18 resultados para Beta distribution
Two eocene ziphodont crocodillans (Ilberosuchus and Pristichampsus) are dealt with. Their distinction seems possible, even with isolated teeth. The association of both in some localities may account for some previous identification difficulties. Geographical and stratigraphical distribution indicated: for Pristichampsus from Germany to Spain, Cuisan to to Upper Lutetian; for Iberosuchus from France to Portugal, lower Lutetian to Bartonian and maybe Ludian.
In the central Algarve different soils have developed dependent on petrography of the parent material, slope position and recent erosion. The general patterns of occurence and distribution of different soils are described. The age of an eutric Nitosol is estimated and the relation between the soil and the parent material is investigated. Some different soils are described as examples with their chemical and physical properties. The water budget of soils is described in general with considerations concerning ground water recharge and run-off as well as in dependence of climate and of different site conditions.
Dissertação apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Biomédica. A presente dissertação foi desenvolvida no Erasmus Medical Center em Roterdão, Holanda
Dissertação apresentada para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Informática, pela Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia
The Mondunguara copper mines are situated in mountainous terrain in west-central Mozambique. The mineralization consists of chalcopyrite, pyrrhotite, common pcntlandite, cobaltpentlandite, pyrite and several minor oxides and sulphides in tabular ore bodies deeping steep to the north. Gold was known to occur in small quantities but no systematic sampling and analysis for precious clements was ever done. Mineralogical and geological evidence has shown that the ores are magmatic in origin and were derived from gabbro-peridotitic magma dykes saturated in sulphides when intruded. The ore bodies show a clear zonation. Platinum group elements as well as pure gold are associated with high temperature hexagonal pyrrhotite. This pyrrhotite being of no use is generally discarded to the tailing dumps. Late hydrothermal phases are enriched in native silver, silver tellurides as well as electrum.
Journal of Biological Inorganic Chemistry (2010)15: 271-281
Dissertação apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Energias Renováveis – Conversão Eléctrica e Utilização Sustentáveis
Dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Geospatial Technologies
RESUMO:Introdução: Reviu-se o conhecimento epidemiológico, fisiopatológico e clínico atual sobre a doença coronária, da sua génese até ao evento agudo, o Enfarte Agudo do Miocárdio (EAM). Valorizou-se, em especial, a teoria inflamatória da aterosclerose, que foi objeto de grandes desenvolvimentos na última década. Marcadores de instabilidade da placa aterosclerótica coronária: Aprofundou-se o conhecimento da placa aterosclerótica coronária instável. Descreveram-se detalhadamente os biomarcadores clínicos e laboratoriais associados à instabilidade da placa, com particular ênfase nos mecanismos inflamatórios. Objetivos:Estão divididos em dois pontos fundamentais:(1) Estudar em doentes com EAM a relação existente entre as moléculas inflamatórias: Interleucina-6 (IL-6), Fator de Necrose Tumoral-α (TNF-α) e Metaloproteinase de Matriz-3 (MMP3), não usados em contexto clínico, com um marcador inflamatório já em uso clínico: a Proteína C-Reativa ultrassensível (hs-CRP). Avaliar a relação de todas as moléculas inflamatórias com um biomarcador de lesão miocárdica: a Troponina Cardíaca I (cTnI). (2) Avaliar, no mesmo contexto de EAM, a Resposta de Fase Aguda (RFA) . Pretende-se demonstrar o impacto deste