21 resultados para HBV mutants


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Dissertação para a obtenção de grau de doutor em Biologia pelo Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica. Universidade Nova de Lisboa.


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A thesis submitted in fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of the Masters in Molecular Genetics and Biomedicine


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This study deals with mastodont teeth found near Lisbon in Lower Langhian (lower Middle Miocene) fluviatile, feldspathic sands (Vb division). Conclusions are as follows: 1. Tetralophodont molars (even if at a still primitive stade of the tetralophodont condition) do exist at least since lower Langhian times, and not only since late Middle Miocene as was previously known. 2. Tri- and tetralophodont structures may (and indeed do) coexist in the same individual: such examples do not correspond to transitional forms, but instead to a mosaic of juxtaposed characters (however this does not mean there are no transitional forms in other instances). 3. So these structures coexisted in a population not yet genetically separated beyond fertile cross-breeding, i.e. beyond species' level. 4. Origin of the tetralophodont molar was due to some mutation (s). but without crossing species, limits and even more genus'ones. 5. At this times probably soon after the first appearance of tetralophodont mutants, animals with such characters were a small but significant minority among the population (17% if account is taken on D4's: only 2% after M2's). 6. There was not then any direct and clear correlation between number of lophs (transversal crests) and tooth size, even if the increase of such number goes along with length's increase. 7. Dimensions (length in special) in tetralophodont teeth tend to exceed those in «normal» trilophodont teeth, this being particularly clear in D4, even if there is no clear distinction: the situation is quite the same, maybe less marked, with the M2. 8. According to the preceding conclusions there are no reasons to segregate different taxa among such mastodont population on the grounds of the presence in D4, M1 and M2 of 3 or 4 crests (this character being regarded as diagnostic of the genus Tetralophodon). 9. On the contrary, if any natural (in biological sense) classification is disregarded and a morphological parataxonomy is adopted there should be considered both Gomphotherium angustidens and Tetralophodon sp.: however this is absolutely not our opinion.


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This study deals with mastodont teeth found near Lisbon in Lower Langhian (lower Middle Miocene) fluviatile, feldspathic sands (Vb division). Conclusions are as follows: 1. Tetralophodont molars (even if at a still primitive stade of the tetralophodont condition) do exist at least since lower Langhian times, and not only since late Middle Miocene as was previously known. 2. Tri- and tetralophodont structures may (and indeed do) coexist in the same individual: such examples do not correspond to transitional forms, but instead to a mosaic of juxtaposed characters (however this does not mean there are no transitional forms in other instances). 3. So these structures coexisted in a population not yet geneticaliy separated beyond fertile cross-breeding, i.e. beyond species'level. 4. Origin of the tetralophodont molar was due to some mutation (s). but without crossing species, limits and even more genus' ones. 5. At this times probably soon after the first appearance of tetralophodont mutants, animals with such characters were a small but signifiant minority among the population (17% if account is taken on D4's: only 2% after M2's). 6. There was not then any direct and clear correlation between number of lophs (transversal crests) and tooth size, even if the increase of such number goes along with length's increase. 7. Dimensions (length in special) in tetralophodont teeth tend to exceed those in «normal» trilophodont teeth, this being particularly clear in D4, even if there is no clear distinction: the situation is quite the same, maybe less marked, with the M2. 8. According to the preceding conclusions there are no reasons to segregate different taxa among such mastodont population on the grounds of the presence in D4, M1 and M2 of 3 or 4 crests (this character being regarded as diagnostic of the genus Tetralophodon). 9. On the contrary, if any natural (in biological sense) classification is disregarded and a morphological parataxonomy is adopted there should be considered both Gomphotherium angustidens and Tetralophodon sp.: however this is absolutely not our opinion.


