67 resultados para polimeri poliuretani poliesteri one-pot sintesi bio-based carbammati
Cancer remains as one of the top killing diseases in first world countries. It’s not a single, but a set of various diseases for which different treatment approaches have been taken over the years. Cancer immunotherapy comes as a “new” breath on cancer treatment, taking use of the patients’ immune system to induce anti-cancer responses. Dendritic Cell (DC) vaccines use the extraordinary capacity of DCs’ antigen presentation so that specific T cell responses may be generated against cancer. In this work, we report the ex vivo generation of DCs from precursors isolated from clinical-grade cryopreserved umbilical cord blood (UCB) samples. After the thawing protocol for cryopreserved samples was optimized, the generation of DCs from CD14+ monocytes, i.e., moDCs, or CD34+ hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs), i.e, CD34-derived DCs, was followed and their phenotype and function evaluated. Functional testing included the ability to respond to maturation stimuli (including enzymatic removal of surface sialic acids), Ovalbumin-FITC endocytic capacity, cytokine secretion and T cell priming ability. In order to evaluate the feasibility of using DCs derived from UCB precursors to induce immune responses, they were compared to peripheral blood (PB) moDCs. We observed an increased endocytosis capacity after moDCs were differentiated from monocyte precursors, but almost 10-fold lower than that of PB moDCs. Maturation markers were absent, low levels of inflammatory cytokines were seen and T cell stimulatory capacity was reduced. Sialidase enzymatic treatment was able to mature these cells, diminishing endocytosis and promoting higher T cell stimulation. CD34-derived DCs showed higher capacity for both maturation and endocytic capacity than moDCs. Although much more information was acquired from moDCs than from CD34-derived DCs, we conclude the last as probably the best suited for generating an immune response against cancer, but of course much more research has to be performed.
All over the world, many earth buildings are deteriorating due to lack of maintenance and repair. Repairs on rammed earth walls are mainly done with mortars, by rendering application; however, often the repair is inadequate, resorting to the use of incompatible materials, including cement-based mortars. It has been observed that such interventions, in walls that until that day only had presented natural ageing issues, created new problems, much more dangerous for the building than the previous ones, causing serious deficiencies in this type of construction. One of the problems is that the detachment of the new cement-based mortar rendering only occurs after some time but, until that occurrence, degradations develop in the wall itself. When the render detaches, instead of needing only a new render, the surface has to be repaired in depth, with a repair mortar. Consequently, it has been stablished that the renders, and particularly repair mortars, should have physical, mechanical and chemical properties similar to those of the rammed earth walls. This article intends to contribute to a better knowledge of earth-based mortars used to repair the surface of rammed earth walls. The studied mortars are based on four types of earth: three of them were collected from non-deteriorated parts of walls of unstabilized rammed earth buildings located in Alentejo region, south of Portugal; the fourth is a commercial earth, consisting mainly of clay. Other components were also used, particularly: sand to control shrinkage; binders stabilizers such as dry hydrated air-lime, natural hydraulic lime, Portland cement and natural cement; as well as natural vegetal fibers (hemp fibers). The experimental analysis of the mortars in the fresh state consisted in determining the consistency by flow table and the bulk density. In the hardened state, the tests made it possible to evaluate the following properties: linear and volumetric shrinkage; capillary water absorption; drying capacity; dynamic modulus of elasticity; flexural and compressive strength.
Notch is a conserved signalling pathway, which plays a crucial role in a multiple cellular processes such as stem cell self-renewal, cell division, proliferation and apoptosis. In mammalian, four Notch receptors and five ligands are described, where interaction is achieved through their extracellular domains, leading to a transcription activation of different target genes. Increased expression of Notch ligands has been detected in several types of cancer, including breast cancer suggesting that these proteins represent possible therapeutic targets. The goal of this work was to generate quality protein targets and, by phage display technology, select function-blocking antibodies specific for Notch ligands. Phage display is a powerful technique that allows the generation of highly specific antibodies to be used for therapeutics, and it has also proved to be a reliable approach in identifying and validating new cancer-related targets. Also, we aimed at solving the tri-dimensional structure of the Notch ligands alone and in complex with selected antibodies. In this work, the initial phase focused on the optimization of the expression and purification of a human Delta-like 1 ligand mutant construct (hDLL1-DE3), by refolding from E. coli inclusion bodies. To confirm the biological activity of the produced recombinant protein cellular functional studies were performed, revealing that treatment with hDLL1-DE3 protein led to a modulation of Notch target genes. In a second stage of this study, Antibody fragments (Fabs) specific for hDLL1-DE3 were generated by phage display, using the produced protein as target, in which one good Fab candidate was selected to determine the best expression conditions. In parallel, multiple crystallization conditions were tested with hDLL1-DE3, but so far none led to positive results.
