23 resultados para Geography - History


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O presente relatório descreve a Prática de Ensino Supervisionada (PES) inserida no Mestrado em Ensino de História e de Geografia no 3.º ciclo do Ensino Básico e no Ensino Secundário. Esta prática desenvolveu-se em três turmas do 3.º ciclo do Ensino Básico da Escola Secundária Seomara da Costa Primo no ano letivo de 2013-2014. A Educação para a Cidadania é uma preocupação intrínseca ao sistema educativo no sentido de preparar os alunos para uma intervenção cívica ativa. No âmbito da PES, pretendeu-se que os alunos, nas aulas de História e de Geografia, adquirissem não só conhecimentos científicos mas também competências e atitudes que lhes permitam assumir o seu lugar enquanto cidadãos, com um papel crítico e interveniente na sociedade. Neste relatório faz-se uma breve contextualização do tema central desta prática: a cidadania; apresentam-se algumas das experiências de ensino-aprendizagem desenvolvidas com os alunos, e, por último, são enunciados os resultados de um pequeno estudo sobre as opiniões dos alunos acerca da importância da cidadania no ensino da História e no ensino da Geografia.


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History in Africa, n.18, pág.67-82


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All every day activities take place in space. And it is upon this that all information and knowledge revolve. The latter are the key elements in the organisation of territories. Their creation, use and distribution should therefore occur in a balanced way throughout the whole territory in order to allow all individuals to participate in an egalitarian society, in which the flow of knowledge can take precedence over the flow of interests. The information society depends, to a large extent, on the technological capacity to disseminate information and, consequently, the knowledge throughout territory, thereby creating conditions which allow a more balanced development, from the both the social and economic points of view thus avoiding the existence of info-exclusion territories. Internet should therefore be considered more than a mere technology, given that its importance goes well beyond the frontiers of culture and society. It is already a part of daily life and of the new forms of thinking and transmitting information, thus making it a basic necessity essential, for a full socio-economic development. Its role as a platform of creation and distribution of content is regarded as an indispensable element for education in today’s society, since it makes information a much more easily acquired benefit.”…in the same way that the new technologies of generation and distribution of energy allowed factories and large companies to establish themselves as the organisational bases of industrial society, so the internet today constitutes the technological base of the organisational form that characterises the Information Era: the network” (CASTELLS, 2004:15). The changes taking place today in regional and urban structures are increasingly more evident due to a combination of factors such as faster means of transport, more efficient telecommunications and other cheaper and more advanced technologies of information and knowledge. Although their impact on society is obvious, society itself also has a strong influence on the evolution of these technologies. And although physical distance has lost much of the responsibility it had towards explaining particular phenomena of the economy and of society, other aspects such as telecommunications, new forms of mobility, the networks of innovation, the internet, cyberspace, etc., have become more important, and are the subject of study and profound analysis. The science of geographical information, allows, in a much more rigorous way, the analysis of problems thus integrating in a much more balanced way, the concepts of place, of space and of time. Among the traditional disciplines that have already found their place in this process of research and analysis, we can give special attention to a geography of new spaces, which, while not being a geography of ‘innovation’, nor of the ‘Internet’, nor even ‘virtual’, which can be defined as one of the ‘Information Society’, encompassing not only the technological aspects but also including a socio-economic approach. According to the last European statistical data, Portugal shows a deficit in terms of information and knowledge dissemination among its European partners. Some of the causes are very well identified - low levels of scholarship, weak investments on innovation and R&D (both private and public sector) - but others seem to be hidden behind socio-economical and technological factors. So, the justification of Portugal as the case study appeared naturally, on a difficult quest to find the major causes to territorial asymmetries. The substantial amount of data needed for this work was very difficult to obtain and for the islands of Madeira and Azores was insufficient, so only Continental Portugal was considered for this study. In an effort to understand the various aspects of the Geography of the Information Society and bearing in mind the increasing generalised use of information technologies together with the range of technologies available for the dissemination of information, it is important to: (i) Reflect on the geography of the new socio-technological spaces. (ii) Evaluate the potential for the dissemination of information and knowledge through the selection of variables that allow us to determine the dynamic of a given territory or region; (iii) Define a Geography of the Information Society in Continental Portugal.


