9 resultados para DRY-HEAT


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Dissertation presented to obtain the Ph.D. degree in Biochemistry


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia do Ambiente, perfil Engenharia Sanitária


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The formulation and use of lime mortars with ceramic particles has, in the past, been a very common technique. Knowledge of such used techniques and materials is fundamental for the successful rehabilitation and conservation of the built heritage. The durability that these mortars have shown encourages the study of the involved mechanisms, so that they may be adapted to the current reality. The considerable amount of waste from old ceramics factories which is sent for disposal might present an opportunity for the production of reliable improved lime mortars. In this paper a number of studies that characterize old building mortars containing ceramic fragments are reviewed. The most important research undertaken on laboratory prepared mortars with several heat treated clays types is presented, specifically with incorporated ceramic waste. Some studies on the pozzolanicity of heat treated clays are examined and the heating temperatures that seem most likely to achieve pozzolanicity are presented. It was verified that some heating temperatures currently used by ceramic industries might correspond to the temperatures that will achieve pozzolanicity.


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Cryogen-free superconducting magnet systems have become popular during the last two decades for the simple reason that with the use of liquid helium is rather cumbersome and is a scarce resource. Some available CFMS uses a mechanical cryocooler as cold source of the superconductor magnet. However, the cooling of the sample holder is still made through an open circuit of helium. A thermal management of a completely cryogen-free system is possible to be implemented by using a controlled gas gap heat switch (GGHS) between the cryocooler and the variable temperature insert (VTI). This way it would eliminate the helium open circuit. Heat switches are devices that allow to toggle between two distinct thermal states (ON and OFF state). Several cryogenic applications need good thermal contact and a good thermal insulation at different stages of operation. A versatile GGHS was designed and built with a 100 mm gap and tested with helium as exchange gas. An analytic thermal model was developed and a good agreement with the experimental data was obtained. The device was tested on a crycooler at 4 to 80 K ranges. A 285 mW/K thermal conductance was measured at ON state and 0.09 mW/K at OFF. 3000 ON/OFF thermal conductance ratio was obtained at 4 K with helium.


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Due to their high adsorption capacity of water vapor, earthen plasters can act as a moisture buffer, contributing to balance the relative humidity of the indoor environment of buildings. As a consequence of this capacity earthen plasters may also contribute to the perception of thermal comfort, since a high relative humidity increases the thermal conductivity of air and restricts skin evaporation, increasing the discomfort associated with the perception of heat or cold. Simultaneously, earthen plasters may also contribute to the indoor air quality. In one hand, by mitigating health problems of the respiratory system associated with indoor environment with high relative humidity, in which increases the risk of development of microorganisms usually responsible for infections, allergies or asthma. In the other hand, by mitigating the probability of inflammation of the respiratory system airways associated to exceedingly dry indoor environments. Therefore it also becomes expectable that earthen plasters may contribute for reducing the needs for air conditioning and mechanical ventilation in buildings and, thereby, also allowing the reduction of the associated energy consumption. The «Barrocal» region, located in the sedimentary basin of Algarve, South Portugal, presents geomorphological characteristics that promote the occurrence of soils with a clay mineralogy dominated by illite, which is a clay mineral characterized by a high adsorption capacity of water vapor and low expansibility. This fact turns expectable that these soils have a high potential for interior plastering. In order to evaluate this potential four mortars were formulated with an increasing content of clayey soil extracted from a selected clay quarry from «Barrocal» region. The results from the preliminary characterization campaign confirmed the reduced linear shrinkage of these mortars, as well as their high adsorption-desorption capacity, that is positively correlated with the content of clayey soil present in mortar formulation. However, the mechanical tests showed that the mechanical resistance of these mortars should be improved, for instance through the addition of natural fibers for reinforcement, which will be investigated in future research. This research contributed to increase certainty regarding the potential of clayey soils of the «Barrocal» sub-region of Algarve to produce mortars suitable for eco-efficient interior plastering.


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Grapevine (Vitis vinifera) is one of most agro-economically important fruit crops worldwide, with a special relevance in Portugal where over 300 varieties are used for wine production. Due to global warming, temperature stress is currently a serious issue affecting crop production especially in temperate climates. Mobile genetic elements such as retrotransposons have been shown to be involved in environmental stress induced genetic and epigenetic modifications. In this study, sequences related to Grapevine Retrotransposon 1 (Gret1) were utilized to determine heat induced genomic and transcriptomic modifications in Touriga Nacional, a traditional Portuguese grapevine variety. For this purpose, growing canes were treated to 42 oC for four hours and leaf genomic DNA and RNA was utilized for various techniques to observe possible genomic alterations and variation in transcription levels of coding and non-coding sequences between non-treated plants and treated plants immediately after heat stress (HS-0 h) or after a 24 hour recovery period (HS-24 h). Heat stress was found to induce a significant decrease in Gret1 related sequences in HS-24 h leaves, indicating an effect of heat stress on genomic structure. In order to identify putative heat induced DNA modifications, genome wide approaches such as Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism were utilized. This resulted in the identification of a polymorphic DNA fragment in HS-0 h and HS-24 h leaves whose sequence mapped to a genomic region flanking a house keeping gene (NADH) that is represented in multiple copies in the Vitis vinifera genome. Heat stress was also found to affect the transcript levels of various non-coding and gene coding sequences. Accordingly, quantitative real time PCR results established that Gret1 related sequences are up regulated immediately after heat stress whereas the level of transcript of genes involved in identification and repair of double strand breaks are significantly down regulated in HS-0 h plants. Taken together, the results of this work demonstrated heat stress affects both genomic integrity and transcription levels.


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Organisms that thrive optimally at temperatures above 80°C are called hyperthermophiles. These prokaryotes have been isolated from a variety of hot environments, such as marine geothermal areas, hence they are usually slightly halophilic. Like other halophiles, marine hyperthermophiles have to cope with fluctuations in the salinity of the external medium and generally use low-molecular mass organic compounds to adjust cell turgor pressure. These compounds can accumulate to high levels without interfering with cell metabolism, thereby deserving the designation of compatible solutes. Curiously, the accumulation of compatible solutes also occurs in response to supraoptimal temperatures.(...)


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25th International Cryogenic Engineering Conference and the International Cryogenic Materials Conference in 2014, ICEC 25–ICMC 2014


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This thesis is a study of how heat is transported in non-steady-state conditions from a superconducting Rutherford cable to a bath of superfluid helium (He II). The same type of superconducting cable is used in the dipole magnets of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). The dipole magnets of the LHC are immersed in a bath of He II at 1.9 K. At this temperature helium has an extremely high thermal conductivity. During operation, heat needs to be efficiently extracted from the dipole magnets to keep their superconducting state. The thermal stability of the magnets is crucial for the operation of the LHC, therefore it is necessary to understand how heat is transported from the superconducting cables to the He II bath. In He II the heat transfer can be described by the Landau regime or by the Gorter-Mellink regime, depending on the heat flux. In this thesis both measurements and numerical simulation have been performed to study the heat transfer in the two regimes. A temperature increase of 8 2 mK of the superconducting cables was successfully measured experimentally. A new numerical model that covers the two heat transfer regimes has been developed. The numerical model has been validated by comparison with existing experimental data. A comparison is made between the measurements and the numerical results obtained with the developed model.