66 resultados para stock value
RESUMO: Introdução. O cancro de bexiga é uma patologia comum que representa o 6° e o 5° cancro mais incidente em Portugal e na Itália, respetivamente. Em mais de metade dos casos ocorre reincidência durante o primeiro ano, requerendo acompanhamento clínico ao longo da vida. A instilação intravesical de Bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG) (uma estirpe atenuada do Mycobacterium bovis) representa uma imunoterapia eficaz no combate ao cancro de bexiga, no entanto, muitos aspetos da interação de BCG com as células tumorais bem como com as células do sistema imunitário permanecem por desvendar. As células tumorais de bexiga expressam frequentemente as formas sialiladas dos antigénios de Thomsen-Friedenreich (TF), i.e., sialil-T (sT) e sialil-Tn (sTn). Contudo ainda se desconhece o significado da sua expressão na malignidade tumoral e se afeta a eficácia da terapêutica BCG. Objetivo do estudo. Investigar o papel dos antigénios sT e sTn no fenótipo maligno de células de cancro de bexiga bem como na resposta mediada pelo sistema imunitário à terapia com BCG. Metodologia. Para tal, foram utilizadas as linhas celulares de cancro da bexiga HT1376 e MCR, geneticamente modificadas por transdução com vetores codificantes para as sialiltransferases ST3GAL1 ou ST6GALNAC1, de forma a expressar homogeneamente os antigénios sT ou sTn respetivamente. Estes modelos celulares foram estudados após confronto com BCG. O nível de BCG internalizado foi avaliado por citometria de fluxo. O perfil global de expressão genética dos modelos celulares antes e após incubação com BCG foi analisado pela tecnologia de microarray. O perfil de citocinas secretadas pelos modelos celulares após incubação com BCG, bem como de macrófagos estimulados pelo secretoma de células de cancro de bexiga que por sua vez foram estimuladas previamente por BCG, foi estudado pelo sistema multiplex de “imuno-esferas”. Resultados. A análise do transcritoma dos modelos celulares revelou que grupos de genes envolvidos em funções específicas foram modulados em paralelo nos dois modelos celulares, após transdução, independentemente da sialiltransferase expressa. Ou seja, em células que expressavam a sialiltransferase ST3GAL1 ou ST6GALNAC1, os genes envolvidos na regulação da segregação cromossómica e na reparação do DNA foram consistentemente regulados negativamente. Genes descritos na literatura como marcadores para o cancro de bexiga foram também modulados. A incubação com BCG resultou numa tendência ao aumento da expressão de genes relevantes na preservação e estabilidade genómica e menor malignidade, no entanto, apenas em células que expressavam sT ou sTn. Entre as dez citocinas testadas, apenas a IL-6 e IL-8 foram expressas pelas linhas celulares de cancro da bexiga, com indução destas após estimulação com BCG, e principalmente em células que expressavam ST3GAL1 ou ST6GALNAC1. Em macrófagos, citocinas inflamatórias, tais como IL-1β, IL-6 e TNFα, e a citocina anti-inflamatória IL-10, foram induzidas apenas pelo secretoma de células de cancro da bexiga confrontadas com BCG, com maior relevância quando estas expressavam ST3GAL1 ou ST6GALNAC1, prevendo a estimulação de macrófagos semelhantes aos de tipo M1 e uma melhor resposta à terapia com BCG. Conclusões. O efeito geral da expressão destas sialiltransferases e dos produtos enzimáticos sT ou sTn nas células de cancro de bexiga conduz a um fenótipo de maior malignidade. Contudo, a maior avidez de estas na produção de citocinas inflamatórias após confronto com BCG, bem como a maior capacidade de estimulação de macrófagos, predirá uma resposta à terapia com BCG mais eficaz em tumores que expressem os antigénios de TF sialilados. Tais conclusões são totalmente concordantes com os nossos mais recentes dados clínicos obtidos em colaboração, que mostram que em doentes com cancro de bexiga que expressam sTn respondem melhor a terapia BCG. ----------ABSTRACT: Background. Bladder cancer is a common malignancy representing the 6th and the 5th most incident cancer in Portugal and in Italy, respectively. More than half of the cases relapse within one year, requiring though a lifelong follow-up. Intravesical instillation of Bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG) (an attenuated strain of Mycobacterium bovis) represents an effective immunotherapy of bladder cancer, although many aspects of the interaction of BCG with cancer cells and host immune cells remain obscure. Bladder cancer cells often express the sialylated forms of the Thomsen-Friedenreich (TF), i.e., sialil-T (sT) e sialil-Tn (sTn). However, it’s still unknown the sense of such expression in tumour malignancy and in the BCG therapy efficacy. Aim of the study. To investigate the role of the sT and sTn antigens on the malignant phenotype of bladder cancer cells and the immune mediated response to BCG therapy. Experimental. We have utilized populations of the bladder cancer cell lines HT1376 and MCR, genetically modified by transduction with the sialyltransferases ST3GAL1 or ST6GALNAC1 to express homogeneously sT or sTn antigens. The level of BCG internalized was assessed by flow cytometry. The whole gene expression profile of BCG-challenged or unchallenged bladder cancer cell lines was studied by microarray technology. The profile of cytokines secreted by BCG-challenged bladder cancer cells and that of macrophages challenged by the secretome of BCG-challenged bladder cancer cells was studied by multiplex immune-beads assay. Results. Transcriptome analysis of the sialyltransferase-transduced cells revealed that groups of genes involved in specific functions were regulated in parallel in the two cell lines, regardless the sialyltransferase expressed. Namely, in sialyltransferase-expressing cells, genes involved in the proper chromosomal segregation and in the DNA repair were consistently down-regulated, while genes reported in literature as markers for bladder cancer were modulated. BCG-challenging induced a tendency to up-regulation of the genes preserving genomic stability and reducing malignancy, but only in cells expressing either sT or sTn. Among the ten cytokines tested, only IL-6 and IL-8 were expressed by bladder cancer cell lines and