77 resultados para Élites du pouvoir
RESUMO O Problema. A natureza, diversidade e perigosidade dos resíduos hospitalares (RH) exige procedimentos específicos na sua gestão. A sua produção depende do número de unidades de prestação de cuidados de saúde (upcs), tipo de cuidados prestados, número de doentes observados, práticas dos profissionais e dos órgãos de gestão das upcs, inovação tecnológica, entre outros. A gestão integrada de RH tem evoluído qualitativamente nos últimos anos. Existe uma carência de informação sobre os quantitativos de RH produzidos nas upcs e na prestação de cuidados domiciliários, em Portugal. Por outro lado, os Serviços de Saúde Pública, abrangendo o poder de Autoridade de Saúde, intervêm na gestão do risco para a saúde e o ambiente associado à produção de RH, necessitando de indicadores para a sua monitorização. O quadro legal de um país nesta matéria estabelece a estratégia de gestão destes resíduos, a qual é condicionada pela classificação e definição de RH por si adoptadas. Objectivos e Metodologias. O presente estudo pretende: quantificar a produção de RH resultantes da prestação de cuidados de saúde, em seres humanos e animais nas upcs, do sistema público e privado, desenvolvendo um estudo longitudinal, onde se quantifica esta produção nos Hospitais, Centros de Saúde, Clínicas Médicas e Dentárias, Lares para Idosos, Postos Médicos de Empresas, Centros de Hemodiálise e Clínicas Veterinárias do Concelho da Amadora, e se compara esta produção em dois anos consecutivos; analisar as consequências do exercício do poder de Autoridade de Saúde na gestão integrada de RH pelas upcs; quantificar a produção média de RH, por acto prestado, nos cuidados domiciliários e, com um estudo analítico transversal, relacionar essa produção média com as características dos doentes e dos tratamentos efectuados; proceder à análise comparativa das definições e classificações de RH em países da União Europeia, através de um estudo de revisão da legislação nesta matéria em quatro países, incluindo Portugal. Resultados e Conclusões. Obtém-se a produção média de RH, por Grupos I+II, III e IV: nos Hospitais, por cama.dia, considerando a taxa de ocupação; por consulta, nos Centros de Saúde, Clínicas Médicas e Dentárias e Postos Médicos de Empresas; por cama.ano, nos Lares para Idosos, considerando a sua taxa de ocupação; e por ano, nas Clínicas de Hemodiálise e Veterinárias. Verifica-se que a actuação da Autoridade de Saúde, produz nas upcs uma diferença estatisticamente significativa no aumento das contratualizações destas com os operadores de tratamento de RH. Quantifica-se o peso médio de resíduos dos Grupos III e IV produzido por acto prestado nos tratamentos domiciliários e relaciona-se esta variável dependente com as características dos doentes e dos tratamentos efectuados. Comparam-se os distintos critérios utilizados na elaboração das definições e classificações destes resíduos inscritas na legislação da Alemanha, Reino Unido, Espanha e Portugal. Recomendações. Apresentam-se linhas de investigação futura e propõe-se uma reflexão sobre eventuais alterações de aspectos específicos no quadro legal português e nos planos de gestão integrada de RH, em Portugal. ABSTRACT The problem: The nature, diversity and hazardousness of hospital wastes (HW) requires specific procedures in its management. Its production depends on the number and patterns of healthcare services, number of patients, professional and administration practices and technologic innovations, among others. Integrated management of HW has been developping, in the scope of quality, for the past few years. There is a lack of information about the amount of HW produced in healthcare units and in the domiciliary visits, in Portugal. On the other hand, the Public Health Services, embracing the Health Authority’s power, play a very important role in managing the risk of HW production to public and environmental health. They need to use some indicators in its monitorization. In a country, rules and regulations define hospital waste management policies, which are confined by the addopted classification and definition of HW. Goals and Methods: This research study aims to quantify the production of HW as a result of