39 resultados para optic fiber sensor
A apresentação do presente relatório visa a obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Ensino de Físico Química de acordo com o estabelecido no regulamento para Licenciados “Pré-Bolonha”, que abrange as licenciaturas de cinco anos com, pelo menos, cinco anos de experiência profissional. O percurso académico e profissional permitiram a aquisição de conhecimentos, tanto na Física como na Química, e um conjunto de aptidões como a capacidade organizacional, a capacidade de trabalhar em equipa e competências sociais. A constante vontade em atualizar conhecimentos e adquirir novas competências têm sido um incentivo para continuar a frequentar cursos de formação, seminários, workshops conferências dedicadas a esta área, assim como às do ensino. O presente trabalho é composto por duas partes. Na primeira parte, encontra-se a discrição da minha atividade profissional. Na segunda parte, encontra-se a apresentação detalhada do estudo da atividade laboratorial da bola saltitante por dois processos diferentes: utilizando um sensor de movimento e usando a análise de vídeo através do software Tracker.
The “CMS Safety Closing Sensors System” (SCSS, or CSS for brevity) is a remote monitoring system design to control safety clearance and tight mechanical movements of parts of the CMS detector, especially during CMS assembly phases. We present the different systems that makes SCSS: its sensor technologies, the readout system, the data acquisition and control software. We also report on calibration and installation details, which determine the resolution and limits of the system. We present as well our experience from the operation of the system and the analysis of the data collected since 2008. Special emphasis is given to study positioning reproducibility during detector assembly and understanding how the magnetic fields influence the detector structure.
A proteção dos recursos hídricos tem uma enorme importância ecológica, sendo a água um recurso indispensável à Vida e fundamental para o bem-estar de uma sociedade. Para isso, muitos dos poluentes que afetam a qualidade deste recurso natural são detetados e eliminados nas estações de tratamento de águas residuais. Porém, o impacto dos Produtos Farmacêuticos e de Cuidado Pessoal (PPCPs), usados à escala global, carece ainda da atenção necessária, dado que os meios técnicos atualmente disponíveis para detetar estes produtos são dispendiosos ou insuficientes. Dentro daquela classe de produtos, destaca-se o Ibuprofeno, uma vez que este composto, sendo lipossolúvel, tem a capacidade para se acumular nas gorduras dos seres vivos e, por conseguinte, persistir no meio-ambiente com efeitos nocivos. Para além desse facto, por diferentes vias de reação, o Ibuprofeno tem potencial para gerar produtos de carácter semelhante. No entanto, pouco esforços têm sido feitos no sentido de o detetar. Assim, pretendeu-se com este projeto desenvolver metodologias com vista à deteção de muito baixas concentrações (entre o nano e o picoMolar) daquele composto em meio aquoso. Foi utilizada a tecnologia de Língua Eletrónica por Espectroscopia de Impedância e, para tentar melhorar a sensibilidade do sensor à molécula-alvo, foram utilizados filmes finos à base de nanotubos de carbono e de diferentes polieletrólitos, preparados pela técnica de Camada-sobre-Camada (LbL, do inglês Layer-by-Layer). A caracterização destes filmes foi feita pela técnica Espectrofotometria na faixa dos Ultravioleta e Visível. Para além da análise de diferentes concentrações de Ibuprofeno, foram ainda analisadas soluções de Cloreto de Sódio, com o intuito de perceber se o sensor é versátil na deteção de outro tipo de compostos, sendo, então, o sal um composto barato e relevante neste âmbito, uma vez que a água na Natureza apresenta sempre alguma salinidade. O trabalho compreendeu ainda o desenvolvimento de um programa informático para automatizar o processo de aquisição dos dados espectrais de impedância, recolhidos pelo analisador HAMEG Programmable LCR Bridge HM8118, o que foi feito com sucesso. Posteriormente, os dados foram tratados pelo procedimento estatístico de Análise de Componentes Principais, que permitiu discriminar espacialmente e sequencialmente as diferentes concentrações dos compostos analisados.
The need for more efficient illumination systems has led to the proliferation of Solid-State Lighting (SSL) systems, which offer optimized power consumption. SSL systems are comprised of LED devices which are intrinsically fast devices and permit very fast light modulation. This, along with the congestion of the radio frequency spectrum has paved the path for the emergence of Visible Light Communication (VLC) systems. VLC uses free space to convey information by using light modulation. Notwithstanding, as VLC systems proliferate and cost competitiveness ensues, there are two important aspects to be considered. State-of-the-art VLC implementations use power demanding PAs, and thus it is important to investigate if regular, existent Switched-Mode Power Supply (SMPS) circuits can be adapted for VLC use. A 28 W buck regulator was implemented using a off-the-shelf LED Driver integrated circuit, using both series and parallel dimming techniques. Results show that optical clock frequencies up to 500 kHz are achievable without any major modification besides adequate component sizing. The use of an LED as a sensor was investigated, in a short-range, low-data-rate perspective. Results show successful communication in an LED-to-LED configuration, with enhanced range when using LED strings as sensors. Besides, LEDs present spectral selective sensitivity, which makes them good contenders for a multi-colour LED-to-LED system, such as in the use of RGB displays and lamps. Ultimately, the present work shows evidence that LEDs can be used as a dual-purpose device, enabling not only illumination, but also bi-directional data communication.