up-regulated by BCG-challenging, mainly in sialyltransferases-expressing cells. In macrophages, inflammatory cytokines, such as IL-1β, IL-6 and TNFα, and the antinflammatory IL-10 were induced only by the secretome of BCG-challenged bladder cancer cells, particularly when expressing either sialyltransferase, predicting the stimulation of M1-like macrophages and a better response to BCG therapy. Conclusions. The general effect of the expression of the two sialyltransferases and their products in the bladder cancer cells is toward a more malignant phenotype. However, the stronger ability of sialyltransferase expressing cells to produce inflammatory cytokines upon BCG-challenging and to stimulate macrophages predicts a more effective response to BCG in tumours expressing the sialylated TF antigens. This is fully consistent with our recent clinical data obtained in collaboration, showing that patients with bladder cancer expressing sTn respond better to BCG therapy.
This paper offers a new approach to estimating time-varying covariance matrices in the framework of the diagonal-vech version of the multivariate GARCH(1,1) model. Our method is numerically feasible for large-scale problems, produces positive semidefinite conditional covariance matrices, and does not impose unrealistic a priori restrictions. We provide an empirical application in the context of international stock markets, comparing the nev^ estimator with a number of existing ones.
Double Degree. A Work Project presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Finance from the NOVA- School of Business and Economics and a Masters Degree in Business Engineering from Louvain school of Management
This paper analyzes the in-, and out-of sample, predictability of the stock market returns from Eurozone’s banking sectors, arising from bank-specific ratios and macroeconomic variables, using panel estimation techniques. In order to do that, I set an unbalanced panel of 116 banks returns, from April, 1991, to March, 2013, to constitute equal-weighted country-sorted portfolios representative of the Austrian, Belgian, Finish, French, German, Greek, Irish, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish banking sectors. I find that both earnings per share (EPS) and the ratio of total loans to total assets have in-sample predictive power over the portfolios’ monthly returns whereas, regarding the cross-section of annual returns, only EPS retain significant explanatory power. Nevertheless, the sign associated with the impact of EPS is contrarian to the results of past literature. When looking at inter-yearly horizon returns, I document in-sample predictive power arising from the ratios of provisions to net interest income, and non-interest income to net income. Regarding the out-of-sample performance of the proposed models, I find that these would only beat the portfolios’ historical mean on the month following the disclosure of year-end financial statements. Still, the evidence found is not statistically significant. Finally, in a last attempt to find significant evidence of predictability of monthly and annual returns, I use Fama and French 3-Factor and Carhart models to describe the cross-section of returns. Although in-sample the factors can significantly track Eurozone’s banking sectors’ stock market returns, they do not beat the portfolios’ historical mean when forecasting returns.
The aim of this paper is to assess the impact of financial depth on economic growth in the EU-15 countries from 1970 until 2012, using the two-step System GMM estimator. Even though it might be expected a positive impact, the results show it is negative and sometimes even negative and statistically significant. Among the reasons presented for this, the existence of banking crises seems to better explain these results. In tranquil periods, financial deepening appears to have a positive impact, whereas in banking crises it is persistently negative and statistically significant. Also, after an assessment of the impact of stock markets on economic growth, it appears that more developed countries in the EU-15 have an economy more reliant on this segment of the financial system rather than in bank intermediation.
A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Finance from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics and Maastricht University School of Business and Economics
This study focus in the valorization of the apple pomace with the main goal of obtaining added value products. For that, hot compressed water technology was used for the extraction of phenolic compounds and hydrolysis of polysaccharides presents in the lignocellulosic structure of apple pomace to obtain simple sugars. The sugars have been utilized as alternative carbon source for growth, lipid accumulation and carotenoids production by five different yeast Yarrowia lipolytica, Rhodotorula mucilaginosa, Rhodotorula glutinis, Rhodosporidium babjevae and Rhodosporidium toruloides. Hydrolysis experiments were carried out with constant pressure of 100 bar, flow rate of 2mL/min and temperatures between 50°C and 250°C. The amount of total sugars present in apple pomace hydrolysates showed maximum values for the hydrolysis temperatures of 110°C and 190°C. In fact, these temperatures revealed the best results regarding the monosaccharides quantities. The amount of 5-HMF and furfural in each hydrolysate varied through the different temperatures. Maximum values for 5-HMF were obtained with 170°C, while furfural showed to be maximum at 210°C. Extraction of phenolic compounds were performed in simultaneously with hydrolysis reactions. Total phenolic compounds (TPC) increased along the temperature, however with small variations between 170°C and 250°C. Hydrolysates were then used as alternative carbon source to yeast growth. R. mucilaginosa shows the highest optical density, with the hydrolysate obtained at 130°C. Carotenoids produced by these yeast scored a total of 7.02μg carotenoids/g cell dry weight, while for the control assay, the same yeast scored 9.31μg caratonoides/g cell dry weight. β-carotene was quantified by HPLC, were 33% of the carotenoid production by R. mucilaginosa with hydrolysate as carbon source, corresponded to β-caroteno.
