Increasingly stringed regulations for diesel engine emissions have a significant impact on the required efficiency of DOC. Lowered DOC oxidation efficiency due to thermal aging effects influences the efficiency of the exhaust aftertreatment systems downstream of the DOC. In this work carried out in the Jean Le Rond d’Alembert Institute the effect of hydrothermal aging on the reactivity and structure of a commercial DOC was investigated. The characterization of the catalytic performance was carried out on a synthetic gas bench using carrots catalyst under conditions close to the realistic conditions i.e. using a synthetic gas mixture, representative of the exhaust gases from diesel engines. Different structural characterization techniques were performed: textural and morphological proprieties were analyzed by BET and TEM, the characterization of the presented crystallographic phases was performed by DRX and the determination of the number of reducible species was possible by TPR. TEM results shown, an increase of the metal particle size with the aging caused by the agglomeration of metal particles, revealing the presence of metal sintering. DRX results also suggest the presence of support sintering. Furthermore, DRX and BET results unexpectedly reveal that the most drastic aging conditions used actually activated the catalyst surface. As expected, the aging affected negatively the catalyst performance on the oxidation of methane and CO, however an improvement of the NO oxidation performance with the aging was observed. Nevertheless, for the aging conditions used, catalytic activity results show that the influence of aging in DOC performance was not significant, and therefore, more drastic aging conditions must be used.
Dissertation presented to obtain a Ph.D. degree in Engineering and Technology Sciences, Systems Biology at the Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica, Universidade Nova de Lisboa
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Mecânica
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Mecânica
A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Management from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics
HMC08 - 1st Historical Mortars Conference: Characterization, Diagnosis, Conservation, Repair and Compatibilit, LNEC, Lisbon, 24-26 September 2008
Simulação numérica da atomização de combustíveis com interesse para grandes motores diesel marítimos
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Mecânica
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Química e Bioquímica
In this work, biocompatible and biodegradable poly(D-L-lactide-co-glycolide) (PLGA) microparticles with the potential for use as a controlled release system of vaccines and other drugs to the lung were manufactured using supercritical CO2, through the Supercritical Assisted Atomization (SAA) technique. After performing a controlled variance in production parameters (temperature, pressure, CO2/solution flow ratio) PLGA microparticles were characterized and later used to encapsulate active pharmaceutical ingredients (API). Bovine serum albumin (BSA) was chosen as model protein and vaccine, while sildenafil was the chosen drug to treat pulmonary artery hypertension and their effect on the particles characteristics was evaluated. All the produced formulations were characterized in relation to their morphology (Morphologi G3 and scanning electronic microscopy (SEM)), to their physical-chemical properties (X-ray diffraction (XRD, differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), Fourier transform infrared (FTIR)) and aerodynamic performance using an in vitro aerosolization study – Andersen cascade impactor (ACI) - to obtain data such as the fine particle fraction (FPF) and the mass median aerodynamic diameter (MMAD). Furthermore, pharmacokinetic, biodegradability and biocompatibility tests were performed in order to verify the particle suitability for inhalation. The resulting particles showed aerodynamic diameters between the 3 and 5 μm, yields up to 58% and FPF percentages rounding the 30%. Taken as a whole, the produced microparticles do present the necessary requests to make them appropriate for pulmonary delivery.
There were two main objectives in this thesis investigation, first, the production, characterisation, in vitro degradation and release studies of double walled microspheres for drug release control. The second one, and the most challenging, was the production of double walled nanospheres, also for drug control delivery. The spheres were produced using two polymers, the Poly(L-lactide)Acid, PLLA, and the Poly(L-lactide-co-glycolic)Acid, PLGA.Afterwards, a model drug, Meloxicam, which is an antiinflammatory drug, was encapsulated into the particles. Micro and nanospheres were produced by the solvent extraction/evaporation method, where perfect spherical particles were obtained. By varying the polymers PLLA/PLGA mass ratio, different core and shell composition, as well as several shell and core thickness were observed. In the particles with a PLLA/PLGA mass ratio 1:1, the shell is composed by PLLA and the core by PLGA. It was also verified that the Meloxicam has a tendency to be distributed in the PLGA layer. Micro and nanoparticles were characterised in morphology, size, polymer cristalinity properties and drug distribution. Particles degradation studies was performed, where the particles in a PVA solution of pH 7,4 where placed in an incubator, during approximately 40 days, at 120rpm, and 37ºC, simulating, as much as possible, the human body environment. From these studies, the conclusion was that particles containing a PLGA shell and a PLLA core degrade more rapidly, due to the fact that PLLA is more hydrophobic than the PLGA. Concerning the drug release controlled results, done also for 40 and 50 days, they showed that the microspheres containing a shell of PLLA release more slowly than when the shell is composed of PLGA. This result was predictable, since the drug is solubilised in the PLGA polymer and so, in that case, the PLLA shell works like a barrier between the drug and the outer medium. Another positive aspect presented by this study is the lower initial burst effect, obtained when using double walled particles, which is one of the advantages of the same. In a second part of this investigation, the production of the nanospheres was the main goal, since it was not yet accomplished by other authors or investigators. After several studies, referring to the speed, time and type of agitation, as well as, the concentration and volume of the first aqueous solution of poly-vinyl-alcohol (PVA) during the process of solvent extraction/evaporation it was possible to obtain double walled nanospheres.(...)
O aumento das concentrações de Gases do Efeito Estufa e do aquecimento global exigem medidas urgentes para abrandar e atenuar as respectivas consequências, tanto para a humanidade como para o planeta. Entre estas medidas, faz parte a utilização de recursos renováveis para a produção de energia, de forma a mitigar os problemas inerentes à utilização de combustíveis fósseis. No intuito de explorar os recursos renováveis, é necessário desenvolver projectos e tecnologias que o optimizem a sua utilização. A presente dissertação centrou-se na implementação de um sistema energético híbrido FV/eólico/diesel num navio. O navio seleccionado, propriedade da Transtejo, foi o “LISBONENSE” e efetua o transporte de passageiros e viaturas entre as margens do Rio Tejo. A pesquisa de literatura, realizada a níveis nacional e global, incidiu na caracterização das emissões poluentes dos navios e respectivas consequências, e nas soluções que existem para reduzir as mesmas, com principal incidência nos sistemas de energias renováveis. Após uma pesquisa de mercado para análise da relação custo-benefício de cada tipo de componente do sistema híbrido, foram seleccionados os mais adequados para este projecto, do qual resultou: módulos FV e respectivos cabos eléctricos, turbinas eólicas, baterias de armazenamento, controladores de carga, inversores e um sistema de controlo e monitorização. O gerador a diesel considerado é o que se encontra actualmente instalado no navio. Elaborou-se um programa para o sistema de controlo, de forma a accionar o funcionamento do gerador a diesel quando necessário, isto é, quando os sistemas de energias renováveis não produzem energia eléctrica suficiente para alimentar as aplicações do navio. Completado o dimensionamento do sistema híbrido, com auxílio dos softwares HOMER e RETScreen, foi feita uma análise a nível ambiental e económico que evidenciou diversos aspectos positivos. Destaca-se a redução das emissões de CO2 em 81.56 % e a rentabilidade do projecto que, com um ciclo de vida de 20 anos, tem um período de recuperação do capital investido de cerca de 6 anos.