16 resultados para Employee Satisfaction
There is general consensus nowadays that CSR is not just altruistic do-gooding but rather a way for both companies and society to prosper. Companies themselves increasingly recognize that their sustainability depends on their willingness to assume responsibility for social and environmental issues. Academic research has, in the past, tried to theorize exactly how CSR improves business, employee satisfaction and productivity. However, few studies have a) separated the different effects of internal CSR and external CSR and b) studied these effects in times of internal organizational distrust. Hence, this paper examines the relationship between each type of CSR with two outcome variables related to employee attitudes: affective organizational commitment (AOC) and turnover intentions (TI). Furthermore, it investigates whether organizational distrust works as a moderator in each of these relationships by testing the hypothesis using a sample of 212 employees from a company that is currently going through a moment of internal crisis. Findings suggest that although all variables are strongly correlated, distrust works as a moderator for external CSR but not for internal CSR. The theoretical and practical implications of these findings conclude the paper.
Enterprise and Work Innovation Studies,6,IET, pp.53-73
RESUMO - O burnout é um síndrome caracterizado, de forma mais frequente, por exaustão emocional, despersonalização elevadas e realização pessoal baixa. Normalmente, a pessoa sente-se fatigada e frustrada com as suas acções e sente que as suas expectativas não estão a ser correspondidas. Estando este fenómeno associado, possivelmente, com o ambiente laboral e com os factores de stresse existentes no local de trabalho, é habitual que surja em qualquer profissional, de qualquer classe profissional. Este trabalho de projecto concentrou-se no estudo de uma das profissões de ajuda mais conectadas a este síndrome, pela sua especificidade, a enfermagem, na área da oncologia, e o objectivo fulcral, é compreender que quadros de burnout apresentam os profissionais de enfermagem que trabalham num instituto oncológico e compreender, ainda, se existe associação entre a saúde mental, a satisfação profissional destes profissionais e as suas características sócio-demográficas. Este trabalho teve, ainda, como objectivo testar a metodologia utilizada com a aplicação dos seguintes instrumentos: Maslach Burnout Inventory (M.B.I.), Mental Health Inventory (M.H.I.) e o Questionário de Satisfação Profissional de GRAÇA (1999). Neste seguimento, utilizou-se um caso piloto de 20 enfermeiros que trabalham num serviço de administração de quimioterapia de um instituto oncológico, pretendendo-se, futuramente, desenvolver este estudo a nível institucional e numa amostra significativa, salientando, desde já, que todo o processo metodológico consistiu numa simulação, cujos resultados obtidos não poderão ser extrapoláveis e generalizados. Numa perspectiva da Protecção e Promoção da Saúde e Prevenção da doença, esta equipa identifica factores geradores de stresse e sugere algumas estratégias importantes para fortalecer estes ideais, que consistem, acima de tudo, em saber reconhecer o fenómeno e criar grupos de terapia e de reflexão. As organizações e superiores hierárquicos deverão, também, estar atentos a esta problemática, tornando os recursos humanos e materiais ajustados e proporcionado as tais estratégias que possibilitem um clima de harmonia e uma melhor qualidade dos cuidados.
This paper provides empirical evidence of the impact of life satisfaction on the individual intention to migrate. The impacts of individual characteristics and of country macroeconomic variables on the intention to migrate are analyzed jointly. Differently from other studies, we allow for life satisfaction to serve as a mediator between macroeconomic variables and the intention to migrate. Using the Eurobarometer Survey for 27 Central Eastern European (CEE) and Western European (non-CEE) countries, we find that people have a higher intention to migrate when dissatisfied with life. The socio-economic variables and macroeconomic conditions have an effect on the intention to migrate indirectly through life satisfaction. The impact of life satisfaction on the intention to migrate for middle-aged individuals with past experience of migration, low level of education, and with a low or average income from urban areas is higher in CEE countries than in non-CEE countries.
A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Management from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics
A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Management from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics
A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Management from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics
A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Management from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics
This study intends to explore the impact of customer experience on customer satisfaction and loyalty by trying to understand how location-based mobile marketing might enhance the customer experience. Primary data was collected from 201 smartphone users in 24 countries. Results have indicated that targeted location-based marketing positively influences customers’ experiences. Besides, the analysis has also shown a favorable impact on customers’ satisfaction and self-perceived loyalty. This suggests that location-based mobile marketing has the potential to positively add value to a customer’s experience and should therefore be considered an important tool in marketing communications.
This work project investigates career paths in the music field, by testing the application of general career and social theories for musicians. Using a sample from the European Union Youth Orchestra’ Alumni, the Boundaryless Career Theory, Intelligent Career Framework and Social Identity Theory were analysed through the impact on individual outcomes - musicians’ Overall work satisfaction and Affective commitment to the orchestra. Results suggest support for the three theories, and show their applicability for classical musicians’ careers.
Organizations are undergoing serious difficulties to retain talent. Authors argue that Talent Management (TM) practices create beneficial outcomes for individuals and organizations. However, there is no research on the leaders’ role in the functioning of these practices. This study examines how LMX and role modeling influence the impact that TM practices have on employees’ trust in their organizations and retention. The analysis of two questionnaires (Nt1=175; Nt2=107) indicated that TM only reduced turnover intentions, via an increase in trust in the organization, when role modeling was high and not when it was low. Therefore, we can say that leaders are crucial in the TM context, and in sustaining a competitive advantage for organizations.
Double degree
Recently researchers showed that more choice is not always better. Choosing from large assortments can be overwhelming, raising expectations and decreasing overall level of consumer satisfaction. Author contributes to existing overchoice studies by using real assortment of online stores to find influence of assortment size on customer satisfaction. 90 students participated in the main experiment, where they chose a smartphone case for their friend. Results of the study show that large assortment size leads to higher expectations, higher choice difficulty and higher level of satisfaction. This research does not show overchoice presence and author suggests future studies could focus more on assortment variety and more personal characteristics of consumers, like preference uncertainty.
This study aims to explore and understand what young adults’ duty free shoppers (18-26 years old) want and are getting from travel retail shopping on airport environments and to evaluate their satisfaction levels with the service. It has important managerial contributions since it is an important target in a fast growing market. An online survey was conducted with 188 young adults and its results show that young adults’ are somewhat satisfied with the overall service on duty free stores mainly in what concerns quality of the products and physical evidence of the stores. Results also show that the majority of buyers within this segment are price driven and strongly influenced by promotions associated with price reductions, and do not seem very satisfied with respect to that. Keywords: Young
While the concept of consumer satisfaction is a central topic in modern marketing theory and practice, citizens' satisfaction with public services, and especially water and waste services, is a eld that still remains empirically rather unexplored. The following study aims to contribute to this area by analysing the determinants of user satisfaction in the water, wastewater and waste sector in Portugal, using a unique survey of 1070 consumers undertaken by the Portuguese Water and Waste Regulator ERSAR. I perform an analysis of the relation between overall service satisfaction and attributespeci c service satisfaction with an ordered logit model. I then explore if subjective consumer satisfaction can be re ected by ERSAR's technical performance indicators. The results suggest that overall consumer satisfaction is driven by consumer's satisfaction with speci c service aspects but unrelated to socioeconomic and demographic characteristics. Furthermore, I show that there is no monotonic association between ERSAR's technical performance indicators and consumers' levels of satisfaction.