95 resultados para Joana Vasconcelos


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Equity research report


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Polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs) are natural biologically synthesized polymers that have been the subject of much interest in the last decades due to their biodegradability. Thus far, its microbial production is associated with high operational costs, which increases PHA prices and limits its marketability. To address this situation, this thesis’ work proposes the utilization of photosynthetic mixed cultures (PMC) as a new PHA production system that may lead to a reduction in operational costs. In fact, the operational strategies developed in this work led to the selection of PHA accumulating PMCs that, unlike the traditional mixed microbial cultures, do not require aeration, thus permitting savings in this significant operational cost. In particular, the first PHA accumulating PMC tested in this work was selected under non-aerated illuminated conditions in a feast and famine regime, being obtained a consortium of bacteria and algae, where photosynthetic bacteria accumulated PHA during the feast phase and consumed it for growth during the famine phase, using the oxygen produced by algae. In this symbiotic system, a maximum PHA content of 20% cell dry weight (cdw) was reached, proving for the first time, the capacity of a PMC to accumulate PHA. During adaptation to dark/light alternating conditions, the culture decreased its algae content but maintained its viability, achieving a PHA content of 30% cdw. Also, the PMC was found to be able to utilize different volatile fatty acids for PHA production, accumulating up to 20% cdw of a PHA co-polymer composed of 3-hydroxybutyrate (3HB) and 3-hydroxyvalerate (HV) monomers. Finally, a new selective approach for the enrichment of PMCs in PHA accumulating bacteria was tested. Instead of imposing a feast and famine regime, a permanent feast regime was used, thus selecting a PMC that was capable of simultaneously growing and accumulating PHA, being attained a maximum PHA content of 60% cdw, the highest value reported for a PMC thus far. The results presented in this thesis prospect the utilization of cheap, VFA-rich fermented wastes as substrates for PHA production, which combined with this new photosynthetic technology opens up the possibility for direct sunlight illumination, leading to a more cost-effective and environmentally sustainable PHA production process.


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Branding Lab


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Born in Armenia, the oldest Christian country in the world but nevertheless one of the youngest reinstated republics (1991) after the collapse of the Soviet Union, Arshile Gorky flew to the United States in 1920, where he chose to reinvent himself in the struggle to become an artist. This reinvention meant the creation of a persona with, or behind, which Gorky kept alive the artistic flame inside himself. Gorky became one of the most learned voices lecturing on contemporary European modernist artists and movements of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries in the United States (New York) without ever visiting Europe. Moreover, he was able to survive the traumatic events he underwent during the Armenian Genocide (1915-1919) to adapt to his new country and identity, to live through the years of the Depression and, eventually, to become the protagonistof a major artistic breakthrough. This paper proposes an insight into the experience of life and frame of work of this Armenian-American artist, whose simultaneously rich, traumatic, dislocated and reenacted life and work established one of the most fertile links between his middle‑eastern origins, his dreamed of Europe and the particular transit of his American artistic creation.


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O nosso planeta está atualmente sobre significativa pressão ambiental antropogénica, sendo as principais consequências desta situação a perda de biodiversidade, alterações climáticas e poluição. Este trabalho parte da ideia central de que a explosão demográfica já verificada e projetada para as próximas décadas constitui a origem última e a principal causa da pressão ambiental atual e futura. Nesta sequência, apresenta-se aqui um estudo sobre a explosão demográfica da população humana desde 1950 e anos anteriores, crescimento atual e previsões até 2050 e futuras. Ao fazê-lo, são identificados os aspetos que mais significativamente contribuem para esta situação, é analisado em detalhe cada aspeto identificado e são apresentadas possíveis soluções para a mitigação dos mesmos. Apresentam-se possíveis soluções e políticas para alcançar um patamar de crescimento populacional global em valores ambientalmente sustentáveis e propõe-se um valor máximo alvo para o valor da população global que permita um desenvolvimento sustentável. O momento atual, mais do que qualquer outro na história da humanidade, é de grande mudança e definirá de forma determinante em que planeta escolhemos viver: um planeta completamente humanizado que serve uma espécie ou um planeta em que a nossa espécie vive em equilíbrio com os ecossistemas e a biodiversidade que ainda subsiste atualmente, optando por uma sustentabilidade a longo prazo. Este trabalho conclui que apenas através da promoção e reforço significativo de políticas e programas ativos e eficazes de controlo de crescimento da população global e não de mera monitorização e projeção, como é tendência dos estudos e programas atuais, se poderá efetivamente atingir uma realidade próxima do segundo cenário.


