90 resultados para Medical Knowledge
RESUMO: O aumento da longevidade humana é um facto prevalente na actualidade mas, a requerer grandes esforços na promoção da saúde e prevenção de doenças, estando, ainda, as pessoas idosas sob riscos elevados de desenvolver doenças à medida que envelhecem. Assim, é importante o contributo dos próprios indivíduos no sentido minorar estes riscos e retardar a evolução e agudizações das doenças uma vez manifestadas. Nesse sentido, o objectivo geral deste estudo é descrever de que modo os conhecimentos do diabético, podem estar relacionados com a presença de complicações da doença. Realizámos um estudo exploratório descritivo, no Hospital Nossa Senhora do Rosário E.P.E, em pessoas idosas residentes no concelho do Barreiro que frequentaram o Hospital Dia de Diabetologia, após as consultas médicas e de enfermagem. O método utilizado para a selecção da amostra foi a amostragem não probabilística por conveniência (n=50). O instrumento utilizado na colheita de dados foi um questionário, aplicado sob a forma de inquérito, para colheita de dados sócio-demográficos, saúde em geral, estado mental, dados sobre a diabetes e comorbilidades. Os dados foram tratados informaticamente, recorrendo ao programa estatístico S.P.S.S. e a análise de conteúdo. Os resultados obtidos demonstraram que os participantes possuíam conhecimentos sobre a sua doença. Verificámos que os inquiridos que já tiveram complicações devido à diabetes responderam correctamente à questão acerca da medicação ser mais importante que a dieta e o exercício físico para controlar a diabetes, do que os que nunca tiveram complicações devido à diabetes, que responderam incorrectamente ou desconheciam a resposta à questão.----------- ABSTRACT: The increase in human longevity is a fact prevalent nowadays, but to require great efforts on health promotion and disease prevention and is also in the elderly high risk of developing illnesses as they age. It is therefore important contribution of the individuals themselves towards mitigating these risks and delaying the development and exacerbations of disease once manifested. Thus, the general purpose of this study is to describe how the knowledge of diabetes, may be related to complications of the disease. We conducted an exploratory study in the Hospital Nossa Senhora do Rosario EPE, in elderly people living in the county of Barry, who attended the hospital Diabetes Day, after the medical and nursing care. The method used for the sampling was not probabilistic by convenience sampling (n = 50). The instrument used for data collection was a questionnaire applied in the form of survey to collect socio-demographic data, general health, mental state, data on diabetes and comorbidities. The data were processed by computer, using the SPSS and content analysis. The results showed that participants had knowledge about their disease. We found that respondents who have had complications due to diabetes responded correctly to questions about the medication is more important than diet and exercise to control diabetes than those who never had complications due to diabetes, who answered incorrectly or did not know the answer the question.
Dissertation presented to obtain the Ph.D degree in Bioinformatics
This chapter appears in Encyclopaedia of Human Resources Information Systems: Challenges in e-HRM edited by Torres-Coronas, T. and Arias-Oliva, M. Copyright 2009, IGI Global, www.igi-global.com. Posted by permission of the publisher. URL:http://www.igi-pub.com/reference/details.asp?id=7737
This chapter appears in Encyclopaedia of Distance Learning 2nd Edition edit by Rogers, P.; Berg, Gary; Boettecher, Judith V.; Howard, Caroline; Justice, Lorraine; Schenk, Karen D.. Copyright 2009, IGI Global, www.igi-global.com. Posted by permission of the publisher. URL: http://www.igi-global.com/reference/ details.asp?ID=9703&v=tableOfContents
The transition process between information and knowledge is faster and so the inputs that influence social and political practises. The dissemination of information is now determinant in terms of territorial competitiveness and both public and private sector take large benefits when the data-information- knowledge value chain repeats itself trough space and time. Mankind depends nowadays on the creation and diffusion of good and reliable information. Speed is also important and the greater the speed, the faster the opportunities for global markets. Information must be an input for knowledge and obviously for decision. So, the power of information is unquestionable. This paper focuses on concepts like information, knowledge and other, more geographical and tries to explain how territories change from real to virtual. Knowledge society appears on an evolutional context in which information dissemination is wider and technological potential overwrites traditional notions of Geography. To understand the mutations over the territories, the causes and the consequences emerges the Geography of the Knowledge Society, a new discipline inside Geography with a special concern about modern society and socio-economical developing models.
