38 resultados para Consumption expenditure pattern
A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Management from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics
The definition and programming of distributed applications has become a major research issue due to the increasing availability of (large scale) distributed platforms and the requirements posed by the economical globalization. However, such a task requires a huge effort due to the complexity of the distributed environments: large amount of users may communicate and share information across different authority domains; moreover, the “execution environment” or “computations” are dynamic since the number of users and the computational infrastructure change in time. Grid environments, in particular, promise to be an answer to deal with such complexity, by providing high performance execution support to large amount of users, and resource sharing across different organizations. Nevertheless, programming in Grid environments is still a difficult task. There is a lack of high level programming paradigms and support tools that may guide the application developer and allow reusability of state-of-the-art solutions. Specifically, the main goal of the work presented in this thesis is to contribute to the simplification of the development cycle of applications for Grid environments by bringing structure and flexibility to three stages of that cycle through a commonmodel. The stages are: the design phase, the execution phase, and the reconfiguration phase. The common model is based on the manipulation of patterns through pattern operators, and the division of both patterns and operators into two categories, namely structural and behavioural. Moreover, both structural and behavioural patterns are first class entities at each of the aforesaid stages. At the design phase, patterns can be manipulated like other first class entities such as components. This allows a more structured way to build applications by reusing and composing state-of-the-art patterns. At the execution phase, patterns are units of execution control: it is possible, for example, to start or stop and to resume the execution of a pattern as a single entity. At the reconfiguration phase, patterns can also be manipulated as single entities with the additional advantage that it is possible to perform a structural reconfiguration while keeping some of the behavioural constraints, and vice-versa. For example, it is possible to replace a behavioural pattern, which was applied to some structural pattern, with another behavioural pattern. In this thesis, besides the proposal of the methodology for distributed application development, as sketched above, a definition of a relevant set of pattern operators was made. The methodology and the expressivity of the pattern operators were assessed through the development of several representative distributed applications. To support this validation, a prototype was designed and implemented, encompassing some relevant patterns and a significant part of the patterns operators defined. This prototype was based in the Triana environment; Triana supports the development and deployment of distributed applications in the Grid through a dataflow-based programming model. Additionally, this thesis also presents the analysis of a mapping of some operators for execution control onto the Distributed Resource Management Application API (DRMAA). This assessment confirmed the suitability of the proposed model, as well as the generality and flexibility of the defined pattern operators
The enzyme hydrogenase isolated from the sulphate reducing anaerobic bacterium Desulfovibrio gigas was encapsulated in reverse micelles of AOT–water–isooctane. The enzyme ability to consume molecular hydrogen was studied as a function of the micelle size (given by Wo = [H2O]/[organic solvent]). A peak of catalytic activity was obtained for Wo = 18, a micelle size theoretically fitting the heterodimeric hydrogenase molecule. At this Wo value, the recorded catalytic activity was slightly higher than in a buffer system(Kcat = 169.43 s−1 against the buffer value of 151 s−1). The optimal buffer used to encapsulate the enzyme was found to be imidazole 50 mM, pH 9.0. The molecular hydrogen production activity was also tested in this reverse micelle medium.
In this paper, the determinants of growth of aggregate health expenditures are investigated. The study departs from previous literature in that it looks at differences across countries in growth (and not levels) of health care expenditures. Estimation is made for 24 OECD countries. Health system characteristics usually believed to influence health expenditures growth, like population ageing, the type of health system (public reimbursement, public contract or integrate) and existence of gatekeepers, are found to be non-significant. Nevertheless, there is evidence that health expenditures experienced a clear slower growth in the last decade. The explanation for this slowdown could not be found in the proposed model and should stimulate further research.
