14 resultados para Direct MultiSearch
Eur. J. Biochem. 271, 1329–1338 (2004)
Dissertação apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores
RESUMO - A 8 de Maio de 2008 surgiu o centro de atendimento “Linha Saúde24” (S24) no sentido de modernizar o SNS, aproximando-o do cidadão. O serviço surge baseado no modelo inglês – o NHS Direct – que pode ser encarado como um serviço de informação telefónico apoiado por enfermeiros, disponível 24h por dia, concebido para expandir os serviços púbicos de acesso à rede prestadora de cuidados com intuito de aliviar a pressão da procura na rede de urgências hospitalares e médicos de família, assim como diluir as iniquidades regionais na prestação de serviços. A S24 assenta na perspectiva de ser um ponto de contacto inicial do utente com a rede de prestação de cuidados de saúde com capacidade de orientação. O objectivo da linha está na tentativa mais eficiente no uso dos recursos disponíveis, ao mesmo tempo que delega responsabilidade no cidadão na forma como este utiliza os recursos disponíveis, com melhor racionalização financeira na área da saúde aliada a uma melhor qualidade de serviço prestada e adequada, colocando os cidadãos no mesmo patamar, diluindo as dificuldades de acesso a aqueles que necessitam na tentativa de harmonizar e racionalizar o consumo de serviços de saúde. Esta estrutura permite ao cidadão conhecer melhor o seu estado de saúde e decidir mais acertadamente quanto à decisão a tomar. Com este estudo, e com base na literatura nacional e internacional, pretende-se descrever o perfil de utilizador que acede à S24 – definir o tipo de utilizador, disposição geográfica, motivos pelo qual acede ao serviço e qual o seu destino final, fazendo comparação com o perfil do NHS Direct. Assim, e com os dados obtidos, far-se-á uma avaliação preliminar em termos do contributo da linha S24 no que concerne à sua eficiência, equidade e empowerment dado ao utilizador. --- ------------------------------ABSTRACT - Saúde 24 (S24) is a national 24-hour health line initiated in May 2008 aiming at modernizing the Portuguese NHS by bringing it closer to the citizen. Indeed, S24 be seen as an initial contact point between the patient and the healthcare network, facilitating a better a management of health care demand. The service is inspired on the UK NHS Direct – a nurse-led telephone line to provide easier and faster advice information to people about health, illness and NHS services. It is expected to provide information so that people can deal with their health problems or their families´ on their own, with the purpose of reducing demand to A&E department and out-of-hours GP services. Additionally it can contribute to a reduction in regional inequities in healthcare provision through bringing health care advice to remote areas. The purpose of S24 is to handle more efficiently the available resources by enabling responsibilities in citizens. By doing so, S24 encourages a more appropriate use of available resources, with better financial outcomes and a better quality of care. It is meant, in terms of empowerment, to help people to be in control of their health and healthcare interactions by participating in the final decision. Based on quantitative data, this study defines the S24 caller user profile in terms of type, geographical reference, reasons for calling and outcome. This analysis allows us to perform a preliminary evaluation of the S24 in terms of its contribution to efficiency, equity and empowerment. Then the S24 is compared to
Dissertation presented at Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia from Universidade Nova de Lisboa to obtain the degree of Master in Chemical and Biochemical Engineering
J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2009, 131 (23), pp 7990–7998 DOI: 10.1021/ja809448r
A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Economics from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics
A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Finance from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores
Dissertation to obtain a Master degree in Biotechnology
We assess the determinants of Chinese direct investment in Africa compared with those of global FDI. We find that economic size and macroeconomic stability are positively correlated with Chinese and global FDI in Africa. Institutional variables, such as accountability and rule of law, are not significant in either case and the same can be said about FDI-aid complementarities. The presence of oil is a determinant of Chinese FDI but not of global FDI into Africa. Conversely, the openness of the economy is a determinant for global FDI but not of Chinese FDI, which appears to favour closed economies possibly due to industrial organizational concerns. While these differences accord with intuition, we find no evidence for the claim that Chinese FDI in Africa is related to non-economic governance in a specific way that differs from global practice. More refined governance indicators should be used to verify whether Chinese and global FDI into Africa remain indistinguishable on this score: we plan to do this in future research.
Double Degree. A Work Project presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Master Degree in Management from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics and a Master Degree in Business Engineering from Louvain School of Management
This project the direct rebound effect for the electricity demand in Portugal. While we find evidence of such an effect, the estimations also reflect the institutional arrangement that has characterized the electricity market in the country. Also, issues related to energy efficiency promotion are addressed in general putting into context the case study developed.
Research literature and regulators are unconditional in pointing the disclosure of operating cash flow through direct method a section of unique information. Besides the intuitive facet, it is also consistent in forecasting future operating cash flows and a cohesive piece to financial statement puzzle. Bearing this in mind, I produce an analysis on the usefulness and predictive ability on the disclosure of gross cash receipts and payments over the disclosure of reconciliation between net income and accruals for two markets with special features, Portugal and Spain. Results validate the usefulness of direct method format in predicting future operating cash flow. Key
The nature tourism experienced a great expansion of its market with the appearance of different lifestyles. In this Work Project a study regarding the website direct sales of Rota Vicentina was developed. Its website shows the idea of being solely an information structure and not a purchase one, leading to a current absence of online sales. Hence, it is suggested the modification of its business model, using different instruments and channels. Some digital marketing recommendations were developed in order to boost website sales, such as a platform for online reviews, remarketing campaigns and social media activity.