Chapter in Merrill, Barbara (ed.) (2009) Learning to Change? The Role of Identity and Learning Careers in Adult Education. Hamburg: Peter Lang Publishers. URL: http://www.peterlang.com/ index.cfm?vID=58279&vLang=E&vHR=1&vUR=2&vUUR=1
With the emergence of a global division of labour, the internationalisation of markets and cultures, the growing power of supranational organisations and the spread of new information technologies to every field of life, it starts to appear a different kind of society, different from the industrial society, and called by many as ‘the knowledge-based economy’, emphasizing the importance of information and knowledge in many areas of work and organisation of societies. Despite the common trends of evolution, these transformations do not necessarily produce a convergence of national and regional social and economic structures, but a diversity of realities emerging from the relations between economic and political context on one hand and the companies and their strategies on the other. In this sense, which future can we expect to the knowledge economy? How can we measure it and why is it important? This paper will present some results from the European project WORKS – Work organisation and restructuring in the knowledge society (6th Framework Programme), focusing the future visions and possible future trends in different countries, sectors and industries, given empirical evidences of the case studies applied in several European countries, underling the importance of foresight exercises to design policies, prevent uncontrolled risks and anticipate alternatives, leading to different ‘knowledge economies’ and not to the ‘knowled
The 2nd International Conference on "Foresight Studies on Work in the Knowledge Society" was organised by IET, the Research Centre on Enterprise and Work Innovation, at the Faculty of Sciences and Technology of "Universidade Nova de Lisboa" (FCT-UNL), and took place on January 26 and 27 of 2009 with the support of the European project WORKS-Work Organisation Re-structuring in the Knowledge Society (financed by the European Commission, and co-ordinated by HIVA Leuven)
Dissertação apresentada para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em História Medieval
RESUMO - A preocupação com os conhecimentos, atitudes, crenças e práticas, no que concerne à utilização de radiações ionizantes para fins de diagnóstico, e a sensibilização de todos os agentes envolvidos, médicos, técnicos, físicos, utentes e responsáveis pela Saúde Publica, relativamente aos níveis de radiação emitida nos exames de Tomografia Computorizada (TC), assume particular importância no domínio da Saúde Pública, na medida em que é necessário influenciar o desenvolvimento de práticas que promovam, auditem e garantam a prestação do controlo da qualidade radiológica e dosimétrica nos serviços de Radiologia a nível Nacional. Para tal, e no âmbito da publicação de estudos já realizados ao nível da União Europeia, ―Orientações Europeias dos Critérios de Qualidade para a Tomografia Computorizada (1999) ‖, é proposto estabelecer orientações na realização de estudos que permitam, numa primeira fase, estabelecer a comparação com os resultados obtidos pelos mecanismos de Controlo da Qualidade (CQ), analisar e proceder aos ajustes (se necessário) e, numa segunda fase, implementar uma moldura sistemática de avaliação periódica dos níveis de dose de radiação por exame TC e que permita a monitorização dos dados. Nesse sentido, propõe-se a realização de um Estudo Nacional que envolva a rede hospitalar pública, privada e universitária, partindo da metodologia utilizada em estudos prévios noutros países da Europa, como seja, selecção do equipamento de TC existente na Instituição Hospitalar, onde serão reunidas informações através do preenchimento de questionários relativos ao equipamento a utilizar. Serão recolhidos dados relativos ao utente, ao equipamento e parâmetros de aquisição de imagem, que permitam identificar os níveis de referência de diagnóstico (NRD) em TC, na realidade Portuguesa. Foi efectuado um estudo piloto numa instituição EPE e os valores obtidos não são significativos, nem podem assumir valor preditivo dado o reduzido tamanho da amostra. Apesar disso, sugerem a existência de parâmetros que podem ser alterados e com isso podem fazer variar a dose de radiação utilizada. ENSP/UNL Maria de Fátima Vaz de Carvalho 5 Espera-se obter com este estudo, como foi referido, a base do estabelecimento dos NRD em TC em Portugal. ----------------- ABSTRACT - The purpose of this study, in an empirical point of view, emerges from concern with the knowledge, attitudes, beliefs and practices regarding the use of ionizing radiation for diagnostic purposes and awareness of all actors involved, medical physical, technical, and responsible public health for the development of practices that