2 resultados para 710400 Finance, Property and Business Services
Digitalisation, globalisation, and evolving customer demands are only a few of the factors that are bound to transform the business process services industry for CBS. By investigating new ways to address these imminent challenges, this thesis explores the feasibility of implementing a formal approach to ideation to complement CBS’ service innovation practice. Two workshops were therefore conducted to put theory into action by generating new service ideas in a multifunctional team. Applying both divergent and convergent ideation techniques revealed that the latter improved an idea’s novelty and creativity as opposed to the expected increase in workability and relevance. Additionally, further analysis sheds light into the potential influence of individual characteristics and group dynamics on creativity. The thesis concludes with a discussion on the organisational implications of the findings and recommendations for future research.
While the concept of consumer satisfaction is a central topic in modern marketing theory and practice, citizens' satisfaction with public services, and especially water and waste services, is a eld that still remains empirically rather unexplored. The following study aims to contribute to this area by analysing the determinants of user satisfaction in the water, wastewater and waste sector in Portugal, using a unique survey of 1070 consumers undertaken by the Portuguese Water and Waste Regulator ERSAR. I perform an analysis of the relation between overall service satisfaction and attributespeci c service satisfaction with an ordered logit model. I then explore if subjective consumer satisfaction can be re ected by ERSAR's technical performance indicators. The results suggest that overall consumer satisfaction is driven by consumer's satisfaction with speci c service aspects but unrelated to socioeconomic and demographic characteristics. Furthermore, I show that there is no monotonic association between ERSAR's technical performance indicators and consumers' levels of satisfaction.