to air fungal contamination, 25 different filamentous fungi were identified and the 3 most frequently isolated genera were Cladosporium (36,6%), Penicillium (19,0%) and Aspergillus (10,2%). For yeasts, were identified Rhodotorula genera (87,5%), and also the species Trichosporon mucoides and Cryptococcus unigutulattus (12,5%). Was found association with 5% significance level, between visible injury and weekly hours and between visible injury and occupation time, confirming exposure duration influence to risk factor (work environment fungal contamination) for the visible injury presence in exposed workers (Tinea pedis and onychomycosis), being confirmed the relation between the study exposure risk - occupational exposure to fungi - with health effects. xxvi Environmental variables evaluated (temperature, relative humidity and air velocity) did not affect air and surfaces fungal contamination and wasn’t found no statistically significant relation (p>0,05). However, there was evidence that occupant’s number influence surfaces colony forming units mean per square meter before cleaning and disinfection. There was no correlation between quantitative data from air fungal contamination and surfaces fungal contamination from the 10 establishments monitored. However, there were significant differences with 10% significance level, between surfaces and air fungal contamination (p<0,1), and despite 50% of the lowest rates were higher in air fungal contamination, it was found that surfaces fungal contamination had more quantitative variability. Regarding differences from the 10 establishments surfaces fungal contamination, between before and after cleaning and disinfection, there was only a significant reduction (p<0,05) in fungal contamination after cleaning and disinfection in male changing rooms for yeasts. In the selected establishment, it was found that relation between fungal contamination and temperature and relative humidity was not significant (p>0,05) in both seasons, and also there wasn’t no influence observed from occupants in surfaces colony forming units mean per square meters before cleaning and disinfection in both seasons. In almost all situations where significant differences between the two seasons were shown, there was a colony-forming units per square meter increase in winter. There was an exception in total colony forming units per square meter before cleaning and disinfection in male changing room’s exception, where there was an increase in summer. Furthermore, was found that only occur a reduction in fungal contamination after cleaning and disinfection, on access stairs in winter, as well as in male changing rooms in summer. With application from the method to establish pattern for surfaces fungal occupational exposure, it was obtained, in the 10 establishments, 65 sites with Low Risk Level (54,2%), 23 sites with Average Risk Level (19,2%) and 32 sites with High Risk Level (26,6%). Near swimming pool and jacuzzi were the places with more High Risk Level classifications. In the selected establishment, was found that in the summer, after cleaning and disinfection, there were a greater number of sites classified as High Risk Level, and in winter it was found the opposite situation, being noted more places with High Risk Level before cleaning and disinfection. Next to swimming pool and access stairs to swimming pool and jacuzzi were the places with more High Risk Level classifications in Summer and Winter. Were isolated common fungi in surfaces and in workers. Prior to cleaning and disinfection 30,3% of fungi were isolated on surfaces and workers, and after 45,5% of fungi were also xxvii commonly isolated. The Yeasts were the most commonly isolated and the most frequent before and after surfaces cleaning and disinfection, and also in workers biological samples, were Rhodotorula genera and Candida parapsilosis, allowing confirming that workers fungal infection is related with surfaces fungal contamination. It was concluded that Occupational Health intervention it is necessary, in environmental monitoring and health surveillance perspective, in order to reduce fungal infections prevalence. To achieve this objective, preventive measures implementation it’s recommended, including: surfaces fungal contamination control, through effective cleaning and disinfecting in order to minimize surfaces fungal contamination; early infection identification by performing periodic biological sampling from workers, included in a health surveillance protocol; and also personal hygiene and diseases treatment awareness. Application of the created method to establish pattern for surfaces fungal occupational exposure, will be useful not only for estimating workers from gymnasiums with swimming pools fungal infection risk, but also to facilitate fungal reference values stipulation, effective and corrective measures implementation, and also, fungal infections prevention, not only in gymnasiums with swimming pool, but also in other professional settings.