11 resultados para Convenient


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Dissertation submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Geospatial Technologies


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Introdução: A utilização de serviços de saúde tem implicações importantes para o estado de saúde das populações. As políticas de imigração adoptadas nos países de destino têm influência no estado de saúde das comunidades imigrantes. Políticas que limitam o acesso de imigrantes aos cuidados de saúde aumentarão a vulnerabilidade e os riscos na saúde. Apesar da imigração promover uma série de rupturas na vida do sujeito, migrar, por si só, não pode ser considerado como factor de risco no âmbito da saúde e da saúde mental. O peso dos determinantes socioeconómicos tem ganho relevância no estudo das migrações, estado de saúde geral e mental. Isto porque, em geral, os imigrantes estão em situação mais precária do que a população autóctone. O estatuto socioeconómico baixo, as condições precárias de habitação e de trabalho, a falta de suporte social e a irregularidade jurídica são indicadores de risco acrescido para a saúde mental. Neste sentido é um desafio de monta os governos estabelecerem medidas sustentadas e, simultaneamente, integradoras dos imigrantes. Em Portugal, considera-se que há escassez de estudos relacionados com a área das migrações e da saúde.Metodologia: Estudo exploratório, descritivo e transversal. A finalidade foi a de identificar o estado de saúde, saúde mental e qualidade de vida da comunidade brasileira residente em Lisboa e o seu acesso aos serviços de saúde. Este estudo teve como principais objectivos a caracterização sociodemográfica, a identificação de variáveis inerentes ao processo migratório, a identificação da auto-apreciação do estado de saúde, a caracterização do acesso aos cuidados de saúde, a identificação do grupo em provável sofrimento psicológico, a comparação entre os resultados dos imigrantes juridicamente regulares e irregulares e a comparação entre a população imigrante e a população portuguesa. Inicialmente, foi prevista a utilização da técnica de amostragem de propagação geométrica ou snowball, pois a amostra tornar-se-ia maior à medida que os próprios inquiridos identificam outros potenciais respondentes. Ao longo do estudo, a metodologia inicial mostrou-se insuficiente para estabelecer uma amostra mais representativa dos imigrantes juridicamente irregulares. Para este feito, foi utilizada a metodologia de amostragem por conveniência e o local escolhido para a recolha da amostra foi o Consulado do Brasil em Lisboa. O instrumento de recolha de dados empregue baseou-se no questionário utilizado no 4º Inquérito Nacional de Saúde. O MHI-5 (Mental Health Index 5) é um instrumento de saúde mental e é parte integrante do inquérito, sendo recomendado pela Organização Mundial de Saúde. Consta de cinco itens relativos à saúde mental e os resultados são classificados através de um indicador que mede a existência de provável sofrimento psicológico. Foram incluídos no estudo 213 brasileiros. De seguida, procedeu-se ao tratamento estatístico dos dados. Resultados: A população inquirida é jovem, a maior parte tem entre 18 e 44 anos. As mulheres representam mais de metade da amostra. A taxa de actividade é elevada e a taxa de desemprego é similar à nacional. A inserção laboral prioritária é nos segmentos pouco qualificados ou de semi-qualificação. Aproximadamente um terço dos inquiridos afirmou ser beneficiário do Sistema Nacional de Saúde. A autoapreciação do estado de saúde é classificada como bastante positiva, assim como a qualidade de vida. O provável sofrimento psicológico, definido no MHI-5 pelo ponto de corte no score 52, atinge 23,3% dos participantes. Os homens apresentam melhores resultados do que as mulheres. Além disso, para os valores mais baixos no MHI-5 foram encontradas relações com as longas jornadas de trabalho e o diagnóstico de doença crónica.Discussão: O presente estudo apresenta limitações em relação à dimensão da amostra e à provável existência de enviesamento pela ausência de aleatorização. Apesar da legislação portuguesa garantir o acesso aos serviços de saúde e garantir a equidade no caso dos imigrantes que fazem descontos para a Segurança Social, apenas um terço referiu ser beneficiário do Sistema Nacional de Saúde. Este dado pode ser justificado por factores como o cumprimento da lei por alguns serviços e, também, pela falta de conhecimento da legislação e da forma de funcionamento do Serviço Nacional de Saúde por parte dos imigrantes. O facto das mulheres representarem o maior grupo em provável sofrimento psicológico é consistente com a literatura. As hipóteses levantadas para explicar este resultado podem ser agrupadas em: artefactos metodológicos, causalidade biológica e determinação social. Em relação ao instrumento, é possível que o MHI-5 se comporte de forma diferente no que diz respeito ao género.