Nowadays, many of the manufactory and industrial system has a diagnosis system on top of it, responsible for ensuring the lifetime of the system itself. It achieves this by performing both diagnosis and error recovery procedures in real production time, on each of the individual parts of the system. There are many paradigms currently being used for diagnosis. However, they still fail to answer all the requirements imposed by the enterprises making it necessary for a different approach to take place. This happens mostly on the error recovery paradigms since the great diversity that is nowadays present in the industrial environment makes it highly unlikely for every single error to be fixed under a real time, no production stop, perspective. This work proposes a still relatively unknown paradigm to manufactory. The Artificial Immune Systems (AIS), which relies on bio-inspired algorithms, comes as a valid alternative to the ones currently being used. The proposed work is a multi-agent architecture that establishes the Artificial Immune Systems, based on bio-inspired algorithms. The main goal of this architecture is to solve for a resolution to the error currently detected by the system. The proposed architecture was tested using two different simulation environment, each meant to prove different points of views, using different tests. These tests will determine if, as the research suggests, this paradigm is a promising alternative for the industrial environment. It will also define what should be done to improve the current architecture and if it should be applied in a decentralised system.
RESUMO: Nos países desenvolvidos a lombalgia é a condição músculo-‐esquelética mais prevalente. Quando evolui para um quadro crónico é responsável por um encargo económico bastante considerável, não só em relação aos indivíduos, mas também para a sociedade. A lombalgia crónica é por isso uma das principais causas de perda de produtividade e de perda de independência económica, nomeadamente através do absenteísmo (ausência do trabalho), do presenteísmo (perda de produtividade no trabalho, devido à capacidade diminuída provocada pela lombalgia) e da incapacidade para trabalhar (invalidez permanente, total ou parcial). Até à data, em Portugal, a prevalência e carga social da lombalgia crónica eram desconhecidas. Até agora não existiam estudos populacionais de grande dimensão sobre este tema. O objetivo principal desta tese foi determinar a prevalência de lombalgia crónica, e também avaliar a carga social que esta tem na população adulta Portuguesa. O trabalho de investigação foi desenvolvido no âmbito do Estudo Epidemiológico de Doenças Reumáticas em Portugal (EpiReumaPt). Este foi o primeiro estudo de larga escala e de base populacional, que determinou a prevalência de doenças reumáticas e músculo-‐ esqueléticas na população adulta portuguesa. Foi realizado numa amostra aleatória e representativa, de 10.661 indivíduos do Continente, da Região Autónoma dos Açores e da Região Autónoma da Madeira, entre Setembro de 2011 e Dezembro de 2013. Esta tese foi dividida em duas secções. A primeira secção incluiu o detalhe das questões relativas ao desenvolvimento e gestão do EpiReumaPt, constituindo-‐se como um guia prático sobre como realizar um estudo de base populacional de larga escala, em Portugal. A metodologia detalhada do EpiReumaPt foi também descrita nesta secção e incluiu os objectivos, o desenho do estudo, as características de recrutamento e a preparação de dados para análise. Nesta secção foram ainda descritos os principais resultados do EpiReumaPt. Estes evidenciaram que a lombalgia foi a condição músculo-‐esquelética com maior prevalência na população adulta portuguesa.A segunda secção desta tese estimou a prevalência da lombalgia crónica ativa na população adulta Portuguesa, e avaliou a carga social esta condição. A lombalgia ativa foi definida com base na dor auto-‐relatada no dia da entrevista e que persistia há pelo menos 90 dias (independentemente da causa). A lombalgia foi definida como dor na área definida entre a margem inferior das décimas segundas costelas até às pregas glúteas inferiores, com ou sem dor nos membros inferiores. A carga social foi medida tendo em conta os seguintes parâmetros: qualidade de vida, função, consumo de recursos de saúde, consumo de analgésicos e outros fármacos usados no alívio da dor, sintomas de ansiedade e sintomas de depressão. Os resultados mostraram que o consumo de recursos em saúde e a carga social da lombalgia crónica na população adulta Português é significativa. Também a incapacidade causada pela lombalgia crónica,nos indivíduos com idade ativa, é responsável por elevadas taxas de absenteísmo e má qualidade de vida, aos quais acresce o consequente ónus socioeconómico. Esta tese também concluiu que o consumo de analgésicos e outros medicamentos para alívio da dor, na população adulta portuguesa com lombalgia crónica ativa, é relativamente baixa. A maioria destes indivíduos não tomava nenhum medicamento analgésico, independentemente da intensidade da dor. Mesmo os indivíduos que reportaram dor intensa, apenas 4.0% estavam no primeiro degrau da escada analgésica da Organização Mundial de Saúde; 