Dissertação apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Informática
RESUMO - Assiste-se a um crescimento exponencial das despesas em saúde, quer na Europa como nos Estados Unidos. Em Portugal, os gastos totais com a saúde ascenderam a 10,2% do PIB, em 2006, contra os 8,8% registados no início da década anterior. É importante perceber o que motiva este crescimento quer em termos globais, quer no que diz respeito ao consumo de recursos, bem como até em termos da despesa pública. Este projecto tem dois objectivos fundamentais: em primeiro lugar, contribuir para o estudo dos factores determinantes da procura de cuidados de saúde em Portugal e, consequentemente, determinar as elasticidades procura – preço para diferentes tipos de cuidados de saúde. Metodologia: Estudo observacional baseado na análise empírica de dados administrativos (claims) respeitantes à utilização dos cuidados de saúde por parte de 12.230 indivíduos detentores de um plano de seguro de saúde individual, numa seguradora privada em Portugal. As elasticidades procura – preço para os diferentes tipos de cuidados de saúde obtiveram-se utilizando as variações percentuais das quantidades dos diferentes cuidados de saúde, antes e depois da variação do preço pago pelo indivíduo, para cada tipo de cuidado de saúde. Resultados: De acordo com a teoria económica tradicional o aumento do preço a pagar reduz o consumo de cuidados de saúde, e a procura é elástica, ou seja, os valores da elasticidade procura – preço obtidos são superiores a 1, em valor absoluto, logo o aumento do preço levou a uma redução mais do que proporcional das quantidades procuradas. A procura de cuidados de saúde em ambulatório é mais sensível à variação do preço do que a procura de cuidados de internamento. ------- ABSTRACT - We are witnessing an exponential growth of health care expenditures around the world. In Portugal, the total expenditure on health amounted to 10.2% of GDP in 2006, against 8.8% at the beginning of previous decade. It is important to understand what motivates this growth both in overall terms, with respect to resource consumption, and even in terms of public spending. This study was designed two achieve two objectives: first, to contribute to the study of demand for health care and, more specifically, to analyze the effect of price changes on the utilization of health care services; and secondly, to estimate the demand elasticity for different types of heath care. Methodology: Observational study based on empirical analysis of administrative data (claims) from a private health insurance Company in Portugal. The sample used had information regarding 12.230 individuals. Demand elasticity for the different types of health care services was obtained by the quotient between the percentage changes in the quantity of health care services, before and after the change in the price paid by the corresponding percentage change in the price. Results: This study showed that, for all medical services, price increases were associated with reductions in the quantity of care consumed as predicted by neoclassical demand theory, and we are in the presence of an elastic demand. This means that price elasticity is greater than 1 in absolute value so the increase in the price led to a more than proportional reduction in the quantity demanded. Demand elasticity was more responsive to changes in the price of specialist and emergency care than to changes in the price of inpatient care.
Sustainable Construction, Materials and Practice, p. 426-432
Pharmaceutical spending in many other countries has had a steep increase in the last decade. The Portuguese Government has adopted several measures to reduce pharmaceutical expenditure growth, ranging from increased co-payments to price decreases determined administratively. Promotion of generic consumption has also ranked high in political priorities. We assess the overall impact of the several policy measures on total pharmaceutical spending, using monthly data over the period January 1995 – August 2008. Endogenous structural breaks (time-series) methods were employed. Our findings suggest that policy measures aimed at controlling pharmaceutical expenditure have been, in general, unsuccessful. Two breaks were identified. Both coincide with administratively determined price decreases. Measures aimed at increasing competition in the market had no visible effect on the dynamics of Government spending in pharmaceutical products. In particular, the introduction of reference pricing had only a transitory effect of less than one year, with historical growth resuming quickly. The consequence of it is a transfer of financial burden from the Government to the patients, with no apparent effect on the dynamics of pharmaceutical spending. This strongly suggests that pharmaceutical companies have been able to adjust to policy measures, in order to sustain their sales. It remains a challenge for the future to identify firms’ strategies that supported continued growth of sales, despite the several policy measures adop
