12 resultados para Garment cutting


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In this thesis, a predictive analytical and numerical modeling approach for the orthogonal cutting process is proposed to calculate temperature distributions and subsequently, forces and stress distributions. The models proposed include a constitutive model for the material being cut based on the work of Weber, a model for the shear plane based on Merchants model, a model describing the contribution of friction based on Zorev’s approach, a model for the effect of wear on the tool based on the work of Waldorf, and a thermal model based on the works of Komanduri and Hou, with a fraction heat partition for a non-uniform distribution of the heat in the interfaces, but extended to encompass a set of contributions to the global temperature rise of chip, tool and work piece. The models proposed in this work, try to avoid from experimental based values or expressions, and simplifying assumptions or suppositions, as much as possible. On a thermo-physical point of view, the results were affected not only by the mechanical or cutting parameters chosen, but also by their coupling effects, instead of the simplifying way of modeling which is to contemplate only the direct effect of the variation of a parameter. The implementation of these models was performed using the MATLAB environment. Since it was possible to find in the literature all the parameters for AISI 1045 and AISI O2, these materials were used to run the simulations in order to avoid arbitrary assumption.


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Analytical, numerical and experimental models have been developed over time to try to characterize and understand the metal cutting process by chip removal. A true knowledge of the cutting process by chip removal is required by the increasing production, by the quality requirements of the product and by the reduced production time, in the industries in which it is employed. In this thesis an experimental setup is developed to evaluate the forces and the temperature distribution in the tool according to the orthogonal cutting model conditions, in order to evaluate its performance and its possible adoption in future works. The experimental setup is developed in a CNC lathe and uses an orthogonal cutting configuration, in which thin discs fixed onto a mandrel are cut by the cutting insert. In this experimental setup, the forces are measured by a piezoelectric dynamometer while temperatures are measured by thermocouples placed juxtaposed to the side face of the cutting insert. Three different solutions are implemented and evaluated for the thermocouples attachment in the cutting insert: thermocouples embedded in thermal paste, thermocouples embedded in copper plate and thermocouples brazed in the cutting insert. From the tests performed in the experimental setup it is concluded that the adopted forces measurement technique shows a good performance. Regarding to the adopted temperatures measurement techniques, only the thermocouples brazed in the cutting insert solution shows a good performance for temperature measurement. The remaining solutions show contact problems between the thermocouple and the side face of the cutting insert, especially when the vibration phenomenon intensifies during the cut. It is concluded that the experimental setup does not present a sufficiently robust and reliable performance, and that it can only be used in future work after making improvements in the assembly of the thermocouples.


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Dissertação apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para a obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Informática


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Aims: The main aims of this work were the study of cork slabs moulds colonization and the evaluation of the moulds diversity during cork processing steps, in different cork stoppers factories. Simultaneously, it was envisaged to perform an evaluation of the air quality. Methods and Results: Moulds were isolated and identified from cork slabs and cork samples in four cork stoppers factories. The identification was based on morphological characters and microscopic observation of the reproductive structures. Airborne spore dispersion was assessed using a two stage Andersen sampler. It was observed that Chrysonilia sitophila was always present on cork slabs during the maturing period, but mould diversity appeared to be associated to the different factory configurations and processing steps. Conclusions: Spatial separation of the different steps of the process, including physical separation of the maturation step, is essential to guarantee high air quality and appropriate cork slabs colonization, i.e. C. sitophila dominance. The sorting and cutting of the edges of cork slabs after boiling and before the maturing step is also recommended. Significance and Impact of the Study: This study is very important for the cork stopper industry as it gives clear indications on how to keep high quality manufacturing standards and how to avoid occupational health problems.


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Aims: The main aims of this work were the study of cork slabs moulds colonization and the evaluation of the moulds diversity during cork processing steps, in different cork stoppers factories. Simultaneously, it was envisaged to perform an evaluation of the air quality. Methods and Results: Moulds were isolated and identified from cork slabs and cork samples in four cork stoppers factories. The identification was based on morphological characters and microscopic observation of the reproductive structures. Airborne spore dispersion was assessed using a two stage Andersen sampler. It was observed that Chrysonilia sitophila was always present on cork slabs during the maturing period, but mould diversity appeared to be associated to the different factory configurations and processing steps. Conclusions: Spatial separation of the different steps of the process, including physical separation of the maturation step, is essential to guarantee high air quality and appropriate cork slabs colonization, i.e. C. sitophila dominance. The sorting and cutting of the edges of cork slabs after boiling and before the maturing step is also recommended. Significance and Impact of the Study: This study is very important for the cork stopper industry as it gives clear indications on how to keep high quality manufacturing standards and how to avoid occupational health problems.