promote, audited and ensure the provision of radiological quality control and dosing in radiology service at national level. In view of the complexity and characteristics involved in relation to ionizing radiation, all assume their part in protecting the physical integrity of each user and a global perspective, to ensure the safeguarding of public health, while global and globalizing factor. To this end, and in the context of the publication of studies already carried out at European Union level, "European guidelines for quality criteria for computed tomography", it is proposed to establish guidelines in conducting studies to initially establish the comparison with the results obtained by QC and make adjustments if necessary, and subsequently implement a systematic periodic assessment frame that allows monitoring of data. Accordingly, it is proposed to conduct a national study involving the public network, private and University hospitals, that extends from the methodology used in previous studies in other countries of Europe, as is, selection of equipment of existing CT in Hospital Institution, where information will be gathered by filling out questionnaires concerning the equipment to be used. Data will be collected for the wearer, equipment and parameters of image acquisition, identifying diagnostic reference levels (NRD) in CT in Portuguese fact. A pilot study was carried out in an institution EPE and the values obtained are not significant, nor can they take predictive value given the small sample size. Despite this, suggest the existence of parameters that can be changed and this can vary the dose of radiation used It is hoped to get with this study, as mentioned, the basis of the establishment of NRD in CT in Portugal.
RESUMO - A OMS estima que dezenas de milhares de doentes em todo o mundo sofrem consequências ou morrem devido a cuidados e práticas médicas pouco seguras (JHA, A., ed. lit., 2008). Este estudo surge com o intuito de gerar conhecimento acerca dos EA e promover a melhoria da gestão do risco com base na perspectiva do doente, obtida através das reclamações. As reclamações contêm informação primordial acerca das necessidades reais, manifestas e sentidas pelo doente e as pessoas que lhes estão próximas (familiares, cuidadores informais). Elas podem reportar EA e constituir um veículo importante da melhoria da qualidade. O objectivo geral do estudo é contribuir para a melhoria da qualidade dos serviços de saúde, particularmente no que diz respeito à melhoria da segurança do doente. Para tal, será desenvolvida metodologia de análise de reclamações, para avaliação da ocorrência de EA. O instrumento de colheita de dados consiste numa checklist de verificação de variáveis, para posterior caracterização e realização de testes estatísticos. ----------ABSTRACT - The WHO estimate that tens of thousands customers around the world suffer or die due to Care and unsafe medical practices consequences (JHA, A., ed. lit., 2008). The aim of this research is to generate knowledge about the adverse events and promote the improvement of risk management based on patient perspective, obtained through complaints. Claims/Complaints contain vital information about the real needs, perceived and manifest by the patient and those close to them (families, informal caregivers). They can report adverse events and provide an essential vehicle to quality improvement. The study overall objective is to contribute to health services quality improvement, particularly as regard to improving the patient safety. For this will be developed methodology of complaints analysis, to adverse events occurrence assessment. The instrument for data collect consists in a checklist to variables verification toward further characterizati
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores
ABSTRACT This study was conducted to assess mental health knowledge, attitude and practices among health care workers in Belize before and immediately after a competency based training program in mental health. A baseline Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices (KAP) survey was given to health personnel, mainly nurses, working primary and secondary care. The intervention was a 13-week face-to-face training course for health care professionals with the objective of increasing their competency in mental health and reducing stigma. After the training a post intervention KAP survey was conducted among the original respondents. 88 health care workers completed the baseline survey and 61 of those respondents completed the post-intervention questionnaire. The results showed that the level of knowledge of the participants had improved by the training intervention and that in general, the intervention was effective in correcting some misconceptions about mental illness and reducing stigmatizing attitudes among the participants.