fenómeno, com repercussão clínica generalizada, no perfil lipídico e nos biomarcadores inflamatórios dos doentes. Métodos:(1) Estudo observacional prospetivo de doentes admitidos consecutivamente por EAM (grupo EAM) numa única unidade coronária, após exclusão de trauma ou infeção. Doseamento no sangue periférico, na admissão, de IL-6, TNF-α, MMP3, hs-CRP e cTnI. Este último biomarcador foi valorizado também nos valores séricos obtidos 6-9 horas depois. Procedeu-se a correlação linear (coeficiente de Pearson, de Rho-Spearman e determinação do R2) entre os 3 marcadores estudados com os valores de hs-CRP e de cTnI (valores da admissão e 6 a 9 horas após). Efetuou-se o cálculo dos coeficientes de regressão linear múltipla entre cTnI da admissão e cTnI 6-9h após, com o conjunto dos fatores inflamatórios estudados. (2) Estudo caso-controlo entre o grupo EAM e uma população aleatória de doentes seguidos em consulta de cardiologia, após exclusão de eventos cardiovasculares de qualquer território (grupo controlo) e também sem infeção ou trauma. Foram doseados os mesmos marcadores inflamatórios no grupo controlo e no grupo EAM. Nos dois grupos dosearam-se, ainda, as lipoproteínas: Colesterol total (CT), Colesterol HDL (HDLc), com as suas subfrações 2 e 3 (HDL 2 e HDL3), Colesterol LDL oxidado (LDLox),Triglicéridos (TG), Lipoproteína (a) [Lp(a)], Apolipoproteína A1 (ApoA1), Apolipoproteína B (ApoB) e Apolipoproteína E (ApoE). Definiram-se, em cada grupo, os dados demográficos, fatores de risco clássicos, terapêutica cardiovascular e o uso de anti-inflamatórios. Procedeu-se a análise multivariada em relação aos dados demográficos, fatores de risco e à terapêutica basal. Compararam-se as distribuições destas mesmas caraterísticas entre os dois grupos, assim como os valores séricos respetivos para as lipoproteínas estudadas. Procedeu-se à correlação entre as moléculas inflamatórias e as lipoproteínas, para todos os doentes estudados. Encontraram-se os coeficientes de regressão linear múltipla entre cada marcador inflamatório e o conjunto das moléculas lipídicas, por grupo. Finalmente, efetuou-se a comparação estatística entre os marcadores inflamatórios do grupo controlo e os marcadores inflamatórios do grupo EAM. Resultados: (1) Correlações encontradas, respetivamente, Pearson, Rho-Spearman e regressão-R2: IL-6/hs-CRP 0,549, p<0,001; 0,429, p=0,001; 0,302, p<0,001; MMP 3/hsCRP 0,325, p=0,014; 0,171, p=0,202; 0,106, p=0,014; TNF-α/hs-CRP 0,261, p=0,050; 0,315, p=0,017; 0,068, p=0.050; IL-6/cTnI admissão 0,486, p<0,001; 0,483, p<0,001; 0,236, p<0,001; MMP3/cTnI admissão 0,218, p=0,103; 0,146, p=0,278; 0,048, p=0,103; TNF-α/cTnI admissão 0,444, p=0,001; 0,380, p=0,004; 0,197, p=0,001; IL-6/cTnI 6-9h 0,676, p<0,001; 0,623, p<0,001; 0,456, p<0,01; MMP3/cTnI 6-9h 0,524, p=0,001; 0,149, p=0,270; 0,275, p<0,001; TNF-α/cTnI 6-9h 0,428, p=0,001, 0,452, p<0,001, 0,183, p<0,001. A regressão linear múltipla cTnI admissão/marcadores inflamatórios produziu: (R=0,638, R2=0,407) p<0,001 e cTnI 6-9h/marcadores inflamatórios (R=0,780, R2=0,609) p<0,001. (2) Significância da análise multivariada para idade (p=0,029), IMC>30 (p=0.070), AAS (p=0,040) e grupo (p=0,002). Diferenças importantes entre as distribuições dos dados basais entre os dois grupos (grupo controlo vs EAM): idade (47,95±11,55 vs 68,53±2,70 anos) p<0.001; sexo feminino (18,18 vs 22,80%) p=0,076; diabetes mellitus (9,09% vs 36,84%) p=0,012; AAS (18,18 vs 66,66%) p<0,001; clopidogrel (4,54% vs 66,66%) p=0,033; estatinas (31,81% vs 66,14%) p=0,078; beta-bloqueadores (18,18% vs 56,14%) p=0,011; anti-inflamatórios (4,54% vs 33,33%) p=0,009. Resultados da comparação entre os dois grupos quanto ao padrão lipídico (média±dp ou mediana/intervalo interquartil, grupo controlo vs EAM): CT (208,45±35,03 vs 171,05±41,63 mg/dl) p<0,001; HDLc (51,50/18,25 vs 42,00/16,00 mg/dl) p=0,007; HDL2 (8,50/3,25 vs 10,00/6,00 mg/dl) p=0,292; HDL3 (41,75±9,82 vs 31,75±9,41 mg/dl) p<0,001; LDLox (70,00/22,0 vs 43,50/21,00 U/L) p<0,001; TG (120,00/112,50 vs 107,00/86,00 mg/dl) p=0,527; Lp(a) (0,51/0,73 vs 0,51/0,50 g/L) p=0,854; ApoA1 (1,38±0,63 vs 1,19±0,21 g/L) p=0,002; ApoB (0,96±0,19 vs 0,78±0,28 g/L) p=0,004; ApoE (38,50/10,00 vs 38,00/17,00 mg/L) p=0,574. Nas correlações lineares entre as variáveis inflamatórias e as variáveis lipídicas para todos os doentes, encontrámos uma relação negativa entre IL-6 e CT, HDLc, HDL3, LDLox, ApoA1 e ApoB. A regressão múltipla marcadores inflamatórios/perfil lipídico (grupo controlo) foi: hs-CRP (R=0,883, R2=0,780) p=0,022; IL-6 (R=0,911, R2=0,830) p=0,007; MMP3 (R=0,498, R2=0,248) p=0,943; TNF-α (R=0,680, R2=0,462) p=0,524. A regressão múltipla marcadores inflamatórios/perfil lipídico (grupo EAM) foi: hs-CRP (R=0,647, R2=0,418) p=0,004; IL-6 (R=0,544, R2=0,300), p=0,073; MMP3 (R=0,539, R2=0,290) p=0,089; TNF-α (R=0,595; R2=0,354) p=0,022. Da comparação entre os marcadores inflamatórios dos dois grupos resultou (mediana/intervalo interquartil, grupo controlo vs EAM): hs-CRP (0,19/0,27 vs 0,42/2,53 mg/dl) p=0,001, IL-6 (4,90/5,48 vs 13,07/26,41 pg/ml) p<0,001, MMP3 (19,70/13,70 vs 10,10/10,40 ng/ml) p<0,001;TNF-α (8,67/6,71 vs 8,26/7,80 pg/dl) p=0,805. Conclusões: (1) Nos doentes com EAM, existe correlação entre as moléculas inflamatórias IL-6, MMP3 e TNF-α, quer com o marcador inflamatório hs-CRP, quer com o marcador de lesão miocárdica cTnI. Esta correlação reforça-se para os valores de cTnI 6-9 horas após admissão, especialmente na correlação múltipla com o grupo dos quatro marcadores inflamatórios. (2) IL-6 está inversamente ligada às lipoproteínas de colesterol; hs-CRP e IL-6 têm excelentes correlações com o perfil lipídico valorizado no seu conjunto. No grupo EAM encontram-se níveis séricos mais reduzidos para as lipoproteínas de colesterol. Para TNF-α não foram encontradas diferenças significativas entre os grupos, as quais foram observadas para a IL-6 e hs-CRP (mais elevadas no grupo EAM). Os valores de MMP3 no grupo controlo estão mais elevados. ABSTRACT: 0,524, p=0,001; 0,149, p=0,270; 0,275, p<0,001; TNF-α/cTnI 6-9h 0,428, p=0,001, 0,452, p<0,001, 0,183, p<0,001. A regressão linear múltipla cTnI admissão/marcadores inflamatórios produziu: (R=0,638, R2=0,407) p<0,001 e cTnI 6-9h/marcadores inflamatórios (R=0,780, R2=0,609) p<0,001. (2) Significância da análise multivariada para idade (p=0,029), IMC>30 (p=0.070), AAS (p=0,040) e grupo (p=0,002). Diferenças importantes entre as distribuições dos dados basais entre os dois grupos (grupo controlo vs EAM): idade (47,95±11,55 vs 68,53±2,70 anos) p<0.001; sexo feminino (18,18 vs 22,80%) p=0,076; diabetes mellitus (9,09% vs 36,84%) p=0,012; AAS (18,18 vs 66,66%) p<0,001; clopidogrel (4,54% vs 66,66%) p=0,033; estatinas (31,81% vs 66,14%) p=0,078; beta-bloqueadores (18,18% vs 56,14%) p=0,011; anti-inflamatórios (4,54% vs 33,33%) p=0,009. Resultados da comparação entre os dois grupos quanto ao padrão lipídico (média±dp ou mediana/intervalo interquartil, grupo controlo vs EAM): CT (208,45±35,03 vs 171,05±41,63 mg/dl) p<0,001; HDLc (51,50/18,25 vs 42,00/16,00 mg/dl) p=0,007; HDL2 (8,50/3,25 vs 10,00/6,00 mg/dl) p=0,292; HDL3 (41,75±9,82 vs 31,75±9,41 mg/dl) p<0,001; LDLox (70,00/22,0 vs 43,50/21,00 U/L) p<0,001; TG (120,00/112,50 vs 107,00/86,00 mg/dl) p=0,527; Lp(a) (0,51/0,73 vs 0,51/0,50 g/L) p=0,854; ApoA1 (1,38±0,63 vs 1,19±0,21 g/L) p=0,002; ApoB (0,96±0,19 vs 0,78±0,28 g/L) p=0,004; ApoE (38,50/10,00 vs 38,00/17,00 mg/L) p=0,574. Nas correlações lineares entre as variáveis inflamatórias e as variáveis lipídicas para todos os doentes, encontrámos uma relação negativa entre IL-6 e CT, HDLc, HDL3, LDLox, ApoA1 