healthcare services in human beings and animals, public service and private one. Through a longitudinal study, this production is quantified in Hospitals, Health Centers, Medical and Dental Clinics, Residential Centers for old people, Companies Medical Centers and Veterinary and Haemodyalisis Clinics in Amadora’s Council, comparing this production in two consecutive years. This study also focus the consequences of the Health Authority’s role in the healthcare services integrated management of HW. The middle production of HW in the domiciliary treatments is also quantified and, with a transversal analytic study, its association with patients and treatments’ characteristics is enhanced. Finally, the definitions and classifications in the European Union Countries are compared through a study that revises this matter’s legislation in four countries, including Portugal. Results and Conclusions: We get the middle production of Groups I+II, III and IV: HW: in Hospitals, by bed.day, bearing the occupation rate; by consultation, in Health Centers, Medical and Dental Clinics and Companies Medical Centers; by bed.year in Residential Centers for old people, considering their occupation rate; by year, in Veterinary and Haemodyalisis Clinics. We verify that the Health Authority’s role produces a significative statistical difference in the rise of the contracts between healthcare services and HW operators. We quantify the Groups III and IV’s wastes middle weight, produced by each medical treatment in domiciliary visits and relate this dependent variable with patients and treatments’ characteristics. We compare the different criteria used in the making of definitions and classifications of these wastes registered in German, United Kingdom, Spain and Portugal’s laws. Recommendations: Lines of further investigation are explaned. We also tender a reflexion about potential changes in rules, in regulations and in the integrated plans for managing hospital wastes in Portugal. RÉSUMÉ Le Problème. La gestion des déchets d'activités hospitalières (DAH) et de soins de santé (DSS) exige des procédures spécifiques en raison de leur nature, diversité et dangerosité. Leur production dépend, parmi d’autres, du nombre d’unités de soins de santé (USS), du type de soins administrés, du nombre de malades observés, des pratiques des professionnels et des organes de gestion des USS, de l’innovation technologique. La gestion intégrée des DAH et des DSS subit une évolution qualitative dans les dernières années. Il existe un déficit d’information sur les quantitatifs de DAH et de DSS provenant des USS et de la prestation de soins domiciliaires, au Portugal. D’autre part les Services de Santé Publique, y compris le pouvoir de l’Autorité de Santé, qui interviennent dans la gestion du risque pour la santé et pour l’environnement associé à la production de DAH et de DSS, ont besoin d’indicateurs pour leur surveillance. Dans cette matière le cadre légal établit la stratégie de gestion de ces déchets, laquelle est conditionnée par la classification et par la définition des DAH et des DSS adoptées par le pays. Objectifs et Méthodologie. Cet étude prétend: quantifier la production de DAH et de DSS provenant de la prestation de soins de santé, en êtres humains et animaux dans les USS du système public et privé. À travers un étude longitudinal, on quantifie cette production dans les Hôpitaux, Centres de Santé, Cliniques Médicales et Dentaires, Maisons de Repos pour personnes âgées, Cabinets Médicaux d’ Entreprises, Centres d’Hémodialyse et Cliniques Vétérinaires du municipe d’ Amadora, en comparant cette production en deux ans consécutifs; analyser les conséquences de l’exercice du pouvoir de l’Autorité de Santé dans la gestion intégrée des DAH et des DSS par les USS; quantifier la production moyenne de DAH et de DSS dans la prestation de soins domiciliaires et, avec un étude analytique transversal, rapporter cette production moyenne avec les caractéristiques des malades et des soins administrés; procéder à l’ analyse comparative des définitions et classifications des DAH et des DSS dans des pays de l’Union Européenne, à travers un étude de révision de la législation relative à cette matière dans quatre pays, Portugal