6 resultados para reparative readings

em RUN (Repositório da Universidade Nova de Lisboa) - FCT (Faculdade de Cienecias e Technologia), Universidade Nova de Lisboa (UNL), Portugal


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Resumo - O avanço tecnológico e científico no campo da Medicina tem favorecido a aplicação das radiações ionizantes nas áreas da Medicina Nuclear, Radiologia, Radioterapia e noutras especialidades relacionadas com a medicina de intervenção, como a Cardiologia. As Organizações de Saúde, com profissionais com risco de exposição a radiações ionizantes, são responsáveis, legislativamente, por assegurar a sua vigilância. Certificando a observação controlada das doses de exposição, os profissionais são monitorizados com dosímetros individuais e submetidos a vigilância médica. As leituras de dosímetria individual destes profissionais, originam por vezes, nos próprios, desconfianças e incertezas quanto aos valores medidos. Objectivo: avaliar o grau de confiança dos profissionais de saúde, expostos a radiações ionizantes, no sistema de monitorização individual. Metodologia: estudo observacional do tipo analítico- transversal, por questionário. Amostra de 190 Técnicos de Diagnóstico e Terapêutica de Cardiopneumologia, Medicina Nuclear, Radiologia, Radioterapia, expostos a radiações ionizantes, que exercem a sua actividade profissional em hospitais do concelho de Lisboa. Resultados: 51,1% dos Técnicos de Diagnóstico e Terapêutica não confiam nas leituras dos dosímetros, não se determinou uma relação estatisticamente significativa entre essa confiança, o tipo de dosímetro e a empresa que realiza as leituras. A confiança é maior nos que exercem em Organizações de Saúde públicas. 40,2% das Organizações de Saúde apresentam plano de vigilância médica, constatando-se uma falta de conformidade entre os Técnicos de Diagnóstico e Terapêutica, nalguns hospitais, relativamente à existência desse plano no respectivo hospital. A margem de erro associado ao estudo é de 5,09%, com um nível de confiança de 95%. -----------Abstract - The technological and scientific advances in the field of medicine has encouraged the application of ionizing radiation with a considerable positive contribution in the areas of Nuclear Medicine, Radiology, Radiotherapy and other specialties related to medical intervention like Cardiology. The Health Organizations that arise the risk of occupational exposure to ionizing radiation and is their responsibility to ensure monitoring, according the law. To ensure the monitoring of controlled doses of exposure, the exposed works use an individual dosimeter and undergo medical supervision. The individual dosimetry readings of health-care professionals, is sometimes questionable for themselves, arising distrust and uncertainty about the values measured. Objective: evaluate the degree of confidence of health professionals, exposed to radiation, on the system of individual monitoring. Methods: Observational study of cross-type analysis by questionnaire. Sample of 190 of technologists of Cardiopneumology, Nuclear Medicine, Radiology, Radiotherapy, exposed to ionizing radiation, which work in hospitals on the region of Lisbon. Results: 51.1% of technologists does not rely on the readings of their dosimeters, and wasn’t determined a statistically significant relationship between this trust, the type of dosimeter and the company that makes the readings(s) of their(s) dosimeter(s). The confidence in the readings is higher in public Health Organizations. 40.2% of the Health Organizations have medical monitoring plan and there is a disagreement between technologists, in some hospitals, relatively to the existence of this plan in their hospital. It was estimated that the u


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This dissertation focuses on a rare 15th century commemorative programme that has thus far received little scholarly attention: the collective monument erected in the Founder’s Chapel, at the Monastery of Santa Maria da Vitória, Batalha, to house the remains of four Avis princes, members of what would become known as ‘the Illustrious Generation’. A patron is proposed for the commission of this erudite monument - the princes’ eldest brother, king Duarte I - arguing its integration into a broader propaganda programme to glorify the memory of the Avis dynasty founder, king João I. The dissertation then proceeds to discuss various highly innovative features of the monument, such as its pseudo-architectural character, its use of sophisticated heraldry and personal badges, the apparent absence of religious iconography on the tombs and, importantly, the collective nature of the programme, key to its interpretation. Using a semiotic approach, a discussion is also offered on the way the various formal, iconographic and conceptual novelties of the princes’ monument impacted on the 15th century monumental landscape in Portugal. Finally, the monument and the chapel housing it are looked at through the prism of the various readings that successive generations of viewers have projected onto it, from the time of its creation to the turn of the 20th century, in order to offer a more comprehensive understanding of the object as it stands today.