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This master thesis has been developed during the internship in the Supervision Department of Supervision of the Intermediation and Market Structures of CMVM. My collaboration in such department was mainly focused on the derivatives market of the Iberian Electricity Market (MIBEL). MIBEL embodies two organized markets – the derivatives market in Portugal and the spot market in Spain The trading activity in the derivatives market of MIBEL is processed through the trading platform of the regulated market managed by OMIP, however, much of the negotiation is over-the-counter. The aim of this work is to describe the market from a legal and economic perspective and to analyse the evolution of the negotiation, namely the impact of OTC in the regulated market trading. To achieve this, I propose to analyse also MiFID and EMIR rules over derivative contracts and the role of central counterparties, as they both are important to the discussion. In parallel, we found that OTC transactions are considerably higher than those traded in the regulated market managed by OMIP, those findings can be justified by the contractual relationships based on trust already established between the partiesarties. Nevertheless, since 2011 this trend changed by an increase of the registered OTC. Thereafter, although the parties continued to trade bilaterally, these transactions were registered in a central counterparty in order to eliminate the inherent risks related to the OTC derivatives transactions. This change in the negotiation pattern may also be influenced by the mandatory reporting of transactions imposed by EMIR, that requires for some classes of derivatives the centralized clearing and for all other requires the implementation of risk mitigation techniques.


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Como produto das experiências tidas no âmbito da prática de ensino supervisionada no Mestrado em Ensino de História e Geografia, que decorreu no ano letivo de 2014/2015, na Escola Secundária Quinta do Marquês, em Oeiras, surge o presente relatório que teve como principal objetivo refletir sobre o papel da música enquanto estratégia/recurso no processo de ensino e aprendizagem na disciplina de História. Considerando o que a música representa para os jovens na atualidade, procuramos através da elaboração e aplicação de inquéritos perceber a eficácia desta estratégia no ensino da História. Os resultados obtidos apontam para o facto de a música surgir como um recurso capaz de captar a atenção, permitir a contextualização histórica e motivar para o estudo.


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Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to explore the impact of corporate volunteering on employee bonding and to understand the barriers and motivation to participation in these events. In contrast to other studies the participants volunteer in their spare time without expecting any financial reward. Design/methodology/approach – Employees (n 3951) of a logistic company participated in the study based on an online questionnaire with 6 items and open questions. The employee sample was divided into 3 groups depending on the frequency of participation in volunteering events. Findings – Significant differences were found on bonding between the three groups. In addition, the relevance of control variables like gender, age and job level were obtained. Furthermore a moderation effect of motivation was found. The results were interpreted within the broader context that ties motivation theory, organizational identification and social exchange theory.


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The following directed research project analyzes how different sustainability efforts of an organization influence consumers’ responses in an industry, which faces high controversy. The study tested shows how two different high fit sustainability endeavors, namely high fit Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activities and Corporate Social Entrepreneurship (CSE), affect the way consumers’ attributions are being made with regard to the company’s motive. With data gathered from surveying 156 participants, the study provides evidence that CSR as well as CSE programs stimulate values-driven attributions which positively affect consumers’ trust, corporate reputation and corporate image. Lastly, theoretical and managerial implications of the study are discussed and future research suggestions provided.


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O presente Relatório tem como objetivo expor o trabalho desenvolvido durante o estágio, no âmbito da componente não letiva do mestrado em Ciências da Educação, realizado ao abrigo de um protocolo entre a Faculdade de Ciências Socais e Humanas (FCSH) da Universidade Nova de Lisboa (UNL) e a Escola Profissional Gustave Eiffel (EPGE), sob orientação científica do Professor Doutor Luís Manuel Bernardo da FCSH e orientação prática pela Mestre Maria Goreti Freitas, da EPGE. O estágio teve a duração de três meses, com um total de 400 horas. Deste modo, serão descritas as práticas de estágio, sustentadas nos conhecimentos adquiridos nas componentes letivas do mestrado em Ciências da Educação. O relatório está estruturado em três capítulos, finalizando com uma reflexão sobre a produtividade do estágio para a nossa aprendizagem. No primeiro capítulo, pretende-se justificar a escolha da temática deste relatório, procedendo-se à caracterização da secretaria e da escola, fundamentada através de uma revisão de literatura, bem como por algumas entrevistas realizadas durante o estágio. Neste capítulo dá-se importância ao facto deste estágio ter permitido uma interação com toda a comunidade educativa, nas suas respetivas diferenças, em diferentes níveis e situações. No segundo capítulo, efetuou-se a uma contextualização acerca das plataformas de gestão educativas bem como a sua importância para a gestão da comunidade educativa. Evidenciou-se em particular o papel das plataformas de gestão na educação, enquanto elo de ligação entre a secretaria e toda a comunidade educativa. No terceiro capítulo levou-se a cabo a descrição das principais atividades desenvolvidas durante o estágio curricular. Por fim, apresenta-se a uma reflexão crítica sobre o processo de estágio. Todo o trabalho remete para documentos anexos, os quais comprovam a documentação complementar. Alguns destes documentos foram elaborados de forma original, designadamente as entrevistas realizadas no decurso do estágio.


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Field lab: Business project