y compris. Résultats et Conclusions. On obtient la production moyenne de DAH et des DSS, par Classes I+II, III et IV: dans les hôpitaux, par lit.jour, en considérant le taux d’occupation; par consultation, dans les Centres de Santé, Cliniques Médicales et Dentaires et Cabinets Médicaux d’ Entreprises par lit.an dans les Maisons de Repos pour personnes âgées en considérant le taux d’occupation; et par an, dans les Cliniques d’Hémodialyse et Vétérinaires. On constate que l’actuation de l’Autorité de Santé produit dans les USS une différence statistiquement significative dans l’accroissement de leurs contractualisations avec les opérateurs de traitement de DAH et de DSS. On quantifie le poids moyen des déchets des Classes III et IV produit par acte de prestation de soins à domicile et on rapporte cette variable dépendante avec les caractéristiques des malades et des soins administrés. On compare les différents critères utilisés dans l’élaboration des définitions et des classifications de ces déchets inscrites dans la légis
pp. 15-28
Pendant le Moyen Âge, le Portugal est apparu comme un espace périphérique indissociable de la Chrétienté européenne, dont la diversité naturelle avait établi un contraste entre le nord, ouvert aux influences atlantiques, et le sud, proche de la Méditerranée. Ce clivage valait aussi pour la réeeptivité aux influenees culturelles léguées par le passé, en particulier romaine et islamique, dont I'héritage était plus sensible dans les zones situées au sud du Tage, ce dont témoignait notamment une plus forte densité urbaine. Cependant, le territoire portugais s'insérait encore dans une Péninsule Ibérique marquée par des siècles deprésenee musulmane et par une longue période de conflits militaires liés au mouvement de eonquête territoriale ehrétienne. On peut dire que I'émergenee politique du royaume portugais, presque à la fin de la premiére moitié du XIIe siècle (1143), résulte en grande partie de cette situation, sans aueun doute déterrninante pour la constitution de cette mosaique d'entités politiques, earactéristique de la Péninsule Ibérique au Moyen Âge. Mais on peut dire que I'autonomie portugaise et surtout son affirmation territoriale doit être assoeiée a un proeessus d'affirmation en faisant face aux unités politiques voisines ça veut dire les royaumes de León et Castille.
Les yeux et les masques sont prévalents dans les oeuvres du peintre chinois contemporain Zeng Fanzhi (né en 1964), comme métaphore du jeu de pouvoir qui oppose les individus à l’appareil social et politique. Son oeuvre La Cène, d’après Leonard de Vinci, est un exemple frappant de cette préoccupation. Cet essai examine l’utilisation par l’artiste de cette représentation occidentale d’une crise morale (une trahison qui mène à la mort du Christ) pour exprimer la dystopie qui marque la Chine contemporaine. L’interprétation par Zeng de l’oeuvre de Vinci témoigne d’une compréhension profonde de sa signification à la Renaissance comme conflit entre le pouvoir terrestre et spirituel, auquel il surimpose la fonction du banquet dans la culture chinoise comme lieu de lutte politique. Un nihilisme détaché imprègne ce travail, à l’instar de l’interprétation métaphorique du banquet de Platon par Søren Kierkegaard, In Vino Veritas.
This is the first report on Dinoflagellata from lowermost Miocene beds in Portugal (Tagus basin, Lisbon region, exposure at Benfica). Some general data about Dinoflagellata are presented. Descriptions are provided for some forms: Gonyaulacysta tenuitabulata, Spiniferites ramosus, Achomosphaera sp., Hystrichokolpoma rigaudae, Homotriblium cf. pallidum, Cordosphaeridium sp, and Lingulodinium machaerophorum. Lithostratigraphical study of an important section along Circular highway at Benfica has shown that there is a hitherto unknown sedimentary cycle in Lisbon's lowermost Miocene (upper Oligocene?). Pollen and Ostracoda point out to an Lower Aquitanian or even Upper Chattian age for the first Neogene marine transgression in Portugal, previously considered as Upper Aquitanian or Lower Burdigalian.
A new species, Pokornyella lusitanica (Ostracoda), from the Lower Miocene (Aquitanian) of the Lisbon area, is described. Some palaeoecological data are presented.
