12 resultados para Geology, Stratigraphic -- Cretaceous -- Catalonia -- Tremp, Conca de
This paper gives a short description of main stratigraphic unities from the early Cretaceous in Estremadura and Algarve, with their lithological, sedimentological and paleontological characteristics. The distribution of facies enable to propose a paleogeographic frame including eroded high areas and sedimentary low areas roughly parallel to the present coast. The early Cretaceous from Estremadura is splited up into three megasequences each one with regressive then transgressive tendencies: this fact must be connected with the leading action of distensive, slow or sudden, movements. Beyond the hercynian fault of Messejana, Algarve presents a different sedimentary evolution during the early Cretaceous.
The state of research on the evolution of marine bivalve taxonomic diversity of the Mediterranean Pliocene is analysed. The following assertions are discussed: 1) The Early Pliocene malacofauna is characterized by a high number of warm-water taxa and a high taxonomic diversity with respect to that of the present time. 2) The first appreciable extinction event in the Mediterranean Pliocene approximates or just follows the FO of Globorotalia bononiensis. 3) The second appreciable extinction event is between the LAD of Discoaster tamalis and the LAD of Discoaster surculus . 4) A third minor extinction event is penecontemporaneous with the FO of Globorotalia inflaia. Taking into account the available data on the Pliocene extinction events it has been possible to distinguish 4 different molluscan units with different climatic-oceanographic significance.
Cretaceous Research 30 (2009) 575–586
Rev. Soc. Geol. España, 12(1), ano 1999
A new upper Miocene locality at Asseiceira (Rio Maior), near the top of the "Calcários de Almoster e Santarém" unit (Almoster and Santarém limestones) is studied. Animal and plant fossils are described. Comparisons are drawn to other localities related to the same unit: Freiria and Azambujeira (middle and upper levels, both with large mammals). Small mammals from Asseiceira and Freiria point out to a rather old age amidst the upper Vallesian, MN 10 mammal-unit. This gives a fairly accurate datation for the "Calcários de Almoster e Santarém" and for the short time span of the corresponding sedimentation. Climate was warm and quite dry, with contrasting seasons and arid events. During upper Vallesian times, climate in Iberian Peninsula was varied but drier than in France, and specially so in the inner basins. However in Portugal and in Catalonia climate would he less different in comparison with that of the Rhône basin. Environmental evolution has been important: at Freiria and Azambujeira (middle level) there were mainly shallow lacustrine environments that received ressurgence waters from the nearby "Maciço calcário". Humid areas were closely surrounded by dense forests and these by broader and drier savanna or steppe areas. Still later, carbonate sedimentation ended. For some time there was still a river system with oxbows; humid areas probably were decreasing in favour of surrounding, rather dry environments. This study stressed the nced for revision of the geology of the region of Rio Maior and for a new geological mapping of that area. Environmental evolution has been important: at Freiria and Azambujeira (middle level) there were mainly shallow lacustrine environments that received ressurgence waters from the nearby "Maciço calcário".
The state of research on the evolution of marine bivalve taxonomic diversity of the Mediterranean Pliocene is analysed. The following assertions are discussed: 1) The Early Pliocene malacofauna is characterized by a high number of warm-water taxa and a high taxonomic diversity with respect to that of the present time. 2) The first appreciable extinction event in the Mediterranean Pliocene approximates or just follows the FO of Globorotalia bononiensis. 3) The second appreciable extinction event is between the LAD of Discoaster tamalis and the LAD of Discoaster surculus. 4) A third minor extinction event is penecontemporaneous with the FO of Globorotalia inflata. Taking into account the available data on the Pliocene extinction events it has been possible to distinguish 4 different molluscan units with different climatic-oceanographic significance.
After some remarks on the protection of sites recognized as most interesting, two less known items about dinosaurs and Portugal are dealt with. The first of theme concerns the first published account on dinosaur tracks. Jacinto Pedro Gomes, then (1884) preparing a report on the Cabo Mondego coal mines, was told of the occurrence of large footprint casts that subsequently were sent to the Museum of the Escola Politécnica in Lisbon. Gomes has shown drawings of them to B. Geinitz (Dresden), who ascribed the casts to dinosaurs. Karl Zittel (München), corroborated this viewpoint, and Louis Dollo (Brussels) reported them to Ornithopods. A posthumous note by GOMES (1915-1916) is the first scientific paper on dinosaur tracks in Portugal. However, it is not the first published report. João Bonança, a reporter, presented in his large book "HISTORIA / DA / LUZITANIA E DA IBERIA ..." (1891), a new (both irrealistic and useless) stratigraphic classification. He also replaced Zoological and Botanic Nomenclature by another one devised by him. Having seen the footprint casts at the Museum of the Escola Politécnica, he referred bird or dinosaur footprints in Cabo Mondego's Upper Jurassic, this being the first published report on such fossils as far as Portugal is concerned. The second theme is about Late Cretaceous dinosaurs from Viso, Aveiro and Taveiro. Faunas are marked by generalized nannism, and seem impoverished by previous extinctions of larger forms; their probable insular character has been acknowledged. Extinctions may well be explained by non-catastrophic causes. The general fall of temperatures may have been far more important.
