3 resultados para 770905 Integrated (ecosystem) assessment and management


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RESUMO - Objectivo: As lesões músculo-esqueléticas ligadas ao trabalho (LMELT) são doenças profissionais frequentes. Neste estudo ensaiou-se uma estratégia de diagnóstico do risco e de vigilância da saúde dos trabalhadores numa empresa de abate e desmancha de carne. Métodos: Utilizou-se uma estratégia de obtenção de informação em todos os postos de trabalho e trabalhadores da empresa. Utilizaram-se: (i) adaptação do Questionário Nórdico Músculo-Esquelético, incluindo caracterização da exposição biomecânica; (ii) protocolo de avaliação clínica de LMELT; (iii) filtro RSI e método Strain Index; (iv) instrumentação, como electrogoniometria e sensores de força em postos de risco elevado. Resultados: Identificou-se a presença de sintomas e sinais de LMELT principalmente nos punhos/mãos (n=27) e região lombo-sagrada (n=32), uma importante prevalência de casos relacionados com a actividade de trabalho (30%) e níveis de risco elevados com base nas classificações do Strain Index (n=26 MSDto e n=7 MSEsq). A utilização da instrumentação permitiu obter detalhes da repetitividade, das posturas e dos momentos de aplicação de força, úteis para a intervenção. Conclusões: A prevenção só é possível através da aplicação de programas/estratégias integradas de diagnóstico e gestão do risco de LMELT que sejam eficazes no sentido da intervenção sobre a actividade e as condições de trabalho.--------------------------ABSTRACT – Background: Work-related Musculoskeletal Disorders (WRMSD) are common occupational diseases. The present study aims at examining an integrated perspective of risk assessment and health surveillance at a meatpacking plant. Methods: The strategy adopted was of obtaining information about WRMSDs awareness at all workstations and from all their workers. This was based on: (i) questionnaire application - an adaptation of the Nordic musculoskeletal questionnaire, including a biomechanical item, (ii) WRMSDs clinical protocol (iii) RSI risk filter and Strain Index application, (iv) instrumentation with electrogoniometry and force sensors at previously classified as high risk workstations. Results: WRMSDs signs and symptoms mainly in wrist/hands (n=27) and in lumbar region (n=32) were identified. Results revealed an important prevalence of WRULMSDs associated to meatpacking industry activities (30%) and high risk scores based on Strain Index (n=26 Right UL; n=7 Left UL). Instrumentation showed details of recurrency, of postures and of force, which can be used for intervention. Conclusions: It’s necessary to develop ergonomic strategies and approaches on WRMSDs prevention (risk assessment and manage


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This project attempts to provide an in-depth competitive assessment of the Portuguese indoor location-based analytics market, and to elaborate an entry-pricing strategy for Business Intelligence Positioning System (BIPS) implementation in Portuguese shopping centre stores. The role of industry forces and company’s organizational resources platform to sustain company’s competitive advantage was explored. A customer value-based pricing approach was adopted to assess BIPS value to retailers and maximize Sonae Sierra profitability. The exploratory quantitative research found that there is a market opportunity to explore every store area types with tailored proposals, and to set higher-than-tested membership fees to allow a rapid ROI, concluding there are propitious conditions for Sierra to succeed in BIPS store’s business model in Portugal.


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This report aims to analyse the Definition, Implementation and Management of Vodafone Portugal’s Apps and Services, so that possible ways of improvement can be suggested. To do so, Vodafone’s strategy regarding the development/ implementation of specific Apps and Services, as well as the strategy of its competitors are going to be analysed. This analysis is going to be complemented with insights from some key-persons of Vodafone’s Consumer Business Unit team in Portugal. Findings suggest that Vodafone is ahead of its competitors when it comes to developing the most innovative Apps and Services, but there is always room for improvements, especially when it comes to communication.