26 resultados para Demand and supply
A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Management from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics
The present study analyzes Angola’s trading partners from 2005 to 2015 in order to understand the main drivers of Exports and Imports growth. Departing from a gravity model, foreign GDP growth and real exchange rate fluctuations were interpreted as demand and supply disturbances on Exports. While nominal and real exports both increase with demand expansions, they react differently to supply shocks. Imports are growing at the same rate as Angola’s economy while exchange rate fluctuations capture the wealth effect of Oil price in the economy.
A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Economics from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics
Dissertation to obtain PhD in Industrial Engineering
This work aims to identify and rank a set of Lean and Green practices and supply chain performance measures on which managers should focus to achieve competitiveness and improve the performance of automotive supply chains. The identification of the contextual relationships among the suggested practices and measures, was performed through literature review. Their ranking was done by interviews with professionals from the automotive industry and academics with wide knowledge on the subject. The methodology of interpretive structural modelling (ISM) is a useful methodology to identify inter relationships among Lean and Green practices and supply chain performance measures and to support the evaluation of automotive supply chain performance. Using the ISM methodology, the variables under study were clustered according to their driving power and dependence power. The ISM methodology was proposed to be used in this work. The model intends to provide a better understanding of the variables that have more influence (driving variables), the others and those which are most influenced (dependent variables) by others. The information provided by this model is strategic for managers who can use it to identify which variables they should focus on in order to have competitive supply chains.
Primary health services exist with the purpose of providing basic health care to every person at a cost they can afford. But is it fully available to everyone? The objective of this work project is to estimate the demand for primary health care services having into account that in some regions the citizens are not using as much health care as they would like due to supply side constraints. Using the number of consultations as proxy for demand, and applying an econometric tool called switching regression, the demand for primary health care services will be estimated.
Scarcity of fuels, changes in environmental policy and in society increased the interest in generating electric energy from renewable energy sources (RES) for a sustainable energy supply in the future. The main problem of RES as solar and wind energy, which represent a main pillar of this transition, is that they cannot supply constant power output. This results inter alia in an increased demand of backup technologies as batteries to assure electricity system safety. The diffusion of energy storage technologies is highly dependent on the energy system and transport transition pathways which might lead to a replacement or reconfiguration of embedded socio-technical practices and regimes (by creating new standards or dominant designs, changing regulations, infrastructure and user patterns). The success of this technology is dependent on hardly predictable future technical advances, actor preferences, development of competing technologies and designs, diverging interests of actors, future cost efficiencies, environmental performance, the evolution of market demand and design and evolution of our society.
The way in which electricity networks operate is going through a period of significant change. Renewable generation technologies are having a growing presence and increasing penetrations of generation that are being connected at distribution level. Unfortunately, a renewable energy source is most of the time intermittent and needs to be forecasted. Current trends in Smart grids foresee the accommodation of a variety of distributed generation sources including intermittent renewable sources. It is also expected that smart grids will include demand management resources, widespread communications and control technologies required to use demand response are needed to help the maintenance in supply-demand balance in electricity systems. Consequently, smart household appliances with controllable loads will be likely a common presence in our homes. Thus, new control techniques are requested to manage the loads and achieve all the potential energy present in intermittent energy sources. This thesis is focused on the development of a demand side management control method in a distributed network, aiming the creation of greater flexibility in demand and better ease the integration of renewable technologies. In particular, this work presents a novel multi-agent model-based predictive control method to manage distributed energy systems from the demand side, in presence of limited energy sources with fluctuating output and with energy storage in house-hold or car batteries. Specifically, here is presented a solution for thermal comfort which manages a limited shared energy resource via a demand side management perspective, using an integrated approach which also involves a power price auction and an appliance loads allocation scheme. The control is applied individually to a set of Thermal Control Areas, demand units, where the objective is to minimize the energy usage and not exceed the limited and shared energy resource, while simultaneously indoor temperatures are maintained within a comfort frame. Thermal Control Areas are overall thermodynamically connected in the distributed environment and also coupled by energy related constraints. The energy split is performed based on a fixed sequential order established from a previous completed auction wherein the bids are made by each Thermal Control Area, acting as demand side management agents, based on the daily energy price. The developed solutions are explained with algorithms and are applied to different scenarios, being the results explanatory of the benefits of the proposed approaches.
Dissertação apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores
Dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Geospatial Technologies.
We would like to thank Philipp Schwarz and Julia Gückel for their dedicated support in preparing this paper and our colleagues and students of the School of Engineering and the Business School for our fruitful discussions.
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores
Field Lab in Entrepreneurial Innovative Ventures
This paper aims to provide strategies for the organic supermarket chain “Alnatura” to shape the demand and its market share of the organic food & beverage (F&B) market in Germany within the next five years. Through the historic evolution and the current market assessment of Germany, compared to a benchmark country (US), as well as prospective trends in Germany, reasons and opportunities for market growth are evaluated. In addition, an industry attractiveness, competitor and company analysis is executed. Based on those findings and a conducted survey, suggestions to adjust Alnatura´s current business strategies are deduced and finally examined on its risk and feasibility.
RESUMO - A doença arterial periférica (DAP) apresenta uma carga de doença significativa, afetando cerca de 3 a 10% da população em geral e 15 a 20% dos indivíduos com idade superior a 70 anos. A sua prevalência em Portugal foi estimada em cerca de 5,9% no continente; 6,6% na Região Autónoma dos Açores (RAA) e 3,8% na Região Autónoma da Madeira (RAM). Para além da importante carga de doença, quer em termos epidemiológicos, quer económicos, a DAP confere aos seus portadores um risco cardiovascular agravado, sendo que os mesmos apresentam cerca do triplo do risco de mortalidade e de eventos cardiovasculares quando comparados com indivíduos sem DAP. Tratou-se de um estudo observacional, transversal e descritivo tendo como base duas populações de estudo. A primeira é referente aos hospitais do Serviço Nacional de Saúde (SNS) com a valência de cirurgia vascular e a segunda à população portuguesa com episódios de internamento por diagnóstico de DAP dos membros inferiores (MI) nos anos de 2013 e 2014 na totalidade dos hospitais do SNS. Através da análise dos resultados do questionário procedeu-se à descrição de algumas das características dos serviços e unidades de cirurgia vascular de sete hospitais do SNS; através da análise da base de dados dos GDH para os anos de 2013 e 2014 procedeu-se à caracterização do peso do internamento por DAP dos membros inferiores a nível nacional no mesmo período. A DAP tem uma carga significativa e atendendo aos seus fatores de risco e história natural da doença, apresenta uma tendência crescente durante os próximos anos, representando por isso um enorme desafio para os sistemas de saúde. São, no entanto, necessários estudos mais aprofundados sobre o tema que permitam conhecer melhor o peso desta patologia e, de forma global, melhorar o planeamento, tendo por base a caracterização quer do lado da procura (dados epidemiológicos e peso no internamento), quer da oferta (capacidade instalada).