----------------- RÉSUMÉ - Les travailleurs des gymnases avec des piscines présentent souvent des infections fongiques, telles que Tinea pedis et aussi des onychomycoses, dues à leur activité professionnel, parce qu’ils restent plus longtemps tout prés des surfaces avec une certaine contamination fongique. Toute cette situation est due non seulement parce qu’ils sont ceux qui fréquentent plus souvent les places plus contaminées: des balnéaires, des vestiaires et des zones autour des piscines, mais aussi ils réalisent des activités aux pieds nus ou avec des chaussures très fermés et encore quelques fois avec des vêtements synthétiques. Tout cela emmène à une grande sudation ce qui aidera au développement fongique. Un objective de ce travaille a été connaître le risque d’infection et/ou présence de lésion (Tinea pedis et des onychomycoses) dans les travailleurs des gymnases avec des piscines et leur éventuel rapport avec l’exposition à la contamination fongique (de l’air et des surfaces) dans leurs locaux de travaille. On a décrit aussi des variables d’environnement et biologiques qui ont une certaine influence dans les infections fongiques dans tout l’environnement professionnel et aussi approfondir des éventuels associations entre ces même variables. On a encore reconnu des différences de la contamination fongique avant et après des lavages et désinfection de ces surfaces. Aussi on a trouvé des différences de contamination en Été et en Hiver. Cet étude a un composante transversale, en visant la description des phénomènes de contamination fongique biologique et de l'environnement dans un environnement professionnel et l’étude des associations possibles entre les variables; une composante longitudinale dans laquelle ils étaient connus comme des variations saisonnières de la contamination fongique des surfaces, et même; un quasi-composante expérimentale, où elle a examiné la répartition des champignons surfaces avant et après le lavage et la désinfection. Dans la composante transversale on été considérés 1 échantillons de 10 gymnases avec des piscines et un autre échantillon de au moins 10 professionnels de chaque établissement dans un total 124 travailleurs (75 hommes - 60,48% et 49 femmes - 39,52%). On a réalisé 258 prélèvements aux pieds des travailleurs et on a effectué en simultané la validation par contamination fongique de l’environnement par 50 prélèvements de l’air et par 120 prélèvements de surfaces (60 avant et 60 après des lavages et des désinfections) et on a effectué leur traitement en laboratoire et l’identification fongique. On a fait aussi l’évaluation des variables de l’environnement, la température, l’humidité relative et la vitesse de l’air. On a remplie 10 tableaux xxix d’observation, avec l’objective d’obtenir des informations sur les variables qu’influenceront l’exposition occupationnel aux souches fongiques, et encore 124 tableaux d’observation liée au prélèvement du matériel biologique, pour réaliser le registre des professionnels avec des lésions et des autres informations pertinentes pour une analyse laboratoire. Tous ces 124 travailleurs ont rempli un questionnaire au même temps que les prélèvements biologiques, afin de connaître quelques variables individuels et professionnels importants pour cet étude. Dans un des établissements on a aussi étudié les différences fongiques des surfaces parmi avant et après les lavages et de la désinfection et encore parmi l’Été et l’Hiver. Dans ce même établissement on a réalisé 36 prélèvements des surfaces avant et 36 après des lavages et de la désinfection, pendant 6 jours différents de la semaine, pendant 6 semaines en chaque saison de l’année, dans un total de 72 prélèvements des surfaces. On a encore crié et appliqué une méthode pour établir un standard d’exposition professionnelle au