This work project aims at analysing choices related to Comprehensive income (CI) of Portuguese listed firms and understanding the reasons behind them. Additionally, it studies the relevance of CI versus Net Income (NI). It was found that firm’s size and volume of Other comprehensive income (OCI) are positively related with the choice for separate statements while smaller firms with positive NI and negative OCI tend to disclose less information about taxes. The value relevance of CI proved to be superior to that of NI but OCI seems to have no incremental value relevance.
This paper purposes a method for marketing segmentation based on customers‟ lifestyle. A quantitative and qualitative segmentation established by the Whitaker Lifestyle™ Method was created in order to define a concrete and clear identification of the customer, by understanding the behavior, style and preferences of each segment. After conducting 18 in-depth interviews, it was concluded that four main personas characterize the customer base of the company. These four personas will be the support for the creation of „quick-wins‟ that address to the expectations of each lifestyle, projecting a significant impact on the lifetime-value of the company‟s customer base
There have never been so many touch points between companies and consumers as there are today, which paradoxically makes it very challenging for companies to be able to retain and engage customers. Gamification is a strategy used by a large number of companies to increase customer engagement and customer lifetime value. This work aims at developing a gamification system for MyGon, a Portuguese startup working in the market of discounts and experiences. In addition to examining the literature concerning gamification, its elements and characteristics, recommendations were developed for addressing MyGon’s business goals of increasing conversion and customer engagement. The gamification mechanisms suggested include badges, missions, points, leaderboards and levels.
The underlying thesis examines the value drivers of direct investments in nursing home real estate in Germany. A survey among investors and operators is conducted in order to identify significant value drivers. Moreover, based on survey results, a framework for assessing German nursing home real estate is developed. This is applied in a case-study about the set-up of a nursing home value-add fund which will demonstrate the value creation process of redeveloping an existing nursing home real estate portfolio. Through a concluding analysis the sources of value creation, sensitivities and future prospects of direct investing into German nursing home real estate are concluded.
The following work is a case study of overstock and stock-out problems at Volkswagen Autoeuropa (VWAE). It introduces the supply chain of Autoeuropa and specializes then on failures connected to inventory problems. Having a successful supply chain is important in a world where products become more and more similar as it can give to companies an edge over their competitors. The case shows three practices that VWAE uses to prevent and to overcome stock problems. Information was gathered by doing interviews with different managers, by analyzing the company’s key processes and by literature research related to the topics of supply chain management and flexibility in the supply chain. Three practices were further investigated: the use of alternative parts, support of the supplier and a rating system of suppliers. In the question section of this work the importance of flexibility and Supplier Relationship Management (SRM) when connected to supply chain management are explained. The described different practices are numerically analyzed and it is concluded that each practice brings both cost savings and the possibility of achieving target numbers to the company, showing the company’s flexibility to react to supply chain disturbances. Because of confidentiality reasons, persons in the case are fictionalized and numbers are wherever possible equalized to 100 in order to display true proportions.
The recent financial crisis has drawn the attention of researchers and regulators to the importance of liquidity for stock market stability and efficiency. The ability of market-makers and investors to provide liquidity is constrained by the willingness of financial institutions to supply funding capital. This paper sheds light on the liquidity linkages between the Central Bank, Monetary Financial Institutions and market-makers as crucial elements to the well-functioning of markets. Results suggest the existence of causality between credit conditions and stock market liquidity for the Eurozone between 2003 and 2015. Similar evidence is found for the UK during the post-crisis period. Keywords: stock
This paper analyzes the Nova Student Portfolio (NSP) with the objective to understand performances of the fund. Each investment style has been analyzed (growth, value and momentum) in order to highlight what style allocation contributed positively and which had a negative impact. The results show that the team mainly invested in value stocks, which contributed positively but that its growth investments had a negative impact on the stock picking performance. The stock selection shows a major influence of the value investment style. A statistical approach shows that the market factor was the one explaining the most the NSP returns.
This paper studies the changes in European stock market indexes composition from 1995 to 2015. It was found that there are mixed price effects producing abnormal returns around the effective replacement of added and deleted stocks. The price pressure hypothesis seems to hold for added stocks in some indexes but not for deleted stocks as there is not a clear inversion of behaviour after the replacement. Finally, the building and back testing of a trading strategy aiming to capture some of those abnormal returns shows it yields a Sharpe Ratio of 1.4 and generates an annualised alpha of 11%.