6 resultados para Distrust
Resumo - O avanço tecnológico e científico no campo da Medicina tem favorecido a aplicação das radiações ionizantes nas áreas da Medicina Nuclear, Radiologia, Radioterapia e noutras especialidades relacionadas com a medicina de intervenção, como a Cardiologia. As Organizações de Saúde, com profissionais com risco de exposição a radiações ionizantes, são responsáveis, legislativamente, por assegurar a sua vigilância. Certificando a observação controlada das doses de exposição, os profissionais são monitorizados com dosímetros individuais e submetidos a vigilância médica. As leituras de dosímetria individual destes profissionais, originam por vezes, nos próprios, desconfianças e incertezas quanto aos valores medidos. Objectivo: avaliar o grau de confiança dos profissionais de saúde, expostos a radiações ionizantes, no sistema de monitorização individual. Metodologia: estudo observacional do tipo analítico- transversal, por questionário. Amostra de 190 Técnicos de Diagnóstico e Terapêutica de Cardiopneumologia, Medicina Nuclear, Radiologia, Radioterapia, expostos a radiações ionizantes, que exercem a sua actividade profissional em hospitais do concelho de Lisboa. Resultados: 51,1% dos Técnicos de Diagnóstico e Terapêutica não confiam nas leituras dos dosímetros, não se determinou uma relação estatisticamente significativa entre essa confiança, o tipo de dosímetro e a empresa que realiza as leituras. A confiança é maior nos que exercem em Organizações de Saúde públicas. 40,2% das Organizações de Saúde apresentam plano de vigilância médica, constatando-se uma falta de conformidade entre os Técnicos de Diagnóstico e Terapêutica, nalguns hospitais, relativamente à existência desse plano no respectivo hospital. A margem de erro associado ao estudo é de 5,09%, com um nível de confiança de 95%. -----------Abstract - The technological and scientific advances in the field of medicine has encouraged the application of ionizing radiation with a considerable positive contribution in the areas of Nuclear Medicine, Radiology, Radiotherapy and other specialties related to medical intervention like Cardiology. The Health Organizations that arise the risk of occupational exposure to ionizing radiation and is their responsibility to ensure monitoring, according the law. To ensure the monitoring of controlled doses of exposure, the exposed works use an individual dosimeter and undergo medical supervision. The individual dosimetry readings of health-care professionals, is sometimes questionable for themselves, arising distrust and uncertainty about the values measured. Objective: evaluate the degree of confidence of health professionals, exposed to radiation, on the system of individual monitoring. Methods: Observational study of cross-type analysis by questionnaire. Sample of 190 of technologists of Cardiopneumology, Nuclear Medicine, Radiology, Radiotherapy, exposed to ionizing radiation, which work in hospitals on the region of Lisbon. Results: 51.1% of technologists does not rely on the readings of their dosimeters, and wasn’t determined a statistically significant relationship between this trust, the type of dosimeter and the company that makes the readings(s) of their(s) dosimeter(s). The confidence in the readings is higher in public Health Organizations. 40.2% of the Health Organizations have medical monitoring plan and there is a disagreement between technologists, in some hospitals, relatively to the existence of this plan in their hospital. It was estimated that the u
A vigilância de efeitos indesejáveis após a vacinação é complexa. Existem vários actores de confundimento que podem dar origem a associações espúrias, meramente temporais mas que podem provocar uma percepção do risco alterada e uma consequente desconfiança generalizada acerca do uso das vacinas. Com efeito as vacinas são medicamentos complexos com características únicas cuja vigilância necessita de abordagens metodológicas desenvolvidas para esse propósito. Do exposto se entende que, desde o desenvolvimento da farmacovigilância se tem procurado desenvolver novas metodologias que sejam concomitantes aos Sistemas de Notificação Espontânea que já existem. Neste trabalho propusemo-nos a desenvolver e testar um modelo de vigilância de reacções adversas a vacinas, baseado na auto-declaração pelo utente de eventos ocorridos após a vacinação e testar a capacidade de gerar sinais aplicando cálculos de desproporção a datamining. Para esse efeito foi constituída uma coorte não controlada de utentes vacinados em Centros de Saúde que foram seguidos durante quinze dias. A recolha de eventos adversos a vacinas foi efectuada pelos próprios utentes através de um diário de registo. Os dados recolhidos foram objecto de análise descritiva e análise de data-mining utilizando os cálculos Proportional Reporting Ratio e o Information Component. A metodologia utilizada permitiu gerar um corpo de evidência suficiente para a geração de sinais. Tendo sido gerados quatro sinais. No âmbito do data-mining a utilização do Information Component como método de geração de sinais parece aumentar a eficiência científica ao permitir reduzir o número de ocorrências até detecção de sinal. A informação reportada pelos utentes parece válida como indicador de sinais de reacções adversas não graves, o que permitiu o registo de eventos sem incluir o viés da avaliação da relação causal pelo notificador. Os principais eventos reportados foram eventos adversos locais (62,7%) e febre (31,4%).------------------------------------------ABSTRACT: The monitoring of undesirable effects following vaccination is complex. There are several confounding factors that can lead to merely temporal but spurious associations that can cause a change in the risk perception and a consequent generalized distrust about the safe use of vaccines. Indeed, vaccines are complex drugs with unique characteristics so that its monitoring requires specifically designed methodological approaches. From the above-cited it is understandable that since the development of Pharmacovigilance there has been a drive for the development of new methodologies that are concomitant with Spontaneous Reporting Systems already in place. We proposed to develop and test a new model for vaccine adverse reaction monitoring, based on self-report by users of events following vaccination and to test its capability to generate disproportionality signals applying quantitative methods of signal generation to data-mining. For that effect we set up an uncontrolled cohort of users vaccinated in Healthcare Centers,with a follow-up period of fifteen days. Adverse vaccine events we registered by the users themselves in a paper diary The data was analyzed using descriptive statistics and two quantitative methods of signal generation: Proportional Reporting Ratio and Information Component. themselves in a paper diary The data was analyzed using descriptive statistics and two quantitative methods of signal generation: Proportional Reporting Ratio and Information Component. The methodology we used allowed for the generation of a sufficient body of evidence for signal generation. Four signals were generated. Regarding the data-mining, the use of Information Component as a method for generating disproportionality signals seems to increase scientific efficiency by reducing the number of events needed to signal detection. The information reported by users seems valid as an indicator of non serious adverse vaccine reactions, allowing for the registry of events without the bias of the evaluation of the casual relation by the reporter. The main adverse events reported were injection site reactions (62,7%) and fever (31,4%).