e ApoB. A regressão múltipla marcadores inflamatórios/perfil lipídico (grupo controlo) foi: hs-CRP (R=0,883, R2=0,780) p=0,022; IL-6 (R=0,911, R2=0,830) p=0,007; MMP3 (R=0,498, R2=0,248) p=0,943; TNF-α (R=0,680, R2=0,462) p=0,524. A regressão múltipla marcadores inflamatórios/perfil lipídico (grupo EAM) foi: hs-CRP (R=0,647, R2=0,418) p=0,004; IL-6 (R=0,544, R2=0,300), p=0,073; MMP3 (R=0,539, R2=0,290) p=0,089; TNF-α (R=0,595; R2=0,354) p=0,022. Da comparação entre os marcadores inflamatórios dos dois grupos resultou (mediana/intervalo interquartil, grupo controlo vs EAM): hs-CRP (0,19/0,27 vs 0,42/2,53 mg/dl) p=0,001, IL-6 (4,90/5,48 vs 13,07/26,41 pg/ml) p<0,001, MMP3 (19,70/13,70 vs 10,10/10,40 ng/ml) p<0,001;TNF-α (8,67/6,71 vs 8,26/7,80 pg/dl) p=0,805. Conclusões: (1) Nos doentes com EAM, existe correlação entre as moléculas inflamatórias IL-6, MMP3 e TNF-α, quer com o marcador inflamatório hs-CRP, quer com o marcador de lesão miocárdica cTnI. Esta correlação reforça-se para os valores de cTnI 6-9 horas após admissão, especialmente na correlação múltipla com o grupo dos quatro marcadores inflamatórios. (2) IL-6 está inversamente ligada às lipoproteínas de colesterol; hs-CRP e IL-6 têm excelentes correlações com o perfil lipídico valorizado no seu conjunto. No grupo EAM encontram-se níveis séricos mais reduzidos para as lipoproteínas de colesterol. Para TNF-α não foram encontradas diferenças significativas entre os grupos, as quais foram observadas para a IL-6 e hs-CRP (mais elevadas no grupo EAM). Os valores de MMP3 no grupo controlo estão mais elevados. ------------- ABSTRACT: Introduction: We reviewed the epidemiology, pathophysiology and current clinical knowledge about coronary heart disease, from its genesis to the acute myocardial infarction (AMI). The inflammatory theory for atherosclerosis, which has undergone considerable development in the last decade, was especially detailed. Markers of coronary atherosclerotic vulnerable plaque: The clinical and laboratory biomarkers associated with the unstable coronary atherosclerotic plaque vulnerable plaque are detailed. An emphasis was placed on the inflammatory mechanisms. Objectives: They are divided into two fundamental points: (1) To study in AMI patients, the relationship between the inflammatory molecules: Interleukin-6 (IL-6), Tumor Necrosis Factor-α (TNF-α) and Matrix metalloproteinase-3 (MMP3), unused in the clinical setting, with an inflammatory marker in clinical use: ultrasensitive C-reactive protein (hs-CRP), as well as a biomarker of myocardial injury: cardiac troponin I (cTnI). (2) To study, in the context of AMI, the Acute Phase Response (APR). We intend to demonstrate the impact of that clinical relevant phenomenon in the lipid profile and inflammatory biomarkers of our patients. Methods: (1) Prospective observational study of patients consecutively admitted for AMI (AMI group) in a single coronary care unit, after exclusion of trauma or infection. A peripheral assay at admission for IL-6, TNF-α, MMP3, hs-CRP and cTnI was performed. The latter was also valued in assays obtained 6-9 hours after admission. Linear correlation (Pearson's correlation coefficient, Spearman Rho's correlation coefficient and R2 regression) was performed between the three markers studied and the values of hs-CRP and cTnI (on admission and 6-9 hours after admission). Multiple linear regression was also obtained between cTnI on admission and 6-9h after, with all the inflammatory markers studied. (2) Case-control study between the AMI group and a random population of patients from an outpatient cardiology setting (control group). Cardiovascular events of any kind and infection or trauma were excluded in this group. The same inflammatory molecules were assayed in control and AMI groups. The following