5 resultados para Working Lives

em RUN (Repositório da Universidade Nova de Lisboa) - FCT (Faculdade de Cienecias e Technologia), Universidade Nova de Lisboa (UNL), Portugal


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Tese apresentada para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Doutor em Media Digitais


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O estágio que aqui se relata enquadra-se no âmbito do mestrado em Comunicação de Ciência, da Faculdade de Ciências Sociais Humanas (FCSH) da Universidade Nova de Lisboa (UNL) e do Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica (ITQB). Foi realizado no projeto STOL – Science Through Our Lives, do Centro de Biologia Molecular e Ambiental (CBMA) da Escola de Ciências da Universidade do Minho (ECUM), e teve a duração de três meses. Esta componente prática do mestrado permitiu desenvolver um trabalho in loco, com o objetivo de servir, sobretudo, a comunicação de ciência informal. As principais atividades desenvolvidas foram exposições (Homo numericus; “Ponto a Ponto Enche a Ciência o Espaço), produção de materiais educativos (Objetos Educativos para a Casa das Ciências), campanhas de sensibilização (Comemoração do Dia Mundial da Água), auscultação do público (Vox Pop), crónicas de jornal (coluna “Aqui há Ciência”) e estabelecimento de parcerias estratégicas entre o STOL e outras forças vivas da região (AVianense e “Diário do Minho”). Ao integrar as atividades a decorrer no projeto STOL, foi possível contribuir com sugestões e novos materiais, e implementar projetos cujo principal objetivo foi o contacto direto com o público. De todo o trabalho se obteve um feedback positivo, conforme se documenta neste relatório e respetivos anexos. Se alguns constrangimentos podem ser enunciados (falta de recursos económicos e humanos, fraca tradição de envolvimento da população com a ciência e vice-versa, e a considerável falta de apoio institucional a atividades de divulgação de ciência), também devem ser evidenciados aspetos muito positivos como a dinâmica do grupo STOL, a capacidade de envolver diferentes públicos nas suas atividades, diferenciar estratégias para esses grupos, e finalmente, avaliar, sempre que possível, o seu desempenho, incluindo os resultados nas atividades seguintes. Neste contexto foram aplicados os conhecimentos adquiridos durante o primeiro ano curricular do mestrado, permitindo o ganho de experiência na área de trabalho onde a autora se sente realizada e pretende permanecer.


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While the work-family relation conflict literature has received much attention, there is a lack of empirical evidence towards work-family positive relation. Furthermore, there is a lack of understanding and recognition of possible benefits obtained by skills’ development during maternity. This study concludes that a family-work relation has a positive outcome, namely the enrichment. It was evident that there is a potential win when women enrich their role as workers through the enrichment of their family lives. Moreover, this enrichment is perceived by mothers along the development of their children; each age and phase have different challenges and enable different skills’ improvement. The findings support the notion that not all work and family experiences are negative and experiences from the work and home can improve outcomes both inside and outside the workplace.


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The issues concerning Crisis Situations under the scope of police activity, raised after incidents considered critical, has emerged with greater intensity during the most recent decades, posing a major challenge for police forces around the world. These are situations or events of crucial importance, involving hostage taken or barricaded individuals, in which inevitably human lives are at risk, requiring from law enforcement agencies a specific response capability, i.e., a type of intervention not framed under the parameters considered as routine, in order to obtain solutions to minimize the possibility of casualties. Because this is about impacting situations of extreme gravity, where the preservation of human lives is concerned and, in many cases, the very Rule of Law as well, we understand the need for police forces to adapt to new procedures and working methods. Such procedures are an enormously complex task that requires the coordination and articulation of several components, including not infrequently the performance of different police forces, as well as organizations and entities with varied powers and duties, which implies the need for effective management. This explains the emergence of Crisis Management Structures, imposing to determine which are their fundamental components, their importance, how they interconnect, and their major goal. The intrinsic features will also be analyzed in the aspect that we consider to be the fundamental groundwork of a Crisis Management Structure, i.e., Negotiation itself, considering it as a kind of police intervention, where a wide range of procedures feeds a channel of dialogue, aiming at minimizing the damage resultant from an extreme action, in particular, to prevent the death of any of those involved. This is in essence the path we have chosen to develop this study, trying to find out an answer to the fundamental question: What model of Crisis Management Structure should be adopted to manage a critical event involving hostage negotiation?


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Loneliness and isolation among the elderly is an enormous problem in Portugal. Interventions to tackle loneliness worldwide have had limited success, and new approaches are needed. Shared Lives is an adult foster placement service in the UK that shows significant promise in tackling both loneliness, isolation and other societal challenges linked with ageing. This feasibility study suggests that replicating a Shared Lives service in Portugal, using a Social Impact Bond (SIB), is viable and likely to create both social and financial value for all stakeholders involved. This study provides recommendations for how a Shared Lives SIB could be designed and implemented.