RESUMO: O envelhecimento demográfico é uma realidade dos nossos dias. A preparação da alta de enfermagem é um elemento da prestação de cuidados que pode ser explorado na fase de envelhecimento para dotar os idosos de conhecimentos, capacidades e responsabilidade na gestão da sua condição de saúde. Deste modo delineou-se um estudo de tipo descritivo, transversal e exploratório com o objectivo de analisar e compreender o processo de preparação da alta hospitalar de enfermagem ao idoso internado por agudização de doença, que se apresente autónomo no momento da alta, de modo a capacitá-lo para a gestão da sua condição de saúde. O estudo decorreu num Serviço de Medicina Interna. Definiu-se como fontes de informação e métodos de colheita de dados 25 entrevistas a idosos, 16 questionários abertos a enfermeiros prestadores de cuidados e análise dos registos do processo de internamento dos idosos. Como principais resultados destacamos que os idosos quando internados apresentam preocupações relacionadas com a sua condição de saúde e o motivo de internamento, os quais são pouco valorizadas na preparação da alta; os cuidados com a saúde que os idosos têm antes do internamento são valorizados nos registos de enfermagem; um terço dos idosos não teve conhecimento do seu diagnóstico médico; os diagnósticos de enfermagem activos no momento da alta não são contemplados na preparação da alta; os idosos com a aproximação do regresso a casa manifestam preocupações sobre os cuidados a ter com a sua saúde e manifestam interesse em ser informados sobre os mesmos; os idosos sentem pouca disponibilidade por parte dos enfermeiros para a preparação da alta; as intervenções de preparação da alta centram-se em intervenções do tipo ensinar, instruir e treinar, tendo-se verificado discrepâncias sobre os cuidados prestados e o seu conteúdo sob as várias fontes de informação; o diálogo é a estratégia de preparação da alta que prevalece; mais informação e informação escrita são aspectos que podem melhorar a preparação da alta segundo os idosos. Podemos assim concluir que não existe uma estrutura de preparação da alta a idosos com capacidade para gerir a sua condição de saúde e que muito pode ser melhorado em termos de preparação da alta a idosos no sentido de tomar o máximo partido deste elemento dos cuidados e assim obter ganhos em saúde. ----------- ABSTRACT: The demographic aging is a reality nowadays. The nursing discharge planning is an element of care that should be studied on aging to provide older people with knowledge, abilities and responsibility in order to deal their health condition. Thus, it was outlined a descriptive study, transversal and exploratory in order to analyze and understand how the process nursing discharge occurs, by planning the elderly hospitalized with acute disease, in order to support patients for better management of health conditions. The study was carried in an Internal Medicine Service of a Central Hospital. As information sources and methods of data collection, we defined 25 interviews with elderly, 16 open-ended questionnaires to nurses and analysis of records from the process of the elderly hospitalized. In the main results we observe the elderly hospitalized have concerns about their health condition and the reason for their hospitalization, which are undervalued in the discharge planning process; the health care reported by elderly related to time before hospitalization were registered in nursing records; one-third of the elderly don’t know the medical diagnosis; the active nursing diagnosis at discharge assets are not included in the discharge planning process; in the discharge, the elderly had concerns over the care of their health and expressed interest in being informed of it; the elderly don’t feel availability from the nurses in the discharge planning; the discharge interventions focus on interventions like teaching, instructing and training, and there have been different views about the care provided and its contents under the various sources of information; the high prevailing strategy to discharge planning is the dialogue; more information and written information are aspects that can improve the discharge planning process. We conclude that there is no structure in discharge planning for the elderly with high ability to manage his health condition. There are several things that can be improved to the discharge planning for the elderly in order to take full advantage of this element of care.
The objective of the paper is to help to understand recent changes in the structure of R&D activities, by analyzing data on the expenditure of the business sector in research and development (R&D). The results are framed in an international context, through comparison with indicators from the most developed countries, divided by technological intensity and economic activity. The study reveals that the indicators of Portuguese R&D expenditure in the business sector are closely linked both to fiscal policy and to high foreign direct investment in knowledge-intensive industries. It also links these indicators to phenomena such as the abundance of skilled labor in pharmaceutical industries and the government intervention in some sectors of the economy (namely health and rail transportation).