lipoproteins were also assayed: total cholesterol (TC), HDL cholesterol (HDLc) and subfractions 2 and 3 (HDL2 and HDL 3), oxidized LDL cholesterol (oxLDL), Triglycerides (TG), Lipoprotein (a) [Lp(a)], Apolipoprotein A1 (apoA1), Apolipoprotein B (ApoB) and Apolipoprotein E (ApoE). Demographics, classical risk factors, cardiovascular therapy and the use of anti-inflammatory drugs were appreciated in each group. The authors conducted a multivariate analysis with respect to demographics, risk factors and baseline therapy. The distribution of the same baseline characteristics was compared between the two groups, as well as the lipoprotein serum values. A correlation was performed between each inflammatory molecule and each of the lipoproteins, for all the patients studied. Multiple linear regression was determined between each inflammatory marker and all the lipid molecules per group. Finally, the statistical comparison between the inflammatory markers in the two groups was performed. Results: (1) The correlation coefficients recorded, respectively, Pearson, Spearman's Rho and regression-R2, were: IL-6/hs-CRP 0.549, p <0.001; 0.429, p=0.001; 0.302, p <0.001; MMP 3/hsCRP 0.325, p=0.014; 0.171, p=0.202; 0.106, p=0.014; TNF-α/hs-CRP 0.261, p=0.050; 0.315, p=0.017; 0.068, p=0.050; IL-6/admission cTnI 0.486, p<0.001; 0.483, p<0.001; 0.236, p<0.001; MMP3/admission cTnI 0.218, p=0.103; 0.146, p=0.278; 0.048, p=0.103; TNF-α/admission cTnI 0.444, p=0.001; 0.380, p=0.004; 0.197, p=0.001; IL-6/6-9 h cTnI 0.676, p<0.001; 0.149, p<0.001; 0.456, p <0.01; MMP3/6-9h cTnI 0.428, p=0.001; 0.149, p<0.001; 0.183, p=0.001; TNF-α/6-9 h cTnI 0.676, p<0,001; 0.452, p<0.001; 0.183, p<0,001. The multiple linear regression admission cTnI/inflammatory markers produced: (R=0.638, R2=0.407) p<0.001 and 6-9 h cTnI/inflammatory markers (R=0.780, R2=0.609) p<0.001. (2) Significances of the multivariate analysis were found for age (p=0.029), IMC>30 (p=0.070), Aspirin (p=0.040) and group (p=0.002). Important differences between the baseline data of the two groups (control group vs AMI): age (47.95 ± 11.55 vs 68.53±12.70 years) p<0.001; gender (18.18 vs 22.80%) p=0.076; diabetes mellitus (9.09% vs 36. 84%) p=0.012; Aspirin (18.18 vs. 66.66%) p<0.001; Clopidogrel (4, 54% vs 66.66%) p=0.033; Statins, 31.81% vs 66.14%, p=0.078, beta-blockers 18.18% vs 56.14%, p=0.011; anti-inflammatory drugs (4.54% vs 33.33%) p=0.009. Significant differences in the lipid pattern of the two groups (mean±SD or median/interquartile range, control group vs AMI): TC (208.45±35.03 vs 171.05±41.63 mg/dl) p<0.001; HDLc (51.50/18.25 vs 42.00/16.00 mg/dl) p=0.007; HDL2 (8.50/3.25 vs 10.00/6.00 mg/dl) p=0.292; HDL3 (41.75±9.82 vs 31.75±9.82 mg/dl) p<0.01; oxLDL (70.00/22.0 vs 43.50/21.00 U/L) p <0.001; TG (120.00/112.50 vs 107.00/86.00 mg/dl) p=0.527; Lp(a) (0.51/0.73 vs 0,51/0.50 g/L) p=0.854; apoA1 (1.38±0.63 vs 1.19±0.21 g/L) p=0.002; ApoB (0.96± 0.39 vs 0.78±0.28 g/L) p=0.004; ApoE (38.50/10,00 vs 38.00 /17,00 mg/L) p=0.574. In the linear correlations between inflammatory variables and lipid variables for all patients, we found a negative relationship between IL-6 and TC, HDLc, HDL3, ApoA1 and ApoB. The multiple linear regression inflammatory markers/lipid profile (control group) was: hs-CRP (R= 0.883, R2=0.780) p=0.022; IL6 (R=0.911, R2=0.830) p=0.007; MMP3 (R=0.498, R2=0.248) p=0.943; TNF-α (R=0.680, R2=0.462) p=0.524. For the linear regression inflammatory markers/lipid profile (AMI group) we found: hs-CRP (R=0.647, R2=0.418) p=0.004; IL-6 (R=0.544, R2=0.300) p=0.073; MMP3 (R=0.539, R2 =0.290) p=0.089; TNF-α (R=0.595, R2=0.354) p=0.022. The comparison between inflammatory markers in both groups (median/interquartile range, control group vs AMI) resulted as: hs-CRP (0.19/0.27 vs 0.42/2.53 mg/dl) p=0.001; IL-6 (4.90/5.48 