This note is concerned with fish remains from Upper Neogene beds at Farol das Lagostas (and nearby quarry of SECIL) and Baía Farta, mainly recovered by the author in 1960, 1961, 1963 and 1967. For further data see ANTUNES, 1964, pp. 213-215. All the forms identified until now (many of them for the first time) are show in «tableau I». Smaller ones are poorly represented. I. benedeni is provisorily accepted as a distinct species, though it may correspond to a dental morphotype that does exist equally in the extant I. oxyrhinchus (see text): therefore I. benedeni from Farol das Lagostas may after all represent only some dental variations that really belong in the form described as I. cf. oxyrhinchus. The presence of Aprionodon and Hypoprion could not be ascertained: Procarcharodon megalodon, Carcharodon carcharias, Isurus benedeni. Galeocerdo cuvieri, and Carcharhinus sp. I and sp. II are specially discussed. The whole fauna does not correspond either to a very shallow and coastal environment, or to deep waters far away from the coast. It clearly points out to warm waters: an acceptable model would be the fauna from the tropical Atlantic between Northern Angola and Senegal-Cape Verde. The age of this fauna was long regarded as Burdigalian. The data formerly presented (ANTUNES, 1963) that allowed us to ascribe a pliocene age to the uppermost Neogene beds of Farol das Lagostas (Neogene III, ANTUNES, 1964) are reviewed and developed in this paper. This view is corroborated by planctonic foraminifera and stratigraphical data which provide further evidence to prove the presence of miocene beds much younger than Burdigalian, and that some deposits previously correlated to this stage have instead a Plio-Pleistocene age. Fish fauna from Farol das Lagostas is very characteristic, with giant P. megalodon in association with C. carcharias (which predominates, and whose stratigraphical distribution is particularly discussed), and with other very advanced forms like the extant tiger shark, G. cuvieri, enormous I. Benedeni, Hemipristis, and Carcharhinus (whose size largely exceeds the maximum observed with miocene material). With the exception of P. megalodon (extinct) all the other forms show very close affinities, or even identity with modern species. Comparisons with very similar faunas from some South African localities that may also have a Pliocene age are also presented.
This study on middle Miocene Charophytes from the Tagus'basin indicates the presence of two species. hitherto undescribed from these strata in Portugal, Correlation diagrams of height and width of gyrogonite demonstrate that the populations of Nitellopsis (Tectochara) etrusca from the localities Póvoa de Santarém and Pêro Filho are identical to that from La Grenatière (Hérault, France), The population of Lychnothamnus duplicicarinatus from Tremês is identical to that already known from Anwill (Switzerland). The age of this flora is therefore suggested as being the upper part of the middle Miocene. The results of Charophyte studies are in accordance with stratigraphical conclusions from previously conducted mammalian studies (Antunes and Mein), A table showing the distribution of species in the three portuguese localities is given.
The lignite-clays of Póvoa de Santarém dated as Upper «Vindobonian» (mammalian zone MN6), fielded abundant remains of animals and plants (spores, pollens, seeds, etc.). The forms identified are indicative of several environments. Plants, either aquatic or belonging to swampy areas are predominant (Nuphar sp., Sparganium sp., Stratiotes kaltennordheimensis, cf. Ranunculus sp.). There are also remains of plants characteristiques of a humid rather than a swampy soil such as Polypodiaceae, Myrica ceriferiformis, Toddalia maii, Spirematospermum wetzeleri. The genera Vitis and Ephedra, although rare, point fowards the existence of drier regions in the neighbourhood. The presence of polens such as Picea indicate the presence at some distance less warm upland forest areas.