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Dissertação apresentada para obtenção do Grau de Doutor em Ciências do Ambiente pela Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecn


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Doutor em Engenharia Mecânica


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RESUMO - O fenómeno stress relacionado com o trabalho é um tema atual, bastante debatido e alvo de diversas investigações. No entanto, os estudos portugueses sobre o stress relacionado com o trabalho em profissionais de saúde não são muito frequentes, apesar de desempenharem uma atividade considerada de alto risco em termos de stress. O síndrome de burnout é a consequência de prolongados níveis de stress relacionado com o trabalho e compreende três dimensões: exaustão emocional (EE), despersonalização (DSP) e realização pessoal (RP). O presente estudo demonstra-se como não experimental, descritivo e transversal que pretende contribuir para uma melhor compreensão do stress relacionado com o trabalho e burnout em técnicos de radiologia. Estudaram-se 73 técnicos de radiologia do Centro Hospitalar de Lisboa Central. 76,4% da população em estudo é do sexo feminino, 58,9% tem idades compreendidas entre os 41 e 60 anos, 53,4% dos profissionais são casados e 56,1% tem entre 1 e 20 anos de serviço como técnico de radiologia nos locais em estudo. Foram utilizados três questionários, um sócio-demográfico, o questionário Perceived Stress Scale (versão portuguesa do Instituto de Prevenção do Stress e Saúde Ocupacional) e o questionário Maslach Burnout Inventory (versão portuguesa traduzida pela Drª Alexandra Pinto. Verifica-se que 50,7% dos profissionais em estudo percecionam o seu nível de stress relacionado com o trabalho como elevado. Na análise da perceção do stress relacionado com o trabalho, foram os homens que surgiram com um nível mais elevado, assim como os profissionais dos 20 aos 40 anos, os solteiros e aqueles com um tempo de serviço entre 1 e 20 anos. Em relação ao burnout verificamos que 66,2% da população em estudo apresenta nível médio a elevado de EE, 57,9% de DSP e 66,2% de RP. Podemos verificar que são as mulheres que surgem com valores mais elevados de EE e RP, enquanto os homens apresentam valores mais elevados na dimensão DSP. Os mais novos (20 a 40 anos) e os solteiros apresentam nível médio a elevado de EE e DSP, enquanto os mais velhos (41 aos 60 anos) e os casados demonstram níveis mais elevados de RP. Estes dados demonstram um nível médio a elevado de burnout vivenciado pelos técnicos de radiologia dos hospitais em estudo.


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The summer school “Renewable Energy Systems: Role and Use of Parliamentary Technology Assessment” was the first European Summer School with a pure focus on technology assessment. The aim of the three-day long summer school of the European project Parliaments and Civil Society in Technology Assessment (PACITA) was to create awareness of the potential of technology groups in Europe. Therefore, the summer school involved keynotes, practical exercises, mutual reflection, cutting edge training and networking to deal with the theme of renewable energy systems out of the perspective of Technology Assessment (TA), to meet transition objectives or to critically assess energy technologies.


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A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Finance from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics


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A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Finance from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics


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The former occurrence of the North Atlantic right whale Eubalaena glacialis on the Portuguese coast may be inferred from the historical range of that species in Europe and in NW Africa. It is generally accepted that it was the main prey of coastal whaling in the Middle Ages and in the pre-modern period, but this assumption still needs firming up based on biological and archaeological evidence. We describe the skeletal remains of right whales excavated at Peniche in 2001-2002, in association with archaeological artefacts. The whale bones were covered by sandy sediments on the old seashore and they have been tentatively dated around the 16th to 17th centuries. This study contributes material evidence to the former occurrence of E. glacialis in Portugal (West Iberia). Some whale bones show unequivocal man-made scars. These are associated to wounds from instruments with a sharp-cutting blade. This evidence for past human interaction may suggest that whaling for that species was active at Peniche around the early 17th century.