2 resultados para Emigrants and Immigrants
RESUMO - Portugal, pas de imigrao, viu aumentar a populao imigrante em 4,56% de 2006 a 2008. Assim, torna-se importante conhecer no s as caractersticas socioeconmicas desta populao imigrante, mas tambm quais as suas necessidades em sade e que utilizao fazem dos cuidados de sade. Este trabalho baseou-se no IV Inqurito Nacional de Sade realizado em 2005 e 2006 pelo INSA e analisou as populaes portuguesa e imigrante nas variveis de sade e de utilizao dos cuidados. Para a anlise do rendimento utilizou-se a Curva de concentrao proposta por Wagstaff, ndices de Concentrao da Doena, de Utilizao e ndice de LeGrand. Os resultados sugeriram melhor estado de sade da populao imigrante relativamente populao portuguesa (estado de sade auto-reportado, sensao de mal-estar ou adoentado, dias de actividade limitada e dias de acamamento). Nas doenas crnicas (diabetes, asma e dor crnica), a populao imigrante apresentou piores resultados na asma. Foram encontrados piores resultados em sade entre as mulheres nos dois grupos de populao, mas tambm mais frequncia de utilizao. Os imigrantes revelam tambm menor acessibilidade a consultas mdicas e consumo de medicamentos. A anlise do rendimento enquanto factor gerador de desigualdades em sade permitiu concluir que existem desigualdades na distribuio do rendimento que condicionam tanto a populao portuguesa como a populao imigrante. Outros estudos podero ser considerados para anlise da sade da populao imigrante, especialmente os que incluam os cidados indocumentados, anlise das populaes por pas de nascimento, os anos de permanncia em Portugal e as causas de mortalidade. ---------------------------- ABSTRACT - Portugal, a country of immigration, has seen its immigrant population increasing 4.56% from 2006 to 2008. Therefore, it is important to analyse, not only the socioeconomic characteristics of immigrant population, but also their health needs and utilization of health care. This work was based on the IV National Health Survey conducted in 2005 and 2006 by INSA and analyzed the Portuguese and Immigrant populations in the variables of Health and Utilization of Health Services. In order to analyse the income, the Concentration Curve proposed by Wagstaff and the Concentration Index was used. The results suggested a better health in immigrant population compared with Portuguese population (state of self-reported health, feeling sick or ill, days of limited activity and days of lodging). For the variables of chronic diseases (diabetes, asthma and chronic pain), immigrants have shown worse results in asthma. In both groups (Immigrants and Portuguese), women have had more health problems than men. Lower utilization among Immigrants was found in outpatient visits and in prescription drug utilization. In conclusion, it can be stated that the analysis of the income as a generator of health inequalities showed inequalities in the income distribution that affects both Portuguese and immigrants health. Other studies may be considered to analyze immigrants health especially those that include undocumented immigrants, analysis of populations by country of birth, years of residence in Portugal and the causes of mortality.
Emigration has been a very present word in Portugal. Due to the effects of the Economic Crisis and the Memorandum of Understanding policies, we have witnessed a significant yearly migration outflow of people searching for better conditions. This study aims to measure the factors affecting this flow as well as how much the probability of emigrating has evolved during the years bridging 2006 to 2012. I shall consider the decision of emigrating as Discrete Choice Random Utility maximization use a conditional Logit framework to model the probability choice for 31 OECD countries of destination. Moreover I will ascertain the compensating variation required such that the probability of choice in 2012 is adjusted back to 2007 values, keeping all other variables constant. I replicate this exercise using the unemployment rate instead of income. The most likely country of destination is Luxembourg throughout the years analyzed and the values obtained for the CV is of circa 1.700 in terms of Income per capita and -11% in terms of the unemployment rate adjustment.