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My aim was to produce a dissertation, based on Rayuela, which focuses on Cortázar’s questioning of identity. With this objective in mind, I have studied some of the salient elements in the novel that relate to this topic and the subsequent, interrelated, areas of study that arose in doing so. The cities of Paris and Buenos Aires are placed in contrast within the novel and reflect a dichotomy that reflects Oliveira’s condition as a “foreigner,” (more specifically as a South American in Europe). This duality is further reflected in Cortázar’s use of gender, and the development of the notions of active and passive, and an investigation into the traditional modes of thought, symbols, and stereotypes, and an open-ended questioning of their validity. These topics are framed by a notion of Judeo-Christian History that is in many ways flawed and, as such, contrasts with a more intuitive (or “oriental”) perception of reality, which is centred in figures such as la Maga. I found many explicit references to Zen philosophy, and related oriental references, that led me to believe that this area was worthy of further investigation. Rayuela is considered a classic novel within the canon of Spanish language literature. It’s famous “tabla,” like the rules for a game between the writer and the receptor that produce alternative readings, has led to many discussions regarding the novel’s structure and form, and also created a certain amount of polemic with the use of concepts such as the “lector hembra.” Many consider Cortázar a greater short story writer than a novelist, but nevertheless this novel had a profound effect on young readers upon its publication, much to Cortázar’s surprise, and continues to attract readers, dealing as it does with issues that continue to be relevant to many people.


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If an opening to the argument of this dissertation is of imperative necessity, one might tentatively begin with Herbert Quain, born in Roscommon, Ireland, author of the novels The God of the Labyrinth (1933) and April March (1936), the short-story collection Statements (1939), and the play The Secret Mirror (undated). To a certain extent, this idiosyncratic Irish author, who hailed from the ancient province of Connacht, may be regarded as a forerunner of the type of novels which will be considered in this dissertation. Quain was, after all, the unconscious creator of one of the first structurally disintegrated novels in the history of western literature, April March. His first novel, The God of the Labyrinth, also exhibits elements which are characteristic of structurally disintegrated fiction, for it provides the reader with two possible solutions to a mysterious crime. As a matter of fact, one might suggest that Quain’s debut novel offers the reader the possibility to ignore the solution to the crime and carry on living his or her readerly life, turning a blind eye to the novel itself. It may hence be argued that Quain’s first novel is in fact a compound of three different novels. It is self-evident that the structure of Quain’s oeuvre is of an experimental nature, combining geometrical precision with authorial innovation, and one finds in it a higher consideration for formal defiance than for the text itself. In other words, the means of expression are the concern of the author and not, interestingly, the textual content. April March, for example, is a novel which regresses back into itself, its first chapter focussing on an evening which is preceded by three possible evenings which, in turn, are each preceded by three other, dissimilar, possible evenings. It is a novel of backward-movement, and it is due to this process of branching regression that April March contains within itself at least nine possible novels. Structure, therefore, paradoxically controls the text, for it allows the text to expand or contract under its formal limitations. In other words, the formal aspects of the novel, usually associated with the restrictive device of a superior design, contribute to a liberation of the novel’s discourse. It is paradoxical only in the sense that the idea of structure necessarily entails the fixation of a narrative skeleton that determines how plot and discourse interact, something which Quain flouts for the purposes of innovation. In this sense, April March’s convoluted structure allows for multiple readings and interpretations of the same text, consciously germinating narratives within itself, producing different texts from a single, unique source. Thus, text and means of expression are bonded by a structural design that, rather than limiting, liberates the text of the novel.


