9 resultados para Dengue diagnosis


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Dissertação apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Electrotécnica e Computadores


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Thesis for the Master degree in Structural and Functional Biochemistry


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Doutor em Engenharia Electrotécnica e Computadores especialidade: Robótica e Manufactura Integrada


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This dissertation is presented to obtain a Master degree in Structural and Functional Biochemistry


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RESUMO: O vírus chikungunya (CHIKV) é um vírus de RNA, com invólucro, da família Togaviridae, transmitido por mosquitos Aedes spp. Distribuído por largas regiões de África e Ásia, causa grandes epidemias de artrite grave. A semelhança de sintomas com outras doenças como a dengue e a malária e a persistência de IgM específicas, dificultam o diagnóstico da infeção por CHIKV. A deteção no sangue de E3, uma glicoproteína viral secretada, a incluir num ensaio imunoenzimático poderá melhorar o diagnóstico nos países onde as técnicas de biologia molecular são de difícil acesso. Para testar a utilidade de E3 num ensaio de diagnóstico, esta deverá ser expressa em quantidade, purificada e usada para produção de anticorpos específicos. Para expressar E3 numa forma solúvel, suscetível de ser purificada num único passo cromatográfico sem proteases, recorreu-se à estratégia da fusão com o domínio de ligação à quitina (CBD)-inteína (IMPACT™ System, NEB). A sequência codificadora de E3 foi amplificada a partir de RNA viral, clonada em pTYB21 e expressa em E. coli como uma proteína de fusão insolúvel de 64 kDa. A expressão a 12ºC induzida por IPTG 0,1 mM aumentou a solubilidade de CBD-inteína-E3. A aplicação de lisados celulares em colunas de quitina originou a retenção de CBD-inteína-E3 na matriz. Porém, a autoclivagem da inteína na coluna, induzida com reagentes tiol, foi pouco eficiente e mesmo a proteína E3 separada não eluiu da coluna. E3 foi ainda expressa em E. coli com uma cauda de seis histidinas (E3[His]6) por clonagem no vetor pET28b(+). Lisados celulares aplicados em colunas de níquel permitiram a eluição de uma proteína de 9 kDa, compatível com a massa molecular estimada para E3[His]6, ainda que com outros contaminantes proteicos. A identidade da proteína de 9 kDa será confirmada pela indução de anticorpos com esta preparação e reatividade daqueles com células infetadas com CHIKV.----------------ABSTRACT: Chikungunya virus (CHIKV) is an enveloped, positive strand RNA virus belonging to the family Togaviridae. Transmitted by Aedes spp mosquitoes, CHIKV causes large epidemics of severe arthritogenic disease in Africa and Asia and represents a serious threat in countries where vectors are present. Symptoms similarity with other diseases, e.g. dengue and malaria, along with CHIKV IgM persistence turns accurate CHIKV diagnosis a difficult task in low-income countries. Detection of E3, a small secreted viral glycoprotein, to be included in an immunoenzymatic test was envisaged as a possible improvement in CHIKV diagnosis. To test the diagnostic value of E3, recombinant E3 should be expressed and purified to generate antibodies. In order to express CHIKV E3 in a soluble form amenable to purification by a single step affinity chromatography, the chitin binding domain (CBD)-intein fusion strategy without proteases (IMPACT™ System, NEB) was employed. The E3 coding sequence was amplified from viral RNA, cloned in pTYB21 and expressed in E. coli ER2566 as an insoluble 64 kDa CBD-intein-E3 fusion protein. Solubility was partially achieved by lowering the expression temperature to 12ºC and the inducer (IPTG) concentration to 0.1 mM. Clarified cell lysate loaded onto a chitin column allowed ligation of the fusion protein but the intein-mediated cleavage efficiency was low and E3 failed to elute from the column as demonstrated by SDS-PAGE. E3 was further expressed with a six histidine tag, E3[His]6, employing the pET System (Novagen). E3[His]6 was expressed in E. coli Rosetta (30ºC, 0.4 mM IPTG) as a 9 kDa protein. Soluble cell extracts in 20-40 mM imidazole, applied onto a nickel column and eluted with 500 mM imidazole yielded a protein preparation enriched in the 9kDa protein. The 9 kDa will be used as antigen to generate antibodies that upon reaction with CHIKV infected cells will confirm its identity.


