102 resultados para Algarve - Mértola


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A evolução da Bacia Lusitaniana, localizada na margem ocidental ibérica, está intimamente associada às primeiras fases de abertura do Atlântico Norte. Perdurou desde o Triásico superior até o Cretácico inferior, mais exactamente até o topo do Aptiano inferior, e desenvolveu-se condicionada por estruturas herdadas do soco varisco. É discutido o papel desempenhado pelas falhas que constituem os seus limites, no que respeita a evolução geométrica e cinemática e a organização dos corpos sedimentares. O mesmo é efectuado relativamente a importantes falhas transversais à bacia. É proposto modelo de evolução da bacia ao longo de quatro episódios de rifting que mostram: i) períodos de simetria (organização em horsts e grabens) e assimetria (organização em half graben) na sua evolução geométrica; ii) diacronismo na fracturação; iii) rotação da direcção de extensão principal; iv) enraizamento no soco varisco das principais falhas da bacia (estilo predominantemente thick skinned). A análise e comparação regional, nomeadamente com a bacia do Algarve, de intervalos temporais representados por importantes hiatos à escala da bacia, próximos da renovação dos episódios de rifting, permitiram concluir sobre a ocorrência de inversões tectónicas precoces (Caloviano-Oxfordiano e Titoniano-Berriasiano). A última, no entanto, teve evolução subsequente diferente da primeira: não se verifica renovação da subsidência, que se discute, e relaciona-se com evento magmático. Embora a Bacia Lusitaniana se encontre numa margem de rift que se considera como não-vulcânica, os três ciclosmagmáticos definidos por vários autores, em especial o segundo (apr. 130 a 110 M.a. ?), desempenhou papel fundamental na mobilização dos evaporitos do Hetangiano, que resultou no intervalo principal de diapirismo na Bacia Lusitaniana. É discutida a forma e o momento em que a bacia aborta definitivamente (Aptiano inferior). São estabelecidas comparações com outras bacias da margem ocidental ibérica e da Terra Nova e proposto modelo de oceanização deste troço do Atlântico Norte, em dois momentos, separados por intervalo de cerca de 10 M.a. e em áreas distintas, separadas pela falha da Nazaré. Esta síntese foi elaborada com base: - na informação dada por um conjunto de trabalhos já publicados (1990-2000), - nos trabalhos de campo efectuados nos últimos anos e cujos resultados não foram ainda publicados, - na reunião de informação proveniente da reinterpretação de elementos de cartografia geológica e de geofísica (sísmica e sondagens) e de outros de bibliografia geral sobre o Mesozóico da margem ocidental ibérica.


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The evolution of the Lusitanian Basin, localized on the western Iberian margin, is closely associated with the first opening phases of the North Atlantic. It persisted from the Late Triassic to the Early Cretaceous, more precisely until the end of the Early Aptian, and its evolution was conditioned by inherited structures from the variscan basement. The part played by the faults that establish its boundaries, as regards the geometric and kinematic evolution and the organization of the sedimentary bodies, is discussed here, as well as with respect to important faults transversal to the Basin. A basin evolution model is proposed consisting of four rifting episodes which show: i) periods of symmetrical (horst and graben organization) and asymmetrical (half graben organization) geometric evolution; ii) diachronous fracturing; iii) rotation of the main extensional direction; iv) rooting in the variscan basement of the main faults of the basin (predominantly thick skinned style). The analysis and regional comparison, particularly with the Algarve Basin, of the time intervals represented by important basin scale hiatuses near to the renovation of the rifting episodes, have led to assume the occurrence of early tectonic inversions (Callovian–Oxfordian and Tithonian–Berriasian). The latter, however, had a subsequent evolution distinct from the first: there is no subsidence renovation, which is discussed here, and it is related to a magmatic event. Although the Lusitanian Basin is located on a rift margin which is considered non-volcanic, the three magmatic cycles as defined by many authors, particularly the second (approx. 130 to 110 My ?), performed a fundamental part in the mobilization of the Hettangian evaporites, resulting in the main diapiric events of the Lusitanian Basin. The manner and time in which the basin definitely ends its evolution (Early Aptian) is discussed here. Comparisons are established with other west Iberian margin basins and with Newfoundland basins. A model of oceanization of this area of the North Atlantic is also presented, consisting of two events separated by approximately 10 My, and of distinct areas separated by the Nazaré fault. The elaboration of this synthesis was based on: - information contained in previously published papers (1990 – 2000); - field-work carried out over the last years, the results of which have not yet been published; - information gathered from the reinterpretation of geological mapping and geophysical (seismic and well logs) elements, and from generic literature concerning the Mesozoic of the west iberian margin.