-------------------------------------------Introduction: The utilization of health services has important implications for the health state of the populations. The immigration policies adopted in the destiny countries are going to influence the health state of immigrant communities. Policies that limit the access of immigrants to health care are going to increase the vulnerability and the risk factor in health. Although immigration promotes several disruptive actions in ones life, migrating, on its own, cannot be considered as a risk factor for health and mental health. The preponderance of the socioeconomic factors has gained relevance in the study of migrations and also in the study of general health state and mental health. This happens because, in general, immigrants are in a more unfavorable situation compared with the destiny country population. The low socioeconomic status, the poor working and housing conditions, the lack of social support and the juridical irregularity are indicators of the incremented risk to mental health. Therefore, it is a major challenge for governments to find sustainable, and simultaneously, integrative measures for the immigrants. The studies related with the migrations and health in Portugal were considered to be few.Methods: It is an exploratory, descriptive and transversal study. The purpose is to identify the health state, mental health, quality of life and the access to health care of the Brazilian community resident in Lisbon. In addition, this study has as main goals the sociodemographic characterization, the variables identification inherent to the migrating process, the identification of the self-appreciation of health state, the characterization of the access to health care, the identification of the group in probable psychological suffer, the comparison between the results of regular and irregular immigrants and the comparison between the immigrant population and the Portuguese population. Initially it was predicted the utilization of the geometric propagation or “snowball”, as sampling technique, because the sample becomes larger as one answerer identify other potential answering persons. Along with the study, the methodology has shown insufficient to establish a more representative sample of the irregular immigrants. For this latter case, it was used a convenient sample methodology and the place chosen for the sample gathering was the “Consulate of Brazil in Lisbon”. The instrument was based in the questionnaire used in the “4th National Health Inquiry”. The MHI-5 (Mental Health Index 5) is a mental health instrument which is part of the enquiry and it is recommended by the World Health Organization. There are five items related to mental health and the results are classified through an indicator which measures the existence of a probable psychological suffer. It were included 213 Brazilian in the study. After, the statistical treatment of the data took place.Results: The answering population is young and the majority is between the 18 and 44 years of age. The women represent more than one half of the sample. The activity rate is high and the unemployment rate is similar to the national one. The priority labor insertion is in the few qualified or of semi-qualification segments. Approximately, one third of the answering people has stated to be beneficiary of the National Health System. The self-appreciation of the health state as well as the quality of life are classified as fairly positive ones. The probable psychological suffer, as defined in the MHI-5 through the cut point in the score below or equal to 52, reaches 23,3% of the sample population. Men show the better results than women. Further, for the lower values of MHI-5 it was found a relation with the long work periods and chronic disease diagnostic. Discussion: The present study evidences limitations in relation to the sample dimension and in relation to the existence of biases due to the lack of randomness. Although the Portuguese legislation guarantees the access to health services and the equality in the cases of the immigrants that do their Social Security discounts, only one third has mentioned to be beneficiary of the National Health System. This can be justified by several facts such as the non-fulfillment of law by some national services or the lack of knowledge of the legislation or the functioning process of the National Health System. Women representing the bigger group in probable psychological suffer has been coherent with the literature review. The hypothesis set to explain this result might be grouped in: methodological artifacts, biologic cause and social determination. In relation to the instrument used, it may be that MHI-5 behaves in a different way in respect to gender.


