12 resultados para FIBER GLASS
IEEE Electron Device Letters, VOL. 29, NO. 9,
Beaver only had been found in Portugal in a Chalcolithic locality, the Vila Nova de S. Pedro castrum. It has now been identified in the Upper Paleolithic (Solutrean) from Gruta do Caldeirão, near Tomar. The species has been found recently at «Gruta do Almonda»; 4 teeth were collected in bed C, older than a Solutrean sequence (see Anexo for details). The species seems to have been rare, as it was also the case with portuguese Miocene Castoridae Enroxenomys minutus and Chalicomys jaegeri. If account is taken of the presence in the Middle Ages until Castille of words meaning beaver (relared to the popular latin Fiber/Biber), it is obvious that these animais still existed then. Such nouns were largely predominant over rhe rather erudite latin (greek deríved) words as Castor,-óris and derived ones, as it could be expected. This allowed us to recognize that veiro should be the corresponding word with Fiber affinities in archaic portuguese. It was previously supposed to mean only expensive furs then imported into Portugal. Indeed it was also a zoonym. Anywày, beaver should be scarce by XIIIth century since it is not included in the quite detailed price list imposed by the «Lei da Almotaçaria» from December 26, 1253 (see Quadro II). Toponyms in veiro and derived words (fig. 2; Quadro III) (plural, feminines, diminutives, inhabited places) give a resrrictive view of rhe Middle Age distribution. Some of them are certainly older than Portugal itself (firsr half of XIlth cenrury); others existed by the XIVth century bur were probably older. Some rare toponyms seem to be derived from the erudite latin Castor,-óris. Nothing suggests that these words were still in use as zoonyms during the Middle Ages. All toponyms are located in regions near rivers and other freshwaters ecologically suitable for beavers, so we can approximately retrace its former, Middle Age disrribution in Portugal (fig. 2; Quadro III). Most of them are locared in the Center-West and Northwest of Portugal, with a suitable c1imate (rainfall in general over 800 mílimerers per year); the only sure geographical exception is Veiros, in Alto Alentejo province, in a region with comparable precipitations and less dry climate conditions than mosr of the territories South of rhe Tagus. There are less and less of these toponyms towards rhe South and the inner part of the country, and they are enrirely lacking in all drier regions from Trás-os-Montes, Beira, Alentejo beyond Tagus' basin, and in Algarve. Nothing suggests beavers lived there, No post-medieval toponym is known, nor any reference after middle XVth century. No such locality was at, or close by to, any frontier. Hence the hypothesis of veiro (et al.} as meaning but points where expensive furs (supposedly known as veiros in general but without c1early saying from what animal they were obrained from) is to be discarded. During the Middle Ages, beaver discriburion concerned all the main river basins from Minho to Tagus ones. Quite rarefied in rhe XIIIth, the beavers may have disappeared from Portugal during the XVth century. Ecological requiremenrs restricted their former distriburion. Vulnerability to natural causes (i.e., severe drought) and to human pressure may have accounted heavily for this species' extinction. Last (1446) reference for Portugal known to us suggests the species was by then almost extinct.
