129 resultados para La belleza


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L'analyse pollinique des sédiments argileux, riches en macrorestes de végétaux, du "Belasien» (Crétacé inférieur) de Buarcos a permis reconnaître la présence d'une riche microflore. On a, nottament, reconnu la présence de: Concavisporites punctatus, Auritulinosporites complexis, Chomotriletes sp., Trilobosporites cf. bernissartensis, Apiculatisporites vulgaris, Cicatricosisporites sp. 1, Cicatricosisporites sp. 2. Cicatricosisporites sp. 3, Cicatricosisporites sp. 4, Cicatricosisporites sp. 5, Cicatricosisporites sp. 6. Costatoperforosporites fistulosus, Ceratosporites sp. l, C. cf. equalis, Ischyosporites teixeirae n. sp., Liburnisporites sp. AequitriraditeS cf. spinulosus, Cedripites lusitanicus, Clavatipollenites cf. hughesi. Après discution de la stratigraphie des diffèrentes espèces on sugère une âge barremo-aptien pour cette association malgré la présence de l'ensemble Apiculalisporites vulgaris-Classopollls major plutôt d'âge Aptien.


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Les rapports complexes entre les différentes façons de faire circuler les idées et les informations ne datent pas de nos jours. A toutes les époques, les messages qui circulent emploient toutes sortes de véhicules et de langages, très souvent complémentaires. Ces véhicules et ces langages n'ont peut-être rien d'extraordinaire. Ils appartiennent au monde des gestes de tous les jours, des gestes qui se répètent et dont la répétition est elle-même importante pour la construction du sens de chaque message. Ces gestes qui sont répétés, qui sont attendus et qui sont reconnus incluent des sons, des images, des comportements, des mots, ou des citations. Il y a donc un rapport qui s'y établit entre répétition et nouveauté, rapport dans lequel la répétition fournit chaque fois une nouvelle information, même si elle est déjà attendue, tandis que leur absence peut représenter l'anxiété, ou même le scandale.


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Doutoramento em Conservação e Restauro, especialidade Teoria, História e Técnicas


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Trabalho de Projecto de Mestrado em: As Humanidades na Europa: Convergências e Perspectivas. CROSSWAYS IN EUROPEAN HUMANITIES


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Revista da FCSH, N.1, 1980, pp. 205-213


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Espaces et sociétés, N.79, modes de vie et société portugaise, pág. 93-106


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Cabatuquila conglomerate ferricrete (Malanje Province, located North Central Angola) corresponds to a thick (1O-15m) and hardcornice at the top of "Baixa de Cassanje" escarpment. "Baixa de Cassanje" is a large graben part of South Congo basin. Cabatuquila conglomerate ferricrete seems to correspond to a Plio-Pleistocene morphology which has already disappeared. Laterization dynamics and ferricrete formation processes took place on the Tertiary surface, before being tilted to the Congo Basin. Materials submitted to these processes are mainly alluvial deposits from a pre-Cuanza drainage system. This drainage system flowed to the North before being captured to the Atlantic, as a consequence of the movement which deformed the Tertiary surface during the Pleistocene. The erosion dynamics, which created the Cassanje depression, has occurred after the late Tertiary surface deformation. That dynamics might be related to the Cuango drainage system, which was reorganized after that deformation.


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The study of new abundant coral crops and a systematic revision of the historie collections allow us to extend significantly the data about the Upper Oligocene and Miocene Scleractinia of the French atlantic basins. The SW and W-NW France faunas have been considered, and complete lists of the different defined taxa are presented. The general lines of the evolution of this group are specified, and linked to the paleoclimatic and paleobiogeographic changes.


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The Aquitaine Basin (southwestem France) is known since long ago for its richness in marine miocene deposits ofvarious facies. A few stratotypes concerning this period have bccn described in the investigated area. The stratigraphical framework has becn recently revised and the study of new exposures completes our knowledge on these levels. In the present work, the authors produce a biostratigraphical distribution of about 160 species (Iarger and smaller foraminifera), found in the surface exposures of Aquitaine, from the topmost Oligocene (Chattian) through to Middle Miocene (including Serravallian). As a rule, the common species without significant ranges have not bcen mentioned. The microfaunas of several exposures have been thoroughly revised, which has allowcd to precise the distribution of many species and induced a few modifications of the results previously produced. Synonymy problems and new taxonomical revisions have been taken into account. Of course, this work will be probably submitted to some changes according to new research on the already known exposures or other more recently discovered.


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Abundant crops of Glycymeris have been made in the neritic bioclastic deposits of the Aquitaine Basin. After an outline about the Chattian taxa, the 5 Lower Miocene lineages are presented; G. cor is plainly predominant. Then, the Middle Miocene faunas are also detaiIed, G. inflatus and G. bimaculatus being the most frequent taxa. A test of biometrical analysis about the G. cor species is presented.


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Proceedings of the I" R.C.A.N.S. Congress, Lisboa, October 1992


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Res-Systemica, Volume N°5, Numéro Spécial


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The Quaternary fluvial formations of the Doukkala plain are, until now, slightly studied. Our study has allowed to precise that the fluvial terraces of the oued "the Ourn Rbia oued", are clearly distinguished from the secondary oueds terraces by the dynamic deposit of the alluvial materials. Moreover, the mammal fossils recolted from some of these terraces allow to review the ages attributed by Gigout (1951).


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Based upon the depositional sequences in the Guadalquivir basin and the bio-events defined (foraminifera and nanoplancton) we present the synthesis of the paleontological results in correlation with the Neogene of Algarve (Portugal). We present the most representative outcrops for micropaleonlologic results, as well as paleoenvironmental correlations between Algarve and the Guadalquivir basin.


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A sequência estratigráfica cenozóica da bacia do Guadiana entre Mérida e Badajoz está representada por depósitos de leque aluvial e fluviais. Neste trabalho apresenta-se urna primeira descrição de duas das unidades de preenchimento da bacia. A primeira corresponde a sedimentos de idade miocénica que se encaixaram nos depósitos de Ieque aluvial, que os antecedem, desenvolvendo um sistema fluvial com urna direcção principal E-W, caracterizado pela presença de barras e canais arenosos associados a níveis edáficos, com fraco desenvolvimento da planície de inundação. A segunda unidade, de idade pliocénica, representa a instalação de uma nova rede de drenagem que se sobrepõe e erode os sedimentos miocénicos. A direcção principal entre Mérida e Badajoz continua a ser E-W, para inflectir para o S em Badajoz. As facies pliocénlcas são essencialmente conglomeráticas e arenosas, correspondendo a canais móveis e barras formadas em consequência de processos de migração e encaixe da rede fluvial. Ambos os sistemas fluviais representam parte da evolução do preenchimento da bacia do Guadiana desde o Miocénico até ao Plio-Quaternário, sendo as principais diferenças entre ambos interpretadas como devidas a modificações tectónicas pre-quaternárias na região.