41 resultados para Guido, Tomás


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Software as a service (SaaS) is a service model in which the applications are accessible from various client devices through internet. Several studies report possible factors driving the adoption of SaaS but none have considered the perception of the SaaS features and the pressures existing in the organization’s environment. We propose an integrated research model that combines the process virtualization theory (PVT) and the institutional theory (INT). PVT seeks to explain whether SaaS processes are suitable for migration into virtual environments via an information technology-based mechanism. INT seeks to explain the effects of the institutionalized environment on the structure and actions of the organization. The research makes three contributions. First, it addresses a gap in the SaaS adoption literature by studying the internal perception of the technical features of SaaS and external coercive, normative, and mimetic pressures faced by an organization. Second, it empirically tests many of the propositions of PVT and INT in the SaaS context, thereby helping to determine how the theory operates in practice. Third, the integration of PVT and INT contributes to the information system (IS) discipline, deepening the applicability and strengths of these theories.


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Religion at work is nowadays a hot-topic for organizational researchers. Studies have been conducted in order to understand whether there is a possible connection between God and management. This study aims to understand what is the impact of managing through God’s Love. It was found that managing with Love contributes for a new organizational culture characterized by the way managers face work (Culture of Identification), the way they use their characteristics for the benefit of the organization (Culture of Integration), the way human relations are developed (Culture of Bonds) and that it creates sustainable value (Culture of Entrepreneurship) for organizations. Main implications of these results are presented below.


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This research is titled “The Future of Airline Business Models: Which Will Win?” and it is part of the requirements for the award of a Masters in Management from NOVA BSE and another from Luiss Guido Carlo University. The purpose is to elaborate a complete market analysis of the European Air Transportation Industry in order to predict which Airlines, strategies and business models may be successful in the next years. First, an extensive literature review of the business model concept has been done. Then, a detailed overview of the main European Airlines and the strategies that they have been implementing so far has been developed. Finally, the research is illustrated with three case studies


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Economics is a social science which, therefore, focuses on people and on the decisions they make, be it in an individual context, or in group situations. It studies human choices, in face of needs to be fulfilled, and a limited amount of resources to fulfill them. For a long time, there was a convergence between the normative and positive views of human behavior, in that the ideal and predicted decisions of agents in economic models were entangled in one single concept. That is, it was assumed that the best that could be done in each situation was exactly the choice that would prevail. Or, at least, that the facts that economics needed to explain could be understood in the light of models in which individual agents act as if they are able to make ideal decisions. However, in the last decades, the complexity of the environment in which economic decisions are made and the limits on the ability of agents to deal with it have been recognized, and incorporated into models of decision making in what came to be known as the bounded rationality paradigm. This was triggered by the incapacity of the unboundedly rationality paradigm to explain observed phenomena and behavior. This thesis contributes to the literature in three different ways. Chapter 1 is a survey on bounded rationality, which gathers and organizes the contributions to the field since Simon (1955) first recognized the necessity to account for the limits on human rationality. The focus of the survey is on theoretical work rather than the experimental literature which presents evidence of actual behavior that differs from what classic rationality predicts. The general framework is as follows. Given a set of exogenous variables, the economic agent needs to choose an element from the choice set that is avail- able to him, in order to optimize the expected value of an objective function (assuming his preferences are representable by such a function). If this problem is too complex for the agent to deal with, one or more of its elements is simplified. Each bounded rationality theory is categorized according to the most relevant element it simplifes. Chapter 2 proposes a novel theory of bounded rationality. Much in the same fashion as Conlisk (1980) and Gabaix (2014), we assume that thinking is costly in the sense that agents have to pay a cost for performing mental operations. In our model, if they choose not to think, such cost is avoided, but they are left with a single alternative, labeled the default choice. We exemplify the idea with a very simple model of consumer choice and identify the concept of isofin curves, i.e., sets of default choices which generate the same utility net of thinking cost. Then, we apply the idea to a linear symmetric Cournot duopoly, in which the default choice can be interpreted as the most natural quantity to be produced in the market. We find that, as the thinking cost increases, the number of firms thinking in equilibrium decreases. More interestingly, for intermediate levels of thinking cost, an equilibrium in which one of the firms chooses the default quantity and the other best responds to it exists, generating asymmetric choices in a symmetric model. Our model is able to explain well-known regularities identified in the Cournot experimental literature, such as the adoption of different strategies by players (Huck et al. , 1999), the inter temporal rigidity of choices (Bosch-Dom enech & Vriend, 2003) and the dispersion of quantities in the context of di cult decision making (Bosch-Dom enech & Vriend, 2003). Chapter 3 applies a model of bounded rationality in a game-theoretic set- ting to the well-known turnout paradox in large elections, pivotal probabilities vanish very quickly and no one should vote, in sharp contrast with the ob- served high levels of turnout. Inspired by the concept of rhizomatic thinking, introduced by Bravo-Furtado & Côrte-Real (2009a), we assume that each per- son is self-delusional in the sense that, when making a decision, she believes that a fraction of the people who support the same party decides alike, even if no communication is established between them. This kind of belief simplifies the decision of the agent, as it reduces the number of players he believes to be playing against { it is thus a bounded rationality approach. Studying a two-party first-past-the-post election with a continuum of self-delusional agents, we show that the turnout rate is positive in all the possible equilibria, and that it can be as high as 100%. The game displays multiple equilibria, at least one of which entails a victory of the bigger party. The smaller one may also win, provided its relative size is not too small; more self-delusional voters in the minority party decreases this threshold size. Our model is able to explain some empirical facts, such as the possibility that a close election leads to low turnout (Geys, 2006), a lower margin of victory when turnout is higher (Geys, 2006) and high turnout rates favoring the minority (Bernhagen & Marsh, 1997).


