36 resultados para High-level languages


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Human-Computer Interaction have been one of the main focus of the technological community, specially the Natural User Interfaces (NUI) field of research as, since the launch of the Kinect Sensor, the goal to achieve fully natural interfaces just got a lot closer to reality. Taking advantage of this conditions the following research work proposes to compute the hand skeleton in order to recognize Sign Language Shapes. The proposed solution uses the Kinect Sensor to achieve a good segmentation and image analysis algorithms to extend the skeleton from the extraction of high-level features. In order to recognize complex hand shapes the current research work proposes the redefinition of the hand contour making it immutable to translation, rotation and scaling operations, and a set of tools to achieve a good recognition. The validation of the proposed solution extended the Kinects Software Development Kit to allow the developer to access the new set of inferred points and created a template-matching based platform that uses the contour to define the hand shape, this prototype was tested in a set of predefined conditions and showed to have a good success ration and has proven to be eligible for real-time scenarios.


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RESUMO:O envelhecimento e a preocupação com a dependência da população idosa é uma prioridade social. A permanência em casa onde se encontram todas as referências é importante em diversos aspectos, nomeadamente para uma maior independência. Quando a dependência surge, o Serviço de Apoio Domiciliário (SAD) é um dos serviços sociais a que se pode recorrer. Numa análise dos serviços de SAD nas vertentes de legislação, instituições, cuidadores e utentes, não são relacionados o grau de dependência e a atribuição da ajuda, o que parece pertinente para equacionar as necessidades das pessoas idosas em SAD. Nesse sentido, este estudo teve como objectivo verificar a percepção dos utentes de SAD do grau de dependência e do grau de ajuda na realização de taferas de auto-cuidado e mobilidade, avaliados pelo próprio idoso, pelo ajudante familiar e pelo fisioterapeuta. O presente estudo, transversal (Agosto 2013 – Abril 2014), de natureza quantitativa e qualitativa, e abordagem descritiva, observacional e correlacional, avaliou uma amostra de 51 idosos do SAD da Amadora, dos quais 80,4% eram mulheres, com média de idade de 82,4 anos (dp 6,81), principalmente viúvas, com escolaridade primária incompleta ou completa, orientada no tempo e no espaço, e com estado emocional por si considerado razoável. A investigadora, fisioterapeuta de formação, inquiriu idosos e ajudantes familiares que cuidavam dos mesmos, para recolher as suas opiniões sobre o grau de dependência e o respectivo grau de ajuda, observou o meio envolvente dos idosos, e recolheu comentários dos participantes. Os resultados obtidos apontam para um grau de dependência relacionado com a necessidade de meios e um grau de ajuda que indica ajuda de conveniência. Para a sua análise foram avaliadas tarefas de auto-cuidado e mobilidade, cuja relação foi comprovada estatisticamente. As opiniões dos intervenientes sobre a realização das tarefas e sobre o grau de dependência são parcialmente diferentes, sendo mais sobreponíveis em relação ao grau de ajuda necessária. A analise da correlação entre o grau de dependência e o grau de ajuda indica-nos que quanto maior o grau de dependência maior é o grau de ajuda. Ou seja, que a ajuda prestada nas situações de maior dependência era realmente necessária, mas também, que a ajuda prestada nas situações de menor dependência não era realmente necessária, sendo neste trabalho designada de ajuda de conveniência.------------ABSTRACT: Aging and concern about the dependence of the elderly population is a social priority. The ability to stay at home where all the references are, is important in several aspects, in particular for a greater independence. When the dependency arises, the Home Support Service (SAD in short for the portuguese "Serviço de Apoio Domiciliário") is a social service that can be appealed to. In an analysis of the SAD services in the areas of legislation, institutions, caregivers and users, the degree of dependence and aid allocation are not related, which seems relevant to equate the needs of older people in SAD. Thus, this study aimed to verify the perception of users of SAD towards the degree of dependency and the degree of help in the realization of self-care and mobility, valued by the user, the home support workers and the physiotherapist. This cross-sectional study (August 2013 - April 2014), of quantitative and qualitative nature, taking a descriptive approach, observational and correlational, assessed a sample of 51 elderly of SAD from Amadora, of which 80.4% were women, with an age average of 82.4 years (SD 6.81), mainly widows with incomplete or complete primary schooling, oriented in time and space, and emotional state by itself considered reasonable. The researcher, physiotherapist by training, inquired elderly and the home support workers who cared for them, to gather their opinions on the degree of dependency and the degree of the help provided, while observing the surrounding environment of the elderly. The results point to a degree related to the need for resources and a degree of help pointing towards a high level of convenience. For its analysis tasks of self-care and mobility were evaluated, whose relationship was confirmed statistically. The views of stakeholders on the realization of the tasks and on the degree of dependence are partly different, being more overlapping in the degree of help needed. The analysis of the correlation between the degree of dependency and the degree of help tells us that the greater the degree of dependence is, the greatest degree of help becomes. Which, that the help provided in situations of increased dependence was really needed, but also that the help provided in situations of reduced dependence was not really necessary, being designated in this work help of convenience.