2.3% usavam opióides fracos e 0.03% usavam opióides fortes para controlar a dor (segundo e terceiro degrau da escada analgésica da Organização Mundial da Saúde). O trabalho de investigação também confirmou que a prevalência de sintomas de ansiedade e depressão entre os indivíduos adultos portugueses com lombalgia crónica ativa é elevada. Nestes indivíduos, registou-‐se um consumo mais elevado de analgésicos e outros medicamentos para alívio da dor, quando comparados com os indivíduos com lombalgia crónica activa sem esses sintomas psicológicos. Os grupos terapêuticos mais utilizados foram os ansiolíticos, sedativos e hipnóticos, os antidepressivos e os anti-‐inflamatórios não esteróides. A intensidade média da dor reportada foi também maior entre os indivíduos com lombalgia ativa e sintomas de ansiedade e/ou depressão. Também nestes, foi reportada pior função e pior estado de saúde. Em relação ao consumo de recursos de saúde foram encontradas diferenças significativas entre as duas populações: os indivíduos com lombalgia ativa e sintomas psicológicos concomitantes registaram maior número de consultas de psiquiatria de outras especialidades médicas, assim como precisaram de mais apoio domiciliário nos 12 meses prévios à entrevista do EpiReumaPt. Foram também identificados os fatores associados a sintomas isolados de ansiedade, a sintomas isolados de depressão e a sintomas de ansiedade e depressão. Resumindo,esta tese permitiu concluir que a lombalgia crónica é um problema de saúde comum na população adulta portuguesa, contribuindo para um elevado grau de incapacidade e que consequentemente afeta o desempenho laboral e o bem-‐estar dos indivíduos. A lombalgia crónica é também responsável por um consumo considerável de recursos de saúde. Acresce ainda que os sintomas de ansiedade e depressão são comuns, entre os indivíduos com lombalgia crónica, contribuindo com uma carga social adicional.---------------------------------- ABSTRACT:Low Back Pain(LBP) is the most prevalent of musculoskeletal condition in developed countries.When it becomes chronic, LBP causesan enormous economic burden on individuals and society -‐ it is one of the leading causes of loss of productivity and economic independence through absenteeism (time off work), presenteeism (lost productivity because of diminished capacity while at work) and work disability (permanent, partial or complete disablement for work purposes). In Portugal the prevalence and burden of LBP and chronic LBP (CLBP) were poorly defined. Until now no large population-‐based studies have focused on this. The main aim of this thesis was to determine the prevalence of LBP and CLBP, and also to assess the burden of CLBP in the adult rtuguese population. The research work was developed under the scope of EpiReumaPt (the Portuguese Epidemiologic Study of Rheumatic Diseases). EpiReumaPt was the first national large population-‐based and prevalence study of rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases (RMD). It was performed among a randomized and representative sample of 10,661 adult Portuguese subjects recruited in Mainland, Azores and Madeira Islands, from September 2011 to December 2013. The first section of this thesis included detailed issues regarding the development and management of EpiReumaPt, and provided a practical guide on how to set-‐up a large population-‐based study in Portugal. The detailed methodology of EpiReumaPt, including its objectives,study design,recruitment features,and data preparation for analyses were also described. The main results from EpiReumaPt study were provided in this section and showed that LBP was the musculoskeletal condition with highest prevalence among Portuguese population. The second section of this thesis estimated the prevalence of active CLBP among adult Portuguese population, and assessed the social burden of this condition. Active CLBP was defined based on self-‐reported pain on the day of the interview, and for most of the time for at least 90 days (independently from cause). LBP was defined as pain in the back area from the lower margin of the twelfth ribs to he lower gluteal folds, with or without pain referred to the lower limbs. Social burden was measured taking into account the following outcomes: quality of life, function, healthcare resources consumption, analgesic and other pain relief drugs intake, anxiety and depression symptoms. Results showed that the healthcare consumption and social burden of CLBP among adult Portuguese population were enormous, and the disability caused by CLBP among subjects in a working age provides high rates of absenteeism (work loss) and poor quality of life, with a consequent socioeconomic burden. This thesis also concluded that analgesic and other pain relief drugs untake among adult Portuguese population with active CLBP was very low. Most of the subjects with active CLBP did not take any analgesic drug regardless pain severity. Even when subjects self-‐reported severe pain, only 24.0% were in the 1st step of the analgesic ladder,2.3% used weak analgesic opioids and 0.03% used strong opioids (2nd and 3rd step of WHO analgesic ladder, respectively) to control pain . The research work also confirmed