17 resultados para CLIMBERS ELEVATION
The physiological responses of the clam R. decussatus from the Ria Formosa, southern Portugal, were examined in relation to normoxia, hypoxia (11, 6, 3 and 1.2 kPa) and anoxia; acute elevation of temperature (at 20, 27 and 32 °C), and its effect on the resistance to air exposure (at 20, 28 and 35 °C); current velocity (0.6, 3, 8 17, 24 and 36 cm. s-1) and turbidity (10, 100 and 300 mg. l-1 dry weight of particulate matter), and the efficiency of this species in retaining particles of different size (at 10 and 100 mg. l-1); and to copper contamination considering both short-term acute exposure to high levels (0.1-10 mg Cu. l-1) and chronic environmental levels (0.01 mg Cu. l-1). Clearance rates, respiration rates, absorption efficiency and excretion rates were assessed through the physiological energetics in terms of the energy budget and scope for growth (SFG). Stress independent respiration rates (R) and clearance rates (CR) were observed in relation to hypoxia down to 12 kPa and 6 kPa, respectively. Anoxic rates were 3.6 % of normoxic rates. Scope for growth was greatly reduced under extreme hypoxia (14 % of SFG in normoxia). Respiration rate was temperature independent in the range 20-32 °C but the decline in clearance rate resulted in negative SFG at 32 °C. Gaping during air exposure and the maintenance of faster aerobic metabolism led to 100 % mortality in 20 hours at 35 °C, 4 days at 28 °C and 5 days at 20 °C. Low current velocities (≤ 8 cm. s-1) supported high clearance rates. Shear stresses ≥ 0.9 Pa induced sediment movement and disturbed the feeding processes resulting in decreased clearance rates (at 36 cm. s-1, is 10 % of maximum CR). The observed ability of jetting out depleted water at a different level than the one of the inhalant current results is an important adaptation of clams to the slow currents of sheltered environments. Ingestion at high seston concentrations (> 100 mg. l-1) is controled by reducing the amount filtered, lowering CR (to 30 % of CR at low seston loads) and producing pseudofeces. Observed efficient retention of particles (70-100 %) in the range 3 to 8 μm is beneficial when algal cells are diluted by fine silt particles as it is likely to occur in the clams natural environment. R. decussatus in the short term escaped the exposure to copper by valve closure and therefore acute tests are not applicable to adult clams of this species. At environmental levels chronic exposure to copper did not induce lethal effects during the exposure period (20 days), but scope for growth was reduced to c. 30 %, indicating sustained impairment of physiological functions. The sensitivity of the physiological energetics and the integrated scope for growth measurement in assessing stress effects caused by natural environmental factors was highlighted.
Proceedings of tile 1" R.C.A.N.S. Congress, Lisboa, October 1992
Dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Geospatial Technologies.
Dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Geospatial Technologies.
Dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Geospatial Technologies
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia do Ambiente, Perfil de Gestão e Sistemas Ambientais
RESUMO: Introdução: A relação cinemática entre as articulações do CAO apresenta grande importância na função do MS, e é por isso cada vez mais investigada e descrita. O posicionamento da omoplata ganha um importante papel para compreender as DCAO. É indiscutível o importante papel da omoplata na dinâmica do MS, bem como o posicionamento escapular como parâmetro clínico de disfunção do CAO. Todos estes factores criam a necessidade de desenvolver instrumentos de avaliação da posição da articulação ET. A grande maioria dos testes de avaliação, restringem a sua avaliação às disfunções da articulação GU, não integrando uma avaliação mais dinâmica e interactiva que respeite os pressupostos teóricos inerentes ao REU. È importante também que os métodos de avaliação sejam de fácil aplicabilidade clínica e que avaliem fidedignamente e com validade os outcomes. Objectivos: Contribuir para o desenvolvimento de uma metodologia de avaliação da omoplata em diferentes amplitudes do MS, através do estudo da validade concorrente, da fidedignidade intra e inter-observador. Metodologia: A amostra foi constituída por 20 elementos seleccionados por conveniência, entre o corpo de discentes da ESS-IPS, sem história de disfunção do CAO. Foi realizada uma análise cinemática ao MS de cada sujeito, usando um aparelho de análise por varrimento electromagnético, o FOB. Em cada sujeito foram ainda medidas, as distâncias escapulares em estudo, usando a fita métrica. Cada método de medição foi constituído por