Quando um líquido evita a cristalização durante o arrefecimento, diz-se que entra no estado sobrearrefecido. Se a temperatura continuar a diminuir, o consequente aumento da viscosidade reflecte-se na mobilidade molecular de tal maneira que os tempos característicos se tornam da mesma ordem de grandeza que os tempos acessíveis experimentalmente. Se o arrefecimento continuar, o líquido altamente viscoso acaba por vitrificar, i.e. entra no estado vítreo onde apenas os movimentos locais são permitidos. Os monómeros da família n -etileno glicol dimetacrilato ( n -EGDMA, para n = 1 até 4, que constituem o objecto deste estudo, facilmente evitam a cristalização, sendo pois bons candidatos para estudar a mobilidade molecular nos estados sobrearrefecido e vítreo. A Espectroscopia de Relaxação Dieléctrica (DRS) foi a técnica escolhida para obter informação detalhada sobre a sua dinâmica molecular (Capítulos 1 e 2). A primeira parte deste trabalho consistiu na caracterização dieléctrica dos processos de relaxação existentes acima e abaixo da temperatura de transição vítrea (g T ), a qual aumenta com o aumento do peso molecular (w M ), sendo este resultado confirmado por Calorimetria Diferencial de Varrimento (DSC). No que respeita ao processo cooperativo a , associado à transição vítrea, e ao processo secundário b, observa-se uma dependência com w M , enquanto que o outro processo secundário, g , aparenta ser independente deste factor (Capítulo 3). Nos capítulos seguintes, foram levadas a cabo diferentes estratégias com o objectivo de clarificar os mecanismos que estão na origem destas duas relaxações secundárias (b e g ), assim como conhecer a sua respectiva relação com a relaxação principal (a ). Do estudo, em tempo real, da polimerização isotérmica via radicais livres do TrEGDMA por Calorimetria de Varrimento Diferencial com Modulação de Temperatura (TMDSC), levado a cabo a temperaturas abaixo da g T do polímero final, concluem-se entre outros, dois importantes aspectos: i) que a vitrificação do polímero em formação conduz a graus de conversão relativamente baixos, e ii) que o monómero que está por reagir é expulso da rede polimérica que se forma, dando lugar a uma clara separação de fases (Capítulo 4). Com base nesta informação, o passo seguinte foi estudar separadamente a polimerização isotérmica do di-, tri- e tetra-EGDMA, dando especial atenção às alterações de mobilidade do monómero ainda por reagir. Com as restrições impostas pela formação de ligações químicas, as relaxações a e b detectadas no monómero tendem a desaparecer no novo polímero formado, enquanto que a relaxação g se mantém quase inalterada. Os diferentes comportamentos que aparecem durante a polimerização permitiram a atribuição da origem molecular dos processos secundários: o processo g foi associado ao movimento twisting das unidades etileno glicol, enquanto que a rotação dos grupos carboxilo foi relacionada com a relaxação b (Capítulo 5). No que respeita ao próprio polímero, um processo de relaxação adicional foi detectado, pol b , no poly-DEGDMA, poly-TrEGDMA e poly-TeEGDMA, com características similares ao encontrado nos poli(metacrilato de n -alquilo). Este processo foi confirmado e bem caracterizado aquando do estudo da copolimerização do TrEGDMA com acrilato de metilo (MA) para diferentes composições (Capítulo 6). Para finalizar, o EGDMA, o elemento mais pequeno da família de monómeros estudada, além de vitrificar apresenta uma marcada tendência para cristalizar quer a partir do estado líquido ou do estado vítreo. Durante a cristalização, a formação de uma fase rígida afecta principalmente o processo a , cuja intensidade diminui sem no entanto se observarem modificações significativas na dependência do tempo de relaxação característico com a temperatura. Por outro lado, o processo secundário b torna-se melhor definido e mais estreito, o que pode ser interpretado em termos de uma maior homogeneidade dos micro-ambientes associados aos movimentos locais(Capítulo 7).
Dissertação apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Conservação e Restauro Área de especialização – Vidro
Beaver only had been found in Portugal in a Chalcolithic locality, the Vila Nova de S. Pedro castrum. It has now been idenrified in the Upper Paleolithic (Solurrean) from Gruta do Caldeirão, near Tomar. The species has been found recently at «Gruta do Almonda»; 4 teeth were collected in bed C, older than a Solutrean sequence (see Anexo for details). The species seems to have been rare, as it was also the case with portuguese miocene Castoridae Enroxenomys minutus and Chalicomys jaegeri. If account is taken of the presence in the Middle Ages until Castille of words meaning beaver (related to the popular latin Fiber/Biber), it is obvious that these animals still existed then. Such nouns were largely predominant over the rather erudite larin (greek derived) words as Castor, -óris and derived ones, as it could be expected. This allowed us to recognize that veiro should be the corresponding word with Fiber affinities in archaic portuguese. It was previously supposed to mean only expensive furs then imported into Portugal. Indeed it was also a zoonym. Anyway, beaver should be scarce by XIIIth century since it is not included in the quite detailed price list imposed by the «Lei da Almotaçaria» from December 26, 1253 (see Quadro II). Toponyms in veiro and derived words (fig. 2; Quadro III) (plural, feminines, diminutives, inhabited places) give a restrictive view of the Middle Age distribution. Some of them are certainly older than Portugal itself (first half of XIIth century); others existed by the XIVth