6 resultados para Epidemic Broadcast


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A PhD Dissertation, presented as part of the requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy from the NOVA - School of Business and Economics


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The particular characteristics and affordances of technologies play a significant role in human experience by defining the realm of possibilities available to individuals and societies. Some technological configurations, such as the Internet, facilitate peer-to-peer communication and participatory behaviors. Others, like television broadcasting, tend to encourage centralization of creative processes and unidirectional communication. In other instances still, the affordances of technologies can be further constrained by social practices. That is the case, for example, of radio which, although technically allowing peer-to-peer communication, has effectively been converted into a broadcast medium through the legislation of the airwaves. How technologies acquire particular properties, meanings and uses, and who is involved in those decisions are the broader questions explored here. Although a long line of thought maintains that technologies evolve according to the logic of scientific rationality, recent studies demonstrated that technologies are, in fact, primarily shaped by social forces in specific historical contexts. In this view, adopted here, there is no one best way to design a technological artifact or system; the selection between alternative designs—which determine the affordances of each technology—is made by social actors according to their particular values, assumptions and goals. Thus, the arrangement of technical elements in any technological artifact is configured to conform to the views and interests of those involved in its development. Understanding how technologies assume particular shapes, who is involved in these decisions and how, in turn, they propitiate particular behaviors and modes of organization but not others, requires understanding the contexts in which they are developed. It is argued here that, throughout the last century, two distinct approaches to the development and dissemination of technologies have coexisted. In each of these models, based on fundamentally different ethoi, technologies are developed through different processes and by different participants—and therefore tend to assume different shapes and offer different possibilities. In the first of these approaches, the dominant model in Western societies, technologies are typically developed by firms, manufactured in large factories, and subsequently disseminated to the rest of the population for consumption. In this centralized model, the role of users is limited to selecting from the alternatives presented by professional producers. Thus, according to this approach, the technologies that are now so deeply woven into human experience, are primarily shaped by a relatively small number of producers. In recent years, however, a group of three interconnected interest groups—the makers, hackerspaces, and open source hardware communities—have increasingly challenged this dominant model by enacting an alternative approach in which technologies are both individually transformed and collectively shaped. Through a in-depth analysis of these phenomena, their practices and ethos, it is argued here that the distributed approach practiced by these communities offers a practical path towards a democratization of the technosphere by: 1) demystifying technologies, 2) providing the public with the tools and knowledge necessary to understand and shape technologies, and 3) encouraging citizen participation in the development of technologies.


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RESUMO - O tabagismo é o principal factor de risco evitável em saúde nos países europeus, contribuindo para o aumento da mortalidade prematura, estando associado a inúmeras doenças. A epidemia tabágica é uma preocupação em Saúde Pública, sendo essencial o investimento na sua prevenção e controlo. A cessação tabágica é uma das estratégias para o controlo desta epidemia, surgindo a intervenção breve como uma comprovada medida custo-efetiva. Contudo, e apesar das guidelines, a intervenção breve não está amplamente disseminada na prática clínica dos profissionais de saúde. Neste sentido, este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar as práticas clíniicas autoreportadas dos médicos portugueses na intervenção breve em tabagismo. É um estudo observacional descritivo transversal e exploratório. A amostra é constituída por médicos que participaram em duas conferências médicas distintas e que aceitaram responder a um questionário (n=549). O tratamento estatístico foi efetuado recorrendo ao Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS), versão 21. Foram efetuadas uma análise descritiva e inferencial, assim como uma regressão logística. Analisando os dados, os resultados apontam para a formação pós-graduada e a prática de cessação tabágica como dois fatores que influenciam positivamente a atuação dos médicos na intervenção breve. A intervenção breve é fundamental para aumentar as taxas de cessação tabágica. Para que a implementação seja eficaz é necessário apostar na formação pré e pós-graduada dos médicos e outros profissionais de saúde, associando essa formação ao treino prático que possibilite o desenvolvimento de competências específicas.


