36 resultados para State financial support for young parents


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This paper aims at building a theoretical framework to examine the impact of development pressure on private owner’s forest management practices, namely, on regeneration and conversion cut dates. As the rent for developed land is rising over time, our model creates the possibility of switching from forestry to residential use at some point in the future, thus departing from the Faustmann’s traditional setup. Comparative statics results with respect to stumpage prices, regeneration costs and urban growth parameters are provided. The results obtained depend on the impact on the opportunity cost of holding the stand and the impact on the opportunity cost of holding the land, generalizing Faustmann’s unambiguous results.


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Portuguese Science Foundation - project Electra PTDC/CTM/099124/2008 and the PhD grant SFRH/BD/45224. financial support: Professor E. Fortunato’s ERC 2008 Advanced Grant (INVISIBLE contract number 228144), “APPLE” FP7-NMP-2010-SME/262782-2 and “SMARTEC” FP7-ICT-2009.3.9/258203


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Epistemology in philosophy of mind is a difficult endeavor. Those who believe that our phenomenal life is different from other domains suggest that self-knowledge about phenomenal properties is certain and therefore privileged. Usually, this so called privileged access is explained by the idea that we have direct access to our phenomenal life. This means, in contrast to perceptual knowledge, self-knowledge is non-inferential. It is widely believed that, this kind of directness involves two different senses: an epistemic sense and a metaphysical sense. Proponents of this view often claim that this is due to the fact that we are acquainted with our current experiences. The acquaintance thesis, therefore, is the backbone in justifying privileged access. Unfortunately the whole approach has a profound flaw. For the thesis to work, acquaintance has to be a genuine explanation. Since it is usually assumed that any knowledge relation between judgments and the corresponding objects are merely causal and contingent (e.g. in perception), the proponent of the privileged access view needs to show that acquaintance can do the job. In this thesis, however, I claim that the latter cannot be done. Based on considerations introduced by Levine, I conclude that this approach involves either the introduction of ontologically independent properties or a rather obscure knowledge relation. A proper explanation, however, cannot employ either of the two options. The acquaintance thesis is, therefore, bound to fail. Since the privileged access intuition seems to be vital to epistemology within the philosophy of mind, I will explore alternative justifications. After discussing a number of options, I will focus on the so called revelation thesis. This approach states that by simply having an experience with phenomenal properties, one is in the position to know the essence of those phenomenal properties. I will argue that, after finding a solution for the controversial essence claim, this thesis is a successful replacement explanation which maintains all the virtues of the acquaintance account without necessarily introducing ontologically independent properties or an obscure knowledge relation. The overall solution consists in qualifying the essence claim in the relevant sense, leaving us with an appropriate ontology for phenomenal properties. On the one hand, this avoids employing mysterious independent properties, since this ontological view is physicalist in nature. On the other hand, this approach has the right kind of structure to explain privileged self-knowledge of our phenomenal life. My final conclusion consists in the claim that the privileged access intuition is in fact veridical. It cannot, however, be justified by the popular acquaintance approach, but rather, is explainable by the controversial revelation thesis.


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Ionic Liquids (ILs) are class of compounds, which have become popular since the mid-1990s. Despite the fact that ILs are defined by one physical property (melting point), many of the potential applications are now related to their biological properties. The use of a drug as a liquid can avoid some problems related to polymorphism which can influence a drug´s solubility and thus its dosages. Also, the arrangement of the anion or cation with a specific drug might be relevant in order to: a) change the correspondent biopharmaceutical drug classification system; b) for the drug formulation process and c) the change the Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients’ (APIs). The main goal of this Thesis is the synthesis and study of physicochemical and biological properties of ILs as APIs from beta-lactam antibiotics (ampicillin, penicillin G and amoxicillin) and from the anti-fungal Amphotericin B. All the APIs used here were neutralized in a buffer appropriate hydroxide cations. The cation hydroxide was obtained on Amberlite resin (in the OH form) in order to exchange halides. The biological studies of these new compounds were made using techniques like the micro dilution and colorimetric methods. Overall a total of 19 new ILs were synthesised (6 ILs based on ampicillin, 4 ILs, based on amoxicillin, 6 ILs based on penicillin G and 4 ILs based on amphotericin B) and characterized by spectroscopic and analytical methods in order to confirm their structure and purity. The study of the biological properties of the synthesised ILs showed that some have antimicrobial activity against bacteria and yeast cells, even in resistant bacteria. Also this work allowed to show that ILs based on ampicillin could be used as anti-tumour agents. This proves that with a careful selection of the organic cation, it is possible to provoke important physico-chemical and biological alteration in the properties of ILs-APIs with great impact, having in mind their applications.