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RESUMO: Introdução - A utilização de células e das suas propriedades para o tratamento das doenças cardiovasculares, é uma promessa para o futuro e talvez a única forma de ultrapassar algumas das insuficiências das terapêuticas atuais. A via de entrega das células mais utilizada na investigação tem sido a intracoronária, ganhando a microcirculação especial relevância, por ser onde ocorre a primeira interação com o tecido nativo. As células estaminais mesenquimais (CEM) têm propriedades que as tornam particularmente aptas para a Terapia Celular, mas as suas dimensões, superiores ao diâmetro dos capilares, tem motivado controvérsia quanto à sua entrega intracoronária. A cardiologia de intervenção tem atualmente técnicas que permitem a avaliação em tempo real e in vivo do estado da microcirculação coronária. A determinação do índice da resistência da microcirculação (IRM) fornece informação sobre a circulação dos pequenos vasos, de forma independente da circulação coronária e do estado hemodinâmico, mas a aplicabilidade clínica deste conhecimento encontra-se ainda por definir. Objectivos Esclarecer o potencial do IRM no estudo dos efeitos do transplante de CEM por via intracoronária. População e Métodos . Estudo pré-clínico com modelo animal (suíno) desenvolvido em 3 fases. Na Primeira Fase foram utilizados 8 animais saudáveis para estudar e validar a técnica de determinação de estudo da microcirculação. Efetuou-se a determinação do IRM com duas doses diferentes de papaverina para a indução da resposta hiperémica máxima (5 e 10 mg) e após a disfunção da microcirculação com injeção intracoronária de microesferas de embozene com 40 μm de diâmetro. Na Segunda Fase foram utilizados 18 animais saudáveis, randomizados em grupo controlo e grupo recetor de 30 x 106 CEM por via intracoronária. Foram avaliados de forma cega o IRM, a pressão aórtica, o fluxo coronário epicárdico e a ocorrência de alterações electrocardiográficas. Na Terceira Fase foram utilizados 18 animais, com enfarte agudo do miocárdio provocado (EAM), randomizados em grupo controlo, grupo recetor de CEM expandidas de forma convencional e grupo recetor de CEM expandidas com metodologia inovadora e de menores dimensões. Foi realizada uma exploração da dose/efeito com infusão faseada de 10 x 106, 15 x 106 e 20 x 106 CEM, com determinação do IRM, da pressão aórtica, do fluxo coronário epicárdico e da ocorrência de alterações eletrocardiográficas. Quatro semanas após a entrega das células foi novamente avaliado o IRM e foi efetuado o estudo anatomopatológico dos animais na procura de evidência de neoangiogénese e de regeneração miocárdica, ou de um efeito positivo da resposta reparadora após o enfarte. Resultados Nas 3 fases todos os animais mantiveram estabilidade hemodinâmica e eletrocardiográfica, com exceção da elevação de ST de V1-V3 verificada após a injeção das microesferas. Na Primeira Fase as duas doses de papaverina induziram uma resposta hiperémica eficaz, sem tradução com significado na determinação do IRM (variação da pressão distal de - 11,4 ± 5 e de - 10,6± 5 mmHg com as doses de 5 e 10 mg respetivamente (p=0,5). Com a injeção das microesferas o IRM teve uma elevação média de 310 ± 190 %, para um valor médio de 41,3 ± 16 U (p = 0,001). Na Segunda Fase não houve diferenças significativas dos parâmetros hemodinâmicos, do fluxo epicárdico e da avaliação eletrocardiográfica entre os dois grupos. O IRM de base foi semelhante e após a infusão intracoronária observou-se uma elevação expressiva do IRM nos animais que receberam células em comparação com o grupo controlo (8,8 U ± 1 vs. 14,2 U ± 1,8, P=0,02) e quanto ao seu valor de base (aumento de 112%, p=0,008). Na terceira Fase não houve novamente diferenças significativas dos parâmetros hemodinâmicos, do fluxo epicárdico e da avaliação eletrocardiográfica entre os três grupos. Houve uma elevação do IRM nos animais que receberam células a partir da 2ª dose (72% nas células convencionai e 108% nas células inovadoras) e que se manteve com a 3ª dose (100% nas células convencionais e 88% nas inovadoras) com significado estatístico em comparação com o grupo controlo (p=0,034 com a 2ªdose e p=0,024 com a 3ª dose). Quatro semanas após a entrega das CEM observou-se a descida do IRM nos dois grupos que receberam células, para valores sobreponíveis aos do grupo controlo e aos valores pós-EAM. Na avaliação anatomopatológica e histológica dos corações explantados não houve diferenças entre os três grupos. Conclusões O IRM permite distinguir alterações da microcirculação coronária motivadas pela entrega intracoronária de CEM, na ausência de alterações de outros parâmetros clínicos da circulação coronária utilizados em tempo real. As alterações do IRM são progressivas e passíveis de avaliar o efeito/dose, embora não tenha sido possível determinar diferenças com os dois tipos de CEM. No nosso modelo a injeção intracoronária não se associou a evidência de efeito benéfico na reparação ou regeneração miocárdica após o EAM.