7 resultados para Gravity inversion. Basement relief. Potiguar basin. Constrained inversion


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The study of the tectonic strutures affecting the mesozoic and cenozoic deposits of Algarve's basin allows us to recognize the following phases of the Alpine orogeny: Jurassic (Upper Triassic at least)-Lower Cretaceous N-S distension; N-S compression during the setting-up of the Monchique syenite dome at the uppermost Cretaceous; Paleogene compression (?) (only locally? - at the Albufeira salt dome); Lower Miocene N-S distension; Upper Burdigalian to Lower Langhian N-S and E-W distension; N-S or NNW-SSE compression after the Middle Miocene; E-W compression after the Upper Tortonian; N-S compression during the Quaternary. NE-SW fractures affecting the Paleozoic basement are related with the first distension phases. The mesozoic N-S distension are the main cause of the two E-W flexures so far recognized. A tectonic inversion event did occur after the setting up of the Monchique syenite. If, the Lower Cretaceous Lower Miocene Albufeira's unconformity, is a local effect of halokinesis then, the true tectonic inversion of the Algarve basin, did occur in the Middle Miocene. These events correlate well with those knewn at Southern Spain and Morocco.


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Geociências, Museu Nac. Hist. Nat. Univ. Lisboa, nº 2, 35-84


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The Upper Jurassic evolution of the Lusitanian Basin is shown to be linked to the rifting phase which preceded the separation of Iberia and the Grand Banks. Structural controls on sedimentation include both NNE-SSW trending faults in the Hercynian basement, and contemporaneous movement of salt diapirs. At the beginning of Upper Oxfordian times, the entire basin had been levelled to within a few metres of sea level, so that the freshwater algal marsh and marginal marine facies of the Cabaços and Vale Verde Beds rest on Triassic to Callovian strata. In the latter part of the Upper Oxfordian. carbonate sedimentation continued, with fluctuating salinity lagoons in the north (Pholodomya protei Beds) separated from shallow open marine carbonates in the south (Montejunto Beds) by the Caldas da Rainha diapir-barrier island complex. The commencement of rifting is recorded in the Kimmeridgian by the sudden influx of terrigenous clastics (developed in both fluviatile and deltaic/submarine fan environments) and accelerated depositional rates in excess of 10cm/10 k.yrs in association with contemporaneous faulting along the SE margin of the Arruda sub-basin. The Caldas-Santa Cruz chain of diapiric structures continued to influence the distribution of carbonate and clastic sediments. In the Portlandian, a simpler facies pattern occurs, with fluviatile clastics interfingering to the south with shallow low energy carbonates.


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This paper describes the palaeoweathering, cementation, clay minerals association and other closely related characteristics of central Portugal allostratigraphic Tertiary units (SLD's), that can be used for palaeoclimatic interpretation and palaeoenvironmental reconstruction. Lateral and vertical changes in palaeosols are of value for improving our understanding of the autocyclic and allocyclic controls on sediment acumulation in an alluvial basin, but they can also have stratigraphic importance. In some cases it is concluded that the geomorphological setting may have been more decisive than climatic conditions to the production of the palaeoweathering. During late Palaeogene (SLD7-8), surface and near-surface silicification were developed on tectonically stable land surfaces of minimal local relief under a semi-arid climate; groundwater flow was responsible for some eodiagenesis calcareous accumulations, with the neoformation of palygorskite. Conditions during the Miocene (SLD9-11) were favourable for the smectization of the metamorphic basement and arenization of granites. Intense rubefaction associated with basement conversion into clay (illite and kaolinite), is ascribed to internal drainage during late Messinian-Zanclean (SLD12). During Piacenzian (SLD13) intense kaolinization and hydromorphism are typical, reflecting a more humid and hot temperate climate and important Atlantic fluvial drainage. Later on (Gelasian-early Pleistocene ?; SLD14). more cold and dry conditicns are interpreted, at the beginning of the fluvial incision sage. Silica cementation is identified in the upper Eocence-Oligocene ? (SLD18; the major period of silicification), middle to upper Miocene (SLD10)and upper Tortonian-Messinian (SLD11); these occurrences are compatible with either arid or semi-arid conditions and the establishment of a flat landscape upon which a silcrete was developed.


