12 resultados para Cartões de pagamento

em RUN (Repositório da Universidade Nova de Lisboa) - FCT (Faculdade de Cienecias e Technologia), Universidade Nova de Lisboa (UNL), Portugal


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RESUMO - Num contexto em que a prestao de cuidados de Fisioterapia e Reabilitao identificada como apresentando uma desigualdade e desajustamento da oferta regional superior dos restantes cuidados de sade, assim como uma falta de adequao dos preos praticados, perante as condies de oferta e procura actualmente existentes, o presente trabalho tem por objectivo investigar, no domnio do Desempenho, a influncia do Financiamento na definio da prestao destes cuidados, tendo como pressuposto genrico que as decises estratgicas e a reestruturao produtiva das organizaes de sade so condicionadas pelo sistema de preos. Considera-se que o actual sistema de Financiamento/Pagamento provoca um constrangimento na qualidade da resposta destes cuidados a dois nveis: um primeiro nvel, ao colocar o pagamento no mbito dos Meios Complementares de Diagnstico e Teraputica (MCDTs) a contratar pelo Servio Nacional de Sade, com isso determinando a configurao organizativa do sistema; um segundo nvel de constrangimento que incide sobre as estruturas das organizaes prestadoras, pela modelao que induz, nomeadamente a nvel da sua produo. Na impossibilidade de tratar as duas dimenses do problema, pela falta de indicadores de desempenho deste sector, analisou-se, relativamente ao segundo nvel de constrangimento, a produo de fisioterapia de trs organizaes que, potencialmente, teriam o mesmo o mesmo perfil de oferta por se enquadrarem num mesmo perfil de procura. Os resultados reflectem o pressuposto genrico do trabalho e abrem espao para colocar como futura hiptese de investigao a razo da(s) causa(s) que podero estar subjacentes discrepncia encontrada na mdia de tratamentos por sesso (duas vezes e meia) na produo das duas organizaes que foi possvel comparar.------------------- ABSTRACT - In a context where the provision of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation care is identified as having a regional mismatch of supply and inequality above all the others health cares, and a lack of adequacy of prices in the current conditions of supply and demand, the present work has, as main purpose, to investigate, in the field of Performance, the Payments influence in shaping the provision of such health care. The general assumption tracking this analysis is that the strategic decisions on productive structure of health care organizations are influenced by the price systems. It is considered that the current Finance / Payment system causes two levels of constraints on the quality of such health care: a first constraint, as it putts its payment under the Supplementary Means of Diagnosis and Therapy (MCDTs), witch ends up establishing the organizational setup of the system; a second level of constraint by modelling the internal structure of these organizations. The lack of indicators characterizing the performance of this sector, addressed the present study to the second dimension, in witch was analysed the physical therapy production in three organizations that, potentially, would have the same profile of supply responding to similar characteristics of demand. The results reflect the above mentioned general assumption that supported the work, and leave an open space for future research, about the reason (s) that lay behind the discrepancy found between the average of treatments per session (two and a half times) in


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RESUMO - Os gastos com a sade, em Portugal, como nos pases da Unio Europeia e da OCDE, tm crescido a um ritmo superior ao do crescimento econmico, assumindo uma importncia crescente face ao PIB. Entre estes factores surge a velocidade da introduo da inovao e dos desenvolvimentos tecnolgicos dos domnios do diagnstico e da teraputica. Uma das mais difceis e importantes questes para as polticas de sade a relao entre a sade e os gastos com a prestao de cuidados de sade. Estudos recentes sugerem que os cuidados de sade ocupam um papel importante na melhoria da sade da populao, e que os recentes avanos tecnolgicos so custo-efectivos aceites na generalidade por cada ano de vida ganho. Este trabalho visa estudar a influncia que o financiamento e o estatuto jurdico hospitalar tm na introduo e adopo de novas tecnologias em sade. Para isso, alm da reviso bibliogrfica, foi realizada uma anlise a uma base de dados, cujos elementos se cingem a pacientes com doenas cardiovasculares atendidos num dos hospitais do Servio Nacional de Sade, entre 2000 e 2006. --- ------------------------------------ABSTRACT - Health expenditures in Portugal, as in EU countries and in the OECD, have developed at a higher rate than economic growth, assuming an increasing importance to the GDP. Among these factors appears the speed of the introduction of innovation and technological development in diagnosis and therapy areas. One of the most difficult and most important questions for health policy is the relationship of health to health care spending. Studies now suggest that medical care has played an important role in improving the health of the population, and recent technical advances are cost-effective at generally accepted values of an added year of life. This work aims to study the influence that the prospective payment and the hospitals legal status have in introduction and adoption of new technologies in health. For this, besides the literature review, an analysis was made to a database, whose elements are confined to patients with cardiovascular disease treated in the hospitals of t