dois momento (teste e reteste), em cada momento, as medidas eram recolhidas por dois investigadores distintos. Resultados e Discussão: Foram considerados como positivos os resultados que se apresentassem acima do limiar de 0,5, que classifica uma correlação como moderada a excelente. Os resultados da validade mostram que para o investigador 1 nas medidas M1e M2 apenas houve correlação com valores excelentes a moderados até aos 30º de elevação do MS. Já para M3 apenas aos 30º no plano da omoplata essa mesma correlação não tem valores próximos do cutpoint. Em M4 nenhum valor tem correlação significativa com os valores do FOB, chegando mesmo a haver correlação negativa para os 120º no plano da omoplata. Em M5 apenas os 0º mostram valores correlacionais excelentes a moderados. Para o investigador 2, em M1 e M2 á semelhança do investigador 1, só existem valores de correlação significativos até aos 30º de elevação do MS. Já para M3 todos os valores mostram excelente a moderada correlação á excepção dos 120º no plano frontal. Em M4 este investigador apresenta maus resultados. Já em M5 os valores de correlação são moderados aos 0º e aos 90º. No que diz respeitos aos resultados dos CCI intra-observador,podemos afirmar que foi em M5 que estes valores mais se aproximaram do cut point. M1 e M2 são as medidas onde se encontram resultados menos satisfatórios. É aos 60º que existem valores mais satisfatórios, seguidos pelos 0º e 30º, quando nos aproximamos de graus mais elevados, como 90º e 120º, estes valores tendem a baixar. Quanto á fidedignidade inter-observador para M1 apenas aos 90º e aos 120º houve valores de correlação abaixo do cutpoint. Em M2, só os 60º do plano sagital não teve valores acima do cutpoint, em M3 apenas os 30º plano sagital não obtiveram valores acima do cut-point, o mesmo acontece para M3 aos 30º plano da omoplata e em M5 aos 30º e 120º no plano frontal. Conclusão: Os resultados deste estudo indicam que a metodologia em causa apresenta elevado grau de fidedignidade inter-observador, já no que toca é fidedignidade intra-observador o grau de semelhança não é tão elevado. Também o erro associado á medida não ultrapassou 1,5cm, sendo considerado baixo. Na validade concorrente concluímos que é aos 0º que a metodologia se torna uma opção válida na aferição das distâncias medidas com uma boa a excelente concordância com o FOB. As medidas consideradas como opções válidas, nas diferentes amplitudes, podem funcionar como parâmetros clínicos de caracterização do posicionamento da omoplata, podendo vir a contribuir ainda para a caracterização da orientação da mesma.-------------------- ABSTRACT:Introduction: The kinematic relationship between the joints of the CAO has great importance in the function of MS, which is why more and more investigated and described. The positioning of the blade gets an important role in understanding the DCAO. There is no doubt the important role of the scapula in the dynamics of MS as well as the positioning of scapular dysfunction as a clinical parameter of the CAO. All these factors create the need to develop tools for evaluating the place of articulation ET. Most assessment tests, restrict its assessment to GU joint disorders, not incorporating a more dynamic and interactive way that respects the theoretical assumptions inherent in the REU. It is also important that the methods are easy to apply clinical and reliably to assess the validity and outcomes. Objectives: To contribute to the development of a methodology for evaluating the scapula in different ranges of MS, through the study of concurrent validity, reliability of intra-and inter-observer. Methodology: The sample consisted of 20 selected elements for convenience, between the body of students of IPS-ESS with no history of dysfunction of the CAO. We performed a kinematic analysis of each subject to MS, using a scanning device for electromagnetic analysis, the FOB. In each subject were also measured, the scapular distances under study, using tape measure. Each method of measuring the time consisted of two (test and retest), in each moment, the measures were collected by two different investigators. Results and Discussion: We considered as positive results that were above the threshold of 0.5, which ranks as a moderate to excellent correlation. The results show that the validity for the researcher in an action M1e M2 was only correlated with moderate to excellent values up to 30º of elevation of the MS. As for M3 only to 30º in the plane of the scapula has the same correlation values near the cutpoint. M4 has no value in correlation with the values of the FOB, and even negative correlation to 120 ° in the plane of the scapula. In M5 show only the values 0 ° correlational excellent to