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RESUMO - A doença renal crónica (DRC) resulta da perda de função renal, sendo necessário a terapêutica de substituição, no estádio terminal. Em Portugal está atualmente em vigor o modelo de Gestão Integrada da Doença, que tem inerente o cumprimento de objetivos e metas pelas unidades de diálise. Uma alimentação adequada é um pilar fundamental ao sucesso do tratamento desta doença, o que torna o profissional de nutrição indispensável. Este trabalho pretendeu avaliar o cumprimento das metas e objetivos estabelecidos no modelo referido, e relacionar os resultados obtidos com a existência de contacto entre o profissional de nutrição e os pacientes. Para a persecução dos objetivos, foram analisadas duas bases de dados disponibilizadas pela Direção Geral da Saúde: a base de dados da Plataforma de Gestão Integrada da Doença Renal Crónica em 2012 e a do Questionário de Avaliação da Satisfação dos Doentes em Hemodiálise em 2013. Verificou-se uma melhoria contínua ao longo dos anos do cumprimento das metas e objetivos preconizados em Portugal para o tratamento da DRC, com um cumprimento da maioria no ano de 2012. No entanto, os parâmetros ferritina e albumina sérica ficaram aquém da recomendação. Observou-se um nível elevado de satisfação do paciente quanto ao trabalho do profissional de nutrição, apesar de ser frequente a inexistência de contacto entre ambas as partes. Os resultados obtidos demonstram também que o profissional de nutrição tem um papel importante para a obtenção de melhores resultados de saúde nos pacientes em tratamento por hemodiálise, pelo que se sugere um acompanhamento da totalidade deste tipo de população por este profissional.


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The rapid growth of big cities has been noticed since 1950s when the majority of world population turned to live in urban areas rather than villages, seeking better job opportunities and higher quality of services and lifestyle circumstances. This demographic transition from rural to urban is expected to have a continuous increase. Governments, especially in less developed countries, are going to face more challenges in different sectors, raising the essence of understanding the spatial pattern of the growth for an effective urban planning. The study aimed to detect, analyse and model the urban growth in Greater Cairo Region (GCR) as one of the fast growing mega cities in the world using remote sensing data. Knowing the current and estimated urbanization situation in GCR will help decision makers in Egypt to adjust their plans and develop new ones. These plans should focus on resources reallocation to overcome the problems arising in the future and to achieve a sustainable development of urban areas, especially after the high percentage of illegal settlements which took place in the last decades. The study focused on a period of 30 years; from 1984 to 2014, and the major transitions to urban were modelled to predict the future scenarios in 2025. Three satellite images of different time stamps (1984, 2003 and 2014) were classified using Support Vector Machines (SVM) classifier, then the land cover changes were detected by applying a high level mapping technique. Later the results were analyzed for higher accurate estimations of the urban growth in the future in 2025 using Land Change Modeler (LCM) embedded in IDRISI software. Moreover, the spatial and temporal urban growth patterns were analyzed using statistical metrics developed in FRAGSTATS software. The study resulted in an overall classification accuracy of 96%, 97.3% and 96.3% for 1984, 2003 and 2014’s map, respectively. Between 1984 and 2003, 19 179 hectares of vegetation and 21 417 hectares of desert changed to urban, while from 2003 to 2014, the transitions to urban from both land cover classes were found to be 16 486 and 31 045 hectares, respectively. The model results indicated that 14% of the vegetation and 4% of the desert in 2014 will turn into urban in 2025, representing 16 512 and 24 687 hectares, respectively.


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In the fields of marketing and general management, many are the contributions of literature relating trust and e‐commerce. Trust is perceived as an issue that concerns the consumers’ intention to purchase. As so, in this research, a path model is empirically tested in order to develop solutions for Internet vendors on how to deal with consumers and increase their trust. The path model measures how the dimensions of trust, named as competence, integrity and benevolence positively influence the overall trust of the consumers and at the same time how the sources of trust – consumer characteristics, firm characteristics, website infrastructure and interactions influence those dimensions. The data used to test the model was collected in Portugal, through 365 valid cases. Findings revealed that consumers, which have high level of overall trust, are more likely to intent to purchase online.


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A PhD is like a box of chocolates, …… and in this thesis I will present what I got. My work has been focused on a cellular structure that is essential for accurate genome inheritance: the centromere. Centromeres are chromosomal domains that do not rely on the presence of any specific DNA sequence. Rather, they are determined by the presence of a histone variant called CENP-A. Stable transmission of CENP-A containing chromatin is accomplished through 1) an unusually high level of protein stability, 2) selfdirected recruitment of nascent CENP-A near existing molecules, and 3) strict cell cycle regulation of assembly. Together, these features lead to a self-sustaining loop that allows for epigenetic maintenance of centromeres.(...)