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Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer among women all over the world. An important issue that is not commonly addressed in breast cancer imaging literature is the importance of imaging the underarm region—where up to 80% of breast cancer cells can metastasise to. The first axillary lymph nodes to receive drainage from the primary tumour in the breast are called Sentinel Node. If cancer cells are found in the Sentinel Node, there is an increased risk of metastatic breast cancer which makes this evaluation crucial to decide what follow-up exams and therapy to follow. However, non-invasive detection of cancer cells in the lymph nodes is often inconclusive, leading to the surgical removal of too many nodes which causes adverse side-effects for patients. Microwave Imaging is one of the most promising non-invasive imaging modalities for breast cancer early screening and monitoring. This novel study tests the feasibility of imaging the axilla region by means of the simulation of an Ultra-Wideband Microwave Imaging system. Simulations of such system are completed in several 2D underarm models that mimic the axilla. Initial imaging results are obtained by means of processing the simulated backscattered signals by eliminating artefacts caused by the skin and beamforming the processed signals in order to time-align all the signals recorded at each antenna. In this dissertation several image formation algorithms are implemented and compared by visual inspection of the resulting images and through a range of performance metrics, such as Signal-to-Clutter Ratio and FullWidth Half Maximum calculations. The results in this study showed that Microwave Imaging is a promising technique that might allow to identify the presence and location of metastasised cancer cells in axillary lymph nodes, enabling the non-invasive evaluation of breast cancer staging.


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Towards a holistic perspective of CRM, this project aims to diagnose and propose a strategy and market segmentation for Siemens Healthcare. The main underlying principle is to apply a full customer-centric outlook taking own business properties into consideration while preserving Siemens Healthcare’s culture and vision. Mainly focused on market segmentation, this project goes beyond established boundaries by employing an unbiased perspective of CRM while challenging current strategy, goals, processes, tools, initiatives and KPIs. In order to promote a sustainable business excellence strategy, this project aspires to streamline CRM strategic importance and driving the company one step forward.


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Atualmente, um dos principais desafios que afeta a saúde pública no Brasil é a crescente evolução no número de casos e epidemias provocados pelo vírus da dengue. Não existem estudos suficientes que consigam elucidar quais fatores contribuem para a evolução das epidemias de Dengue. Fatores como condições sanitárias, localização geográfica, investimentos financeiros em infraestrutura e qualidade de vida podem estar relacionados com a incidência de Dengue. Além disso, outra questão que merece um maior destaque é o estudo para se identificar o grau de impacto das variáveis determinantes da dengue e se existe um padrão que está correlacionado com a taxa de incidência. Desta forma, este trabalho tem como objetivo principal a correlação da taxa de incidência da dengue na população de cada município brasileiro, utilizando dados relativos aos aspectos sociais, econômicos, demográficos e ambientais. Outra contribuição relevante do trabalho, foi a análise dos padrões de distribuição espacial da taxa de incidência de Dengue e sua relação com os padrões encontrados utilizando as variáveis socioeconômicas e ambientais, sobretudo analisando a evolução temporal no período de 2008 até 2012. Para essa análises, utilizou-se o Sistema de Informação Geográfica (SIG) aliado com a mineração de dados, através da metodologia de rede neural mais especificamente o mapa auto organizável de Kohonen ou self-organizing maps (SOM). Tal metodologia foi empregada para a identificação de padrão de agrupamentos dessas variáveis e sua relação com as classes de incidência de dengue no Brasil (Alta, Média e Baixa). Assim, este projeto contribui de forma significativa para uma melhor compreensão dos fatores que estão associados à ocorrência de Dengue, e como essa doença está correlacionada com fatores como: meio ambiente, infraestrutura e localização no espaço geográfico.


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Nowadays, many of the manufactory and industrial system has a diagnosis system on top of it, responsible for ensuring the lifetime of the system itself. It achieves this by performing both diagnosis and error recovery procedures in real production time, on each of the individual parts of the system. There are many paradigms currently being used for diagnosis. However, they still fail to answer all the requirements imposed by the enterprises making it necessary for a different approach to take place. This happens mostly on the error recovery paradigms since the great diversity that is nowadays present in the industrial environment makes it highly unlikely for every single error to be fixed under a real time, no production stop, perspective. This work proposes a still relatively unknown paradigm to manufactory. The Artificial Immune Systems (AIS), which relies on bio-inspired algorithms, comes as a valid alternative to the ones currently being used. The proposed work is a multi-agent architecture that establishes the Artificial Immune Systems, based on bio-inspired algorithms. The main goal of this architecture is to solve for a resolution to the error currently detected by the system. The proposed architecture was tested using two different simulation environment, each meant to prove different points of views, using different tests. These tests will determine if, as the research suggests, this paradigm is a promising alternative for the industrial environment. It will also define what should be done to improve the current architecture and if it should be applied in a decentralised system.