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Abstract The emergence of multi and extensively drug resistant tuberculosis (MDRTB and XDRTB) has increased the concern of public health authorities around the world. The World Health Organization has defined MDRTB as tuberculosis (TB) caused by organisms resistant to at least isoniazid and rifampicin, the main first-line drugs used in TB therapy, whereas XDRTB refers to TB resistant not only to isoniazid and rifampicin, but also to a fluoroquinolone and to at least one of the three injectable second-line drugs, kanamycin, amikacin and capreomycin. Resistance in Mycobacterium tuberculosis is mainly due to the occurrence of spontaneous mutations and followed by selection of mutants by subsequent treatment. However, some resistant clinical isolates do not present mutations in any genes associated with resistance to a given antibiotic, which suggests that other mechanism(s) are involved in the development of drug resistance, namely the presence of efflux pump systems that extrude the drug to the exterior of the cell, preventing access to its target. Increased efflux activity can occur in response to prolonged exposure to subinhibitory concentrations of anti-TB drugs, a situation that may result from inadequate TB therapy. The inhibition of efflux activity with a non-antibiotic inhibitor may restore activity of an antibiotic subject to efflux and thus provide a way to enhance the activity of current anti-TB drugs. The work described in this thesis foccus on the study of efflux mechanisms in the development of multidrug resistance in M. tuberculosis and how phenotypic resistance, mediated by efflux pumps, correlates with genetic resistance. In order to accomplish this goal, several experimental protocols were developed using biological models such as Escherichia coli, the fast growing mycobacteria Mycobacterium smegmatis, and Mycobacterium avium, before their application to M. tuberculosis. This approach allowed the study of the mechanisms that result in the physiological adaptation of E. coli to subinhibitory concentrations of tetracycline (Chapter II), the development of a fluorometric method that allows the detection and quantification of efflux of ethidium bromide (Chapter III), the characterization of the ethidium bromide transport in M. smegmatis (Chapter IV) and the contribution of efflux activity to macrolide resistance in Mycobacterium avium complex (Chapter V). Finally, the methods developed allowed the study of the role of efflux pumps in M. tuberculosis strains induced to isoniazid resistance (Chapter VI). By this manner, in Chapter II it was possible to observe that the physiological adaptation of E. coli to tetracycline results from an interplay between events at the genetic level and protein folding that decrease permeability of the cell envelope and increase efflux pump activity. Furthermore, Chapter III describes the development of a semi-automated fluorometric method that allowed the correlation of this efflux activity with the transport kinetics of ethidium bromide (a known efflux pump substrate) in E. coli and the identification of efflux inhibitors. Concerning M. smegmatis, we have compared the wild-type M. smegmatis mc2155 with knockout mutants for LfrA and MspA for their ability to transport ethidium bromide. The results presented in Chapter IV showed that MspA, the major porin in M. smegmatis, plays an important role in the entrance of ethidium bromide and antibiotics into the cell and that efflux via the LfrA pump is involved in low-level resistance to these compounds in M. smegmatis. Chapter V describes the study of the contribution of efflux pumps to macrolide resistance in clinical M. avium complex isolates. It was demonstrated that resistance to clarithromycin was significantly reduced in the presence of efflux inhibitors such as thioridazine, chlorpromazine and verapamil. These same inhibitors decreased efflux of ethidium bromide and increased the retention of [14C]-erythromycin in these isolates. Finaly, the methods developed with the experimental models mentioned above allowed the study of the role of efflux pumps on M. tuberculosis strains induced to isoniazid resistance. This is described in Chapter VI of this Thesis, where it is demonstrated that induced resistance to isoniazid does not involve mutations in any of the genes known to be associated with isoniazid resistance, but an efflux system that is sensitive to efflux inhibitors. These inhibitors decreased the efflux of ethidium bromide and also reduced the minimum inhibitory concentration of isoniazid in these strains. Moreover, expression analysis showed overexpression of genes that code for efflux pumps in the induced strains relatively to the non-induced parental strains. In conclusion, the work described in this thesis demonstrates that efflux pumps play an important role in the development of drug resistance, namely in mycobacteria. A strategy to overcome efflux-mediated resistance may consist on the use of compounds that inhibit efflux activity, restoring the activity of antimicrobials that are efflux pump substrates, a useful approach particularly in TB where the most effective treatment regimens are becoming uneffective due to the increase of MDRTB/XDRTB.