fungi sur les surfaces, afin de permettre la définition des niveaux semi quantitative d’estimation des risques d’infection fongique des travailleurs des gymnases avec des piscines. Pour le critère de Gravité, il a été considéré que la gravité de la contamination, et donc les possibles dommages, est étroitement liée aux espèces fongiques impliquées. Nous avons calculé la moyenne de la contamination fongique par chaque établissement avant le lavage et la désinfection afin d'établir les niveaux de Fréquence et, par rapport à l'Exposition, ont été crées pour regrouper les intervalles d'heures hebdomadaires consacrées à l'activité professionnelle en question. Sur les 124 travailleurs qui ont participé à l'étude, 58 (46,8%) avaient des lésions visibles. Parmi ces 58, les Levures ont été les plus isolées (41,4%), suivis par des Dermatophytes (24,1%) et des Filamenteux Non Dermatophytes (6,9%). Candida parapsilosis and Rhodotorula sp. ont été les Levures les plus fréquemment isolées (20,2%); dans le cas des Dermatophytes, Trichophyton rubrum est le plus fréquent (55,5%) et pour les Filamenteux Non Dermatophytes, Penicillium sp. a été le plus isolé (15,6%), suivi par Fusarium sp. (12,5%). En ce qui concerne la contamination fongique des surfaces, 37 champignons filamenteux ont été isolés. Le genre Fusarium est le plus fréquent avant et après le lavage et la désinfection (19,1% - 17,2%). Pour la levure, 12 levures différentes ont été identifiées, ayant été Cryptococcus sp. (40,6%) et Candida sp. (49,3%) les plus fréquents avant et après le lavage et la désinfection, respectivement. En ce qui concerne la contamination fongique de l'air, on a identifié 25 différents champignons filamenteux, où les 3 genres les plus fréquemment isolés étaient Cladosporium (36,6%), Penicillium (19,0%) et Aspergillus (10,2%). Pour les levures, il a été identifié le genre xxx Rhodotorula (87,5%) et les espèces Trichosporon mucoides et Cryptococcus unigutulattus (12,5%). On a vérifié une association, au niveau de signification de 5%, entre les lésions visibles et les heures hebdomadaires et entre les lésions visibles et la durée d’occupation, ce qui confirme l'influence de la durée de l'exposition aux facteurs de risque (contamination fongique dans le milieu de travail) pour la présence des lésions visibles chez les travailleurs exposés (Tinea pedis et onychomycose), en démontrant une relation entre l'exposition au facteur de risque dans ces études - l'exposition professionnelle aux champignons - avec les effets sur la santé. Les variables environnementales évalué (température, humidité relative et la vitesse de l'air) ne modifient pas la contamination fongique de l'air et des surfaces; donc, n'a pas été démontré aucune relation statistiquement significative (p>0,05). Cependant, il y a une influence du nombre d'occupants qui ont participé à chacun des établissements en moyenne des unités formant colonie par mètre carré sur la surface avant le lavage et la désinfection. Il n'y avait pas de corrélation entre les résultats quantitatifs de la contamination fongique de l'air et des surfaces des 10 établissements surveillés, cependant il existe des différences importantes, au niveau de signification de 10% entre la contamination fongique des surfaces et de la contamination fongique de l'air (p <0,1), on a constaté que malgré 50% des niveaux les plus bas étaient plus élevés dans la contamination fongique de l'air, la contamination fongique des surfaces présentée une plus grande variabilité quantitativement. En ce qui concerne les différences de la contamination fongique des surfaces dans les 10 établissements entre avant et après le lavage et la désinfection, il y avait seulement une réduction significative (p<0,05) de la contamination fongique après le lavage et la désinfection dans les balnéaires et vestiaires pour les hommes par rapport aux levures. Lors de l'établissement choisi, on a constaté que le rapport entre la contamination fongique et la température et l'humidité relative n'était pas significatif (p>0,05) dans les deux saisons et aussi on n’a pas observé l'influence des occupants en moyenne des unités formant colonie par mètres carrés de surfaces avant le lavage et la désinfection dans les deux saisons de l'année. Dans presque toutes les situations ou on a vérifié des différences significatives entre les deux saisons, il ya eu une augmentation des unités formant des