3 resultados para Cristianismo - Igreja primitiva - ca. 30-600

em RUN (Repositório da Universidade Nova de Lisboa) - FCT (Faculdade de Cienecias e Technologia), Universidade Nova de Lisboa (UNL), Portugal


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Esta dissertação reflete sobre a forma como os dois romancistas intentam criar um quinto evangelho adaptado às contingências do século XXI, encarando Jesus numa perspetiva humana, para assim questionar a verdade totalizadora do dogma religioso e negar a existência de uma entidade superior, produto da imaginação humana. Numa tradição de crítica bíblica iniciada com os racionalistas e ampliada em tempos de pós-modernidade, estes romancistas utilizam estratégias discursivas que passam pelo uso da paródia e da metaficção, que colocam em plano de destaque a construção romanesca. Vidal opta por parodiar os atos dos apóstolos na tentativa de consolidação da Igreja primitiva, operando uma crítica ao capitalismo, à cultura mediática e ao mundo do entretenimento contemporâneos, assentes na aparência (material) e não na essência (espiritual). Para tal, desconstrói o momento culminante do cristianismo, a morte de Jesus no Calvário e reescreve os evangelhos através de meios tecnológicos, presentificando a figura de Jesus e colocando-o em paralelo com os intervenientes do conflito israelo-palestiniano. Por seu turno, Saramago propõe uma releitura sobre a vida e ações de Jesus à luz do Humanismo, esvaziando-o da sua divindade. Assim, apresenta Jesus como profeta radical na sua luta contra os ricos e os poderosos, com a missão de fazer cumprir a profecia que aponta para a vinda de um messias que colocaria Israel no caminho da abundância. O pecado é um dos temas centrais desta obra e o motor da ação. Este depende do exercício do livre-arbítrio, ameaça sempre constante na possibilidade de salvação eterna por parte do crente.


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Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), a human pathogen confined to hospitals (HAMRSA) for over 30 years have been emerging worldwide in the last two decades as a leading cause of severe infections in healthy individuals in the community (CA-MRSA). Despite its clinical significance, in the beginning of our studies no information existed on the prevalence, and population structure of CA-MRSA in Portugal. Moreover, it remained to be clarified how CA-MRSA emerged in our country. In particular, it was not known if CA-MRSA emerged locally by acquisition of the staphylococcal cassette chromosome mec (SCCmec) by established methicillin-susceptible S. aureus (MSSA) in the community, if they were imported from abroad or have escaped from the hospital.(...)


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This dissertation stands out the religious and social role of Christian religious minorities in Portuguese society, where the vast majority of the believers profess the Catholic faith. This work serves to demystify the widespread prejudice against minorities and clarify its place in the religious phenomenon in Portugal. We intend to define the concept of Religion, missing in the Portuguese legislation, framing it in Portuguese constitutional history, which allows us to evaluate the relations State/Catholic Church and State/religious minorities, since Liberalism. We attempt to measure how the legal system accepts the religious phenomenon and how to deal with religious diversity, according to the principle of religious freedom postulated in the Constitution of the Portuguese Republic. It is also our intention to relate the concepts of sect and religious minority, which tendentiously are misunderstood. In order to understand the underlying dynamics of religious minorities, we take the example of the Portuguese Evangelical Alliance, which we monitored closely throughout the investigation. We will give some space for a small analysis of the state and social discrimination experienced by the minorities. With this work we can conclude in general that Portugal, despite its weak religious diversity, has a good advance on the religious freedom. The Portuguese State has made a remarkable effort to cooperate with the churches, an effort that must be continued in order to fill some gaps found, particularly in the absence of legislation regarding the criminalization of religious discrimination and competence of the Committee on Religious Freedom in case of a possible complaint. We prove similarly that there is also a special attention to the Catholic Church in the composition of the Committee on Religious Freedom and the Committee Broadcast Time of Religious Confessions. In the end, we prove that the society is the major source of discrimination against minorities.