RESUMO Nos países industrializados observam-se elevadas prevalências de pré- obesidade e obesidade em jovens e adolescentes, com consequências negativas para a saúde. A obesidade é apontada como o distúrbio nutricional mais frequente em crianças e adolescentes nos países desenvolvidos e é resultado da acumulação excessiva ou anormal de gordura no tecido adiposo. Segundo a I.O.T.F. considera- se que uma criança tem pré-obesidade quando o seu percentil de I.M.C. está entre o p88 e p99 para as raparigas e entre o p90 e o p99 para os rapazes. Considerase que tem obesidade quando o percentil de I.M.C. é superior ao p99, para ambos os sexos. A prevalência de pré-obesidade e obesidade em crianças e adolescentes tem vindo a aumentar a nível mundial a um ritmo alarmante, sobretudo nos países desenvolvidos e em alguns segmentos de países em desenvolvimento. Estudos demonstram que a obesidade em crianças e adolescentes se encontra fortemente correlacionada com o aumento da morbilidade e mortalidade, reflectindo-se numa variedade de situações patológicas com risco de persistência no adulto. Dada a sua extrema importância em termos de Saúde Pública, as tendências para a pré- obesidade e obesidade em crianças e adolescentes devem ser monitorizadas com especial atenção. Os hábitos alimentares e o gasto energético são factores que influenciam a obesidade e o seu controlo. Há estudos que concluem que existe uma associação directa entre estes factos e a presença de obesidade e outros apresentam conclusões contrárias. Pretendeu-se determinar a prevalência de excesso de peso (pré-obesidade e obesidade) infantojuvenil em Portugal e associá-la com os hábitos alimentares, actividade física e comportamentos sedentários dos adolescentes. A população em estudo é todos os adolescentes, de ambos os sexos, que frequentam o ensino básico (2º e 3º ciclos) e secundário oficial de Portugal Continental (n=5708). Todos os elementos em estudos foram avaliados antropometricamente (peso e altura) e responderam a um questionário de hábitos alimentares e frequência alimentar, actividade física e comportamentos sedentários. Como resultados do estudo verificou-se que a prevalência de pré- obesidade infanto-juvenil em Portugal é de 22,6% e a prevalência de obesidade de 7,8%. Quer a obesidade quer a pré-obesidade apresentam indicadores superiores nos rapazes (p=0,01) e nos adolescentes mais jovens (p=0,00). Em relação aos hábitos alimentares estudados é de referir que a frequência de consumo de refeições fora de casa é muito similar entre o grupo normoponderal e o grupo com excesso de peso sendo a refeição da ceia consumida por um número muito superior de adolescentes normoponderais comparativamente com os que apresentam excesso de peso (p=0,01). Em relação à ingestão de determinados alimentos ou grupos alimentícios, verificou-se que, regra geral, o consumo de alimentos de características nutricionais de baixa qualidade (gordura saturada, sal e açucares simples) era superior no grupo normoponderal comparativamente ao grupo com excesso de peso (refrigerantes, snacks, fast-food, cereais açucarados, sobremesas doces) (p<0,05). Em relação à actividade física, o número de horas semanais de actividade física diminui do grupo normoponderal para o grupo com excesso de peso. Dentro do grupo com excesso de peso, os obesos apresentam ainda uma média inferior em relação aos pré-obesos. Poderemos afirmar que quanto maior o índice de actividade física menor o percentil de I.M.C., mostrando-se assim a actividade física como um factor protector de um peso saudável (p<0,05). Quando solicitado que caracterizassem o estilo de vida e a habilidade desportiva, verificou-se que nos grupos com excesso de peso se caracterizavam em indicadores mais baixos do que os normoponderais (p<0,05). No que diz respeito aos comportamentos sedentários, verifica-se que são mais prevalentes nos grupos com excesso de peso do que no grupo normoponderal (p<0,05). Em conclusão, os resultados da prevalência de obesidade obtidos assemelham-se aos resultados obtidos noutros estudos, constituindo um dado revelador de uma situação bastante preocupante em termos de Saúde Pública. Em relação aos hábitos alimentares as diferenças não são significativas entre os diferentes grupos (normoponderal, pré-obesidade e obesidade). A actividade física apresentou-se como um factor protector do aumento de peso com uma associação directa com o estado nutricional (I.M.C.). Verificou-se que os adolescentes em Portugal que apresentavam indicadores mais elevados de actividade física eram aqueles que se encontravam com peso normal. Os comportamentos sedentários apresentaram-se como um factor propício ao desenvolvimento do excesso de peso estando directamente relacionados com o percentil de I.M.C. Os comportamentos sedentários mais frequentes são o visionamento televisivo e o computador/internet. Assim, poder-se-á fundamentar a necessidade de medidas interventivas a este nível com o intuito de controlar os indicadores encontrados. ABSTRACT In the industrialized countries high prevalences of pre-obesity and obesity are observed in youngsters and adolescents, with negative health consequences. Obesity is pointed as the most frequent nutritional disturbance in children and adolescents in developed countries and results from the excessive or abnormal accumulation of fat in the adipose tissue. According to the IOTF a child is pre-obese when the BMI percentile is between p88 and p99 for girls and between p90 and p99 for boys. Obesity is considered when the BMI percentile is above p99 for both sexes. The prevalence of pre-obesity and obesity in children and adolescents has been rising alarmingly worldwide, especially in developed countries and some segments of developing countries. Studies indicate that obesity in children and adolescents is strongly associated with increased morbidity and mortality resulting in a variety of pathological situations with risk of persistence in adulthood. Given its major Public Health importance, pre-obesity and obesity trends in children and adolescents should be monitored with special attention. Eating habits and energy expenditure are factors that influence obesity and its control. Some studies conclude that there is a direct association between these factors and the presence of obesity and others present opposite conclusions. It was intended to determine the prevalence of overweight (pre-obesity and obesity) in children and youth in Portugal and to associate it with eating habits, physical activity and sedentary behaviors of adolescents. The