moderate. For investigator 2 in M1 and M2 will be like an investigator, there are only significant correlation values up to 30º of elevation of the MS. As for M3 all the values show excellent correlation to moderate with the exception of 120 ° in the frontal plane. In this researcher M4 has bad results. M5 already in the correlation values are moderate to 0º and 90 º. Regarding the results of ICC intra-observer, we can say that M5 was that these values come closest to the cut point. M1 and M2 are measures which are less than satisfactory results. At 60 ° there are more satisfactory values, followed by 0º and 30º, when we approached the highest levels, such as 90 ° and 120 °, these values tend to decrease. The inter-observer reliability for M1 only to 90 º and 120 ºcorrelation values were below the cutpoint. In M2, only 60 of the sagital plane did not have values above the cutpoint in M3 only 30º sagital plane did not obtain values above the cut-point, the same goes for M3 at 30 ° plane of the scapula and M5 at 30 º and 120 º in frontal plane. Conclusion: The results of this study indicate that the methodology in question has a high degree of inter-observer reliability, as far as intra-observer reliability is the degree of similarity is not as high. Also the error of measure did not exceed 1.5 cm, and is considered low. In concurrent validity conclude that it is at 0 ° the methodology becomes a valid option for the measurement of distances measured with a good to excellent agreement with the FOB. The measures considered as valid options in different amplitudes, can function as clinical parameters to characterize the positioning of the shoulder blade and could further contribute to the characterization of the orientation of the same.
Dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Geospatial Technologies.
Dissecting cross-talk between microglia and motoneurons in ALS: signaling events and soluble factors
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Genética Molecular e Biomedicina
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Biomédica
Tede de Doutoramento, na especialidade de Ciências Políticas apresentada à FDUNL
RESUMO: Contexto: As anomalias congénitas, com particular destaque para as neuploidias , afectam aproximadamente 2% dos recém-nascidos, constituindo causas frequentes de morbilidade e mortalidade. Actualmente, a avaliação do grau de risco para as aneuploidias mais prevalentes (T21, T13, T18) é efectuada através do “Rastreio Combinado do 1º Trimestre”, devendo as grávidas com risco acrescido ser sujeitas a exames invasivos (ex.biópsia das vilosidades coriónicas,amniocentese). Quanto mais qualidade existir num rastreio, menos falsos positivos existirão e menor o número de exames diagnósticos invasivos desnecessários. As doenças autoimunes são doenças inflamatórias crónicas em cuja fisiopatologia se encontram distúrbios da imunidade humoral e celular, dependentes de factores genéticos, hormonais,psicológicos e ambientais. Atingem mais o sexo feminino e durante a idade fértil,podendo influenciar o outcome da gravidez e a saúde neonatal causando significativa morbilidade e mortalidade. O lúpus eritematoso sistémico para além de potencialmente afectado pelas alterações imunoendócrinas fisiológicas da gravidez, associa-se frequentemente a problemas de fertilidade. Recentemente, foi sugerido que as anormalidades ocorridas durante a invasão precoce do sinciciotrofoblasto, resultando em deficiente diferenciação, deficiente maturação e diminuição na produção de hCG, poderão ser o mecanismo fisiopatológico primário para as perdas fetais no primeiro trimestre, nos doentes com SLE. A ocorrência de níveis elevados de hCG total e ß-hCG livre no rastreio para despiste de síndrome de Down do segundo e do primeiro trimestre foi assinalada em grávidas portadoras de lúpus, mas a escassez de estudos comprovativos e a pequena dimensão das amostras estudadas constituiu uma limitação significativa na fidedignidade dos resultados obtidos. Objectivos: O estudo teve como objectivos i. estabelecer valores normativos Portugueses e de distribuição para as MoM’s dos parâmetros séricos do primeiro trimestre, por semana de gestação:(PAPP-A e ß-hCG livre), ii. avaliar a influência que as doenças autoimunes têm sobre as MoM’s individuais dos parâmetros bioquímicos PAPP-A e/ou ß-hCG livre, utilizados no rastreio pré-natal combinado do 1º trimestre, e iii. saber se as doenças autoimunes podem condicionar um aumento da taxa de resultados falsos positivos, com consequente aumento do número de amniocenteses. Metodologia: Estudo longitudinal prospectivo, consistindo num rastreio pré-natal combinado de 1º trimestre para pesquisa de aneuploidias, em duas amostras provenientes do Reino Unido (n= 