3 resultados para Milieu de soins

em RUN (Repositório da Universidade Nova de Lisboa) - FCT (Faculdade de Cienecias e Technologia), Universidade Nova de Lisboa (UNL), Portugal


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RESUMO O Problema. A natureza, diversidade e perigosidade dos resíduos hospitalares (RH) exige procedimentos específicos na sua gestão. A sua produção depende do número de unidades de prestação de cuidados de saúde (upcs), tipo de cuidados prestados, número de doentes observados, práticas dos profissionais e dos órgãos de gestão das upcs, inovação tecnológica, entre outros. A gestão integrada de RH tem evoluído qualitativamente nos últimos anos. Existe uma carência de informação sobre os quantitativos de RH produzidos nas upcs e na prestação de cuidados domiciliários, em Portugal. Por outro lado, os Serviços de Saúde Pública, abrangendo o poder de Autoridade de Saúde, intervêm na gestão do risco para a saúde e o ambiente associado à produção de RH, necessitando de indicadores para a sua monitorização. O quadro legal de um país nesta matéria estabelece a estratégia de gestão destes resíduos, a qual é condicionada pela classificação e definição de RH por si adoptadas. Objectivos e Metodologias. O presente estudo pretende: quantificar a produção de RH resultantes da prestação de cuidados de saúde, em seres humanos e animais nas upcs, do sistema público e privado, desenvolvendo um estudo longitudinal, onde se quantifica esta produção nos Hospitais, Centros de Saúde, Clínicas Médicas e Dentárias, Lares para Idosos, Postos Médicos de Empresas, Centros de Hemodiálise e Clínicas Veterinárias do Concelho da Amadora, e se compara esta produção em dois anos consecutivos; analisar as consequências do exercício do poder de Autoridade de Saúde na gestão integrada de RH pelas upcs; quantificar a produção média de RH, por acto prestado, nos cuidados domiciliários e, com um estudo analítico transversal, relacionar essa produção média com as características dos doentes e dos tratamentos efectuados; proceder à análise comparativa das definições e classificações de RH em países da União Europeia, através de um estudo de revisão da legislação nesta matéria em quatro países, incluindo Portugal. Resultados e Conclusões. Obtém-se a produção média de RH, por Grupos I+II, III e IV: nos Hospitais, por cama.dia, considerando a taxa de ocupação; por consulta, nos Centros de Saúde, Clínicas Médicas e Dentárias e Postos Médicos de Empresas; por cama.ano, nos Lares para Idosos, considerando a sua taxa de ocupação; e por ano, nas Clínicas de Hemodiálise e Veterinárias. Verifica-se que a actuação da Autoridade de Saúde, produz nas upcs uma diferença estatisticamente significativa no aumento das contratualizações destas com os operadores de tratamento de RH. Quantifica-se o peso médio de resíduos dos Grupos III e IV produzido por acto prestado nos tratamentos domiciliários e relaciona-se esta variável dependente com as características dos doentes e dos tratamentos efectuados. Comparam-se os distintos critérios utilizados na elaboração das definições e classificações destes resíduos inscritas na legislação da Alemanha, Reino Unido, Espanha e Portugal. Recomendações. Apresentam-se linhas de investigação futura e propõe-se uma reflexão sobre eventuais alterações de aspectos específicos no quadro legal português e nos planos de gestão integrada de RH, em Portugal. ABSTRACT The problem: The nature, diversity and hazardousness of hospital wastes (HW) requires specific procedures in its management. Its production depends on the number and patterns of healthcare services, number of patients, professional and administration practices and technologic innovations, among others. Integrated management of HW has been developping, in the scope of quality, for the past few years. There is a lack of information about the amount of HW produced in healthcare units and in the domiciliary visits, in Portugal. On the other hand, the Public Health Services, embracing the Health Authority’s power, play a very important role in managing the risk of HW production to public and environmental health. They need to use some indicators in its monitorization. In a country, rules and regulations define hospital waste management policies, which are confined by the addopted classification and definition of HW. Goals and Methods: This research study aims to quantify the production of HW as a result of healthcare services in human beings and animals, public service and private one. Through a longitudinal study, this production is quantified in Hospitals, Health Centers, Medical and Dental Clinics, Residential Centers for old people, Companies Medical Centers and Veterinary and Haemodyalisis Clinics in Amadora’s Council, comparing this production in two consecutive years. This study