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A three-week paleontological prospection in Triassic beds of the Algarve (southern province of Portugal) has revealed the presence of fossil vertebrates (stegocephalians for the most part, but also fishes and reptiles) in several localities and in at least 5 stratigraphical levels.


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A Cadeia da Arrábida é a estrutura morfotectónica orogénica, constituída por empilhamentos de cavalgamentos, mais ocidental de todo o orógeno alpino da área emersa da placa litosférica Eurásia. Atentando apenas nos relevos orogénicos alpinos da área emersa de Portugal, as suas estruturas e morfologia tornam-na no mais elegante exemplo de tectónica orogénica alpina em Portugal. A Serra de Sintra constitui um relevo associado à intrusão do Complexo Ígneo de Sintra de idade neo-cretácica e ao cavalgamento frontal de idade cenozóica, com vergência para Norte que se estende desde as proximidades do rio Tejo, passando pela base da vertente norte da Serra de Sintra, continuando mar adentro. Olhando para a continuação imersa da Margem Continental Portuguesa vê-se que estes relevos não estão isolados, mas antes fazem parte dum grupo de três outras estruturas compressivas que acomodaram o encurtamento orogénico resultante da colisão África-Eurásia ocidentais no segmento sudoeste ibérico, o Banco do Gorringe, os Montes de Avis e o Planalto de Marquês de Pombal. Todas estas estruturas se constituem como estruturas anticlinais, mais ou menos simples, a tecto dum cavalgamento com transporte para noroeste ou oeste-noroeste. Na face meridional de Portugal, mais próxima do limite de placas, as estruturas de deformação compressiva resultantes da orogenia alpina encontram-se representadas na Bacia do Algarve e, mais a sul, pelo Banco do Guadalquivir. Todas estas estruturas se formaram no âmbito da orogenia alpina, consequência dum contexto cinemático de aproximação das placas litosféricas Eurásia e África, cujas manifestações morfotectónicas e sedimentares se começaram a manifestar no Cretácico Superior após o Cenomaniano. A distribuição espacio-temporal da deformação orogénica no segmento mais ocidental do orógeno é heterogénea e extremamente complexa. Por exemplo, em Portugal – segmento autóctone do orógeno alpino - as principais estruturas compressivas alpinas mais antigas datam do Cretácico superior e na região de Lisboa-Sintra de idade paleogénica. Contudo as estruturas de maior envergadura morfológica são de idade miocénica (serra da Arrábida, Banco do Gorringe, Montes de Avis) e mesmo de reactivação mais recente (Falha e planalto do Marquês de Pombal, Falha da Ferradura e Banco de Guadalquivir. A mesma heterogeneidade espacio-temporal se verifica em segmentos alóctones como no orógeno Bético-Rifenho, cujo arco orogénico frontal se vem propagando para oeste desde o Cretácico superior, simultaneamente cavalgando para norte e para sul, as margens continentais do sul de Espanha e norte de África. Esta migração orogénica está simultaneamente associada a colapso orogénico e distensão nas áreas internas do orógeno (Mar de Alborán), o que tem constituído um dos paradoxos da deformação orogénica alpina mais desafiantes das últimas décadas e para cuja solução se têm proposto mecanismos de delaminação tectónica da base da litosfera ou retro-rolamento da placa subductada.


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In Portugal, the Mesozoic lower part is principally composed of conglomeratic, arenitic and pelitic deposits, which are here and there associated with carbonates rocks and evaporites. The Germanic Triassic succession is not observed. The Muschelkalk facies do not exist. Carbonates formation, and some thick evaporites deposits (Keuper facies) are of early Jurassic in age. The thick red beds accumulations deposited in a continental environment are Triassic. In Coimbra area the oldest palynomorphs found are Camian-Norian. In South Portugal (Algarve), the triassic serie must be more complete with a lower Triassic rich in Stegocephales bone-beds.