45,854) e de Portugal (n=3122). Foram avaliados parâmetros socio-demográficos, ecográficos, laboratoriais, e calculados os indicadores de desempenho do rastreio combinado. A execução analítica dos testes bioquímicos séricos (PAPP-A e ß-hCG livre) foi realizada no autoanalisador Brahms Kryptor e no autoanalizador 6000 Delfia Xpress. Compararam-se os grupos autoimune e não autoimune das amostras. Resultados: Relativamente às características populacionais, o grupo auto imune tinha valores significativamente superiores nas variáveis idade materna e idade gestacional. Comparando os grupos com e sem doença autoimune, constatou-se a existência de uma elevação das MoM’s da ß-hCG livre nas grávidas com doença autoimune, nomeadamente nos casos de lúpus eritematoso sistémico. Conclusões: os resultado obtidos reforçam a indicação do rastreio combinado do 1º trimestre certificado pela FMF nas grávidas com doenças autoimunes, nomeadamente para as doentes com LES; no entanto, devem ser calculados e introduzidos factores de correcção no algoritmo de risco, de modo a evitar a subida no número de resultados falso-positivos, e consequentemente a sobre- utilização de métodos invasivos.------------ ABSTRACT: Context: Congenital anomalies, with particular reference to aneuploidias, affect approximately 2% of newborns, and are frequent causes of morbidity and mortality. Currently, the risk evaluation for the most prevalent aneuploidias (T21, T13, T18) is carried out through the “combined first trimester screening”, and pregnant women with increased risk are subjected to invasive tests (e.g. villus biopsy done, amniocentesis). The more quality exists in a screening, less false positives exists and fewer unnecessary invasive diagnostic exams. Autoimmune diseases are chronic inflammatory diseases in whose pathophysiology are immune humoral and cellular disorders, dependent on genetic factors, hormonal, psychological and environmental factors. The disease is more prevalent among females, during the child-bearing age, and may influence the outcome of pregnancy and neonatal health causing significant morbidity and mortality. Lupus Erythematosus in addition to potentially affected by immunoendocrine physiological changes of pregnancy, is often associated with fertility problems. Recently, it has been suggested that the abnormalities that occurred during the early invasion of the syncytiotrophoblast, resulting in insufficient differentiation, deficient maturation and decrease in production of hCG may be the primary pathophysiological mechanism for fetal losses in the first quarter, in patients with SLE. The occurrence of elevated levels of total hCG and free ß-hCG in screening for Down’s syndrome of the second and first trimester was reported in pregnant women with lupus, but the paucity of supporting studies and the small size of the samples studied constituted a significant limitation on the trustworthiness of the results obtained. Objectives: this study aims to i. establish normative values for the serum parameters MoM’s (PAPP-A and free β-hCG) and it’s distribution, in the first trimester, by week of pregnancy; ii. assess the influence that the autoimmune diseases have on the MoM’s of individual biochemical PAPP-A and/or β-hCG, used in antenatal screening combined for the first trimester, and iii. whether the autoimmune diseases may make an increased rate of false positives, with consequent increase in the number of amniocenteses.Methodology: Prospective longitudinal study, consisting of a combined first trimester antenatal screening for aneuploidies lookup in two samples from the United Kingdom (n=45.854) and Portugal (n= 3.122). Socio-demographic, echographic and laboratory parameters were evaluated, and combined screening performance indicators were calculated. The analytical run of serum biochemical tests (PAPP-A and ß-hCG) was held at the Brahms Kryptor and in Delfia Xpress 6000. Comparisons between autoimmune group and non-autoimmune group were made. Results: Relating to population characteristics, the autoimmune group had significantly diferente values in the variables maternal age and gestational age. Comparing the groups with and without autoimmune disease, it was noted that there is an elevation of the MoM’s of free ß-hCG levels in pregnant women with autoimmune disease, particularly in cases of systemic lupus erythematosus. Conclusions: The results obtained reinforce the indication of FMF certified combined screening in pregnant women with autoimmune diseases, notably to the patients with SLE; However, correction factors should be calculated and entered in the risk algorithm, in order to avoid the rise in the number of false positive results, and consequently the over-use of invasive methods.
