6 resultados para Condition physique
The purpose of this paper is to study the consequences of using the Farrell and Shapiro (1990) sufficient condition for merger approval to sectors in which a downstream horizontal merger may also affect upstream firms. As will be shown below, in some circumstances the sign of the relevant external effect can no longer be established by considering the merger as a sequence of in finitesimal mergers, each corresponding to a marginal change in output.
O Professor Emérito da Universidade de Paris X (Nanterre) J. DEMANGEOT de há muito que nos habituou a esperar de cada livro seu um trabalho de Mestre,* pelo rigor da investigação, clareza de espírito, elegância de linguagem. A sua mais recente obra, Tropicalité - Géographie Physique Intertropical (340 páginas, 57 quadros, 109 figuras, 48 fotografias), vinda a público em Abril de 1999, sob a égide de Armand Colin, Paris, não só não nos desilude, como reforça os seus créditos. A obra é baseada num profundo conhecimento pessoal de uma (quinzena de regiões tropicais, do Brasil ao Cambodja, passando pela África e pela índia, estudos realizados ao longo de trinta anos. Além de estes estudos de terreno, o Professor DEMANGEOT aceitou um convite da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro e aí leccionou durante dois anos, tempo que lhe permitíu realizar e desenvolver pesquisas da sua especialidade e cujos resultados largamente tem usado nos seus trabalhos. Esta longa experiência pessoal, contudo, não o inibiu de compulsar extensa e actualizadíssima bibUografia internacional - a par, naturalmente com obras antígas, mas de fundo - que totalizaram milhar e meio de trabalhos, embora no livro, por imposições alheias à sua vontade tívessem sido reduzidas a pouco mais de um quinto... Não admira, assim, que o tema agora apresentado, desenvolvido sob um esquema muito lógico e aparentemente simples, seja, simultaneamente, uma obra clássica e original.
Dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Geospatial Technologies.
Dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Geospatial Technologies.
Pavements require maintenance in order to provide good service levels during their life period. Because of the significant costs of this operation and the importance of a proper planning, a pavement evaluation methodology, named Pavement Condition Index (PCI), was created by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. This methodology allows for the evaluation of the pavement condition along the life period, generally yearly, with minimum costs and, in this way, it is possible to plan the maintenance action and to adopt adequate measures, minimising the rehabilitation costs. The PCI methodology provides an evaluation based on visual inspection, namely on the distresses observed on the pavement. This condition index of the pavement is classified from 0 to 100, where 0 it is the worst possible condition and 100 the best possible condition. This methodology of pavement assessment represents a significant tool for management methods such as airport pavement management system (APMS) and life-cycle costs analysis (LCCA). Nevertheless, it has some limitations which can jeopardize the correct evaluation of the pavement behavior. Therefore the objective of this dissertation is to help reducing its limitations and make it easier and faster to use. Thus, an automated process of PCI calculation was developed, avoiding the abaci consultation, and consequently, minimizing the human error. To facilitate also the visual inspection a Tablet application was developed to replace the common inspection data sheet and thus making the survey easier to be undertaken. Following, an airport pavement condition was study accordingly with the methodology described at Standard Test Method for Airport Pavement Condition Index Surveys D5340, 2011 where its original condition level is compared with the condition level after iterate possible erroneous considered distresses as well as possible rehabilitations. Afterwards, the results obtained were analyzed and the main conclusions presented together with some future developments.