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RESUMO - No contexto econmico actual, os custos pelos acidentes devem ser tidos em conta por todos os gestores das organizaes, com especial destaque ao sector da sade. Assim a anlise econmica deste estudo visa alertar para o impacto econmico dos acidentes de trabalho em contexto hospitalar e sensibilizar os gestores para a anlise do custo-beneficio da preveno. Existem custos facilmente constatveis, tais como, o tempo perdido no dia do acidente, quer pelo sinistrado quer pelos colegas de trabalho que o assistem, as despesas de uma ida ao servio de urgncia, a paragem da produo, a formao de mo-de-obra alternativa, a substituio dos trabalhadores, o pagamento de horas extras, o restabelecimento dos trabalhadores, os salrios pagos aos trabalhadores sinistrados, as despesas administrativas e o aumento do prmio do seguro, entre outros. Existem outros custos que no so to evidentes e por conseguinte, dificilmente quantificveis, como o caso da deteriorao da imagem da empresa e o impacto sentimental que estes provocam nos colegas de trabalho que se traduz em quebras de produtividade. A anlise econmica foi realizada tendo em conta a definio de vrias variveis, de vrias rubricas de custos pertencentes ao mesmo domnio. Neste projecto pretende-se analisar o custo global da sinistralidade segundo trs pticas distintas. A ptica da variabilidade, da imputabilidade e da responsabilidade, de forma a ser possvel obter o custo marginal devido ocorrncia de um novo acidente, o montante de custos assumidos pelas empresas e os custos unitrios segundo a natureza e a localizao da leso. ---------- ABSTRACT - In the current economic context, the costs originated by labour accidents must be taken in account by all the managers of the organisations, in this case, especially by the health sector. Thus, the economic analysis of this study case aims, to alert for the economic impact of the industrial accidents and motivate the managers for the analysis of the cost-benefit for prevention. There are kinds of costs easily quantified such as, the lost time in the day of the accident, expenses in the urgencies service, production interruption, workforce formation, workers substitution, extra work payment, employers healing, wages paid to injured workers, administrative expenses and a biggest insurers prime, among other things. The economic analysis of the labour injuries, was developed taking in account the definition of some variables, of some cost categories which belong to same domain. In this project we pretend to analyse the global cost labour injuries according to three distinct optics: variability, imputability and responsibility. Thus, it became possible to get the cost due to an occurrence of a new accident, the unitary sum of costs assumed by the companies and costs according to nature and the localisation of the injury.


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Dissertao apresentada na Faculdade de Cincias e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para obteno do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia do Ambiente, Perfil Engenharia Sanitria


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The object of this dissertation is focused on the study of the home banking service and how the allocation of losses due to computer fraud is processed in the scope of this service. When considering the questions raised by the allocation of losses associated with fraudulent operations, it is important to consider, mainly, the behaviour of the user of the home banking service. In our opinion, courts have been too demanding towards the user when judging his action in the use of this service. In this study, we have concluded that, when the user falls into a computer fraud scheme, he should not be liable for gross negligent behaviour, even if, due to the fraud, the user revealed all his access codes to a hacker on a page similar to that of his bank. In general, such facts will not be sufficient to qualify the users action as grossly negligent. Therefore, the user, under the terms of the Payment Services System, must bear the loss up to a maximum of 150, and the bank will face the remainder of the losses. However, if the user, victim of a fraudulent technique, ignored the safety warnings issued by the bank, one must consider, given the specific case, that he contributed to gross negligence in unauthorised payment transactions. Thus, the user must bear all the losses up to the moment when he notifies the bank about the unauthorised transactions. It is the banks responsibility to, given the specific case, adduce evidence of the clients contribution to the identified losses.