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Genética Molecular e Biomedicina
The aim of this paper is to identify, analyse and question the expressions of humour in O Espreitador do Mundo Novo, a monthly periodical published by José Daniel Rodrigues da Costa throughout 1802. It is a chapter of a PhD thesis in History and Theory of Ideas with the title “Correcting by laughter. Humour in Portuguese periodical press 1797-1834”. Positing humour as a social and cultural phenomenon, it is regarded here in a broad sense, comprehending wit, joke, ridicule, satire, jest, mockery, facetiousness or irony, displayed with recourse to various figures of speech. This interdisciplinary work intends listing and researching the themes and issues of the periodical and its targets, namely the social, age or gender stereotypes and to acknowledge its political stances. Another main purpose of this paper is to assess the role of humour as expressed in the printed periodical as a political and social weapon, criticizing ways (and which ways) and/or fashions, often ridiculing novelty just for being new in order to maintain the statu quo, and to establish in which senses humour was used in the context of late Ancien Régime and early liberalism culture. The humour of O Espreitador has also played a part in framing a public sphere in early nineteenth-century Portugal, as can be seen by the different “stages” and backgrounds where the monthly installments of the periodical take place: squares, coffee houses, fairgrounds, private houses, jailhouses, churches, public promenades, pilgrimages, bullfights, parties, the opera house – each of them a space of sociability and socialization. In this one, as in other periodicals of the time, printed humour stands at the crossroads of politics and culture, in spaces boldly widening before the reader. Albeit, there are quite a few loud silences in O Espreitador: not even the slightest remark to the church, the clergy or the Inquisition, only reverential references to the established order and the powers that be. The periodical criticizes the criticizers; it is against those who are against. The repeated disclaimers are intended not only to protect the author from libel suits or other litigation. They belong to a centuries-old tradition which, as early as the Middle Ages, has set apart escárnio (scorn) from maldizer (slander): José Daniel Rodrigues da Costa distinguishes satire from rebuking vice – a “cheerful criticism” forerunner of the ironic humour which was to become a trademark of Portuguese literature in the second half of the nineteenth century. Targeting those who deviate from the social norm (for example social climbers and older women who marry young men) or the followers of fashion (sometimes specifically “French fashion”), O Espreitador charges at liberal and progressive ideas. It ridicules the ways of the “New World” in order to perpetuate an idealized version of the “Old World”. Notwithstanding two exceptions – it condemns racism and bullfighting –, the humour of O Espreitador is conservative and conformist from a social and political standpoint.
This paper presents a preliminary acoustic study concerning the development of the first prototype of a patented removable module for interior partitioning. It is a prefabricated, vertical element for division of interior spaces that does not require the use of gutters or technical support. A set of such modules, linearly disposed, will create a division, allowing the personalization of any indoor area, including open office spaces, rooms, among others. The main characteristic that distinguishes this element from the existing solutions available on the market is that its mobility relies exclusively on a set of integrated bearings at the base of each module. Through an incorporated elevation system, the user can lower the module, move it to the desired position and re-elevate it until pressed against the ledge of the ceiling, making it stable. In this sense, and taking into account its acoustic behavior, several tests were made in the LNEC acoustics lab. Airborne sound insulation tests for different typologies of the prototype were conducted, according to the applicable standards EN ISO 354:2003, EN ISO 717-1:2013 and EN ISO 10140-2:2010. Some important conclusions and analysis of the prototype viability were extracted.