also focus the consequences of the Health Authority’s role in the healthcare services integrated management of HW. The middle production of HW in the domiciliary treatments is also quantified and, with a transversal analytic study, its association with patients and treatments’ characteristics is enhanced. Finally, the definitions and classifications in the European Union Countries are compared through a study that revises this matter’s legislation in four countries, including Portugal. Results and Conclusions: We get the middle production of Groups I+II, III and IV: HW: in Hospitals, by bed.day, bearing the occupation rate; by consultation, in Health Centers, Medical and Dental Clinics and Companies Medical Centers; by bed.year in Residential Centers for old people, considering their occupation rate; by year, in Veterinary and Haemodyalisis Clinics. We verify that the Health Authority’s role produces a significative statistical difference in the rise of the contracts between healthcare services and HW operators. We quantify the Groups III and IV’s wastes middle weight, produced by each medical treatment in domiciliary visits and relate this dependent variable with patients and treatments’ characteristics. We compare the different criteria used in the making of definitions and classifications of these wastes registered in German, United Kingdom, Spain and Portugal’s laws. Recommendations: Lines of further investigation are explaned. We also tender a reflexion about potential changes in rules, in regulations and in the integrated plans for managing hospital wastes in Portugal. RÉSUMÉ Le Problème. La gestion des déchets d'activités hospitalières (DAH) et de soins de santé (DSS) exige des procédures spécifiques en raison de leur nature, diversité et dangerosité. Leur production dépend, parmi d’autres, du nombre d’unités de soins de santé (USS), du type de soins administrés, du nombre de malades observés, des pratiques des professionnels et des organes de gestion des USS, de l’innovation technologique. La gestion intégrée des DAH et des DSS subit une évolution qualitative dans les dernières années. Il existe un déficit d’information sur les quantitatifs de DAH et de DSS provenant des USS et de la prestation de soins domiciliaires, au Portugal. D’autre part les Services de Santé Publique, y compris le pouvoir de l’Autorité de Santé, qui interviennent dans la gestion du risque pour la santé et pour l’environnement associé à la production de DAH et de DSS, ont besoin d’indicateurs pour leur surveillance. Dans cette matière le cadre légal établit la stratégie de gestion de ces déchets, laquelle est conditionnée par la classification et par la définition des DAH et des DSS adoptées par le pays. Objectifs et Méthodologie. Cet étude prétend: quantifier la production de DAH et de DSS provenant de la prestation de soins de santé, en êtres humains et animaux dans les USS du système public et privé. À travers un étude longitudinal, on quantifie cette production dans les Hôpitaux, Centres de Santé, Cliniques Médicales et Dentaires, Maisons de Repos pour personnes âgées, Cabinets Médicaux d’ Entreprises, Centres d’Hémodialyse et Cliniques Vétérinaires du municipe d’ Amadora, en comparant cette production en deux ans consécutifs; analyser les conséquences de l’exercice du pouvoir de l’Autorité de Santé dans la gestion intégrée des DAH et des DSS par les USS; quantifier la production moyenne de DAH et de DSS dans la prestation de soins domiciliaires et, avec un étude analytique transversal, rapporter cette production moyenne avec les caractéristiques des malades et des soins administrés; procéder à l’ analyse comparative des définitions et classifications des DAH et des DSS dans des pays de l’Union Européenne, à travers un étude de révision de la législation relative à cette matière dans quatre pays, Portugal y compris. Résultats et Conclusions. On obtient la production moyenne de DAH et des DSS, par Classes I+II, III et IV: dans les hôpitaux, par lit.jour, en considérant le taux d’occupation; par consultation, dans les Centres de Santé, Cliniques Médicales et Dentaires et Cabinets Médicaux d’ Entreprises par lit.an dans les Maisons de Repos pour personnes âgées en considérant le taux d’occupation; et par an, dans les Cliniques d’Hémodialyse et Vétérinaires. On constate que l’actuation de l’Autorité de Santé produit dans les USS une différence statistiquement significative dans l’accroissement de leurs contractualisations avec les opérateurs de traitement de DAH et de DSS. On quantifie le poids moyen des déchets des Classes III et IV produit par acte de prestation de soins à domicile et on rapporte cette variable dépendante avec les caractéristiques des malades et des soins administrés. On compare les différents critères utilisés dans l’élaboration des définitions et des classifications de ces déchets inscrites dans la légis