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RESUMO: Contexto: Indicadores fidedignos da composição corporal são importantes na orientação das estratégias nutricionais de recém-nascidos e pequenos lactentes submetidos a cuidados intensivos. O braço é uma região acessível para avaliar a composição corporal regional, pela medida dos seus compartimentos. A antropometria e a ultrassonografia (US) são métodos não invasivos, relativamente económicos, que podem ser usados à cabeceira do paciente na medição desses compartimentos, embora esses métodos não tenham ainda sido validados neste subgrupo etário. A ressonância magnética (RM) pode ser usada como método de referência na validação da medição dos compartimentos do braço. Objectivo: Validar em lactentes pré-termo, as medidas do braço por antropometria e por US. Métodos: Foi estudada uma coorte de recém-nascidos admitidos consecutivamente na unidade de cuidados intensivos neonatais, com  33 semanas de idade de gestação e peso adequado para a mesma, sem anomalias congénitas major e não submetidas a diuréticos ou oxigenoterapia no momento da avaliação. Nas vésperas da alta, foram efectuadas medições do braço, com ocultação, pelos métodos antropométrico, ultrassonográfico e RM. As medidas antropométricas directas foram: peso (P), comprimento (C), perímetro cefálico (PC), perímetro braquial (PB) e prega cutânea tricipital (PT). As área braquial total, área muscular (AM) e área adiposa foram calculadas pelos métodos de Jeliffee & Jeliffee e de Rolland-Cachera. Utilizando uma sonda PSH-7DLT de 7 Hz no ecógrafo Toshiba SSH 140A foram medidos os perímetros braquial e muscular e calculadas automaticamente as áreas braquial e muscular, sendo a área adiposa obtida por subtracção. Como método de referência foi utilizada a RM – Philips Gyroscan ACS-NT, Power-Track 1000 ®, 1.5 Tesla com uma antena de quadratura do joelho. Na análise estatística foram utilizados os métodos paramétricos e não paramétricos, conforme adequado. Resultados: Foram incluídas 30 crianças, nascidas com ( ±DP) 30.7 ±1.9 semanas de gestação, pesando 1380 ±325g, as quais foram avaliadas às 35.4 ±1.1 semanas de idade corrigida, quando pesavam 1786 ±93g. Nenhuma das medidas antropométricas, individualmente, constitui um indicador aceitável (r2 <0.5) das medições por RM. A melhor e mais simples equação alternativa encontrada é a que estima a AM (r2 = 0.56), derivada dos resultados da análise de regressão múltipla: AMRM = (P x 0.17) + (PB x 5.2) – (C x 6) – 150, sendo o P expresso em g, o C e o PB em cm. Nenhuma das medidas ultrassonográficas constitui um indicador aceitável (r2 <0.4) das medições por RM. Conclusões: A antropometria e as medidas ultrassonográficas do braço não são indicadores fidedignos da composição corporal regional em lactentes pré-termo, adequados para a idade de gestação.----------ABSTRACT: Background: Accurate predictors for body composition are valuable tools guiding nutritional strategies in infants needing intensive care. The upper-arm is a part of the body that is easily accessible and convenient for assessing the regional body composition, throughout the assessment of their compartments. Anthropometry and by ultrasonography (US) are noninvasive and relatively nonexpensive methods for bedside assessment of the upper-arm compartments. However, these methods have not yet been validated in infants. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) may be used as gold standard to validate the measurements of the upper-arm compartments. Objective: To validate the upper-arm measurements by anthropometry and by US in preterm infants. Methods: A cohort of neonates consecutively admitted at the neonatal intensive care unit, appropriate for gestational age, with  33 weeks, without major congenital abnormalities and not subjected to diuretics or oxygen therapy, was assessed. Before the discharge, the upper-arm was blindly measured by anthropometry, US and MRI. The direct anthropometric parameters measured were: weight (W), length (L), head circumference (HC), mid-arm circumference (MAC), and tricipital skinfold thickness. The arm area (AA), arm muscle area (AMA) and arm fat area were calculated applying the methods proposed by Jeliffee & Jeliffee and by Rolland-Cachera. Using the sonolayer Toshiba SSH 140A and the probe PSH-7DLT 7Hz, the arm and muscle perimeters were measured by US, the arm and muscle areas included were automatically calculated, and the fat area was calculated by subtraction. The MR images were acquired on a 1.5-T Philips Gyroscan ACS-NT, Power-Track 1000 scanner, and a knee coil was chosen for the upper-arm measurements. For statistical analysis parametric and nonparametric methods were used as appropriate. Results: Thirty infants born with ( ±SD) 30.7 ±1.9 weeks of gestational age and weighing 1380 ±325g were included in the study; they were assessed at 35.4 ±1.1 weeks of corrected age, weighing 1786 ±93g. None of the anthropometric measurements are individually acceptable (r2 <0.5) for prediction of the measurements obtained by MRI. The best and simple alternative equation found is the equation for prediction of the AMA (r2 = 0.56), derived from the results of multiple regression analysis: AMARM = (W x 0.17) + (MAC x 5.2) – (L x 6) – 150, being the W expressed in g, and L and MAC in cm. None of the ultrasonographic measurements are acceptable (r2 <0.5) predictors for the measurements obtained by MRI. Conclusions: The measurements of the upper-arm by anthropometry and by US are not accurate predictors for the regional body composition in preterm appropriate for gestational age infants.


