64 resultados para Protein Feature


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Dissertation presented to obtain the Ph.D degree in Systems Biology


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Dissertation for a degree in Doctor in Sustainable Chemistry


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Bioquímica


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Dissertation for obtaining the Master degree in Membrane Engineering


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Cell-to-cell communication is required for many biological processes in development and adult life. One of the most common systems utilized by a wide range of eukaryotes is the Notch signalling pathway. Four Notch receptors and five ligands have been identified in mammals that interact via their extracellular domains leading to transcription activation. Studies have shown that the Notch ligands expression is undetectable in normal breast tissues, but moderate to high expression has been detected in breast cancer. Thus, any of the Notch1 ligands can be studied as possible therapeutic targets for breast cancer. To study Notch pathway proteins there is the need to obtain stable protein solutions. E. coli is the host of excellence for recombinant proteins for the ease of use, fast growth and high cell densities. However, the expression of mammalian proteins in such systems may overwhelm the bacterial cellular machinery, which does not possess the ability for post-translational modifications, or dedicated compartments for protein synthesis. Mammalian cells are therefore preferred, despite their technical and financial increased demands. We aim to determine the best expression and purification conditions for the different ligand protein constructs, to develop specific function-blocking antibodies using the Phage Display technology. Moreover, we propose to crystallize the Notch1 ligands alone and in complex with the phage display selected antibodies, unveiling molecular details. hJag2DE3 and hDll1DE6 proteins were purified from refolded inclusion bodies or mammalian cell culture supernatants, respectively, and purity was confirmed by SDS-PAGE (>95%). Protein produced in mammalian cells showed to be more stable, apparently with the physiological disulfide pattern, contrary to what was observed in the refolded protein. Several nano-scale crystallization experiments were set up in 96-well plates, but no positive result was obtained. We will continue to pursue for the best expression for the Notch ligand constructs in both expression systems.


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Sporulation in Bacillus subtilis culminates with the formation of a dormant endospore. The endospore (or spore) is one of the most resilient cell types known and can remain viable in the environment for extended periods of time. Contributing to the spore’s resistance and its ability to interact with and monitor its immediate environment is the coat, the outermost layer of B. subtilis spores. The coat is composed by over 70 different proteins, which are produced at different stages in sporulation and orderly assembled around the developing spore.(...)


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Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a fatal neurodegenerative disease characterized by the pro-gressive loss of motoneurons (MN). Increasing evidence points glial cells as key players for ALS onset and progression. Indeed, MN-glia signalling pathways involving either neuroprotection or inflammation are likely to be altered in ALS. We aimed to study the molecules related with glial function and/or reactivity by evaluating glial markers and hemichannels, mainly present in astrocytes. We also studied molecules involved in mi-croglia-MN dialogue (CXCR3/CCL21; CX3CR1/CX3CL1; MFG-E8), as well as proliferation (Ki-67) and inflammatory-related molecules (TLR2/4, NLRP3; IL-18) and alarming/calming signals (HMGB1/autotaxin). We used lumbar spinal cord (SC) homogenates from mice expressing a mutant human-SOD1 protein (mSOD1) at presymptomatic and late-symptomatic ALS stages. SJL (WT) mice at same ages were used as controls. We observed decreased expression of genes associated with astrocytic (GFAP and S100B) and microglial (CD11b) markers in mSOD1 at the presymptomatic phase, as well as diminished levels of gap junction components pannexin1 and connexin43 and expression of Ki-67 and decreased autotax-in. In addition, microglial-MN communication was negatively affected in mSOD1 mice as well as in-flammatory response. Interestingly, we observed astrocytic (S100B) and microglial (CD11b) reactivity, increased proliferation (Ki-67) and increased autotaxin expression in symptomatic mSOD1 mice. In-creased MN-microglial dialogue (CXCR3/CCL21; CX3CR1/CX3CL1; MFG-E8) and hemichannel activ-ity, namely connexin43 and pannexin1, were also observed in mSOD1 at the symptomatic phase, along with an elevated inflammatory response as indicated by increased levels of HMGB1 and NLRP3. Our results suggest that decreased autotaxin expression is a feature of the presymptomatic stage, and precede the network of pro-inflammatory-related symptomatic determinants, including HMGB1, CCL21, CX3CL1, and NLRP3. The identification of the molecules and signaling pathways that are dif-ferentially activated along ALS progression will contribute for a better design of therapeutic strategies for disease onset and progression.