colonies par mètre carré en Hiver, à l'exception du total des unités formant des colonies par mètre carré avant le lavage et désinfection dans les balnéaires et vestiaires des hommes où il y a eu une augmentation en Été. On a également été constaté que seulement a eu une réduction de la contamination des xxxi champignons après la désinfection de l'escalier d'accès en Hiver et dans les balnéaires et vestiaires des hommes en Été. Avec la méthode pour établir standard d’exposition professionnelle au fungi sur les surfaces on a obtenu dans les 10 établissements, avec le Niveau de Risque Faible de 65 places (54,2%), avec le Niveau de Risque Moyen 23 places (19,2%) et 32 places avec le Niveau de Risque Élevé (26,6%). Près du jacuzzi et près de la piscine sont les lieux avec des plus évaluations de Niveau de Risque Élevé. Lors de l'établissement choisi, il a été constaté que, dans l'Été, après le lavage et la désinfection, un plus grand nombre de places évaluées comme présentant un Niveau de Risque Élevé et en Hiver on a constaté la situation inverse avec de nombreux points de Niveau de Risque Élevé avant le lavage et la désinfection. A côté de la piscine et les escaliers ont été les lieux avec plus grands classifications de Niveau de Risque Élevé en Été et en Hiver. On a isolé, chez les travailleurs, des champignons communs aux isolés sur les surfaces. Avant le lavage et la désinfection, 30,3% des champignons ont été isolés sur les travailleurs et sur les surfaces et, après ces procédures, 45,5% des champignons ont été isolés fréquemment. Les levures les plus souvent isolées et les plus fréquentes avant et après le lavage et la désinfection des surfaces, et aussi dans les résultats d'échantillons biologiques prélevés sur les travailleurs, étaient du genre Rhodotorula et les espèces de Candida parapsilosis, ce qui permet confirmer que l'infection fongique des travailleurs est liée à la contamination fongique des surfaces. On a conclu qu’il est nécessaire l'intervention en Santé Occupationnelle sous la surveillance de l'environnement et sous la surveillance de la santé, afin de réduire la prévalence des infections fongiques. Pour atteindre cet objectif, nous suggérons la mise en oeuvre de mesures préventives, y compris: le contrôle de la contamination fongique des surfaces par des méthodes de lavage et de désinfection afin de minimiser la contamination fongique des surfaces, l'identification précoce de l'infection avec des prélèvements biologiques périodiques, notamment un protocole pour la surveillance de la santé, et aussi la conscience du sens de l'hygiène personnelle et le traitement des pathologies. La méthode mise en place pour l’établissement d’un standard d’exposition professionnelle au fungi sur les surfaces, servira à estimer non seulement le risque d'infection fongique des travailleurs dans les gymnases avec des piscines, mais aussi pour faciliter l'établissement de valeurs de référence de champignons, l'application des mesures correctives immédiates et appropriées, et aussi la prévention des infections fongiques, non seulement dans les gymnases avec piscine, mais aussi dans d'autres contextes professionnels.
When China launched an anti-satellite (ASAT) weapon in January 2007 to destroy one of its inactive weather satellites, most reactions from academics and U.S. space experts focused on a potential military “space race” between the United States and China. Overlooked, however, is China’s growing role as global competitor on the non-military side of space. China’s space program goes far beyond military counterspace applications and manifests manned space aspirations, including lunar exploration. Its pursuit of both commercial and scientific international space ventures constitutes a small, yet growing, percentage of the global space launch and related satellite service industry. It also highlights China’s willingness to cooperate with nations far away from Asia for political and strategic purposes. These partnerships may constitute a challenge to the United States and enhance China’s “soft power” among key American allies and even in some regions traditionally dominated by U.S. influence (e.g., Latin America and Africa). Thus, an appropriate U.S. response may not lie in a “hard power” counterspace effort but instead in a revival of U.S. space outreach of the past, as well as implementation of more business-friendly export control policies.