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Esta dissertação tem por objetivo estabelecer intervalos de confiança para rendas vitalícias, que podem vir a ser aplicados no cálculo de responsabilidades atuariais. Para este efeito, foi ne-cessário fazer uma revisão sobre conceitos de mortalidade, tempo de vida futura e rendas vitalí-cias. Posteriormente, serão apresentadas relações entre rendas vitalícias e variáveis aleatórias, que dependem da aleatoriedade do tempo de vida futura. De seguida, serão obtidos os intervalos de confiança para as rendas vitalícias considerando o Teorema Limite Central de Lyapunov, e será elaborada uma revisão de alguns conceitos sobre fundos de pensões para enquadramento da aplicação prática. Por último, será efetuada uma aplicação prática das metodologias desenvolvidas ao longo da dissertação, onde serão apresentados intervalos de confiança para o cálculo das responsabili-dades de um plano de pensões. A construção de intervalos de confiança para as responsabilidades atuariais, custo normal ou mesmo valor atual dos benefícios totais traduz-se numa mais-valia para a gestão de um fundo. Por vezes a estimação pontual de um parâmetro não fornece informação suficiente sobre esse mesmo parâmetro, é importante questionarmo-nos sobre a proximidade dessa estimativa ao seu verdadeiro valor.


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Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT), Fundação Millennium bcp


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Companies seeking to continue growing and developing need to consider the possibility of international expansion and what that represents to their future. To tackle this challenge it becomes necessary to establish the company’s interests and priorities as well as defining and assessing the foreign market opportunities of a specific industry. This directed research internship proposes and conducts a simulation of the preliminary foreign market assessment and selection within the Juncker Plan: country filtering and ranking having as a frame of reference the second largest construction company in Brazil, Andrade Gutierrez.


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A avaliação do desempenho ambiental e de sustentabilidade por parte das organizações tem vindo a ganhar cada vez mais relevância nos últimos anos, incluindo nas organizações relacionadas com a atividade portuária. Cada vez mais se verifica a necessidade de analisar e comunicar o desempenho do setor, na perspetiva económica, social e também ambiental. Neste sentido, as práticas e instrumentos de gestão e avaliação de desempenho fornecem os meios necessários e permitem ainda apoiar a gestão e os processos de tomada de decisão. Dado que o setor portuário é um dos setores de atividade mais importantes a nível mundial e também a nível nacional, a integração da gestão ambiental na sua estrutura terá um impacte significativo no desempenho económico e ambiental de cada país. Contudo, este é um setor em que se verificam lacunas na investigação sobre a utilização deste tipo de práticas, nomeadamente no contexto português. A presente dissertação tem como principal objetivo analisar as práticas de gestão e avaliação de desempenho ambiental no setor portuário em Portugal, incluindo os portos do continente e também das regiões autónomas. Por forma a cumprir o objetivo a que se propunha, desenvolveu-se um inquérito por questionário. Este foi posteriormente aplicado aos portos nacionais, e permitiu traçar o perfil de utilização dessas práticas bem como identificar os pontos fortes e fracos e criar algumas recomendações direcionadas ao setor. Os principais resultados revelaram que, apesar de existiram algumas práticas já implementadas, existe uma grande margem para evoluir, sobretudo no que diz respeito aos portos de menores dimensões. Os portos nacionais necessitam de apostar mais na implementação e utilização de práticas de gestão e avaliação de desempenho ambiental, nomeadamente de Sistemas de Gestão Ambiental, formação na área do ambiente, utilização de indicadores de desempenho e de procedimentos de monitorização. Espera-se ainda que o trabalho desenvolvido nesta dissertação possa impulsionar a criação de melhorias no setor portuário nacional e o desenvolvimento de outros estudos complementares nesta área.