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Dissertação apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Biotecnologia


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This paper suggests that a convenient score test against non-nested alternatives can be constructed from the linear combination of the likelihood functions of the competing models. It is shown that this procedure is essentially a test for the correct specification of the conditional distribution of the variable of interest.


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Dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Geospatial Technologies.


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Optimization is a very important field for getting the best possible value for the optimization function. Continuous optimization is optimization over real intervals. There are many global and local search techniques. Global search techniques try to get the global optima of the optimization problem. However, local search techniques are used more since they try to find a local minimal solution within an area of the search space. In Continuous Constraint Satisfaction Problems (CCSP)s, constraints are viewed as relations between variables, and the computations are supported by interval analysis. The continuous constraint programming framework provides branch-and-prune algorithms for covering sets of solutions for the constraints with sets of interval boxes which are the Cartesian product of intervals. These algorithms begin with an initial crude cover of the feasible space (the Cartesian product of the initial variable domains) which is recursively refined by interleaving pruning and branching steps until a stopping criterion is satisfied. In this work, we try to find a convenient way to use the advantages in CCSP branchand- prune with local search of global optimization applied locally over each pruned branch of the CCSP. We apply local search techniques of continuous optimization over the pruned boxes outputted by the CCSP techniques. We mainly use steepest descent technique with different characteristics such as penalty calculation and step length. We implement two main different local search algorithms. We use “Procure”, which is a constraint reasoning and global optimization framework, to implement our techniques, then we produce and introduce our results over a set of benchmarks.


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Seismic events are a major factor to consider in structural design of buildings in many countries. With the purpose of saving lives, most of the design codes lead to structural solutions that withstand large seismic actions without collapsing, but without taking into account a possible usage of the structures after the earthquake. As a result, it is necessary to consider the time needed to repair/retrofit the damaged structures (i.e. the downtime) since this period of inactivity may result in huge financial implications for the occupants of the buildings. In order to minimise the damages and simplify repair operations, structural solutions with rocking systems and negligible residual displacements have been developed during the last two decades. Systems with precast concrete rocking walls were studied with the aim of investigat- ing suitable and convenient structural alternatives to minimise the damage in case of an earthquake. Experimental, numerical and analytical analyses on post-tensioned solutions, with and without energy dissipation devices, were carried out in this research. The energy dissipation devices were made from steel angles that were further developed during the research. Different solutions for these devices were experimentally tested under cyclic loading and the results are presented. Numerical and analytical work on steel angles was also carried out. Regarding the concrete rocking wall systems, two concrete rocking wall systems were studied: post-tensioned walls and post-tensioned walls with energy dissipation devices. In the latter, the solution was to fix them externally to the wall, allowing their easy replacement after an earthquake. It is shown that the dissipaters are a viable solution for use in precast concrete rocking wall systems. A building case study is presented. The comparison between a traditional monolithic system and a hybrid solution was carried out, allowing the evaluation of the efficiency of the solution that was developed.