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This dissertation focuses on the study of frataxin, a small mitochondrial protein whose deficiency is associated with the neurodegenerative disease Friedreich's ataxia (FRDA). Aiming at a better understanding of frataxin conformational and functional properties, two lines of research were followed: first, the effect of FRDA-related mutations in human frataxin (FXN) were studied and the role of oxidative stress related modification addressed; second, yeast frataxin (Yfh1) orthologue was used to explore the conformational and functional properties of the protein.(...)


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Throughout the brain, patterns of activity in postsynaptic neurons influence the properties of synaptic inputs. Such feedback regulation is central to neural network stability that underlies proper information processing and feature representation in the central nervous system. At the cellular level, tight coupling of presynaptic and postsynaptic function is fundamental to neural computation and synaptic plasticity. The cohort of protein complexes at the pre and postsynaptic membrane allows for tight synapse-specific segregation and integration of diverse molecular and electrical signals.(...)


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RESUMO:O glicosilfosfatidilinositol (GPI) é um complexo glicolipídico utlizado por dezenas de proteínas, o qual medeia a sua ancoragem à superfície da célula. Proteínas de superfície celular ancoradas a GPI apresentam várias funções essenciais para a manutenção celular. A deficiência na síntese de GPI é o que caracteriza principalmente a deficiência hereditária em GPI, um grupo de doenças autossómicas raras que resultam de mutações nos genes PIGA, PIGL, PIGM, PIGV, PIGN, PIGO e PIGT, os quais sao indispensáveis para a biossíntese do GPI. Uma mutação pontual no motivo rico em GC -270 no promotor de PIGM impede a ligação do factor de transcrição (FT) Sp1 à sua sequência de reconhecimento, impondo a compactação da cromatina, associada à hipoacetilação de histonas, e consequentemente, impedindo a transcrição de PIGM. Desta forma, a adição da primeira manose ao GPI é comprometida, a síntese de GPI diminui assim como as proteínas ligadas a GPI à superficie das células. Pacientes com Deficiência Hereditária em GPI-associada a PIGM apresentam trombose e epilesia, e ausência de hemólise intravascular e anemia, sendo que estas duas últimas características definem a Hemoglobinúria Paroxística Nocturna (HPN), uma doença rara causada por mutações no gene PIGA. Embora a mutação que causa IGD seja constitutiva e esteja presente em todos os tecidos, o grau de deficiência em GPI varia entre células do mesmo tecido e entre células de tecidos diferentes. Por exemplo nos granulócitos e linfócitos B a deficiência em GPI é muito acentuada mas nos linfócitos T, fibroblastos, plaquetas e eritrócitos é aproximadamente normal, daí a ausência de hemólise intravascular. Os eventos transcricionais que estão na base da expressão diferencial da âncora GPI nas células hematopoiéticas são desconhecidos e constituem o objectivo geral desta tese. Em primeiro lugar, os resultados demonstraram que os níveis de PIGM mRNA variam entre células primárias hematopoiéticas normais. Adicionalmente, a configuração dos nucleossomas no promotor de PIGM é mais compacta em células B do que em células eritróides e tal está correlacionado com os níveis de expressão de PIGM, isto é, inferior nas células B. A presença de vários motivos de ligação para o FT específico da linhagem megacariocítica-eritróide GATA-1 no promotor de PIGM sugeriu que GATA-1 desempenha um papel regulador na sua transcrição. Os resultados mostraram que muito possivelmente GATA-1 desempenha um papel repressor em vez de activador da expressão de PIGM. Resultados preliminares sugerem que KLF1, um factor de transcrição restritamente eritróide, regula a transcrição de PIGM independentemente do motivo -270GC. Em segundo lugar, a investigação do papel dos FTs Sp demonstrou que Sp1 medeia directamente a transcrição de PIGM em ambas as células B e eritróide. Curiosamente, ao contrário do que acontece nas células B, em que a transcrição de PIGM requer a ligação do FT geral Sp1 ao motivo -270GC, nas células eritróides Sp1 regula a transcrição de PIGM ao ligar-se a montante e não ao