The restoration materials currently used to fill gaps in architectural historical azulejos (e.g. lime or organic resin pastes) usually show serious drawbacks in terms of compatibility, effectiveness and durability. The existing solutions do not fully protect azulejos in outdoor conditions and frequently result in further deterioration. Geopolymers can be a potential solution for azulejo lacunae infill given the chemical-mineralogical similitude to the ceramic body, and also the durability and versatile range of physical properties that can be obtained through the manipulation of their formulation and curing conditions. This work presents and discusses the viability of the use of geopolymeric pastes to fill lacunae in azulejos or to act as “cold” cast ceramic tile surrogates reproducing missing azulejo fragments. The formulation of geopolymers, namely the type of activators, the aluminosilicate source, the amount of water (to meet adequate workability requirements) and curing conditions were studied. The need for post-curing desalination was also considered envisaging their application in the restoration of outdoor architectural historical azulejos frequently exposed to adverse environmental conditions. The possible advantages and disadvantages of the use of geopolymers in the conservation of azulejos are also discussed. Several techniques were used to study the chemical and physical behavior of geopolymers, namely FT-IR, XRD, MIP, SEM-EDS, WDXRF, electrical conductivity, open porosity, bending strength, adhesion strength, water vapour permeability, thermal expansion and hydric expansion. The results indicate that geopolymers are a promising material for restoration of azulejos, exhibiting some properties, such as adhesion to the ceramic substrate, higher than inorganic materials used nowadays, such as aerial lime based pastes.
Vanadium dioxide (VO2) is a promising material with large interest in construction industry and architecture, due to its thermochromic properties. This material may be used to create "smart" coatings that result in improvements in the buildings energy efficiency, by reducing heat exchanges and, consequently, the need for acclimatization. In this work, VO2 thin films and coatings were produced and tested in laboratory, to apply in architectural elements, such as glass, rooftop tiles and exterior paints. Thin films were produced by RF magnetron sputtering and VO2 nanoparticles were obtained through hydrothermal synthesis, aiming to create "smart" windows and tiles, respectively. These coatings have demonstrated the capability to modulate the transmittance of infrared radiation by around 20%. The VO2 nanoparticle coatings were successfully applied on ceramic tiles. The critical temperature was reduced to around 40ºC by tungsten doping. Ultimately, two identical house models were built, in order to test the VO2 coatings, in real atmospheric conditions during one of the hottest months of the year, in Portugal – August.
Cancer is a well-known disease with a significant impact in society not only due to its incidence, more evident in more developed countries, but also due to the expenses related to medical treat-ments. Cancer research is considered an increasingly logical science with great potential for the development of new treatment options. Advances in nanomedicine have resulted in rapid devel-opment of nanomaterials with considerable potential in cancer diagnostics and treatment. The combination of diagnosis and treatment in a single nano-platform is named theranostic. In this PhD thesis a theranostic system for osteosarcoma was proposed, composed by a magnetic core, a polymeric coating, and a chemotherapeutic drug. The presence of a specific targeting agent, in this case a monoclonal antibody, provides high specificity to the proposed theranostic system. For the core of the proposed theranostic system, stable aqueous suspensions of superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles with an average diameter of 9 nm were produced. Chitosan-based poly-meric nanoparticles with a hydrodynamic diameter around 150 nm were successfully produced. Incorporation of iron oxide nanoparticles into the polymeric ones increased their hydrodynamic diameter to at least 250 nm. A monoclonal antibody specific for a transmembranar protein (car-bonic anhydrase IX) present in solid tumors was developed by hybridoma technology. Functional hybridomas producing the desired monoclonal antibodies were obtained. The proposed theranostic system functionality was evaluated in separated parts of its components. Uncoated and coated iron oxide nanoparticles with chitosan-based polymers generated heat under the application of an external alternating magnetic field. Uncoated iron oxide nanoparticles sta-bilized with oleic acid were able to enhance contrast in magnetic resonance imaging. Drug deliv-ery studies were conducted in chitosan-based polymeric nanoparticles without and with the in-corporation of iron oxide nanoparticles, demonstrating to be an effective drug delivery platform for doxorubicin. The theranostic system proposed in this PhD thesis is very promising for cancer theranostic, demonstrating to be applicable in solid tumors such as osteosarcoma.
4th Conference COST ACTION FP1303 – Designing with Bio-based Materials – Challenges and opportiunities. INIA – CSIC, Madrid, 24-25 February 2016. Book of abstracts, T.Troya, J.Galván, D.Jones (Eds.), INIA and IETcc – CSIS, pg. 79-80 (ISBN: 978-91-88349-16-3)
A presente dissertação teve como finalidade estudar os testemunhos arqueológicos respeitantes às práticas funerárias levadas a cabo no atual concelho de Cascais durante os séculos VI e VII. As necrópoles em estudo são sítios bem conhecidos pelos investigadores, uma vez que a descoberta de algumas é precoce, datando de finais do século XIX. Com este trabalho, pretendeu-se introduzir uma série de componentes que a investigação privilegia atualmente, sobretudo no que respeita às vivências nos espaços rurais entre o fim do Império Romano e o domínio muçulmano na Península Ibérica. A investigação desenvolvida baseou-se no estudo preliminar das coleções osteológicas de quatro das cinco necrópoles, bem como na prospeção e no levantamento arqueológicos. O inventário antropológico teve como objetivo apurar o número mínimo de indivíduos por necrópole e por sepultura e fazer uma caracterização básica do sexo e da idade dos inumados. A prospeção assentou na análise das fontes bibliográficas sobre os sítios. Os trabalhos de campo desenvolveram-se no sentido de apurar o estado de conservação dos vestígios, na eventual identificação de outros novos e no consequente levantamento gráfico e fotográfico dos mesmos. Foi igualmente examinado o espólio cerâmico e metálico recolhido aquando da escavação das necrópoles, de modo obter uma visão abrangente sobre os rituais funerários e a estabelecer cronologias mais precisas. Embora se trate de um estudo limitado devido à inexistência de um registo mais rigoroso dos vestígios, foi possível tirar algumas conclusões e constatar alguns padrões. Os resultados possibilitaram apontar um conjunto de condições que se repetem nos locais onde estes cemitérios se implantam, percebendo dinâmicas em relação a fatores de caráter natural e de carácter antrópico. Também se apurou que existiriam diferentes formas de organizar os espaços funerários e que estes seriam constituídos por sepulturas muito diversas do ponto de vista construtivo. Além disso, começa-se a desvelar as razões para a reutilização de sepulturas para vários enterramentos e a entender a forma como as comunidades rurais conduziam os rituais funerários, ainda muito enraizados numa antiga matriz pagã.
As intervenções arqueológicas concretizadas entre 1999-2001 permitiram o reconhecimento de contextos referentes ao Hospital Real de Todos-os-Santos, nomeadamente o claustro NE, bem como uma estrutura hidráulica no seu perímetro interno. A identificação do espólio cerâmico e vítreo aqui descartado permite, numa primeira fase, a aferição cronológica e tipológica destes e, consequentemente, do perfil funcional (utilitário, de cozinha e medicinal), numa tentativa de padronização do conjunto arte factual no edifício hospitalar e na cidade de Lisboa. Num segundo estágio, pretendese obter uma leitura concreta no que concerne ao período de utilização desta estrutura, indo de encontro às distintas áreas a vigorar no espaço claustral.