population in study is constituted by all adolescents of both sexes that attend basic (2nd and 3rd grade) and secondary official education of continental Portugal (n=5708). All participants in study were anthropometrically evaluated (weight and height) and answered a questionnaire of eating habits and food frequency, physical activity and sedentary behaviors. The study results indicate a prevalence of pre-obesity in children and youth in Portugal of 22.6% and a prevalence of obesity of 7.8%. Both obesity and pre-obesity present higher indicators in boys (p=0.01) and younger adolescents (p=0.00). In relation to the studied eating habits it should be noted that the frequency of consumption of meals away from home is very similar between the normal weight group and the overweight group. Moreover, the supper meal is consumed by a much larger number of normal weight adolescents as compared to the ones with overweight (p=0.01). Regarding the intake of certain foods or food groups, it was found that, in general, the consumption of foods with characteristics of low nutritional quality (saturated fat, salt and simple sugars) was higher in the normoponderal group compared with the overweight group (soft drinks, snacks, fast-food, sugary cereals, desserts) (p<0.05). In respect to physical activity, the number of weekly hours of physical activity decreases from the normoponderal group to the group with overweight. Within the group with overweight, obese subjects also present a lower average than pre-obese subjects. As we can affirm that the higher the physical activity index the lower the BMI percentile, physical activity appears as a protective factor for a healthy weight (p<0.05). When they were asked to characterize their lifestyle and sports ability, it was found that overweight groups characterized themselves with lower indicators than the normoponderal group (p<0.05). Regarding sedentary behaviors, it appears that they were more prevalent in groups with overweight than in the normoponderal group (p<0.05). In conclusion, the results of the obesity prevalence attained are similar to the results obtained in other studies, revealing a very worrying situation in terms of Public Health. In relation to the eating habits there were no significant differences between the groups (normoponderal, pre-obesity and obesity). Physical activity appears as a protective factor from weight gain with a direct association with nutritional status (BMI). It was found that young people in Portugal who had the highest indicators of physical activity were those who presented normal weight. The sedentary behaviors were presented as a factor conducive to the development of overweight being directly related to the BMI percentile. The most frequent sedentary behaviors were television viewing and computer/internet
Background: Little is known about the risk of progression to hazardous alcohol use in people currently drinking at safe limits. We aimed to develop a prediction model (predictAL) for the development of hazardous drinking in safe drinkers. Methods: A prospective cohort study of adult general practice attendees in six European countries and Chile followed up over 6 months. We recruited 10,045 attendees between April 2003 to February 2005. 6193 European and 2462 Chilean attendees recorded AUDIT scores below 8 in men and 5 in women at recruitment and were used in modelling risk. 38 risk factors were measured to construct a risk model for the development of hazardous drinking using stepwise logistic regression. The model was corrected for over fitting and tested in an external population. The main outcome was hazardous drinking defined by an AUDIT score >= 8 in men and >= 5 in women. Results: 69.0% of attendees were recruited, of whom 89.5% participated again after six months. The risk factors in the final predictAL model were sex, age, country, baseline AUDIT score, panic syndrome and lifetime alcohol problem. The predictAL model's average c-index across all six European countries was 0.839 (95% CI 0.805, 0.873). The Hedge's g effect size for the difference in log odds of predicted probability between safe drinkers in Europe who subsequently developed hazardous alcohol use and those who did not was 1.38 (95% CI 1.25, 1.51). External validation of the algorithm in Chilean safe drinkers resulted in a c-index of 0.781 (95% CI 0.717, 0.846) and Hedge's g of 0.68 (95% CI 0.57, 0.78). Conclusions: The predictAL risk model for development of hazardous consumption in safe drinkers compares favourably with risk algorithms for disorders in other medical settings and can be a useful first step in prevention of alcohol misuse.
The objective of the paper is to help to understand recent changes in the structure of R&D activities, by analyzing data on the expenditure of the business sector in research and development (R&D). The results are framed in an international context, through comparison with indicators from the most developed countries, divided by technological intensity and economic activity. The study reveals that the indicators of Portuguese R&D expenditure in the business sector are closely linked both to fiscal policy and to high foreign direct investment in knowledge-intensive industries. It also links these indicators to phenomena such as the abundance of skilled labor in pharmaceutical industries and the government intervention in some sectors of the economy (namely health and rail transportation).
Dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Geospatial Technologies.
Dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Geospatial Technologies.
Dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Geospatial Technologies.
A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Economics from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics