7 resultados para Contaminated


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Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia - PTDC/AGR-­AAM/101643/2008 NanoDC ; SFRH/BD/76070/2011 ; FP7-­PEOPLE-­IRSES-­2010-­269289-­ ELECTROACROSS


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A contaminação constitui uma das principais causas de degradação do solo e encontra-se consagrada na Estratégia Temática de Protecção do Solo da Comissão das Comunidades Europeias. Segundo a Agência Europeia do Ambiente (AEA), actualmente, aproximadamente 250000 locais dos 32 países membros da AEA, encontram-se contaminados. As actividades de produção industrial e de serviços, juntamente com a indústria petrolífera constituem, a nível europeu, as principais fontes de contaminação de solos, atingindo 53% das actividades geradoras de contaminação. Para minimizar os impactes ambientais associados à contaminação de solos, as abordagens de avaliação e remediação têm evoluído no sentido de desenvolver ferramentas para a avaliação do risco de contaminação e técnicas de remediação com maior relação custo-benefício. Procura-se, por um lado, uma abordagem de gestão do risco face ao tipo de ocupação do solo, principalmente e, por outro lado, soluções de remediação com valorização económica do local. Neste trabalho pretende-se analisar a problemática da contaminação de solos por hidrocarbonetos, quer na fase de avaliação, quer na de remediação. Para tal, é apresentado o caso de estudo de uma contaminação do solo numa instalação de armazenagem de lubrificantes da empresa Total Portugal Petróleos SA, onde é analisada a fase de avaliação e remediação adoptada. Neste caso de estudo foi identificada uma contaminação no solo por hidrocarbonetos de cadeias longas (predominantes em lubrificantes), que se propagou para além dos limites da instalação de armazenagem. Foi seguida uma das abordagens do referencial de Ontario “Guideline for Use at Contaminated Sites in Ontario”, a de avaliação de risco específica para o local. De acordo com a aplicação desta abordagem, conclui-se que a zona contaminada, para um uso industrial, não apresenta um risco inaceitável para o solo e águas subterrâneas. Contudo, a zona mais afectada foi removida (96,7 t) e, posteriormente, encaminhada como resíduo para destino adequado, em função da sua tipologia. Foi, ainda, aplicado um oxidante (Reactivo Fenton) nas paredes da zona escavada para favorecer a degradação dos hidrocarbonetos remanescentes no solo. A zona escavada foi preenchida com outro solo, onde foi garantida a isenção de contaminantes, em particular hidrocarbonetos.


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Doutor em Engenharia Química, especialidade de Engenharia Bioquímica


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Water is a limited resource for which demand is growing. Contaminated water from inadequate wastewater treatment provides one of the greatest health challenges as it restricts development and increases poverty in emerging and developing countries. Therefore, the connection between wastewater and human health is linked to access to sanitation and to human waste disposal. Adequate sanitation is expected to create a barrier between disposed human excreta and sources of drinking water. Different approaches to wastewater management are required for different geographical regions and different stages of economic governance depending on the capacity to manage wastewater. Effective wastewater management can contribute to overcome the challenges of water scarcity. Separate collection of human urine at its source is one promising approach that strongly reduces the economic and load demands on wastewater treatment plants (WWTP). Treatment of source-separated urine appears as a sanitation system that is affordable, produces a valuable fertiliser, reduces pollution of water resources and promotes health. However, the technical realisation of urine separation still faces challenges. Biological hydrolysis of urea causes a strong increase of ammonia and pH. Under these conditions ammonia volatilises which can cause odour problems and significant nitrogen losses. The above problems can be avoided by urine stabilisation. Biological nitrification is a suitable process for stabilisation of urine. Urine is a highly concentrated nutrient solution which can lead to strong inhibition effects during bacterial nitrification. This can further lead to process instabilities. The major cause of instability is accumulation of the inhibitory intermediate compound nitrite, which could lead to process breakdown. Enhanced on-line nitrite monitoring can be applied in biological source-separated urine nitrification reactors as a sustainable and efficient way to improve the reactor performance, avoiding reactor failures and eventual loss of biological activity. Spectrophotometry appears as a promising candidate for the development and application of on-line nitrite monitoring. Spectroscopic methods together with chemometrics are presented in this work as a powerful tool for estimation of nitrite concentrations. Principal component regression (PCR) is applied for the estimation of nitrite concentrations using an immersible UV sensor and off-line spectra acquisition. The effect of particles and the effect of saturation, respectively, on the UV absorbance spectra are investigated. The analysis allows to conclude that (i) saturation has a substantial effect on nitrite estimation; (ii) particles appear to have less impact on nitrite estimation. In addition, improper mixing together with instabilities in the urine nitrification process appears to significantly reduce the performance of the estimation model.