motivo -270GC. Para além disso, demonstrou-se que Sp2 não é um regulador directo da transcrição de PIGM quer nas células B quer nas células eritróides. Estes resultados explicam a ausência de hemólise intravascular nos doentes com IGD associada a PIGM, uma das principais características que define a HPN. Por último, resultados preliminares mostraram que a repressão da transcrição de PIGM devida à mutação patogénica -270C>G está associada com a diminuição da frequência de interacções genómicas em cis entre PIGM e os seus genes “vizinhos”, sugerindo adicionalmente que a regulação de PIGM e desses genes é partilhada. No seu conjunto, os resultados apresentados nesta tese contribuem para o conhecimento do controlo transcricional de um gene housekeeping, específico-detecido, por meio de FTs genéricos e específicos de linhagem.-------------ABSTRACTC: Glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI) is a complex glycolipid used by dozens of proteins for cell surface anchoring. GPI-anchored proteins have various functions that are essential for the cellular maintenance. Defective GPI biosynthesis is the hallmark of inherited GPI deficiency (IGD), a group of rare autosomal diseases caused by mutations in PIGA, PIGL, PIGM, PIGV, PIGN, PIGO and PIGT, all genes indispensable for GPI biosynthesis. A point mutation in the -270GC-rich box in the core promoter of PIGM disrupts binding of the transcription factor (TF) Sp1 to it, imposing nucleosome compaction associated with histone hypoacetylation, thus abrogating transcription of PIGM. As a consequence of PIGM transcriptional repression, addition of the first mannose residue onto the GPI core and thus GPI production are impaired; and expression of GPI-anchored proteins on the surface of cells is severely impaired. Patients with PIGM-associated IGD suffer from life-threatening thrombosis and epilepsy but not intravascular haemolysis and anaemia, two defining features of paroxysmal nocturnal haemoglobinuria (PNH), a rare disease caused by somatic mutations in PIGA. Although the disease-causing mutation in IGD is constitutional and present in all tissues, the degree of GPI deficiency is variable and differs between cells of the same and of different tissues. Accordingly, GPI deficiency is severe in granulocytes and B cells but mild in T cells, fibroblasts, platelets and erythrocytes, hence the lack of intravascular haemolysis.The transcriptional events underlying differential expression of GPI in the haematopoietic cells of PIG-M-associated IGD are not known and constitute the general aim of this thesis. Firstly, I found that PIGM mRNA levels are variable amongst normal primary haematopoietic cells. In addition, the nucleosome configuration in the promoter of PIGM is more compacted in B cells than in erythroid cells and this correlated with the levels of PIGM mRNA expression, i.e., lower in B cells. The presence of several binding sites for GATA-1, a mega-erythroid lineage-specific transcription factor (TF), at the PIGM promoter suggested that GATA-1 has a role on PIGM transcription. My results showed that GATA-1 in erythroid cells is most likely a repressor rather than an activator of PIGM expression. Preliminary data suggested that KLF1, an erythroid-specific TF, regulates PIGM transcription but independently of the -270GC motif. Secondly, investigation of the role of the Sp TFs showed that Sp1 directly mediates PIGM transcriptional regulation in both B and erythroid cells. However, unlike in B cells in which active PIGM transcription requires binding of the generic TF Sp1 to the -270GC-rich box, in erythroid cells, Sp1 regulates PIGM transcription by binding upstream of but not to the -270GC-rich motif. Additionally, I showed that Sp2 is not a direct regulator of PIGM transcription in B and erythroid cells. These findings explain lack of intravascular haemolysis in PIGM-associated IGD, a defining feature of PNH. Lastly, preliminary work shows that transcriptional repression of PIG-M by the pathogenic -270C>G mutation is associated with reduced frequency of in cis genomic interactions between PIGM and its neighbouring genes, suggesting a shared regulatory link between these genes and PIGM. Altogether, the results presented in this thesis provide novel insights into tissuespecific transcriptional control of a housekeeping gene by lineage-specific and generic TFs.


