3 resultados para Childs, Aaron

em RUN (Repositório da Universidade Nova de Lisboa) - FCT (Faculdade de Cienecias e Technologia), Universidade Nova de Lisboa (UNL), Portugal


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The aim of this paper is to corn pare two technological dystopias: Emile Souvestre's Le Monde tel qu'il sera (1846) and Cordwainer Smith's "Alpha Ralpha Boulevard" (1961). Both texts present dystopian societies experienced by many of its inhabitants as being the best of possible worlds. The above authors question the massive use of technology, worry about what technology can do to human beings, how it can dehumanize them. They reveal serious social and moral concerns regarding the less privileged. These are excluded from the benefits of"Utopia" while making it possible. Both authors are childs of.. their time: they live in a period of national pride, they can see the shadows behind the luminous, the dangers resulting from human beings playing God with nature and humanity. Also, they are innovators: Souvestre announces dystopian science fiction and Smith renews with the genre announcing the New Wave movement in Anglo-American science fiction.


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RESUMO - Introdução: O consumo de álcool durante o aleitamento materno é um tema que tem vindo a ganhar relevo nos últimos anos. Contrariamente ao consumo de álcool durante a gravidez, em que já se conhecem bem as consequências sobre o feto, sobre os efeitos do consumo de álcool durante a amamentação ainda pouco se sabe. Este estudo visa, assim, caracterizar o consumo de álcool e fatores associados nas mães que amamentam, ou amamentaram, durante o 1º ano de vida da criança no concelho de Vila Franca de Xira em 2014. Metodologia: Foi realizado um estudo transversal, com a aplicação de um questionário de auto-preenchimento, a uma amostra estratificada e com alocação proporcional por Unidade Funcional, de mães que estiveram nas consultas de saúde infantil das unidades de saúde do concelho, entre março e maio de 2014. Resultados: A idade mediana das mães foi 31 anos e das crianças foi 3 meses. O tempo total em aleitamento teve uma mediana de 2 meses e somente 16,3% amamentaram mais de 5 meses. A prevalência do consumo de álcool durante a amamentação foi 7,9% e na gestação foi 8,1%. Os fatores que se associaram, com significância estatística, ao consumo de álcool na amamentação foram a maior idade da mãe, os conhecimentos que esta possuía e o consumo anterior de álcool na gestação. Os hábitos tabágicos durante a amamentação tiveram uma prevalência de 13,4% e o consumo de substâncias ilícitas de 0,6%. Conclusões: A prevalência do consumo de álcool durante a amamentação, a nível local, mantém-se semelhante à da gestação, sendo muito inferior à encontrada em outros estudos de outros países. O tempo total em amamentação é baixo considerando as recomendações nacionais e internacionais.


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There is an undeniable link between child support and scholarship, under article 1880 of the portuguese Civil Code. Of course, by being within family relationships, such link could not be out of controversy. At a time when the continuation of studies is more and more urgent, this link between the two, is often subject of disputes, especially resultant from the interpretation of the law, due to the wide extension that it is entitle to; and many times is also insufficient to the most interested people – the youngsters that want to study. Regardless of the imprecision that rules under article 1880 of the portuguese Civil Code, this article reveals a huge importance by enabling young adults and students to continue their studies, with the financial help from their parents - the responsibility of the parents with the support of their children should have ended by the time they have become legal adults, but it is extended by this article, once the criteria is filled, especially related to the reasonableness of what is required to the parents and the temporal duration of the education chosen. That is, considering that reaching adulthood does not cease the duty of support from the parents, it is important to know how much can parents provide to their children, bearing in mind their income and the child’s and his/her needs, behavior and the intellectual capacity of the child as a student and also the parent-child relationship; and, until when is such support due, taking in to account several circumstances of life and the difficulties inherent to the degree chosen and even the extension of the studies to a master or to a PhD degree that justifies the extension of the parent’s duty. Anyway, the application of article 1880 of the portuguese Civil Code is always based on a case by case analysis and on the economic insufficient of the youngsters to suffice themselves and the simultaneous desire to continue their studies.