66 resultados para Consumo de Drogas


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Consumer relations, established between the Consumer and the Creditor, which carry a consequent inequality of contractual positioning between the parties, have been pushing the legislator to adopt more rigid regulations with regard to lending for the purchase of goods or services of consum issues. In this sense, the Decree-Law 359/91 was approved, meanwhile repealed by the Decree-Law 133/2009, which regulates the consumer credit agreement’s regime in the portuguese legal system. Through this contract, the financier makes available to the consumer a certain amount of money, which the consumer must repay, plus the respective remuneration (interest) and other charges, according to a refund plan agreed by the parties. The consumer will be in delay if he breaches this stipulation. In case of default, the creditor, notwithstanding, can choose to wait for the performance by the debtor, promote the loss of benefit of the term or the termination of the contract. From the outset it would seem that, in one way or another, the financier, by imposing a forced shortening of the contract duration initially agreed, will lose the right to remuneration for the provision of capital agreed, but not verified. Nevertheless, unlike presently, the previous regime allowed the parties to rule otherwise, being permitted to agree to the payment of interest of outstanding installments. On the other hand, in the consumer credit contract the principle of freedom of contractual provision of the parties is strongly mitigated by the special legislation, which prevents the waiver of rights by the consumer, and by the regime of general contractual terms, which restricts the freedom of the financier to stipulate the contractual content freely and the freedom of the consumer to negotiate. For all these reasons, associated with the growing need of credit resource to satisfy their needs of consumption, it is confirm the relevance of legislative intervention on consumers protection in the context of hiring credit.


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Consumer relations, established between the Consumer and the Creditor, which carry a consequent inequality of contractual positioning between the parties, have been pushing the legislator to adopt more rigid regulations with regard to lending for the purchase of goods or services of consum issues. In this sense, the Decree-Law 359/91 was approved, meanwhile repealed by the Decree-Law 133/2009, which regulates the consumer credit agreement’s regime in the portuguese legal system. Through this contract, the financier makes available to the consumer a certain amount of money, which the consumer must repay, plus the respective remuneration (interest) and other charges, according to a refund plan agreed by the parties. The consumer will be in delay if he breaches this stipulation. In case of default, the creditor, notwithstanding, can choose to wait for the performance by the debtor, promote the loss of benefit of the term or the termination of the contract. From the outset it would seem that, in one way or another, the financier, by imposing a forced shortening of the contract duration initially agreed, will lose the right to remuneration for the provision of capital agreed, but not verified. Nevertheless, unlike presently, the previous regime allowed the parties to rule otherwise, being permitted to agree to the payment of interest of outstanding installments. On the other hand, in the consumer credit contract the principle of freedom of contractual provision of the parties is strongly mitigated by the special legislation, which prevents the waiver of rights by the consumer, and by the regime of general contractual terms, which restricts the freedom of the financier to stipulate the contractual content freely and the freedom of the consumer to negotiate. For all these reasons, associated with the growing need of credit resource to satisfy their needs of consumption, it is confirm the relevance of legislative intervention on consumers protection in the context of hiring credit.


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RESUMO - Introdução: O consumo de álcool durante o aleitamento materno é um tema que tem vindo a ganhar relevo nos últimos anos. Contrariamente ao consumo de álcool durante a gravidez, em que já se conhecem bem as consequências sobre o feto, sobre os efeitos do consumo de álcool durante a amamentação ainda pouco se sabe. Este estudo visa, assim, caracterizar o consumo de álcool e fatores associados nas mães que amamentam, ou amamentaram, durante o 1º ano de vida da criança no concelho de Vila Franca de Xira em 2014. Metodologia: Foi realizado um estudo transversal, com a aplicação de um questionário de auto-preenchimento, a uma amostra estratificada e com alocação proporcional por Unidade Funcional, de mães que estiveram nas consultas de saúde infantil das unidades de saúde do concelho, entre março e maio de 2014. Resultados: A idade mediana das mães foi 31 anos e das crianças foi 3 meses. O tempo total em aleitamento teve uma mediana de 2 meses e somente 16,3% amamentaram mais de 5 meses. A prevalência do consumo de álcool durante a amamentação foi 7,9% e na gestação foi 8,1%. Os fatores que se associaram, com significância estatística, ao consumo de álcool na amamentação foram a maior idade da mãe, os conhecimentos que esta possuía e o consumo anterior de álcool na gestação. Os hábitos tabágicos durante a amamentação tiveram uma prevalência de 13,4% e o consumo de substâncias ilícitas de 0,6%. Conclusões: A prevalência do consumo de álcool durante a amamentação, a nível local, mantém-se semelhante à da gestação, sendo muito inferior à encontrada em outros estudos de outros países. O tempo total em amamentação é baixo considerando as recomendações nacionais e internacionais.


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This dissertation analyzes how the current Constitution and the Brazilian law establish consumer protection, arbitration and access to justice. Following we try to demonstrate why arbitration is a method rarely used in the resolution of consumer disputes in Brazil. It also examines the doctrinal and jurisprudential aspects of the conflict between the Brazilian Arbitration Law (Law nº. 9.307/96), which allows the arbitration clause in contracts of adhesion, and the Consumer Protection Code (Law nº 8.078/90) that in article 51, VII, considers as abusive the arbitration clause. Furthermore, analyzes new proposed bills under scrutiny by the National Congress on the issue and identifies the causes, in the Brazilian legal system, hampering the use of arbitration in consumer relations. Concludes that there are no principle obstacles preventing consumer litigations to be settled by arbitration. High costs, mistrust, oppression, misinformation of consumers and non-participation of the State, being a totally private institute, are factors that generate distrust, suspicion, and have prevented the development of arbitration in consumer relations in Brazil.


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Inscrevendo-se este trabalho no âmbito conjugado da Teoria do Texto e do Interacionismo Sociodiscursivo, defender‑se-á que o domínio de uma prática discursiva por parte do produtor textual se reflete no texto. Este ponto de vista será exemplificado a partir da análise de um corpus de géneros textuais que combinam a atividade de produção e de comercialização do vinho com a atividade jornalística, em particular, no género recensão crítica sobre o vinho. Atendendo a que o conjunto de textos observado se integra no que se chama de imprensa “de serviços” moderna que participa da sociedade de hiperconsumo e tendo como dispositivo de análise os tipos de discurso, serão analisadas as representações que o jornalista especialista constrói de si (figuração interna do agir) e do seu interlocutor, o leitor-consumidor (figuração externa do agir), posteriormente contrastadas com outros textos jornalísticos sobre o vinho. Os dados demonstrarão que o conhecimento sobre o vinho do especialista influencia diretamente a experiência hedonista que é construída no texto, pelo que só o agir deste sujeito é que pode mediar uma experiência qualificada.