A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Management from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics
The term res publica (literally “thing of the people”) was coined by the Romans to translate the Greek word politeia, which, as we know, referred to a political community organised in accordance with certain principles, amongst which the notion of the “good life” (as against exclusively private interests) was paramount. This ideal also came to be known as political virtue. To achieve it, it was necessary to combine the best of each “constitutional” type and avoid their worst aspects (tyranny, oligarchy and ochlocracy). Hence, the term acquired from the Greeks a sense of being a “mixed” and “balanced” system. Anyone that was entitled to citizenship could participate in the governance of the “public thing”. This implied the institutionalization of open debate and confrontation between interested parties as a way of achieving the consensus necessary to ensure that man the political animal, who fought with words and reason, prevailed over his “natural” counterpart. These premises lie at the heart of the project which is now being presented under the title of Res Publica: Citizenship and Political Representation in Portugal, 1820-1926. The fact that it is integrated into the centenary commemorations of the establishment of the Republic in Portugal is significant, as it was the idea of revolution – with its promise of rupture and change – that inspired it. However, it has also sought to explore events that could be considered the precursor of democratization in the history of Portugal, namely the vintista, setembrista and patuleia revolutions. It is true that the republican regime was opposed to the monarchic. However, although the thesis that monarchy would inevitably lead to tyranny had held sway for centuries, it had also been long believed that the monarchic system could be as “politically virtuous” as a republic (in the strict sense of the word) provided that power was not concentrated in the hands of a single individual. Moreover, various historical experiments had shown that republics could also degenerate into Caesarism and different kinds of despotism. Thus, when absolutism began to be overturned in continental Europe in the name of the natural rights of man and the new social pact theories, initiating the difficult process of (written) constitutionalization, the monarchic principle began to be qualified as a “monarchy hedged by republican institutions”, a situation in which not even the king was exempt from isonomy. This context justifies the time frame chosen here, as it captures the various changes and continuities that run through it. Having rejected the imperative mandate and the reinstatement of the model of corporative representation (which did not mean that, in new contexts, this might not be revived, or that the second chamber established by the Constitutional Charter of 1826 might not be given another lease of life), a new power base was convened: national sovereignty, a precept that would be shared by the monarchic constitutions of 1822 and 1838, and by the republican one of 1911. This followed the French example (manifested in the monarchic constitution of 1791 and in the Spanish constitution of 1812), as not even republicans entertained a tradition of republicanism based upon popular sovereignty. This enables us to better understand the rejection of direct democracy and universal suffrage, and also the long incapacitation (concerning voting and standing for office) of the vast body of “passive” citizens, justified by “enlightened”, property- and gender-based criteria. Although the republicans had promised in the propaganda phase to alter this situation, they ultimately failed to do so. Indeed, throughout the whole period under analysis, the realisation of the potential of national sovereignty was mediated above all by the individual citizen through his choice of representatives. However, this representation was indirect and took place at national level, in the hope that action would be motivated not by particular local interests but by the common good, as dictated by reason. This was considered the only way for the law to be virtuous, a requirement that was also manifested in the separation and balance of powers. As sovereignty was postulated as single and indivisible, so would be the nation that gave it soul and the State that embodied it. Although these characteristics were common to foreign paradigms of reference, in Portugal, the constitutionalization process also sought to nationalise the idea of Empire. Indeed, this had been the overriding purpose of the 1822 Constitution, and it persisted, even after the loss of Brazil, until decolonization. Then, the dream of a single nation stretching from the Minho to Timor finally came to an end.
We intend to study the algebraic structure of the simple orthogonal models to use them, through binary operations as building blocks in the construction of more complex orthogonal models. We start by presenting some matrix results considering Commutative Jordan Algebras of symmetric matrices, CJAs. Next, we use these results to study the algebraic structure of orthogonal models, obtained by crossing and nesting simpler ones. Then, we study the normal models with OBS, which can also be orthogonal models. We intend to study normal models with OBS (Orthogonal Block Structure), NOBS (Normal Orthogonal Block Structure), obtaining condition for having complete and suffcient statistics, having UMVUE, is unbiased estimators with minimal covariance matrices whatever the variance components. Lastly, see ([Pereira et al. (2014)]), we study the algebraic structure of orthogonal models, mixed models whose variance covariance matrices are all positive semi definite, linear combinations of known orthogonal pairwise orthogonal projection matrices, OPOPM, and whose least square estimators, LSE, of estimable vectors are best linear unbiased estimator, BLUE, whatever the variance components, so they are uniformly BLUE, UBLUE. From the results of the algebraic structure we will get explicit expressions for the LSE of these models.