16 resultados para Buildings Repair and reconstruction -- Catalunya -- Barcelona


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International Conference Durable Structures: from construction to rehabilitation. Lisbon, LNEC, 31 May-1 June 2012


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3rd Historic Mortars Conference, 11-14 September 2013, Glasgow, Scotland


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Informática


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Short Term Scienti c Mission, COST ACTION TU-0601


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HMC08 - 1st Historical Mortars Conference: Characterization, Diagnosis, Conservation, Repair and Compatibility, LNEC, Lisbon, 24-26 September 2008


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HMC08 - 1st Historical Mortars Conference: Characterization, Diagnosis, Conservation, Repair and Compatibilit, LNEC, Lisbon, 24-26 September 2008


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HMC08 - 1st Historical Mortars Conference: Characterization, Diagnosis, Conservation, Repair and Compatibility, LNEC, Lisbon, 24-26 September 2008


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A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Management from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics


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Considering the fundamental importance of preserving the built heritage and of ensuring the good performance achieved by incorporating ceramic particles in lime mortars in ancient times, it is important to study solutions that use materials the available today, in order to produce mortars intended to repair and replace the old ones. Solutions incorporating industrial ceramic waste might be profitable for several reasons, namely for economic, environmental and technical aspects. In this paper, seven ceramic waste products collected from ceramics factories are characterized. Their mineralogy, dimensional features and pozzolanicity were determined. Three of these products, with different particle size fractions (obtained directly from milling, dust only and fragment fractions only), were selected, incorporated into air lime mortars, and their mechanical strength was determined. In the present work, evidence of mechanical efficiency, when common sand or air lime were partially replaced by ceramic wastes, was made clear, drawing attention to the sustainability of this type of mortars, hence, encouraging further research.


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This proposal aims to explore the use of available technologies for video representation of sets and performers in order to serve as support for composition processes and artistic performer rehearsals, while focusing in representing the performer’s body and its movements, and its relation with objects belonging to the three-dimensional space of their performances. This project’s main goal is to design and develop a system that can spatially represent the performer and its movements, by means of capturing processes and reconstruction using a camera device, as well as enhance the three-dimensional space where the performance occurs by allowing interaction with virtual objects and by adding a video component, either for documentary purposes, or for live performances effects (for example, using video mapping video techniques in captured video or projection during a performance).


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The existence of molecular mechanisms of response, repair and adaptation, many of which are greatly conserved across nature, gives to the cell with the plasticity it requires to adjust to its ever-changing environment, a homeostatic event that is termed the stress response. In the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae there is a particular family of transcription factors, the Yap family, which has been shown to have a relevant role in yeast adaptation to several stress conditions. In particular, Yap1 is the major regulator of the transcriptional response to oxidative stress and Yap2 and Yap8 play important roles upon cadmium and arsenic exposure, respectively.(...)