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Esta dissertao tem por principal objetivo propor modelos BPMN que possam representar as boas prticas em gesto recursos humanos, a fim de facilitar a identificao dos principais requisitos dos pacotes de software para a Gesto de Recursos Humanos. Assim, foram estudadas as sub-reas recrutamento e seleo, avaliao de desempenho, formao e desenvolvimento, clculo e pagamento de salrios e recompensas, e a gesto de carreira. Para o desenho dos modelos BPMN foi adotada a metodologia design science, adequada aos projetos de investigao em tecnologias e sistemas de informao que tm por objetivo o design de artefactos a partir de bases tericas. Os modelos desenvolvidos foram disponibilizados para avaliao por gestores e executivos da rea de gesto de recursos humanos o que permitiu refinar e melhorar os mesmos.


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O aparecimento de solues de software baseadas na Cloud vieram democratizar o acesso a aplicaes de suporte actividade empresarial, permitindo a micro e pequenas empresas aceder a ferramentas que outrora apenas as grandes empresas poderiam financiar, dada a introduo de novas formas de pagamento mensais com base em contratos flexveis, acesso via internet e ausncia de instalao de hardware especfico ou compra de licenas por utilizador a verdadeira utilizao de software como um servio, vulgo SaaS (Software as a Service). As aplicaes de tipo SaaS aportam inmeros benefcios para as empresas e mesmo vantagens competitivas importantes, estando disponveis solues em diversas reas, nomeadamente para a Gesto de Projectos, como ferramentas de CRM (Customer Relationship Management) e CMS (Content Management System), entre outros. Assim, as empresas de Marketing e Comunicao, caso da empresa em que se centra este Projecto, tm hoje em dia acesso a um conjunto de aplicaes SaaS, que pelo seu custo acessvel e fcil acesso online, permitem s empresas mais pequenas serem rapidamente to competitivas quanto as maiores, por norma com processos mais pesados e tradicionais. Adicionalmente, assistimos tambm ao fenmeno da consumerizao das TI, em que os consumidores passam a querer ter o mesmo tipo de User Experience (UX) de que usufruem na utilizao de aplicaes fora do seu trabalho, aplicadas vida empresarial. Este Projecto argumenta que a Usabilidade deve ser um dos elementos chave para a seleco correcta de uma aplicao online de Gesto de Projectos (do tipo SaaS), algo que deveria ser facilitado pela aplicao de uma metodologia de teste da Usabilidade, disponvel numa plataforma online de acesso livre. A metodologia dever ser eficaz e passvel de ser utilizada por colaboradores de uma micro ou pequena empresa, apoiando o seu processo decisrio de investimento, sendo eles especialistas ou no na matria. A metodologia proposta neste projecto exploratrio pressupe uma complementaridade entre a avaliao Heurstica de Usabilidade pelo mtodo de Nielsen e o Mtodo de Purdue - Purdue Usability Testing Questionnaire (PUTQ).