that the prevalence of anxiety and depression symptoms among adult Portuguese subjects with active CLBP was high. Regarding pharmacological therapy, the intake of analgesic and other pain relief drugs was higher among subjects with anxiety and/or depression symptoms, when compared with subjects without these psychological symptoms. Anxiolytics, sedatives and hypnotics, antidepressants and NSAIDs intake had higher usage rates among these subjects. The pain severity mean was also higher among this subjects and function and health status was worse. Regarding healthcare resources consumption,significant differences between the two populations were found. Subjects with ctive CLBP and concomitant psychological symptoms had a higher number of psychiatrist and other physician visits. They also needed more home care in the previous 12 months. Factors associated with isolated symptoms of anxiety, depression,and concomitant anxiety and depression symptoms were also identified. Summarizing, we concluded that CLBP is a common health problem among adult Portuguese population contributing to disability and affecting labor performance, and the well being of subjects. it is also responsible for considerable healthcare resource consumption. Anxiety and depression symptoms are common among subjects with CLBP and provided an additional burden among them.
Ionic Liquids (ILs) consist in organic salts that are liquid at/or near room temperature. Since ILs are entirely composed of ions, the formation of ion pairs is expected to be one essential feature for describing solvation in ILs. In recent years, protein - ionic liquid (P-IL) interactions have been the subject of intensive studies mainly because of their capability to promote folding/unfolding of proteins. However, the ion pairs and their lifetimes in ILs in P-IL thematic is dismissed, since the action of ILs is therefore the result of a subtle equilibrium between anion-cation interaction, ion-solvent and ion-protein interaction. The work developed in this thesis innovates in this thematic, once the design of ILs for protein stabilisation was bio-inspired in the high concentration of organic charged metabolites found in cell milieu. Although this perception is overlooked, those combined concentrations have been estimated to be ~300 mM among the macromolecules at concentrations exceeding 300 g/L (macromolecular crowding) and transient ion-pair can naturally occur with a potential specific biological role. Hence the main objective of this work is to develop new bio-ILs with a detectable ion-pair and understand its effects on protein structure and stability, under crowding environment, using advanced NMR techniques and calorimetric techniques. The choline-glutamate ([Ch][Glu]) IL was synthesized and characterized. The ion-pair was detected in water solutions using mainly the selective NOE NMR technique. Through the same technique, it was possible to detect a similar ion-pair promotion under synthetic and natural crowding environments. Using NMR spectroscopy (protein diffusion, HSQC experiments, and hydrogen-deuterium exchange) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), the model protein GB1 (production and purification in isotopic enrichment media) it was studied in the presence of [Ch][Glu] under macromolecular crowding conditions (PEG, BSA, lysozyme). Under dilute condition, it is possible to assert that the [Ch][Glu] induces a preferential hydration by weak and non-specific interactions, which leads to a significant stabilisation. On the other hand, under crowding environment, the [Ch][Glu] ion pair is promoted, destabilising the protein by favourable weak hydrophobic interactions , which disrupt the hydration layer of the protein. However, this capability can mitigates the effect of protein crowders. Overall, this work explored the ion-pair existence and its consequences on proteins in conditions similar to cell milieu. In this way, the charged metabolites found in cell can be understood as key for protein stabilisation.
The “Logoplaste: Conquering the world one bottle at a time” case is based on the real story of the Botton family and their journey to build the globally known company Logoplaste. Famous for its “hole in the wall” strategy within the plastics industry, Logoplaste is not only one of the major plastic bottles manufacturers in the world, but also a company which has been proving us that a shared leadership system can be successful within a family business. This case intendeds to demonstrate the dynamics of a family business, illustrating the complexity of the decision making process and how they have successfully mastered dual management in a family firm. Moreover, it also aims to demonstrate that a family firm can be managed in such way that sustainable growth, as a key pillar, can be enabled through a strong focus on internationalization and innovation. A teaching note is available at the end of the case in order to guide students and teachers in their readings. Discussions questions, for debate in class environment, are also provided together with suggested answers drawn together to increase the critical sense and theoretical application of the themes studied in class.