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The global and increasingly technological society requires the States to adopt security measures that can maintain the balance between the freedom, on the one hand, and the security and the respect for fundamental rights of a democratic state, on the other. A State can only achieve this aim if it has an effective judicial system and in particular a criminal procedure adequate to the new criminogenic realities. In this context, the national legislator has adopted, following other international legal systems, special means of obtaining proof more stringent of rights. Within those special means are included the covert actions, that, being a means to use sparingly, is a key element to fight against violent and highly organized crime. Therefore, the undercover agent, voluntary by nature, develops a set of activities that enables the investigation to use other means of taking evidence and/or probationary diligences itself, with the purpose of providing sufficient proof to the case file. In this milieu, given the high risks involved during the investigation, as well as after its completion, the undercover agent can act upon fictitious identity. This measure can be maintained during the evidentiary phase of the trial. Similarly, given the latent threat that the undercover agent suffers by its inclusion in criminal organizations, as well as the need for his inclusion in future covert actions it is crucial that his participation as a witness in the trial is properly shielded. Thus, when the undercover agent provides, exceptionally, statements in the trial, he shall do so always through videoconference with voice and image distortion. This measure can guarantee the anonymity of the undercover agent and concomitantly, that the adversarial principle and the right of the accused to a fair trial is not prejudiced since, in those circumstances, the diligence will be supervised in its entirety (in the audience and with the undercover agent) by a judge.


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Ionic Liquids (ILs) consist in organic salts that are liquid at/or near room temperature. Since ILs are entirely composed of ions, the formation of ion pairs is expected to be one essential feature for describing solvation in ILs. In recent years, protein - ionic liquid (P-IL) interactions have been the subject of intensive studies mainly because of their capability to promote folding/unfolding of proteins. However, the ion pairs and their lifetimes in ILs in P-IL thematic is dismissed, since the action of ILs is therefore the result of a subtle equilibrium between anion-cation interaction, ion-solvent and ion-protein interaction. The work developed in this thesis innovates in this thematic, once the design of ILs for protein stabilisation was bio-inspired in the high concentration of organic charged metabolites found in cell milieu. Although this perception is overlooked, those combined concentrations have been estimated to be ~300 mM among the macromolecules at concentrations exceeding 300 g/L (macromolecular crowding) and transient ion-pair can naturally occur with a potential specific biological role. Hence the main objective of this work is to develop new bio-ILs with a detectable ion-pair and understand its effects on protein structure and stability, under crowding environment, using advanced NMR techniques and calorimetric techniques. The choline-glutamate ([Ch][Glu]) IL was synthesized and characterized. The ion-pair was detected in water solutions using mainly the selective NOE NMR technique. Through the same technique, it was possible to detect a similar ion-pair promotion under synthetic and natural crowding environments. Using NMR spectroscopy (protein diffusion, HSQC experiments, and hydrogen-deuterium exchange) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), the model protein GB1 (production and purification in isotopic enrichment media) it was studied in the presence of [Ch][Glu] under macromolecular crowding conditions (PEG, BSA, lysozyme). Under dilute condition, it is possible to assert that the [Ch][Glu] induces a preferential hydration by weak and non-specific interactions, which leads to a significant stabilisation. On the other hand, under crowding environment, the [Ch][Glu] ion pair is promoted, destabilising the protein by favourable weak hydrophobic interactions , which disrupt the hydration layer of the protein. However, this capability can mitigates the effect of protein crowders. Overall, this work explored the ion-pair existence and its consequences on proteins in conditions similar to cell milieu. In this way, the charged metabolites found in cell can be understood as key for protein stabilisation.