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Febs Journal (2009)276:1776-1786


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O vírus da hepatite delta (HDV) é o agente etiológico de uma das formas mais graves de hepatite viral e é ainda endémico em diversas regiões do globo, nomeadamente em África, na Amazónia e no Extremo Oriente. O HDV co-infecta ou super-infecta hepatócitos infectados com o vírus da hepatite B (HBV) aumentando em cerca de 10 vezes o risco de cirrose e hepatite fulminante. A associação clínica entre os dois vírus deve-se ao facto do invólucro do HDV ser constituído pelos antigénios de superfície do HBV (HBsAgs) que são necessários para a propagação da infecção. O genoma do HDV é constituído por uma molécula de RNA de cadeia simples, circular, com cerca de 1.7 Kb, que possui cerca de 70% de emparelhamento interno. Foi identificada uma única grelha de leitura aberta (ORF) no RNA viral que codifica para o antigénio delta (HDAg). A ocorrência de um mecanismo de editing do RNA, resulta na expressão de duas formas do HDAg, a pequena (S-HDAg) e a grande (L-HDAg). Várias funções essenciais para a replicação do HDV têm sido atribuídas a ambas as formas do HDAg, sendo a S-HDAg essencial para a acumulação de RNA viral e a L-HDAg responsável pela interacção com os HBsAgs para formar partículas virais. No entanto, dada a simplicidade dos seus componentes, admite-se que a replicação viral depende das interacções estabelecidas entre os HDAgs e factores celulares do hospedeiro. Apesar do número considerável de factores celulares descritos como interactores dos HDAgs ou RNA virais, a importância de muitas destas interacções não foi elucidada e muitas etapas do ciclo de replicação do HDV permanecem pouco claras. Para além disso, dado o número limitado de factores do hospedeiro que estão envolvidos na sua replicação, é muito provável que um número elevado de interactores do HDV permaneça por identificar. Este trabalho teve como objectivo a identificação de proteínas de fígado humano capazes de interagir com os HDAgs, utilizando o sistema yeast Two-Hybrid (YTH). Identificaram-se trinta proteínas com capacidade de interagir com a S-HDAg no sistema YTH, sendo que estas proteínas se encontram envolvidas em diferentes processos celulares. Com base nas características funcionais, foram seleccionadas três destas proteínas e as suas interacções com a S-HDAg foram investigadas com maior detalhe. As três proteínas seleccionadas foram a ribonucleoproteína nuclear heterogénea C (hnRNPC), a embryonic lethal abnormal vision like1 (ELAVL1/HuR) e a proteína 2 de ligação a EBNA1 (EBP2). As duas primeiras são proteínas de ligação a RNA, previamente descritas como envolvidas em processos de replicações de outros vírus com genoma RNA, enquanto a EBP2, é uma proteína de localização preferencialmente nucleolar, tal como por vezes acontece com os HDAgs. As interacções foram analisadas recorrendo a vários ensaios bioquímicos. No caso da hnRNPC e da HuR, após validação no sistema YTH, a capacidade de interacção com a S-HDAg foi confirmada quer in vitro por blot overlay quer in vivo por co-imunoprecipitação em células de hepatoma humano. Nas mesmas células, observou-se uma co-localização considerável entre os HDAgs e os RNAs virais. Finalmente, de modo a investigar a contribuição das proteínas hnRNPC e HuR na replicação do HDV, procedeu-se ao silenciamento destas proteínas pela utilização de short hairpin RNAs (shRNAs) específicos para os mRNAs correspondentes Observou-se que o silenciamento de ambas as proteínas hnRNPC e HuR endógenas, individualmente resultou numa diminuição acentuada nos níveis de expressão dos HDAgs. No que respeita à EBP2, a interacção com a S-HDAg foi confirmada em condições in vitro com recurso a ensaios de blot overlay e de cromatografia de afinidade. A análise por imunofluorescência indirecta e microscopia confocal revelou co-localização elevada entre os HDAgs e a EBP2, principalmente nos nucléolos de células de hepatoma humano. Finalmente, foi ainda utilizado o sistema YTH para estudar os mecanismos de importação dos HDAgs. Assim, este sistema foi utilizado com o propósito de identificar proteínas celulares capazes de interagir com um domínio específico dos HDAgs, o sinal de localização nuclear (NLS). Na pesquisa YTH realizada obtiveram-se 161 clones positivos, sendo que um deles mostrou codificar para a carioferina α4 (KPNA4). A interacção da KPNA4 com a S-HDAg foi reproduzida em condições in vitro através de um ensaio de cromatografia de afinidade tendo sido utilizadas formas recombinantes das duas proteínas. Este trabalho permitiu identificar várias proteínas celulares que interagem com a S-HDAg. Obtiveram-se evidências sugestivas de que algumas das proteínas identificadas podem desempenhar funções importantes no ciclo de replicação do HDV e que abrem novas perspectivas para o estudo do ciclo de replicação do vírus.