There is general consensus nowadays that CSR is not just altruistic do-gooding but rather a way for both companies and society to prosper. Companies themselves increasingly recognize that their sustainability depends on their willingness to assume responsibility for social and environmental issues. Academic research has, in the past, tried to theorize exactly how CSR improves business, employee satisfaction and productivity. However, few studies have a) separated the different effects of internal CSR and external CSR and b) studied these effects in times of internal organizational distrust. Hence, this paper examines the relationship between each type of CSR with two outcome variables related to employee attitudes: affective organizational commitment (AOC) and turnover intentions (TI). Furthermore, it investigates whether organizational distrust works as a moderator in each of these relationships by testing the hypothesis using a sample of 212 employees from a company that is currently going through a moment of internal crisis. Findings suggest that although all variables are strongly correlated, distrust works as a moderator for external CSR but not for internal CSR. The theoretical and practical implications of these findings conclude the paper.
In the stock market, information takes on special relevance, due to the market’s permanent updating and the great fluidity of information existent therein. Just as in any other negotiations, the party with the better information has a bargaining advantage, as it is able to make more advantageous business decisions. However, unlike most other markets, the proper functioning of the stock market is greatly dependent on investors’ trust in the market itself. As such, if there are investors who, due to any condition they possess or office they hold, have access to relevant information which is not accessible to the general public, distrust is bred within the market and, consequently, investment is lessened. Thus, there is a need to prevent those who hold privileged information from using it in abusive ways. In Portugal, abuse of privileged information is set out and punished criminally in Article 378. of the Portuguese Securities Code (‘Código dos Valores Mobiliários’). In this dissertation, I have set out, firstly, to analyze the inherent conditions for there to be a crime of abuse of privileged information; secondly, to analyze two well-known cases, which took place and were decided in other jurisdictions, and attempt to understand how these cases would fall under Article 378. of the Portuguese Securities Code. Whereas the first case, Chiarella v. United States, was scrutinize under Article 378 of the Portuguese Securities Code, in the second, Lafonta v. AMF, the conclusion arrived at was that the crime taken place was different. This analysis allowed, on one hand, the application to a particular case of prerequisites and concepts which were explained, at a first approach, from a more theoretical perspective; on the other hand, it also allowed the further development of specific aspects of the regime, namely the difference between an insider and a tipee, as well as to more clearly set out the limits to the precise character of the information at hand.
This dissertation analyzes how the current Constitution and the Brazilian law establish consumer protection, arbitration and access to justice. Following we try to demonstrate why arbitration is a method rarely used in the resolution of consumer disputes in Brazil. It also examines the doctrinal and jurisprudential aspects of the conflict between the Brazilian Arbitration Law (Law nº. 9.307/96), which allows the arbitration clause in contracts of adhesion, and the Consumer Protection Code (Law nº 8.078/90) that in article 51, VII, considers as abusive the arbitration clause. Furthermore, analyzes new proposed bills under scrutiny by the National Congress on the issue and identifies the causes, in the Brazilian legal system, hampering the use of arbitration in consumer relations. Concludes that there are no principle obstacles preventing consumer litigations to be settled by arbitration. High costs, mistrust, oppression, misinformation of consumers and non-participation of the State, being a totally private institute, are factors that generate distrust, suspicion, and have prevented the development of arbitration in consumer relations in Brazil.
O Conselho Superior da Magistratura (CSM), enquanto instituição de governo do poder judicial, desempenha um papel central na democracia portuguesa. Estudado maioritariamente sob a perspectiva jurídica, este Conselho, tal como todo o sistema de justiça, reclama hoje um olhar atento da ciência política. Nesta Dissertação principia-se com um estudo comparativo entra as diferentes soluções de governo da justiça europeias. Procurando isolar variáveis foram analisados os sistemas de Espanha, França, Alemanha e Inglaterra. Seguidamente, e tendo em conta o momento crítico da transição para a democracia, analisa-se o lugar do CSM na constituição daí resultante, acompanhando a sua evolução até aos dias de hoje. Finalmente, procede-se à caraterização prosopográfica da elite de juízas e juízes que ocuparam os lugares do CSM ao longo destes 40 anos. Os resultados obtidos no estudo comparado, vêm confirmar que estando garantida a liberdade individual de cada juíza ou juiz no ato de julgar, a forma de governo da justiça parece definitivamente configurar um campo em aberto. Mais do que um modelo ideal, estes órgãos são o resultado de autênticas complementaridades institucionais. A análise histórica demonstra que no poder judicial, a transição decorreu de forma pacífica e consensual, traduzindo-se num ganho progressivo de autonomia externa da magistratura ao longo destes 40 anos. O estudo da elite judicial pertencente ao CSM veio revelar uma uniformidade com poucas variações. Neste momento, os membros do conselho privilegiam o princípio da independência, verificando-se uma certa desconfiança entre o poder político e o poder judicial.