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The facies distribution along the Jurassic stages in an already well established stratigraphic frame is defined for the three portuguese basins: North of Tagus, Santiago de Cacém and Algarve. The deposits are organized in two sedimentary cycles. The first one from the Liassic to Calovian shows, in the Tagus Basin, a transgression from NW which did not surpass the Meseta present limits. The iniatilly brackish deposits only changed to marine by the end of Lotharingian. The sedimentation, mainly marly during the Liassic became more calcareous since the Aalenian. During the Dogger the basin differentiated into platform deposits towards East and South and open sea zone towards West. This zone underwent a progressive reduction and, during the Callovian, two small basins were individualized: Cabo Mondego basin in the North and Serra de El-Rei-Montejunto in the South. It is from the latter that the second sedimentary cycle (Middle Oxfordian-Portlandian) developed with open sea deposits along the Sintra–Torres Vedras axis surrounded by platform and litoral brackish formations. During the first sedimentary cycle only litoral platform deposits are known in Santiago de Cacém and Algarve basins. During the second sedimentary cycle temporary sea open deposits are known in Santiago de Cacém and Central Algarve.


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This paper gives a short description of main stratigraphic unities from the early Cretaceous in Estremadura and Algarve, with their lithological, sedimentological and paleontological characteristics. The distribution of facies enable to propose a paleogeographic frame including eroded high areas and sedimentary low areas roughly parallel to the present coast. The early Cretaceous from Estremadura is splited up into three megasequences each one with regressive then transgressive tendencies: this fact must be connected with the leading action of distensive, slow or sudden, movements. Beyond the hercynian fault of Messejana, Algarve presents a different sedimentary evolution during the early Cretaceous.


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The Author presents a synopsis about the post-Paleozoic igneous activity in continental Portugal. Subvolcanic massifs of Sintra, Sines and Monchique and the basaltic complex of Lisbon-Mafra are interpreted. The large network of dikes and sills occuring at north of Tagus river in Lisbon- Torres Vedras region as the dikes of Algarve and also those of diapiric formation are studied and compared. Also the doleritic dikes cuting the Hesperic Massif and the Great dike of Alentejo are studied. The Author presents an attempt of petrological and geochemical correlation-among these post-Paleozoic igneous rocks. For this more than 350 chemical analysis are used in order to elaborate several diagrams and some general conclusions are derived from them. The correlation between the origin of these igneous rocks and the opening of North Atlantic and the counter-clockwise rotation of the Iberia are also tried.


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The structural and sedimentary evolution of the portuguese continental margin South of Setúbal Canyon is outlined from the study of many seismic reflection profiles and rocks samples. During Triassic and Early Liassic time, a distension affects the Algarve margin that belongs to the Mesogean area. Off Baixo Alentejo rifting phases at Late Jurassic and Early Cretaceous times induced opening or widening of the adjacent part of the Atlantic ocean. Alpine orogeny is inferred to explain the Eocene and Miocene deformation of the margin specially along the main NE-SW fractures.


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Karst fillings rich in fossils from carbonate series, Miocene in age, exposed on the coast of Algarve, yielded some thousands of teeth and other vertebrate remains. A crocodilian and more than fifty species of fishes (Selacians, Teleosteans) have been identified (see tableau 1). This fauna is consistent as a whole with a Burdigalian (maybe late) and/or Langhian age. It also indicates shallow waters, warmer than at present in the same region although not strictly tropical. This fauna shows more affinities with others of the same age from mediterranean region (i.e. Baleares) than with those from Lisbon.


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The geological survey of Albufeira map area envolved the execution of several logs on Jurassic formations. The study of amonoid forms allowed the interpretation and the establishement of correlations on the Upper Jurassic series and the definition of the regional stratigraphic sequence. Based on this fauna, recalled for the first time in this region, the marly and marly-limestone units of the lower part of the series are placed in the interval from middle Oxfordian {plicatilis? - Transversarium zone) to Kimmeridgian (Hypselocyclum zone). Albufeira village is in part built on these formations. The overlaying dolomitic limestones with heterochronous limits at basin level are dated Kimmeridgian. The Jurassic series finishes with compact sub-lithographic limestone beds containing fossils of corals, gastropods and echinoid radioles of Kimmeridgian-Portlandian age. The geological map is presented and the regional structure is discussed.