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The main results presented in this PhD Dissertation have been published in interna-tional journals included in the Science Citation Index (SCI)


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The interest in chromium (Cr) arises from the widespread use of this heavy metal in various industrial processes that cause its release as liquid, solid and gaseous waste into the environment. The impact of Cr on the environment and living organisms primarily depends on its chemical form, since Cr(III) is an essential micronutrient for humans, other animals and plants, and Cr(VI) is highly toxic and a known human carcinogen. This study aimed to evaluate if the electrodialytic process (ED) is an appropriate treatment for Cr removal, through a critical overview of Cr speciation, before and after the ED experiments, to assess possible Cr(III)-Cr(VI) interconversions during the treatment. ED was the treatment technique applied to two types of matrices containing Cr: chromate copper arsenate (CCA) contaminated soil and municipal solid waste incineration (MSWI) fly ash. In order to study Cr remediation, three EDR set-ups were used: a new set-up, the combined cell (2/3C or 3/2C), with three compartments, alternating current between two anodes and different initial experimental conditions, one set-up with three compartments (3C cell) and the other set-up with two compartments (2C cell). The Cr removal rates obtained in this study were between 10-36% for the soil, and 1-13% for the fly ash. The highest Cr removal rates were achieved in the 26 days experiments: 36% for the soil, 13% for the fly ash. Regarding the 13 days experiments, the highest Cr removal rates were attained with the 2/3C set-up: 24% for the soil, 5% for the fly ash. The analysis of Cr(VI) was performed before and after ED experiments to evaluate eventual changes in Cr speciation during the treatment. This analysis was conducted by two methods: USEPA Method 3060A, for the extraction of Cr(VI); and Hach Company Method 8023, for the detection of Cr(VI). Despite the differences in Cr total concentration, both matrices presented a similar speciation, with Cr(III) being the main species found and Cr(VI) less than 3% of Cr total, before and after the treatment. For fly ash, Cr(VI) was initially below the detection limit of the method and remained that way after the treatment. For soil, Cr(VI) decreased after the treatment. Oxidation of Cr(III) to Cr(VI) did not occur during the ED process since there was no increase in Cr(VI) in the matrices after the treatment. Hence, the results of this study indicate that ED is an appropriate technique to remediate matrices containing Cr because it contributes to Cr removal, without causing Cr(III)-Cr(VI) interconversions.


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There is a need to develop viable techniques for removal and recovery organic and inorganic compounds from environmental matrices, due to their ecotoxicity, regulatory obligations or potential supplies as secondary materials. In this dissertation, electro –removal and –recovery techniques were applied to five different contaminated environmental matrices aiming phosphorus (P) recovery and/or contaminants removal. In a first phase, the electrokinetic process (EK) was carried out in soils for (i) metalloids and (ii) organic contaminants (OCs) removal. In the case of As and Sb mine contaminated soil, the EK process was additionally coupled with phytotechnologies. In a second phase, the electrodialytic process (ED) was applied to wastes aiming P recovery and simultaneous removal of (iii) toxins from membrane concentrate, (iv) heavy metals from sewage sludge ash (SSA), and (v) OCs from sewage sludge (SS). EK enhanced phytoremediation showed to be viable for the remediation of soils contaminated with metalloids, as although remediation was low, it combines advantages of both technologies while allowing site management. EK also proved to be an effective remediation technology for the removal and degradation of emerging OCs from two types of soil. Aiming P recovery and contaminants removal, different ED cell set-ups were tested. For the membrane concentrates, the best P recovery was achieved in a three compartment (3c) cell, but the highest toxin removal was obtained in a two compartment (2c) cell, placing the matrix in the cathode end. In the case of SSA the best approach for simultaneous P recovery and heavy metals removal was to use a 2c-cell placing the matrix in the anode end. However, for simultaneous P recovery and OCs removal, SS should be placed in the cathode end, in a 2c-cell. Overall, the data support that the selection of the cell design should be done case-by-case.