10 resultados para Healthier lifestyle choices


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The purpose of this study is to explore whether the use of edutainment is able to positively influence children towards healthier eating habits. Using in-depth interview children’s food choices were compared pre and post exposure to educational action cartoon. The study focused on children form the age 5 to 10 in Israel, and was trying to assess at what age groups the message conveyed in the video was correctly retained. Parents were interviewed as well to validate the children’s answers about their food habits, as well as the children’s general media consumption. Results suggest that from age 7 children find the exposure engaging and the message is correctly retained in most cases, especially with the older children. We also noticed that most children were already doing healthy food choices before the exposure to the stimuli.


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RESUMO: Introdução: As doenças cardiovasculares (DCV) são a principal causa de morbilidade, e mortalidade prematura em Portugal e na Europa. A sua causa é multifactorial e a maior parte dos casos resultam de factores de risco modificáveis. O cálculo do RCVG, pretende ser uma estimativa da probabilidade de desenvolver DCV. Este estudo pretende identificar e caracterizar indivíduos em risco de desenvolver doença isquémica coronária e respectivos factores de risco modificáveis, no Concelho de Faro e determinar a sua prevalência e calcular SCORE global de risco cardiovascular Material e métodos: Estudo, observacional transversal, que incluiu um total de 601 individuos, com idades entre os 40-64 anos de idade, residentes no concelho de Faro, inscritos no Centro de Saúde de Faro e que consistiu da avaliação da prevalência dos factores de risco modificáveis da doença isquémica coronária pela utilização de instrumentos específicos. Resultados e discussão: Foram incluídos 601 individuos de ambos os géneros. Trata-se de uma população potencialmente menos literada e num contexto social, cultural, familiar e profissional que, eventualmente, condicionará o estilo de vida e opções em saúde. 55,9% dos indivíduos tem HTA; 42,4 % dos indivíduos tem valor de colesterol total elevado, compatível com dislipidemia (cut off de 200mg/dl); 50,9 % (cut off 190 mg/dl); 8,7% tem valores de glicemia compatíveis com diabetes; 19,8 são fumadores; 72,7% apresenta excesso de peso/obesidade; 37,6% dos indivíduos tem baixo nível de actividade física; 20,1% dos indivíduos apresenta evidência de stress, ansiedade ou depressão, pela avaliação utilizando a EADS. Parece existir evidência de maior proporção de factores de risco entre os homens e uma proporção significativa de indivíduos com importantes factores de risco modificáveis em simultâneo. Mais de metade dos indivíduos tem 3 ou mais factores de risco em simultâneo, com o excesso de peso/obesidade, hipertensão e dislipidemia a serem os com mais comummente associados. 9,7% dos indivíduos tem risco entre 5-9% e apenas 29,3% tem SCORE inferior a 1%. Conclusões: A elevada prevalência dos factores de risco modificáveis e a elevada proporção de indivíduos identificados com esses factores, e com risco moderado e alto de DCV, parece justificar uma atenção redobrada a esse nível e um planeamento dos cuidados de saúde ajustados e específicos para esta realidade.----------------------- ABSTRACT: Introduction: Cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of morbidity and premature mortality in Portugal and in Europe. The cause is multifactorial and in most cases results from modifiable risk factors. The global cardiovascular risk calculation is intended as an estimate of the likelihood of developing cardiovascular disease. This study aims to identify and characterize individuals at risk of developing ischemic heart disease and their modifiable risk factors in Faro, and determine its prevalence as well as to calculate global cardiovascular risk SCORE. Methodology: This was a cross sectional observational study, which included a total of 601 individuals, aged 40-64 years of age living in Faro, and enrolled atthe Health Centre of Faro. The prevalence of modifiable risk factors of disease ischemic heart was assessed once, after letter invitation, by the use of the following instruments (acrescentar os instrumentos). Data was analysed with (incluir testes estatisticos utilizados) Results and Discussion: We included 601 subjects of both genders. This is a potentially less literate population with a social, cultural and family contextwhich, may eventually constrain lifestyle and health choices. Almost sixty percent (55.9%) of the individuals have hypertension, 42,4% have high total cholesterol value, compatible with dyslipidemia, 8,7 % had blood glucose values compatible with diabetes, 19,8% are smokers, 72,7% are overweight or obese, 37,6% of individuals have low levels of physical activity, 20,1% of individual show evidence of stress, anxiety or depression, as assessed by using the DASS. There seems to be evidence of a greater proportion of risk factors among men and a significant proportion of individuals with major modifiable risk factores simultaneously. More than half of the studied individuals have three or more risk factors simultaneously, being excess weight / obesity, hypertension and dyslipidemia, the most commonly associated. Almost ten percent (9,7%) of the individuals have a risk between 5-9% and only 29,3% has a SCORE less than 1%. Conclusion: The high prevalence of modifiable risk factors and the high proportion of individuals identified with these factors, and with moderate and high risk of CVD, appear to justify further attention at this level and planning of health care interventions specifically adjusted to this reality.


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A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Management from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics


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A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Management from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics


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A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Management from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics


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Field Lab: Children consumer behaviour


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Field lab in marketing: Children consumer behaviour


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A sample of 445 consumers resident in distinct Lisbon areas was analyzed through direct observations in order to discover each lifestyle’s current proportion, applying the Whitaker Lifestyle™ Method. The findings of the conducted hypothesis tests on the population proportion unveil that Neo-Traditional and Modern Whitaker lifestyles have the significantly highest proportion, while the overall presence of different lifestyles varies across neighborhoods. The research further demonstrates the validity of Whitaker observation techniques, media consumption differences among lifestyles and the importance of style and aesthetics while segmenting consumers by lifestyles. Finally, market opportunities are provided for firms operating in Lisbon.


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This work project aims at analysing choices related to Comprehensive income (CI) of Portuguese listed firms and understanding the reasons behind them. Additionally, it studies the relevance of CI versus Net Income (NI). It was found that firm’s size and volume of Other comprehensive income (OCI) are positively related with the choice for separate statements while smaller firms with positive NI and negative OCI tend to disclose less information about taxes. The value relevance of CI proved to be superior to that of NI but OCI seems to have no incremental value relevance.


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Objective: Nutritional labeling systems are considered a tool to fight obesity since they aim to contribute for more informed food choices as well as assist consumers to make healthier nutrition options and in this manner, contribute to a decrease in the obesity rate. This study intends to analyze the effect of different types of labeling systems on parents’ purchasing decisions for their children on a specific product: breakfast cereals. More precisely, how labels affect parents’ perception of healthiness regarding cereals and if the nutritional information has an effect on intended purchases for their children. Participants and methods: We conducted a study with 135 Portuguese parents of children aged 4 to12 years. Parents answered a questionnaire with one of three hypothetical cereals menus. Menus only differed in their nutritional labeling technique: no labels (control group), reference intake labels or traffic light labels. In addition, we conducted 20 face-to-face interviews to a different group of parents in order to perform a recall task. Findings: This paper provides no evidence to suggest that energy labeling or traffic light labeling systems alone were successful in helping parents making healthy purchases of cereals for their children. Therefore, there is the need to promote supplementary policies to encourage the consumption of healthier food and help fight obesity.