48 resultados para Almost self-centered graph


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Informática


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This paper incorporates egocentric comparisons into a human capital accumulation model and studies the evolution of positive self image over time. The paper shows that the process of human capital accumulation together with egocentric comparisons imply that positive self image of a cohort is first increasing and then decreasing over time. Additionally, the paper finds that positive self image: (1) peaks earlier in activities where skill depreciation is higher, (2) is smaller in activities where the distribution of income is more dispersed, (3) is not a stable characteristic of an individual, and (4) is higher for more patient individuals.


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This paper investigates the implications of individuals’ mistaken beliefs of their abilities on incentives in organizations using the principal-agent model of moral hazard. The paper shows that if effort is observable, then an agent’s mistaken beliefs about own ability are always favorable to the principal. However, if effort is unobservable, then an agent’s mistaken beliefs about own ability can be either favorable or unfavorable to the principal. The paper provides conditions under which an agent’s over estimation about own ability is favorable to the principal when effort is unobservable. Finally, the paper shows that workers’ mistaken beliefs about their coworkers’ abilities make interdependent incentive schemes more attractive to firms than individualistic incentive schemes.


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This paper analyzes the implications of worker overestimation of productivity for firms in which incentives take the form of tournaments. Each worker overestimates his productivity but is aware of the bias in his opponent’s self-assessment. The manager of the firm, on the other hand, correctly assesses workers’ productivities and self-beliefs when setting tournament prizes. The paper shows that, under a variety of circumstances, firms make higher profits when workers have positive self-image than if workers do not. By contrast, workers’ welfare declines due to their own misguided choices.