century but were probably older. Some rare toponyms seem to be derived from rhe erudite latin Castor, -óris. Nothing suggests that these words were still in use as zoonyms during the Middle Ages. All toponyms are located in regions near rivers and other freshwaters ecologically suitable for beavers, so wecan approximately retrace irs former, Middle Age distribution in Portugal (fig. 2; Quadro III). Most of them are located in the Center-West and Northwest of Portugal, with a suitable c1imate (rainfall in general over 800 milimeters per year); the only sure geographical exception is Veiros, in Alto Alentejo province, in a region with comparable precipitations and less dry climare conditions than most of the territories South of the Tagus. There are less and less of these toponyms towards the South and the inner part of the country, and they are enrirely lacking in ali drier regions from Trás-os-Montes, Beira, Alentejo beyond Tagus' basin, and in Algarve. Nothing suggests beavers lived there, No pose-medieval toponym is known, nor any reference after middle XVth century. No such locality was at, or close by to, any frontier. Hence the hypothesis of veiro (e: al.) as meaning but points where expensive furs(supposedly known as veiros in general but without clearly saying from what animal they were obtained from) is to be discarded. During the Middle Ages, beaver distribution concerned all the main river basins from Minho to Tagus ones. Quice racefied in the XIIIth, the beavers may have disappeared from Portugal during the XVth century. Ecological requirements restricted their former distribution. Vulnerability to natural causes (i.e., severe drought) and to human pressure may have accounted heavily for this species extinction. Last (1446) reference for Portugal known to us suggests the species was by then almost extinct.
Proceedings of the Chemistry and Conservation Science
Actas do 17º Congresso da Associação Internacional para a História do Vidro
Journal of Cultural Heritage, nº 9 (2008), p. 64-68
Dissertação para obtenção do grau de mestre em Engenharia de Materiais
Dissertation for obtaining the Master degree in Membrane Engineering
Deep-eutectic solvents (DES) are considered novel renewable and biodegradable solvents, with a cheap and easy synthesis, without waste production. Later it was discovered a new subclass of DES that even can be biocompatible, since their synthesis uses primary metabolites such as amino acids, organic acids and sugars, from organisms. This subclass was named natural deep-eutectic solvents (NADES). Due to their properties it was tried to study the interaction between these solvents and biopolymers, in order to produce functionalized fibers for biomedical applications. In this way, fibers were produced by using the electrospinning technique. However, it was first necessary to study some physical properties of NADES, as well as the influence of water in their properties. It has been concluded that the water has a high influence on NADES properties, which can be seen on the results obtained from the rheology and viscosity studies. The fluid dynamics had changed, as well as the viscosity. Afterwards, it was tested the viability of using a starch blend. First it was tested the dissolution of these biopolymers into NADES, in order to study the viability of their application in electrospinning. However the results obtained were not satisfactory, since the starch polymers studied did not presented any dissolution in any NADES, or even in organic solvents. In this way it was changed the approach, and it was used other biocompatible polymers. Poly(ethylene oxide), poly(vinyl alcohol) and gelatin were the others biopolymers tested for the electrospinning, with NADES. All polymers show good results, since it was possible to obtain fibers. However for gelatin it was used only eutectic mixtures, containing active pharmaceutical ingredients (API’s), instead of NADES. For this case it was used mandelic acid (antimicrobial properties), choline chloride, ibuprofen (anti-inflammatory properties) and menthol (analgesic properties). The polymers and the produced fibers were characterized by scanning electron microscope (SEM), Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). With the help of these techniques it was possible to conclude that it was possible to encapsulate NADES within the fibers. Rheology it was also study for poly(ethylene oxide) and poly(vinyl alcohol), in a way to understand the influence of polymer concentration, on the electrospinning technique. For the gelatin, among the characterization techniques, it was also performed cytotoxicity and drug release studies. The gelatin membranes did not show any toxicity for the cells, since their viability was maintained. Regarding the controlled release profile experiment no conclusion could be drawn from the experiments, due to the rapid and complete dissolution of the gelatin in the buffer solution. However it was possible to quantify the mixture of choline chloride with mandelic acid, allowing thus to complete, and confirm, the information already obtained for the others characterization technique.
This work was developed in the context of the MIT Portugal Program, area of Bioengineering Systems, in collaboration with the Champalimaud Research Programme, Champalimaud Center for the Unknown, Lisbon, Portugal. The project entitled Dynamics of serotonergic neurons revealed by fiber photometry was carried out at Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência, Oeiras, Portugal and at the Champalimaud Research Programme, Champalimaud Center for the Unknown, Lisbon, Portugal