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Following the Introduction, which surveys existing literature on the technology advances and regulation in telecommunications and on two-sided markets, we address specific issues on the industries of the New Economy, featured by the existence of network effects. We seek to explore how each one of these industries work, identify potential market failures and find new solutions at the economic regulation level promoting social welfare. In Chapter 1 we analyze a regulatory issue on access prices and investments in the telecommunications market. The existing literature on access prices and investment has pointed out that networks underinvest under a regime of mandatory access provision with a fixed access price per end-user. We propose a new access pricing rule, the indexation approach, i.e., the access price, per end-user, that network i pays to network j is function of the investment levels set by both networks. We show that the indexation can enhance economic efficiency beyond what is achieved with a fixed access price. In particular, access price indexation can simultaneously induce lower retail prices and higher investment and social welfare as compared to a fixed access pricing or a regulatory holidays regime. Furthermore, we provide sufficient conditions under which the indexation can implement the socially optimal investment or the Ramsey solution, which would be impossible to obtain under fixed access pricing. Our results contradict the notion that investment efficiency must be sacrificed for gains in pricing efficiency. In Chapter 2 we investigate the effect of regulations that limit advertising airtime on advertising quality and on social welfare. We show, first, that advertising time regulation may reduce the average quality of advertising broadcast on TV networks. Second, an advertising cap may reduce media platforms and firms' profits, while the net effect on viewers (subscribers) welfare is ambiguous because the ad quality reduction resulting from a regulatory cap o¤sets the subscribers direct gain from watching fewer ads. We find that if subscribers are sufficiently sensitive to ad quality, i.e., the ad quality reduction outweighs the direct effect of the cap, a cap may reduce social welfare. The welfare results suggest that a regulatory authority that is trying to increase welfare via regulation of the volume of advertising on TV might necessitate to also regulate advertising quality or, if regulating quality proves impractical, take the effect of advertising quality into consideration. 3 In Chapter 3 we investigate the rules that govern Electronic Payment Networks (EPNs). In EPNs the No-Surcharge Rule (NSR) requires that merchants charge at most the same amount for a payment card transaction as for cash. In this chapter, we analyze a three- party model (consumers, merchants, and a proprietary EPN) with endogenous transaction volumes and heterogenous merchants' transactional benefits of accepting cards to assess the welfare impacts of the NSR. We show that, if merchants are local monopolists and the network externalities from merchants to cardholders are sufficiently strong, with the exception of the EPN, all agents will be worse o¤ with the NSR, and therefore the NSR is socially undesirable. The positive role of the NSR in terms of improvement of retail price efficiency for cardholders is also highlighted.


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A definição de pirataria ou a desmistificação da sua origem, no tempo e espaço, revela maiores dificuldades do que atualmente. Com este trabalho propusemo-nos a estudar como é que a pirataria era perpetrada e entendida no passado, bem como no presente. Também nos propomos a identificar limitações legais e as medidas operativas no combate à pirataria, como por exemplo: limites conceptuais, lacunas, estratégias, entre outros. Por outro lado, atendemos as soluções encontradas no combate à pirataria sem deixar de observar fraqueza da lei e conflitos entre jurisdições. Por fim, o curso da história dá-nos a seguinte percepção: a pirataria era tida como crime se fosse contra os interesses das nações. O desinteresse dos Estados para reprimir a pirataria possibilitou o seu aumento, proliferação, domínio e sofisticação em certas regiões do Mundo. O presente trabalho tem como objetivo trazer para o centro da discussão os direitos humanos numa perspetiva tripla: proibição da pirataria, supressão e raízes, aliando o estudo de possíveis respostas a dar a esta epidemia.


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A presente dissertação de mestrado visa reflectir acerca da construção e exposição da imagem feminina constante em três produtos de ficção, transmitidos pela televisão portuguesa desde a entrada no novo século. Considerando a televisão um dos meios de comunicação social mais dominantes da sociedade atual, a telenovela destaca-se da programação desde 1977, com a chegada de Gabriela, tornando-se, a partir de então, um dos produtos líderes de audiências, sendo portanto dos formatos mais consumidos pelos espetadores desse meio. Atua, na maior parte das vezes, como um veículo de representação social, uma forma particular de ver o mundo e um modo válido de denúncia das problemáticas sociais. A partir da transcrição de dois pequenos fragmentos de cada uma das três obras ficcionais selecionadas, pretende-se analisar e descrever os fenómenos e processos discursivos utilizados na representação das três personagens femininas, observando comportamentos e examinando relações sociais que possam conduzir à denúncia de situações de discriminação de género.