Nesta dissertação é apresentada a metodologia adoptada no desenvolvimento de um sensor capaz de monitorizar a evolução da consolidação óssea proveniente de patologias tratadas com a utilização de aparelhos de fixação externa. O sensor tem como finalidade medir o deslocamento relativo entre os componentes do fixador externo que são proporcionais aos níveis de consolidação do osso. Surge como alternativa aos processos convencionais (raios-X, ultra-sons, etc.) que não possibilitam a detecção de imperfeições no processo de regeneração óssea numa fase precoce. Uma análise a vários materiais e geometrias revelaram que um sensor fabricado em latão e sob a forma de anel, após uma deformação de compressão de 4
This work reviews the recent research on ion and UV irradiation of β-
The growing need to patrol and survey large maritime and terrestrial areas increased the need to integrate external sensors on aircraft in order to accomplish those patrols at increasingly higher altitudes, longer range and not depending upon vehicle type. The main focus of this work is to elaborate a practical, simple, effective and efficient methodology for the aircraft modification procedure resulting from the integration of an Elec-tro-Optical/Infra-Red (EO/IR) turret through a support structure. The importance of the devel-opment of a good methodology relies on the correct management of project variables as time, available resources and project complexity. The key is to deliver a proper tool for a project de-sign team that will be used to create a solution that fulfils all technical, non-technical and certi-fication requirements present in this field of transportation. The created methodology is inde-pendent of two main inputs: sensor model and aircraft model definition, and therefore it is in-tended to deliver the results for different projects besides the one that was presented in this work as a case study. This particular case study presents the development of a structure support for FLIR STAR SAPHIRE III turret integration on the front lower fuselage bulkhead (radome) of the LOCKHEED MARTIN C-130 H. Development of the case study focuses on the study of local structural analysis through the use of Finite Element Method (FEM). Development of this Dissertation resulted in a cooperation between Faculty of Science and Technology - Universidade Nova de Lisboa and the company OGMA - Indústria Aeronáutica de Portugal
This work was developed in the context of the MIT Portugal Program, area of Bioengineering Systems, in collaboration with the Champalimaud Research Programme, Champalimaud Center for the Unknown, Lisbon, Portugal. The project entitled Dynamics of serotonergic neurons revealed by fiber photometry was carried out at Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência, Oeiras, Portugal and at the Champalimaud Research Programme, Champalimaud Center for the Unknown, Lisbon, Portugal
The global dynamics of alliances are strongly determined by the level of cooperation among states. This cooperation can be embodied in various aspects, but the level of defense and security cooperation becomes usually more doctrinal and lasting. By the nature of sovereignty that instills in the bilateral relationship, cooperation at defense and security level can leverages other forms of cooperation. The circumstances and relational balance between Brazil and Portugal seem to evolve towards distancing opportunities, despite they are culturally and institutionally untainted. The economic dynamics, the strategic projection in global sustainability terms, the scale and ambition of Brazilian regional leadership, contrasts with the actual context of Portugal, distancing himself both on the stage where they operate. On the other hand, the historical and cultural roots, the language, the affinity of the peoples of CPLP and some opportunities for economic niches, trend to attract both countries. The condition of Portugal in NATO and Europe, coupled with the ability to export technical and human resources to value-added for Brazil, seems also to become approaching factors. On the balance of these dynamics, there is a set of exogenous factors (economic, external global relations matrix, regional stability, among others), which are not always controlled by any of both countries. These factors call for strong capacity for foresight analysis and decision making, with the inherent risk. There is cooperation vectors that are not apparently penalized by geographic distance, or by the difference of realities. Among these vectors we shall highlight synergies in technological niches, highly tradable goods and, mostly, using the domain of dual technologies. The thirteen niches herein identified are: Monitoring, Navigation, Command and Control, Electronics, Optoelectronics, Communication and remote sensing, Information Technologies, Flight Simulation, Specialized Training, Fiber Optic Sensors, Materials Engineering, Nanotechnology and Communications. Cumulating with identified opportunities in traditional relational framework, both countries are growing (in geography and economic terms) into the Atlantic, making it a central element in the bilateral approach. By being at the same time a growing stage of disputes and which stability tends to be threatened, it will be done an analysis of these synergistic vectors, superimposed on the impact on Atlantic securitization process.