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The Corporate world is becoming more and more competitive. This leads organisations to adapt to this reality, by adopting more efficient processes, which result in a decrease in cost as well as an increase of product quality. One of these processes consists in making proposals to clients, which necessarily include a cost estimation of the project. This estimation is the main focus of this project. In particular, one of the goals is to evaluate which estimation models fit the Altran Portugal software factory the most, the organization where the fieldwork of this thesis will be carried out. There is no broad agreement about which is the type of estimation model more suitable to be used in software projects. Concerning contexts where there is plenty of objective information available to be used as input to an estimation model, model-based methods usually yield better results than the expert judgment. However, what happens more frequently is not having this volume and quality of information, which has a negative impact in the model-based methods performance, favouring the usage of expert judgement. In practice, most organisations use expert judgment, making themselves dependent on the expert. A common problem found is that the performance of the expert’s estimation depends on his previous experience with identical projects. This means that when new types of projects arrive, the estimation will have an unpredictable accuracy. Moreover, different experts will make different estimates, based on their individual experience. As a result, the company will not directly attain a continuous growing knowledge about how the estimate should be carried. Estimation models depend on the input information collected from previous projects, the size of the project database and the resources available. Altran currently does not store the input information from previous projects in a systematic way. It has a small project database and a team of experts. Our work is targeted to companies that operate in similar contexts. We start by gathering information from the organisation in order to identify which estimation approaches can be applied considering the organization’s context. A gap analysis is used to understand what type of information the company would have to collect so that other approaches would become available. Based on our assessment, in our opinion, expert judgment is the most adequate approach for Altran Portugal, in the current context. We analysed past development and evolution projects from Altran Portugal and assessed their estimates. This resulted in the identification of common estimation deviations, errors, and patterns, which lead to the proposal of metrics to help estimators produce estimates leveraging past projects quantitative and qualitative information in a convenient way. This dissertation aims to contribute to more realistic estimates, by identifying shortcomings in the current estimation process and supporting the self-improvement of the process, by gathering as much relevant information as possible from each finished project.


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Este trabalho foi efectuado com o apoio da Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto Superior de Agronomia com o Centro de Engenharia dos Biossistemas (CEER


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In the early nineties, Mark Weiser wrote a series of seminal papers that introduced the concept of Ubiquitous Computing. According to Weiser, computers require too much attention from the user, drawing his focus from the tasks at hand. Instead of being the centre of attention, computers should be so natural that they would vanish into the human environment. Computers become not only truly pervasive but also effectively invisible and unobtrusive to the user. This requires not only for smaller, cheaper and low power consumption computers, but also for equally convenient display solutions that can be harmoniously integrated into our surroundings. With the advent of Printed Electronics, new ways to link the physical and the digital worlds became available. By combining common printing techniques such as inkjet printing with electro-optical functional inks, it is starting to be possible not only to mass-produce extremely thin, flexible and cost effective electronic circuits but also to introduce electronic functionalities into products where it was previously unavailable. Indeed, Printed Electronics is enabling the creation of novel sensing and display elements for interactive devices, free of form factor. At the same time, the rise in the availability and affordability of digital fabrication technologies, namely of 3D printers, to the average consumer is fostering a new industrial (digital) revolution and the democratisation of innovation. Nowadays, end-users are already able to custom design and manufacture on demand their own physical products, according to their own needs. In the future, they will be able to fabricate interactive digital devices with user-specific form and functionality from the comfort of their homes. This thesis explores how task-specific, low computation, interactive devices capable of presenting dynamic visual information can be created using Printed Electronics technologies, whilst following an approach based on the ideals behind Personal Fabrication. Focus is given on the use of printed electrochromic displays as a medium for delivering dynamic digital information. According to the architecture of the displays, several approaches are highlighted and categorised. Furthermore, a pictorial computation model based on extended cellular automata principles is used to programme dynamic simulation models into matrix-based electrochromic displays. Envisaged applications include the modelling of physical, chemical, biological, and environmental phenomena.