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Consumer relations, established between the Consumer and the Creditor, which carry a consequent inequality of contractual positioning between the parties, have been pushing the legislator to adopt more rigid regulations with regard to lending for the purchase of goods or services of consum issues. In this sense, the Decree-Law 359/91 was approved, meanwhile repealed by the Decree-Law 133/2009, which regulates the consumer credit agreements regime in the portuguese legal system. Through this contract, the financier makes available to the consumer a certain amount of money, which the consumer must repay, plus the respective remuneration (interest) and other charges, according to a refund plan agreed by the parties. The consumer will be in delay if he breaches this stipulation. In case of default, the creditor, notwithstanding, can choose to wait for the performance by the debtor, promote the loss of benefit of the term or the termination of the contract. From the outset it would seem that, in one way or another, the financier, by imposing a forced shortening of the contract duration initially agreed, will lose the right to remuneration for the provision of capital agreed, but not verified. Nevertheless, unlike presently, the previous regime allowed the parties to rule otherwise, being permitted to agree to the payment of interest of outstanding installments. On the other hand, in the consumer credit contract the principle of freedom of contractual provision of the parties is strongly mitigated by the special legislation, which prevents the waiver of rights by the consumer, and by the regime of general contractual terms, which restricts the freedom of the financier to stipulate the contractual content freely and the freedom of the consumer to negotiate. For all these reasons, associated with the growing need of credit resource to satisfy their needs of consumption, it is confirm the relevance of legislative intervention on consumers protection in the context of hiring credit.


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Consumer relations, established between the Consumer and the Creditor, which carry a consequent inequality of contractual positioning between the parties, have been pushing the legislator to adopt more rigid regulations with regard to lending for the purchase of goods or services of consum issues. In this sense, the Decree-Law 359/91 was approved, meanwhile repealed by the Decree-Law 133/2009, which regulates the consumer credit agreements regime in the portuguese legal system. Through this contract, the financier makes available to the consumer a certain amount of money, which the consumer must repay, plus the respective remuneration (interest) and other charges, according to a refund plan agreed by the parties. The consumer will be in delay if he breaches this stipulation. In case of default, the creditor, notwithstanding, can choose to wait for the performance by the debtor, promote the loss of benefit of the term or the termination of the contract. From the outset it would seem that, in one way or another, the financier, by imposing a forced shortening of the contract duration initially agreed, will lose the right to remuneration for the provision of capital agreed, but not verified. Nevertheless, unlike presently, the previous regime allowed the parties to rule otherwise, being permitted to agree to the payment of interest of outstanding installments. On the other hand, in the consumer credit contract the principle of freedom of contractual provision of the parties is strongly mitigated by the special legislation, which prevents the waiver of rights by the consumer, and by the regime of general contractual terms, which restricts the freedom of the financier to stipulate the contractual content freely and the freedom of the consumer to negotiate. For all these reasons, associated with the growing need of credit resource to satisfy their needs of consumption, it is confirm the relevance of legislative intervention on consumers protection in the context of hiring credit.


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In this thesis we address the paradigms and inconsistencies involving crisis kidnappings and hostage-taking. This work particularly focuses on foreign hostages seized by terrorists and guerrilla movements. It highlights major global events that have contributed to the collective awareness of the phenomenon and the evolution of international agreements and protocols. We focus on the episodes involving Portugal or Portuguese abroad, particularly on the kidnapping of Portuguese in the Cabinda enclave. It also deals with the problems associated with the payment of ransoms, the increasing involvement of private agents in addressing these crises, and incongruities in the motivations of the kidnappers.


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The object of this dissertation is the analysis of the legal framework applicable to contracts for provision of electronic communications services, while trying to offer solutions to some of the issues regarding this matter. The main focus of this study will be the rules concerning services suspension, which have been recently amended. The technological development and the establishment of these services as information transmitters and work tools were noteworthy for its growing importance at the present time. These services include cable television, telephone (landline and mobile) and internet and they are regulated by Law nr 23/96, July 26th, along with other essential public services. Said law sets a group of principles and duties, such as good faith (article 3), continuity and quality of the service (article 7) and the duty to rightfully inform the user (article 4), in order to protect the users. For the analysis of legal framework applicable to these particular contracts it is also fundamental to mention Law nr 5/2004, February 10th, known as Electronic Communications Law. The provisions regarding the services suspension are currently prescribed in articles 52. and 52.-A of the law. Given the amendments introduced by Law nr 10/2013, January 28th, consumers are subjected to a regulation different from the one applicable to the other users, established in the new article 52.-A. From our analysis, we have concluded that the main change from past provisions has to do with the automatic termination of the contract as consequence of the consumers failure to pay the price or to conclude a written payment arrangement after services suspension.