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Genética Molecular e Biomedicina


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Resumo: RodZ é um componente do sistema morfogenético das células bacterianas. É uma proteína transmembranar que localiza em bandas ao longo do eixo longitudinal da célula. Em Bacillus subtilis, RodZ consiste numa porção citoplasmática, RodZn, e em uma parte extra-citoplasmática, RodZc. RodZn contém um domínio em helixturn- helix (HTH), enquanto que RodZc pode ser dividido num domínio coiled-coil e num domínio terminal C, de função desconhecida. Um segmento transmembranar (TM) único separa RodZn de RodZc. A eliminação de rodZ causa alongamento do nucleóide e leva à produção de células polares nucleadas. Aqui, mostramos que RodZn é estruturado, estável e em hélice α. Descobrimos que as substituições Y32A e L33A na suposta hélice de reconhecimento (3) do motivo HTH, bem como as substituições Y49A e F53A, fora do motivo HTH (4), causam divisão assimétrica, mas apenas as últimas levam à deslocalização sub-celular de RodZ. Sugerimos que as hélices 3 e 4 são utilizadas para uma interacção proteína-proteína ou proteína- DNA essencial para divisão celular enquanto que 4 deve contactar um componente do citosqueleto, possivelmente MreB, uma vez que a correcta localização sub-celular de RodZ depende desta proteína. Em todos os mutantes as células polares são anucleadas, pelo que concluímos que o alongamento do nucleóide não é um prérequisito para divisão assimétrica. RodZc é largamente não estruturado mas com conteúdo de folha , sendo estabilizado pelo domínio coiled-coil. Mostramos uma relação homóloga entre RodZc e a bomba de transporte Na+/Ca2+ NCX1 e identificámos dois resíduos no domínio C, G265 e N275, essenciais para a manutenção da forma celular. Estes resíduos fazem parte de um motivo em gancho que pode actuar como um local de interacção com um ligando desconhecido. RodZn e RodZc são monoméricos em solução. Contudo, na membrana, RodZ interage consigo própria num sistema de dois híbridos (Split-Ubiquitin) em levedura, sugerindo que possa formar multímeros in vivo.-----------ABSTRACT: RodZ is a transmembrane component of the bacterial core morphogenic apparatus. RodZ localizes in bands long the longitudinal axis of the cell, and it is though to functionally link the cell wall to the actin cytoskeleton. In Bacillus subtilis, RodZ consists of a cytoplasmic moiety, RodZn, and an extracytoplasmic moiety, RodZc. RodZn contains a predicted helix-turn-helix domain, whereas RodZc is thought to contain a coiled-coil region and a terminal C domain of unknown function. A single transmembrane domain separates RodZn from RodZc. Deletion of rodZ causes elongation of the nucleoid and leads to the production of polar minicells containing DNA. Here, we have studied the structure and function of RodZn and RodZc. We show that RodZn is a stable, folded, -helical domain. We discovered that the Y32A and L33A substitutions within the presumptive recognition helix (3) of the HTH motif, as well as the Y49A and F53A substitutions outside of the HTH motif (in 4) cause asymmetric cell division. However, only the substitutions in 4 cause sub-celular delocalization of RodZ. We suggest that 3 and 4 are used for a protein-protein or protein-DNA interaction important for cell division, whereas 4 is likely to contact a cytoskeletal component, presumably MreB. The polar cells formed by all the mutants are anucleate. We conclude that nucleoid elongation is not a prerequisite for asymmetric division. RodZc appears to be a largely unstructured domain, with some -sheet content, and is stabilized by the coiled-coil region. We show a homology relationship between RodZc and the NCX1 Na+/Ca2+ transporter and we found two residues within the C domain, G265 and N275, that are important for cell shape determination. These residues are predicted to be essential determinants of a claw-like motif, which may act as a binding site for an unknown ligand. Both the isolated RodZn and RodZc proteins are monomeric in solution. However, because full-length RodZ interacts with itself in a split-ubiquitin yeast two-hybrid assay, we suggest that it may dimerize or form higher order multimers in vivo.


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A thesis submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Masters in Molecular Genetics and Biomedicine


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Dissertation presented to obtain the Ph.D degree in Biology


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A thesis submitted in fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Masters in Molecular Genetics and Biomedicine


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Doutor em Bioquímica, ramo de Biotecnologia


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Dissertation presented to obtain the Master Degree in Molecular Genetics and Biomedicine


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Genética Molecular e Biomedicina