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RESUMO: O cancro da mama é a patologia oncológica mais frequente nas mulheres sendo o responsável pela maior taxa de mortalidade por cancro no sexo feminino. Contudo, as causas inerentes a esta patologia permanecem por esclarecer. Nos últimos anos tem-se verificado que o risco para patologia neoplásica depende de factores ambientais e genéticos, estando estes últimos associados à variabilidade genética inter-individual. Polimorfismos genéticos em genes envolvidos no metabolismo de hormonas sexuais, de cancerígenos ambientais e na reparação da lesão genética, são potenciais candidatos a estarem associados à susceptibilidade individual para esta patologia. Assim, neste trabalho desenvolveram-se estudos de associação caso-controlo na população Portuguesa, com vista a avaliar-se o papel atribuído aos polimorfismos na susceptibilidade para cancro da mama. Foram seleccionados polimorfismos em genes envolvidos em diferentes vias mecanicistas: destoxificação de cancerígenos, metabolismo de estrogénios, reparação por excisão de bases, reparação por excisão de nucleótidos, reparação mismatch e reparação por recombinação homóloga. Os resultados obtidos revelaram associação entre os seguintes polimorfismos e a susceptibilidade individual para cancro da mama: os dois SNPs estudados no gene XRCC1 (Arg194Trp e Arg399Gln) e o SNP no gene XRCC3 (Thr241Met) após estratificação pelo status menopausico. Mediante estratificação por status de amamentação os SNPs identificados nos genes MnSOD (Val16Ala) e XRCC2 (Arg118His); um SNP no gene MLH3 (Leu844Pro), e por fim como resultado de interacção gene-gene as interacções descritas por MSH3 Ala1045Thr/MSH6 Gly39Glu e MSH4 Ala97Thr/MLH3 Leu844Pro. Os resultados obtidos e apresentados na presente dissertação, revelam que o estudo de polimorfismos pode representar um papel determinante na etiologia do cancro da mama. No entanto, mais estudos envolvendo estes mesmos polimorfismos em populações casuisticamente superiores serão uma mais-valia nos estudos de associação para esta neoplasia. Adicionalmente, a utilização da metodologia de Pools de DNA, poderá ser uma ferramenta útil na pré-selecção dos polimorfismos mais relevantes a estudar, na medida em que permite estimar a frequência alélica de cada SNP numa determinada população.-----------------------------------ABSTRACT: Breast cancer is the most common form of cancer among women, being the responsible for the highest mortality rate from cancer among the female sex. However, the main causes related to this pathology remain unclear. The risk of neoplasic disease has been connected with genetic and environmental factors. In fact, genes and the environment share the stage for most, if not all, common non-familial cancers, and are related to individual susceptibility. Genetic polymorphisms identified in genes encoding enzymes involved in estrogen metabolism, xenobiotics and DNA repair pathways are believed to be candidates for associations with breast cancer. Therefore, it was our intention to develop case-control studies among the Portuguese population, in order to evaluate the potential role of several genetic polymorphisms in breast cancer susceptibility. We selected polymorphisms in genes involved in different pathways: carcinogenic detoxification, estrogen metabolism, base excision repair, nucleotide excision repair, mismatch repair and double strand break repair by homologous recombination. The results obtained revealed potential associations between some polymorphisms studied and individual susceptibility to breast cancer. Regarding this fact, our results suggest the potential involvement of two XRCC1 gene polymorphisms (Arg194Trp and Arg399Gln) and XRCC3 gene polymorphism (Thr241Met) after stratification to menopausal status and after stratification to breastfeeding status an association of MnSOD gene polymorphism (Val16Ala) and XRCC2 (Arg188His) with the disease. The SNP identified in MLH3 gene (Leu844Pro), and the interaction gene-gene described by MSH3 Ala1045Thr/MSH6 Gly39Glu and MSH4 Ala97Thr/MLH3 Leu844Pro were also related to breast cancer susceptibility. The results shown in the present dissertation have revealed the potential role of polymorphisms in breast cancer etiology. However, further studies will be needed with larger populations to confirm these results. Additionally, the use of DNA pools methodology, as a pre-selection tool, could allow the identification of the most relevant polymorphisms to be studied, estimating the allelic frequency of each SNPs in different populations.


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3rd Historic Mortars Conference, 11-14 September 2013, Glasgow, Scotland


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HMC08 - 1st Historical Mortars Conference: Characterization, Diagnosis, Conservation, Repair and Compatibility, LNEC, Lisbon, 24-26 September 2008


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Partindo dos dispositivos jurídicos em vigor (Código Civil e Regulamento Geral das Edificações Urbanas) e recuando até às antigas influências jurídicas (romanas e islâmicas), neste artigo procura-se perceber como os interstícios entre prédios em Portugal foram estabelecidos ao longo do tempo pela ordem jurídica. São contextualizadas e analisadas as antigas normas da almotaçaria e as normas contemporâneas, procurando perceber inovações e persistências. Por fim, realça-se a importância deste conhecimento para o estudo da forma urbana portuguesa.