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The objective of great investments in telecommunication networks is to approach economies and put an end to the asymmetries. The most isolated regions could be the beneficiaries of this new technological investments wave disseminating trough the territories. The new economic scenarios created by globalisation make high capacity backbones and coherent information society polity, two instruments that could change regions fate and launch them in to an economic development context. Technology could bring international projection to services or products and could be the differentiating element between a national and an international economic strategy. So, the networks and its fluxes are becoming two of the most important variables to the economies. Measuring and representing this new informational accessibility, mapping new communities, finding new patterns and localisation models, could be today’s challenge. In the physical and real space, location is defined by two or three geographical co-ordinates. In the network virtual space or in cyberspace, geography seems incapable to define location, because it doesn’t have a good model. Trying to solve the problem and based on geographical theories and concepts, new fields of study came to light. The Internet Geography, Cybergeography or Geography of Cyberspace are only three examples. In this paper and using Internet Geography and informational cartography, it was possible to observe and analyse the spacialisation of the Internet phenomenon trough the distribution of the IP addresses in the Portuguese territory. This work shows the great potential and applicability of this indicator to Internet dissemination and regional development studies. The Portuguese territory is seen in a completely new form: the IP address distribution of Country Code Top Level Domains (.pt) could show new regional hierarchies. The spatial concentration or dispersion of top level domains seems to be a good instrument to reflect the info-structural dynamic and economic development of a territory, especially at regional level.


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Information Society plays an important role in all kinds of human activity, inducing new forms of economic and social organization and creating knowledge. Over the last twenty years of the 20th century, large investments in telecommunication networks were made to approach economies and put an end to the asymmetries. The most isolated regions were the beneficiaries of this new technological investment’s wave disseminating trough the territories. The new economic scenarios created by globalisation make high capacity backbones and coherent information society polity, two instruments that could change regions fate and launch them in to an economic development context. Technology could bring international projection to services, products and could be the differentiating element between a national and an international economic strategy. So, the networks and its fluxes are becoming two of the most important variables to the economies. Measuring and representing this new informational accessibility, mapping new communities, finding new patterns and localisation models, could be today’s challenge. In the physical/real space, location is defined by two or three geographical co-ordinates. In the network/virtual space or in cyberspace, geography seems incapable to define location, because it doesn’t have a good model. Trying to solve the problem and based on geographical theories and concepts, new fields of study came to light. Internet Geography is one example. In this paper and using Internet Geography and informational cartography, it was possible to observe and analyse the spacialisation of the Internet phenomenon trough the distribution of the IP addresses in the Portuguese territory. This work shows the great potential and applicability of this indicator to regional development studies, and at the same time. The IP address distribution of Country Code Top Level Domains (.pt for Portugal) could show the same economic patterns, reflecting territorial inflexibility or, by opposition, new regional hierarchies. The spatial concentration or dispersion of top level domains seems to be a good instrument to analyse the info-structural dynamic and economic development of a territory, especially at regional level. At the same time it shows that information technologies are essential to innovation and competitive advantage.


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Thesis presented at the Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, to obtain a Master degree in Conservation and Restoration,Specialization in Textiles


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The visual image is a fundamental component of epiphany, stressing its immediacy and vividness, corresponding to the enargeia of the traditional ekphrasis and also playing with cultural and social meanings. Morris Beja in his seminal book Epiphany in the Modern Novel, draws our attention to the distinction made by Joyce between the epiphany originated in a common object, in a discourse or gesture and the one arising in “a memorable phase of the mind itself”. This type materializes in the “dream-epiphany” and in the epiphany based in memory. On the other hand, Robert Langbaum in his study of the epiphanic mode, suggests that the category of “visionary epiphany” could account for the modern effect of an internally glowing vision like Blake’s “The Tyger”, which projects the vitality of a real tyger. The short story, whose length renders it a fitting genre for the use of different types of epiphany, has dealt with the impact of the visual image in this technique, to convey different effects and different aesthetic aims. This paper will present some examples of this occurrence in short stories of authors in whose work epiphany is a fundamental concept and literary technique: Walter Pater, Joseph Conrad, K. Mansfield, Clarice Lispector. Pater’s “imaginary portraits” concentrate on “priviledged moments” of the lives of the characters depicting their impressions through pictorial language; Conrad tries to show “moments of awakening” that can be remembered by the eye; Mansfield suggests that epiphany, the “glimpse”, should replace plot as an internal ordering principle of her impressionist short-stories; in C. Lispector the visualization of some situations is so aggressive that it causes nausea and a radical revelation on the protagonist’s.


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The transition process between information and knowledge is faster and so the inputs that influence social and political practises. The dissemination of information is now determinant in terms of territorial competitiveness and both public and private sector take large benefits when the data-information- knowledge value chain repeats itself trough space and time. Mankind depends nowadays on the creation and diffusion of good and reliable information. Speed is also important and the greater the speed, the faster the opportunities for global markets. Information must be an input for knowledge and obviously for decision. So, the power of information is unquestionable. This paper focuses on concepts like information, knowledge and other, more geographical and tries to explain how territories change from real to virtual. Knowledge society appears on an evolutional context in which information dissemination is wider and technological potential overwrites traditional notions of Geography. To understand the mutations over the territories, the causes and the consequences emerges the Geography of the Knowledge Society, a new discipline inside Geography with a special concern about modern society and socio-economical developing models.