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Cash-in-advance models usually require agents to reallocate money and bonds in fixed periods. Every month or quarter, for example. I show that fixed periods underestimate the welfare cost of inflation. I use a model in which agents choose how often they exchange bonds for money. In the benchmark specification, the welfare cost of 10 percent instead of 0 inflation increases from 0.1 percent of income with fixed periods to 1 percent with optimal periods. The results are robust to different references, to different compositions of income in bonds or money, and to the introduction of capital and labor.


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RESUMO: O objectivo do presente estudo consistiu em avaliar as necessidades de apoio de 63 pais com filhos (crianças, jovens ou adultos) com Perturbação do Espectro Autista (PEA), no que diz respeito a: (1) necessidades de apoio identificadas pelos pais, (2) redes de suporte destes pais e (3) relação entre necessidades de apoio e características dos pais e filhos. Todos os pais tinham participado no 1º nível do projecto nacional intitulado “Oficinas de Pais/Bolsas de Pais” – o Grupo de Apoio Emocional (GAE). No sentido de verificar se ocorreram mudanças nas suas necessidades de apoio, avaliou-se o antes (momento I) e o depois do GAE (momento II). Utilizou-se a Escala de Funções de Apoio Social (Dunst, Trivette, & Deal, 1988) para avaliar as necessidades de apoio e a Escala de Apoio Social (Dunst, Trivette, & Deal, 1988) para avaliar as redes de apoio social. Os resultados demonstram que os pais de pessoas com PEA apresentam (tanto antes como após a frequência nas oficinas do GAE) sobretudo necessidades de apoio de carácter emocional e profissional, e menos necessidades de carácter prático. Para suprir as necessidades de apoio, antes e após o GAE, estes pais recorreram, numa primeira opção, ao cônjuge, aos profissionais e posteriormente aos amigos. Os vizinhos constituíram a rede de apoio social a quem menos recorreram. Apesar de algumas diferenças observadas entre o momento I e momento II, estas não foram estatisticamente significativas nem para as necessidades de apoio, nem para as redes de apoio social.------------------------- ABSTRACT: The study aimed to evaluate the support needs of 63 parents of children, adolescents and adults with Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD), concerning three aspects: (1) support needs that parents identified as major target, (2) social support network of these parents, and (3) the relationship between support needs and parent and children characteristics. All parents had participated in the first level of the national project “Oficinas de Pais/Bolsas de Pais” - the Emotional Support Group (ESG). In order to verify if any changes occurred in the needs of support, evaluation was carried before (moment I) and after (moment II) the ESG. In this context, parents filled the Supports Function Scale (Dunst, Trivette, & Deal, 1988), which evaluated their different needs of support, and also the Social Supports Scale (Dunst, Trivette & Deal, 1988) which in turn evaluated their social support network. The results showed that parents of children with ASD, both before and after the ESG, revealed emotional and professional needs and, in a less extent, also practical needs. To address the referred needs (before and after the ESG) these parents seek in the first place the support of their spouse, then that of professionals and, later on, that of friends. Neighbours are the support that parents least address. Despite some observed differences in support needs and social support networks between the two moments, these were, however, not statistically significant.