vs 13.07/26.41 pg/ml) p<0.001; MMP3 (19.70/13.70 vs 10.10/10.40 ng/ml) p<0.001; TNF-α (8.67/6.71 vs 8.26/7.80 pg/dl) p=0.805. Conclusions: (1) In AMI patients there is a correlation between the inflammatory molecules IL-6, TNF-α and MMP3 with both the inflammatory marker hs-CRP and the ischemic marker cTnI. This correlation is strengthened for the cTnI at 6-9h post admission, particularly in the multiple linear regression to the four inflammatory markers studied. (2) IL-6 correlates negatively with the cholesterol lipoproteins. Hs-CRP and IL-6 are strongly correlated to the whole lipoprotein profile. AMI patients display reduced serum lipid levels. For the marker TNF-α no significant differences were found between groups, which were observed for IL-6 and hs-CRP (higher in the AMI group). MMP3 values are higher in the control group.
A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Economics from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics
Trophozoites of Troglocorys cava were detected in all but one of the wild chimpanzee populations from Rubondo Island (Tanzania), with a prevalence ranging between 20% and 78%. However, the ciliate was absent in all captive groups. Prevalence appeared to increase with the number of sequential samples taken from a particular individual and reached 95.5% in wild individuals sampled at least 4 times.
Surpassing the national perspective usually adopted, the authors confirmed the existence of a pattern of population distribution common to the whole Iberian Peninsula in the long run. This pattern is clearly associated with geographical factors. These variables seem to have more weight in explaining changes between 1877/78 and 1940 than in the period from 1940 to 2001. The observation of the cross-border region has shown that proximity to the frontier has not generated any distinct pattern of population density on either side of the boundary line. The spatial coherence of the observed phenomena throughout the Peninsula and of its evolution, independent of the border between states, reinforces the importance of geographic factors in their explanation. At the same time, this verification opens up new issues related to the effect of national political and economic policies.
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores
Climate change is emerging as one of the major threats to natural communities of the world’s ecosystems; and biodiversity hotspots, such as Madeira Island, might face a challenging future in the conservation of endangered land snails’ species. With this thesis, progresses have been made in order to properly understand the impact of climate on these vulnerable taxa; and species distribution models coupled with GIS and climate change scenarios have become crucial to understand the relations between species distribution and environmental conditions, identifying threats and determining biodiversity vulnerability. With the use of MaxEnt, important changes in the species suitable areas were obtained. Laurel forest species, highly dependent on precipitation and relative humidity, may face major losses on their future suitable areas, leading to the possible extinction of several endangered species, such as Leiostyla heterodon. Despite the complexity of the biological systems, the intrinsic uncertainty of species distribution models and the lack of information about land snails’ functional traits, this analysis contributed to a pioneer study on the impacts of climate change on endemic species of Madeira Island. The future inclusion of predictions of the effect of climate change on species distribution as part of IUCN assessments could contribute to species prioritizing, promoting specific management actions and maximizing conservation investment.
Field Lab Entrepreneurial Innovative Ventures