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Trabalho apresentado no âmbito do Mestrado em Engenharia Informática, como requisito parcial para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Informática


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International Seminar in Conservation. A Tribute to Cesari Brandi. Lisboa, LNEC, May 2006, p.273-282


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Este relatório foi elaborado no âmbito da Prática de Ensino Supervisionada nas disciplinas de Geografia e História durante no ano letivo de 2013/2014 na Escola Secundária Seomara da Costa Primo. Os objetivos deste trabalho são avaliar a importância da realização de trabalhos em pequeno grupo para a motivação dos alunos em sala de aula; demonstrar que o trabalho em pequeno grupo promove o desenvolvimento das aprendizagens dos alunos e evidenciar que o trabalho em pequeno grupo promove capacidades de trabalhar em equipa, socializar e ter comportamentos e atitudes sociais adequados para a vida futura dos alunos. Estes objetivos foram testados no contexto de sala de aula através da realização de trabalhos em pequeno grupo de índole cooperativa com alunos do Ensino Básico. As conclusões a que se chegou foram as de que o trabalho em pequeno grupo na sala de aula promove um maior grau motivacional nos alunos, favorecendo uma maior e melhor aprendizagem, uma vez que os alunos passam a ser parte ativa no processo de ensinoaprendizagem. Em relação às competências sociais os alunos desenvolvem-nas através desta metodologia de ensino.


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Este relatório reflete a experiência vivida durante a Prática de Ensino Supervisionada efetuada no âmbito do Mestrado em Ensino da História e da Geografia, no 3.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico e no Ensino Secundário. Descreve as atividades desenvolvidas nas turmas de 2.º ano de Instalação e Operação de Sistemas Informáticos (Curso de Educação e Formação) e 9.º3 da Escola Secundária 2,3 de Alvide e 8.ºD e 9.º C na Escola Secundária da Quinta do Marquês, no ano letivo de 2013/2014. O presente relatório encontra-se estruturado em três capítulos essenciais. No primeiro são abordados os seguintes temas: i) uma breve contextualização da temática; i) uma reflexão acerca da importância da Educação para o Empreendedorismo para as necessidades de educação e formação do mundo atual; iii) exemplos de práticas no sistema educativo português; iv) reflexão acerca dos contributos de um ambiente construtivista de aprendizagem, como uma das várias estratégias a adotar numa formação orientada para as competências-chave da Educação para o Empreendedorismo, com ênfase no trabalho cooperativo, aplicado durante as práticas letivas. Nos dois capítulos seguintes são abordadas as Práticas de Ensino Supervisionadas em Geografia e em História, respetivamente. Nestes capítulos surgem: i) um breve enquadramento e caracterização das escolas e turmas onde decorreram as práticas letivas. As referidas caracterizações foram efetuadas com base em inquéritos por questionário, aplicados aos alunos, orientados para a temática e que permitiram traçar o seu perfil académico e familiar e conhecer os seus planos de futuro profissional; ii) Descrição das práticas letivas desenvolvidas, estratégias implementadas orientadas para a Educação para o Empreendedorismo, materiais utilizados e resultados obtidos. A Educação para o Empreendedorismo consiste na prática pedagógica central aplicada nas referidas turmas, tendo estas, pelas suas caraterísticas, contribuído para o desenvolvimento das competências-chave que estão na sua base, tais como: o trabalho em equipa, o espírito crítico e de iniciativa, a resolução autónoma de problemas, a responsabilidade e a criatividade.


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The history between cetaceans and humans is documented throughout time not only in reports, descriptions, and tales but also in legal documents, laws and regulations, and tithes. This wealth of information comes from the easy spotting and identification of individuals due to their large size, surface breathing, and conspicuous above water behaviour. This work is based on historical sources and accounts accounting for cetacean presence for the period between the 12th and 17th centuries, as well as scientific articles, newspapers, illustrations, maps, non-published scientific reports, and other grey literature from the 18th century onwards. Information on whale use in Portugal's mainland has been found since as early as the 12th century and has continued to be created throughout time. No certainty can be given for medieval and earlier events, but both scavenging of stranded whales or use of captured ones may have happened. There is an increasing number of accounts of sighted, stranded, used, or captured cetaceans throughout centuries which is clearly associated with a growing effort towards the study of these animals. Scientific Latin species denominations only started to be registered from the 18th century onwards, as a consequence of the evolution of natural sciences in Portugal and increasing interest from zoologists. After the 19th century, a larger number of observations were recorded, and from the 20th century to the present day, regular scientific records have been collected. Research on the environmental history of cetaceans in Portugal shows a several-centuries-old exploitation of whales and dolphins, as resources mainly for human consumption, followed in later centuries by descriptions of natural history documenting strandings and at sea encounters. Most cetaceans species currently thought to be present in Portuguese mainland waters were at some point historically recorded.


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