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Photo-interpretation of aerial stereopairs of the Sintra region on the approx. 1/32 000 scale together with field work allowed the production of the present Tectonic Map of the Sintra region. It is now possible to separate structures which resulted from two different tectonic events: one, corresponding to the intrusion of the Late Cretaceous Sintra igneous diapir, and the other the Miocene compressive event, the most important tectonic inversion phase of the Lusitanian Basin. The former are present to the south, southeast and east of the intrusion and within the intrusion itself, affecting the peripheral granites and their contacts with the gabbro-syenite core. These structures comprehend: i) faults and conical fractures striking parallel to the massif boundary, which were intruded by dykes, ii) vertical faults and fractures of two conjugate sets, dextral NNW-SSE and sinistral NNE-SSW. These faults are certainly associated with the E-W striking massif's northwards directed thrust and indicate a N-S oriented horizontal maximum compressive stress. The Miocene compressive event reactivated most of the inherited structures as follows. The NNWSSE faults located on the Sintra southern platform were reactivated as dextral strike slip faults and the E-W thrust along the northern boundary of the massif was also reactivated. This thrust propagated to the east. It also enhanced the asymmetry of the rim-syncline, uplifted the massif and reactivated the NNE-SSW faults as sinistral lateral ramps, which also accommodated vertical throw. The present Tectonic Map of Sintra together with the available geophysical data (MOREIRA, 1984, KULLBERG et al., 1991, SILVA & MIRANDA, 1994) allowed reassessment of the models proposed for the emplacement of the Sintra, Sines and Monchique igneous massifs, which intruded during Late Cretaceous times along the deep dextral NNW-SSE oriented strike slip fault (RIBEIRO et al., 1979; TERRINHA, 1998; TERRINHA & KULLBERG, 1998).


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Les travaux faits sur le terrain et les interprétations cartographiques de ces dernières années, montrant la pertinence des observations de Paul Choffat au siècle dernier, permettent de préciser l'échelle stratigraphique et de mieux distinguer les phases de l'histoire tectonique de la structure de Serra de EI-Rei. En attendant la publication d'une cartographie très détaillée mettant en évidence le détail des déformations tectoniques, il faut souligner la dissymétrie des deux flancs de cette structure ainsi que le rôle de certaines failles transverses. Sur son flanc nord, la série liasique, allant des dolomies du Lias inférieur au Toarcien inférieur ou moyen, est recouverte stratigraphiquement et en légère discordance par le "Lusitanien" qui remanie à sa base des éléments du Toarcien inférieur ou moyen. Sur son flanc sud, dans la partie centrale, la série stratigraphique liasique est comparable à celle de l'autre flanc, mais les dépôts du Toarcien, plus complets, sont affectés au cours de la zone à Meneghinii par des perturbations synsédimentaires avec fossiles brisés et/ou remaniés et des réductions d'épaisseur. Plus à l'Est, le Toarcien est très réduit et (tectoniquement?) en contact avec le Dogger. Au Sud-Ouest en revanche, prés de Bolhos, la série toarcienne est plus complète et couronnée par l'Aalénien inférieur, mais tronquée par un contact oblique N-S, repris par la tectonique récente. Sur ce flanc, le Bajocien inférieur est représenté mais peu épais; il est suivi par le Bajocien supérieur, le Bathonien et le Callovien très développés qui sont recouverts par un "Lusitanien" épais, très différent de celui du flanc nord. Cette série du Jurassique moyen et supérieur a été décrite dans la thèse de Christiane Ruget (1963). La structure de Serra de EI-Rei constitue une sorte de raccord E-W entre les importantes structures (diapiriques ?) méridiennes de Caldas da Rainha au NE et de Bolhos au SW. II s'agit d'une structure de tectonique distensive, en demi-graben, d'âge jurassique, qui est responsable de la dissymétrie des séries lithostratigraphiques sur ses deux flancs; au Miocène, pendant la compression bétique, cette structure a subi une inversion en constriction. Un modèle de l'évolution sédimentaire du secteur est présenté.