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Salmonella enterica serovars are Gram-negative facultative intracellular bacterial pathogens that infect a wide variety of animals. Salmonella infections are common in humans, causing usually typhoid fever and gastrointestinal diseases. Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium (S. Typhimurium), which is a leading cause of human gastroenteritis, has been extensively used to study the molecular pathogenesis of Salmonella, because of the availability of sophisticated genetic tools, and of suitable animal and tissue culture models mimicking different aspects of Salmonella infections.(...)


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All life forms need to monitor carbon and energy availability to survive and this is especially true for plants which must integrate unavoidable environmental conditions with metabolism for cellular homeostasis maintenance. Sugars, in the heart of metabolism, are now recognized as crucial signaling molecules that translate those conditions. One such signal is trehalose 6- phosphate (T6P), a phosphorylated dimer of glucose molecules which levels correlate well with those of sucrose (Suc). Central integrators of stress and energy regulation include the conserved plant Snf1-related kinase1 (SnRK1) which respond to low cellular energy levels by up-regulating energy conserving and catabolic metabolism and down-regulating energy consuming processes. In 2009 T6P was shown to inhibit SnRK1. The in vitro inhibition of SnRK1 by T6P was confirmed in vivo through the observation that genes normally induced by SnRK1 were repressed by T6P and vice-versa, promoting growth processes. These observations provided a model for the regulation of growth by sugar.(...)


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The obligate intracellular bacterium Chlamydia trachomatis is a human pathogen of major public health significance. Strains can be classified into 15 main serovars (A to L3) that preferentially cause ocular infections (A-C), genital infections (D-K) or lymphogranuloma venereum (LGV) (L1-L3), but the molecular basis behind their distinct tropism, ecological success and pathogenicity is not welldefined. Most chlamydial research demands culture in eukaryotic cell lines, but it is not known if stains become laboratory adapted. By essentially using genomics and transcriptomics, we aimed to investigate the evolutionary patterns underlying the adaptation of C. trachomatis to the different human tissues, given emphasis to the identification of molecular patterns of genes encoding hypothetical proteins, and to understand the adaptive process behind the C. trachomatis in vivo to in vitro transition. Our results highlight a positive selection-driven evolution of C. trachomatis towards nichespecific adaptation, essentially targeting host-interacting proteins, namely effectors and inclusion membrane proteins, where some of them also displayed niche-specific expression patterns. We also identified potential "ocular-specific" pseudogenes, and pointed out the major gene targets of adaptive mutations associated with LGV infections. We further observed that the in vivo-derived genetic makeup of C. trachomatis is not significantly compromised by its long-term laboratory propagation. In opposition, its introduction in vitro has the potential to affect the phenotype, likely yielding virulence attenuation. In fact, we observed a "genital-specific" rampant inactivation of the virulence gene CT135, which may impact the interpretation of data derived from studies requiring culture. Globally, the findings presented in this Ph.D. thesis contribute for the understanding of C.trachomatis adaptive evolution and provides new insights into the biological role of C. trachomatishypothetical proteins. They also launch research questions for future functional studies aiming toclarify the determinants of tissue tropism, virulence or pathogenic dissimilarities among C. trachomatisstrains.