This paper is concerned with Hipparion from Ribatejo, Portugal, and with the stratigraphy of the Neogene series of this region. The first two chapters are an introduction and an historical review. Paleontological study includes both a revision of the specimens accounted by ROMAN (1907) and the description of new material. Two forms were recognized, an early H. cf. primigenium, lower Vallesian in age, NM 9 mammal unit (from Archino, Vila Nova da Rainha, Aveiras de Cima), and a more advanced H. primigenium cf. melendezi. Upper Vallesian, NM 10 (possibly lowermost Turolian, NM 11) (at Azambujeira and Marmeleira). A synthesis of Middle and Upper Miocene from Ribatejo is also presented. Levels with H. p. cf. melendezi are somewhat older than «Upper Pontian», as it was previously acknowledged, they attain at the best the lowermost Turolian (approximately corresponding to «Upper Pontian»). Even higher levels may be Turolian in age, though they are not yet accurately dated. Almost all the localities are shown (tableau 11) according to its stratigraphical position; age, correspondance to mammal units from NM 5 to NM 10 (and may be also from NM 11 to NM 12), and correlation with marine formations near Lisbon are also taken in account. The stratigraphical position of localities such as Póvoa de Santarém, Quinta do Marmelal, Pero Filho, Azambujeira (lower levels), and Fonte do Pinheiro was revised; the stratigraphical position of Marmeleira was ascertained. The localities so far known correspond to NM 5 (?), NM 6, NM 8, NM 9, NM 10 and possibly to NM II and NM 12. A new interpretation (M. T. ANTUNES) of localities with oysters from Ribatejo allows a better correlation with vertebrate localities. Relationships with Serravallian transgression seem well established. Only two localities, Vila Nova da Rainha and Foz do Alviela, may possibly be correlated to V-b division of Lisbon (Langhian) with «Hispanotherium fauna». All the other localities are younger than Serravallian oyster beds. Undirect correlation shows that NM 6 localities are somewhat younger than the apogee ef Serravallian transgression (corresponding approximately to Blow's N 11 to N 13 zones based on planctonic foraminifera).
This paper reports a Scanning Electron Microscopy study of some samples from the leg 12, Deep Sea Drilling Project, sites 118 and 119. The chronostratigraphic distribution, the frequency of the species identified and the datation of the samples studied are presented. In accordance with the calcareous nannofossil zonation proposed by E. MARTINI (1971) the samples from site 118 are ascribed to the Upper Miocene while the samples from site 119 are located between the Lower (NN1) and the Upper Miocene (NN10).
This note deals with the stratigraphical and paleontological study of the Palença section on the southern bank of the river Tagus, Portugal, and specially with its coccolithophorids. Three main lithostratigraphical units may be recognized: the lowest one does correspond to the upper part of COTTER's division II, the intermediate one to divisions III and IV-a, the third corresponding to pratically the whole division IV-b, However other and higher levels are also represented. Higher beds are also represented in the same sections; they are less well exposed and were not studied in detail. Caracterisation of biozones on the basis of Coccoliths so far found at Palença section is difficultsince MARTINI's zones have been defined mainly by forms of Discoaster and other genera that are wanting. However we can recognize that the richest assemblage (from beds 17-18, the uppermost layers of blue clays IV-a) may correspond to NN4. This is not in opposition to the results of the study of planctonic foraminifera, that are characteristic of BLOW's N7. Coccoliths from lower beds do not allow at present any valid comparisons.
Some land and freshwater mollusks (Gastropoda, Pelecypoda) from three middle Miocene localities: Pêro Filho, Póvoa de Santarém, Sítio do Mirante, all in Ribatejo province, Portugal, are summarily studied. On a systematical viewpoint it has been shown (see also Tableau): - the presence of the genus Janulus, whose species only survive now at Madeira and Canary's islands; - the presence of "Helix" cotteri that may indeed belong in the genus Megalotachea, common in western Europe since "Helvetian" to Messinian times; - Limax, Testacella, Acroloxus and Pseudamnicola are quoted for the first time in portuguese tertiary formations; Ferrisia has been identified for the first time in Iberian Peninsule; - the presence of other forms previously quoted by ANTUNES & ZBYSZEWSKI (1973), is confirmed: Bithynia, Theodoxus, Pisidium. Such faunules are compatible with a middle Miocene age. On a paleobiogeographical viewpoint, some forms suggest mediterranean affinities. Fossil associations do correspond ecologically to either palustrine or stagnant, calm and shallow water conditions (Sítio do Mirante, and essentially also Póvoa de Santarém), or to fluviatile conditions (Pêro Filho).
The study of Cyprinid fish pharyngeal teeth, collected by M. Telles Antunes in continental "Helvetian" sediments from Póvoa de Santarém, makes possible to demonstrate the occurrence of two distinct species. One remains undetermined. The other belongs to the recent genus Leuciscus CUV. Several dental types of this genus are described and figured as Leuciscus antunesi nov. sp. Palaeoclimatical and palaeoecological interpretations are proposed.