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This paper presents a resume of the results achieved by researchers of the Centro de Estratigrafia e Paleobiologia da U. N. L. on the Neogene of Algarve, since 1977. The detailed study of several profiles as well as that af calcareous nannoplanton, planktonic foraminifera, ostracoda, fishes and mammals allowed to obtain data and correlation elements leading to a new interpretation of the Miocene of Algarve. It was possible to date and to characterize the following units: a) Carbonate formation of Lagos-Portimão, of marine facies, ascribed to the Lower Miocene (Aquitanian? and mainly Burdigalian), possibly attaining the Lower Langhian. b) Essentially arenaceous series of continental facies with a marine intercalation of Arrifão, Olhos de Água and Auramar Hotel beach, middle Miocene (Langhian-Serravallian) in age. c) Marine (tripoli, conglomerates, sands and limestones) deposits of Tunes-Mem Moniz, Ponte das Lavadeiras (Faro), Arroteia (Fuzeta) and Luz de Tavira, corresponding, at least partially, to the first part of the upper Miocene (Lower Tortonian). d) Cacela formation with three members: The lower member (conglomerates and sands), the middle (yellow silts) and the upper ones (gray silts), uppermost Tortonian and mainly Messinian in age. An interpretation of the tectonic and paleogeographic evolution of the portuguese littoral during the Miocene is also presented considering its insertion in the meridional part of the Peninsula (Guadalquivir depression, Betic massif basins and in the spanish Levant in general). Comparisons among the Neogene vulcanism of this region and similar manifestations documented in Algarve (basanite of Figueira-Portimão, etc) are established.


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In the southern part of Tagus basin, North of paleozoic rocks of Valverde-Senhor das Chagas (near Alcácer do Sal) horst, a marine transgression has been recognized, Upper Serravallian, and maybe Lower Tortonian in age. There are no earlier marine deposits, and no younger ones are known either. Paleozoic behaved as a barrier separating two basins, distinct at least since Middle Miocene until Upper Pleistocene. Until now, both were regarded as a single entity, the so-called «Sado basin» Southwards (Alvalade basin) there has been a single transgression. It was assummed that it was the same one as the former. Indeed it is not definitely so. Later transgression accounts for Esbarrondadoiro Formation, whose deposits have been ascribed to Tortonian or even to Middle Miocene. However they are Upper Messinian to Lower Zanclean. Esbarrondadoiro Formation is younger than Lower Member of Cacela Formation in Algarve and, with even stronger reason, than the upper-most well dated marine levels in Tagus basin. Age of Miocene units dealt with here has been based on small mammals found in marine sands.


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According to P. Choffat, Odeáxere conglomerate was Oxfordian in age, and would represent the unconformity between Malm and Dogger. Choffat's opinion was based exclusively in a lithological comparison with conglomerates from Arrábida; these conglomerates are now reported to the Dogger, as they are intercalated between beds with Timidonella sarda. However, in the mesogean realm, the stratigraphical position of T. sarda in the Dogger is still not accurately known. Some authors think its range would extend from Aalenian until the Bajocian, yet others think it would be more restricted, from Aalenian to the lower Bajocian only. Its stratigraphical span seems to be even more restricted in Algarve: uppermost Aalenian to lowermost Bajocian.


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The Middle and Upper Jurassique limestones investigated were sub-divided into nine microfacies (MF) types. The firsts four represent Bathonian sediments with shallow water characteristics typical for carbonate platforms. They are comparable with Wilson's facies zones 6 to 8. Reef and reef debris, near-shore clastic-dominated limestones are not present. These MF-types are reiterated several times without cyclicity. The vertical development of the differentiated facies units indicates a close interfingering. The microfacies data are typical of inter to shallow subtidal environments; both authigenous quartz and low faunal and floral diversity of several layers point to temporary restricted conditions. The occurrence of Dictyoconus cayeuxi LUCAS and Callovian ammonites from the above lying strata argue for a Bathonian age. The MF-types 5-9 (Oxfordian-Kimmeridgian) show completely different sedimentation conditions. Fully marine nearshore recifal limestones alternate with pelagic sediments formed at deeper shelf areas. The pelagic micritic limestones of Oxfordian age are characterized by allodapic intercalations whereas the Oxfordian/Kimmeridgian limestones with tuberolithic fabrics often show intensive silifications. Only initial patch reef growth-stages were reached during the development of the Oxfordian and Kimmeridgian shallow water limestones.