---------------------------- ABSTRACT: ABSTRACT Introduction The use of cells for the treatment of cardiovascular disease is a promise for the future and perhaps the only option to overcome some of the shortcomings of current therapies. The strategy for the delivery of cells most often used in current research has been the intracoronary route and due to this microcirculation gains special relevance, mainly because it is the first interaction site of transplanted cells with the native tissue. Mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) have properties that make them suitable for Cell Therapy, but its dimensions, larger than the diameter of capillaries, have prompted controversy about the safety of intracoronary delivery. The interventional cardiology currently has techniques that allow for real-time and in vivo assessment of coronary microcirculation state. The determination of the index of microcirculatory resistance index (IMR) provides information about small vessels, independently of the coronary circulation and hemodynamic status, but the clinical applicability of this knowledge is yet to be defined. Objectives To clarify the potential use of IMR in the study of the effects of MSC through intracoronary transplantation. Population and Methods Preclinical study with swine model developed in three phases. In Phase One 8 healthy animals were used to study and validate the IMR assessment in our animal model. IMR was assessed with two different doses of papaverine for inducing the maximal hyperaemic response (5 and 10 mg) and microcirculation dysfunction was achieved after intracoronary injection with embozene microspheres with 40 μm in diameter. In Phase Two we randomized 18 healthy animals divided between the control group and the one receiving 30 x 106 MSC through an intracoronary infusion. There we blindly evaluated IMR, the aortic pressure, the epicardial coronary flow and the occurrence of ECG changes. In Phase Three we used 18 animals with a provoked acute myocardial infarction (AMI), randomized into a control group, a MSC expanded conventionally receiver group and a MSC expanded with an innovative methodology receiver group. There was a stepwise infusion with doses of 10 x 106, 15 x 106 and 20 x 106 MSC with determination of IMR, the aortic pressure, the epicardial coronary flow and occurrence of electrocardiographic abnormalities. Four weeks after cell delivery we again measured the IMR and proceeded with the pathological study of animals in the search for evidence of neoangiogenesis and myocardial regeneration, or a positive effect in the reparative response following the infarction. Results All animals remained hemodynamically stable and with no electrocardiographic abnormalities, except for the ST elevation in V1-V3 observed after injection of the microspheres. In Phase One the two doses of papaverine achieved an hyperemic and effective response without significant differences in IMR (variation of the distal pressure -11.4 ± 5 and -10.6 ± 5 mmHg with the doses of 5 and 10 mg respectively (p = 0.5). With the injection of the microspheres the IMR had an average increase of 310 ± 190% for an average value of 41.3 ± 16 U (p = 0.001). In the second phase there were no significant differences in hemodynamic parameters, epicardial flow and electrocardiographic assessment between the two groups. The baseline IMR was similar and after intracoronary infusion there was a significant increase in animals receiving cells compared with the control group (8.8 ± U 1 vs. 14.2 ± 1.8, p = 0.02) and with their baseline (112% increase, p = 0.008). In the third phase again there were no significant differences in hemodynamic parameters, the epicardial flow and electrocardiographic evaluation between the three groups. There was a significant increase in IMR in animals that received cells from the 2nd dose (72% in conventional cells and 108% in the innovative cells) that remained with the 3rd dose (100% in conventional cells and 88% in the innovative) with statistical significance compared with the control group (p = 0.034 with 2nd dose, p = 0.024 with 3rd dose). Four weeks after delivery of the MSC we observed the fall of the IMR in the two groups that received cells with values overlapping those of the control group. In pathological and histological evaluation of removed hearts there were no differences among the three groups. Conclusions The IMR allows for the differentiation of changes in coronary microcirculation motivated by intracoronary delivery of MSC in the absence of modification in other clinical parameters. IMR changes are progressive and enable the evaluation of the effect / dose, though it has not been possible to determine differences in the two types of MSC. In our model, intracoronary injection of MSC was not associated with evidence of repair or myocardial regeneration after AMI.


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The “Logoplaste: Conquering the world one bottle at a time” case is based on the real story of the Botton family and their journey to build the globally known company Logoplaste. Famous for its “hole in the wall” strategy within the plastics industry, Logoplaste is not only one of the major plastic bottles manufacturers in the world, but also a company which has been proving us that a shared leadership system can be successful within a family business. This case intendeds to demonstrate the dynamics of a family business, illustrating the complexity of the decision making process and how they have successfully mastered dual management in a family firm. Moreover, it also aims to demonstrate that a family firm can be managed in such way that sustainable growth, as a key pillar, can be enabled through a strong focus on internationalization and innovation. A teaching note is available at the end of the case in order to guide students and teachers in their readings. Discussions questions, for debate in class environment, are also provided together with suggested answers drawn together to increase the critical sense and theoretical application of the themes studied in class.