2 resultados para Géomorphologie, karst, Tsanfleuron
Karst fillings rich in fossils from carbonate series, Miocene in age, exposed on the coast of Algarve, yielded some thousands of teeth and other vertebrate remains. A crocodilian and more than fifty species of fishes (Selacians, Teleosteans) have been identified (see tableau 1). This fauna is consistent as a whole with a Burdigalian (maybe late) and/or Langhian age. It also indicates shallow waters, warmer than at present in the same region although not strictly tropical. This fauna shows more affinities with others of the same age from mediterranean region (i.e. Baleares) than with those from Lisbon.
A bone breccia from Goldra, near Loulé, is studied. It corresponds to the infilling of a karst depression, consisting of: rather worn and probably transported dolomite pebbles at the bottom; accumulations of frequently burnt bone scraps, much broken and with acute edges (no transport), certainly debris of human food, suggesting habitat level (s); in association with the former, stone (flint, quartz, quartzite, graywacke) rather uncharacteristic artifacts that seem compatible with middle and upper Paleolithic, or with Epipaleolithic; and small mammal teeth and bones. Fauna includes an extinct species, Microtus brecciensis recognized for the first time in Portugal. It is not older than Riss-Wiirm interglacial, and may be of this age or later, maybe that of one of wurm's first interstades. Fauna points out to a varied landscape with open country and woods; and to a rather warm and dry temperate, or dry subtropical mediterranean climate. Climate differences should not be significant in comparison with the extant situation. The presence of the mammal species found so far is consistent with modern distribution.