Guernet & Lauverjat (1986) described a new species, Neocyprideis lusitanicus, from sediments deposited near Aveiro, Portugal. For these authors, some associated fossils (Molluscs, planktonic Foraminifera) indicated a Pliocene age. That seemingly was the first record of Neocyprideis in post-Miocene sediments in Europe. A recent study of Upper Cretaceous material from the same region showed an abundant Neocyprideis fauna, associated with Charophyta. These Neocyprideis could be assigned without any doubt to N. lusitanicus. Therefore, N. lusitanicus appears as an Upper Cretaceous species, reworked in much later sediments, not Pliocene but Quaternary, as indicated by the planktonic Foraminifera assemblage. This interpretation is supported by: 1 - the incompatibility of the Neocyprideis (restricted to lacustrine-lagoonal environments) with abundant planktic Foraminifera; 2 - the occurrence of N. lusitanicus with Charophytes and non marine, cretaceous vertebrates but without the same Foraminifera. Neocyprideis lusitanicus is a valid species, clearly different from the other late Cretaceous species (N. coudouxensis and N. murciensis) as well as the Early Miocene described species (N. aquitanica, N. janoscheki).
A new species of terrestrial gastropod - Anadromus penai sp. nov. (Fam. Anadromidae) - is described from a set of composite moulds collected in reddish silts and clays of Campanian-Maastrichtian age, found in the lower pan of the Taveiro Formation (Taveiro, Coimbra, West Central Portugal). The known occurrences of this new species are restricted to the type locality. The main differences from other contemporaneous Anadromidae are the profuse spiral sculpture of the body-whorl, with 20-22 sub-equal, close, and regular ribs.
A new Lower Cretaceous (Aptian-Albian) dinosaur tracksite at the Olhos de Água beach is described. It is the first vertebrate fossil finding ever found in the concerned unit, and yielded 128 tracks in 17 trackways within an area of ca. 80 square metres. Three tridactyl footprint morphotypes have been recognized: - Type I ("Iguanodontipus-like") - trackways D, F, K, J and P; - Type 2 (large theropod), although larger in size, typically from a Grallator-like theropod footprint, i.e , A, B, G, H and 0 trackways; - Type 3 (medium size theropod); M is the only track of this type. There are other, poorly preserved, unidentified trackways. The theropod, swinging trackway B was produced by an animal that was limping. The theropod track M starts eastwards but drastically changes westwards, speeding up at the same time; this dinosaur decided to turn around and run in the opposite direction. This site shows three main trackway directions: to the South, to the East, and westwards. Except for the trackway 0, large theropods A, B, G and H walked southwards. Perpendicularly to the se, ornithopods, small theropods and unidentified trackmakers walked towards East (5) and West (7). The segregation oftrackmakers and directions, with large theropod traekways southwards and other dinosaurs' west or eastwards, may mean that large theropods patrolled a walkway area to an important resource, most probably water, often frequented by ornithopods and smaller theropods. There is no evidence of social behavior or gregarism: footprints' overposition shows that the large, southwards walking theropods passed on different occasions. Three trackway sequences can be established by chronologic order.
Mineralogical assemblages, specially clay mineral assemblages, have been widely used in multidisciplinary stratigraphical studies. This paper presents the results obtained in the study of a Lower Cretaceous depositional sequence from the Lusitanian Basin (Portugal). The Upper Hauterivian – Lower Barremian section at Guincho Fort pertains mostly to the Ha7 3rd order depositional sequence defined by J. REY & al. (2003) and has been studied in a detailed bed-by-bed sampling corresponding to a total of 85 samples. The analysis of the obtained clay mineral assemblages has contributed to the paleoenvironmental and paleogeographical reconstruction of the studied interval and has improved the sequence stratigraphic interpretation and positioning of sequence boundaries and other sequential surfaces (transgressive and flooding surfaces).
Dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Geospatial Technologies.