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RESUMO: A população prisional é constituída por indivíduos geralmente sujeitos a alguma forma de exclusão social e que apresentam problemas de saúde física e mental mais frequentes do que na população em geral. A prevalência mais elevada de perturbações mentais e de suicídio nos reclusos, em relação à população civil, é consensual e está demonstrada em numerosos estudos internacionais. O abuso/dependência de substâncias, a depressão, as psicoses e a perturbação anti-social de personalidade são as perturbações mais comuns na população prisional. As perturbações mentais são importantes factores de risco de suicídio, de vitimização, de reincidência e de reentrada no sistema prisional. Assim sendo, o grupo de reclusos com perturbação mental constitui um grupo de risco relevante. A avaliação de necessidades de cuidados foi iniciada no Reino Unido como um método para o planeamento, medição dos resultados e financiamento dos cuidados de saúde. Para esta avaliação foram desenvolvidos instrumentos que avaliam as necessidades em diversos domínios (clínicos e sociais) para aplicação aos utentes, cuidadores e profissionais. Até aos anos noventa, a avaliação de necessidades no contexto prisional incidia especialmente nas necessidades de segurança dos serviços, segundo a perspectiva dos profissionais. Contudo, a partir do relatório Reed (1992), sobre a situação dos reclusos com perturbação mental, verificou-se uma abordagem mais abrangente, que incluía a avaliação das necessidades de cuidados dos reclusos. Embora as necessidades dos reclusos com perturbação mental pareçam ser similares às dos doentes psiquiátricos em geral, existem diferenças em determinados domínios como a comorbilidade do eixo II, o abuso de substâncias e o risco de violência. Por este motivo, as necessidades de cuidados de saúde mental dos reclusos são elevadas e frequentemente não se encontram satisfeitas. De forma a incluir estas especificidades foi desenvolvida a versão forense do Camberwell Assessment of Need (CAN), designada por CAN - Forensic Version (CANFOR). Actualmente existe um consenso generalizado entre as instituições internacionais do dever de proporcionar aos reclusos cuidados de saúde, de prevenção e de tratamento, equivalentes aos cuidados disponíveis para a população civil - o princípio da equivalência de cuidados. A presente investigação pretendeu caracterizar e avaliar as necessidades de cuidados dos reclusos acompanhados nos serviços de psiquiatria prisionais na área da Grande Lisboa (internamento no Serviço de Psiquiatria do Hospital Prisional de S. João de Deus (HPSJD) e consultas nos Estabelecimentos Prisionais (EP) de Caxias e de Tires). De modo a estabelecer uma comparação com sujeitos civis foi seleccionada uma amostra de conveniência de pacientes acompanhados num departamento de psiquiatria da mesma região, segundo um emparelhamento por sexo, escalão etário, e por diagnóstico, num período de 3 meses. Realizou-se um estudo de tipo observacional, transversal e comparativo. Aplicaram-se os seguintes instrumentos de avaliação: questionário específico, Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale 4.0, Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview 5.0.0, Global Assessment Functioning, CAN-R e CANFOR-R. No período do estudo (12 meses) foram assistidos 149 reclusos, dos quais, 35 (23,5%) não cumpriram os critérios de inclusão. A amostra final de reclusos (PRs) (n=114) foi constituída por 79 homens (69,3%) e 35 mulheres (30,7%), dos quais 77 eram condenados (67,5%) e 37 (32,5%) encontravam-se detidos preventivamente. A amostra final de participantes civis (PCs) foi constituída por 121 indivíduos, dos quais 76 eram homens (62,8%) e 45 eram mulheres (37,2%).A amostra final de participantes civis (PCs) foi constituída por 121 indivíduos, dos quais 76 eram homens (62,8%) e 45 eram mulheres (37,2%). Relativamente aos PRs, o diagnóstico mais frequente foi a Perturbação Anti-social da Personalidade (57,9%), seguida pela Depressão Major (56,1%). A maioria (53,5%) apresentava três ou mais categorias diagnósticas. Aproximadamente um terço dos PRs (30%) pontuou o nível elevado de risco de suicídio. A probabilidade deste risco aumentava, significativamente, nos portadores de Depressão Major, de um maior nível de psicopatologia e de uma condenação actual. Perto de metade dos PRs (47,4%) possuía duas ou mais condenações prévias e mais de metade estavam envolvidos em crimes contra pessoas (53,5%). A probabilidade de condenações múltiplas foi significativamente superior nos portadores de Perturbação Antisocial da Personalidade e nos reclusos com maior número de necessidades totais. Entre os PRs dos dois sexos, as principais diferenças significativas residiram na maior frequência de consumo de substâncias e no maior número de necessidades de cuidados nãosatisfeitas nos homens versus mulheres. A comparação entre os PRs, antes da detenção, e os PCs mostrou que os primeiros possuíam menor escolaridade, menos medicação psiquiátrica, mas mais emprego e mais consumos de substâncias ilícitas. A Perturbação Anti-social da Personalidade (OR=26,4; IC95%: 10,7-64,9), a Perturbação Pós-stress Traumático (OR=15,0; IC95%: 3,5-65,4), a Dependência/Abuso de Substâncias (OR=8,5; IC95%: 4,2-17,6) a Depressão Major (OR=2,6; IC95%: 1,5-4,4) e o Risco de Suicídio Elevado (OR=2,6; IC95%: 1,4-5,0) foram significativamente mais frequentes nos PRs versus PCs. Relativamente à avaliação de necessidades de cuidados, os PRs mostraram maior número de necessidades não-satisfeitas e maior necessidade de ajuda profissional, em relação aos PCs. Embora diversas necessidades não-satisfeitas possam resultar da condição de recluso, outras, em domínios da saúde física, da segurança do próprio e dos consumos tóxicos, poderão indicar que os PRs recebem um nível de cuidados inferior ao necessário, em comparação com os PCs. Os PRs apresentaram patologia mental, predominantemente não-psicótica e elevado risco de suicídio/auto-agressão, associado a depressão, necessidades de cuidados e uma pena de prisão. Possuíam, numa frequência elevada, características, consistentemente, associadas à reincidência criminal (personalidade anti-social, consumos tóxicos, condenações anteriores), pelo que se justifica um especial acompanhamento deste grupo, no período pré e pós-libertação. A comparação de necessidades de cuidados no contexto civil e prisional indica um maior nível de necessidades e um menor nível de cuidados recebidos pelos PRs, em relação aos PCs. O princípio da equivalência de cuidados poderá estar comprometido nos indivíduos reclusos com perturbação mental. A utilização do CANFOR foi fácil e poderá contribuir para um melhor planeamento, oferta e avaliação de resultados ao nível individual. Os PRs e PCs revelaram características clínicas e de necessidades muito diferentes entre si, pelo que, os reclusos com perturbação mental deverão ser assistidos em serviços de saúde mental preparados para abordar as suas especificidades.---------------ABSTRACT: The prison population is generally made up of individuals who are usually subject to some sort of social exclusion and who show physical and mental problems more frequently than the general population. Various international studies have found higher rates of mental disturbances and suicide within the prison population. The most common mental disturbances found are substance abuse or dependency, depression, psychosis, and anti-social personality disturbance. Such mental disturbances are important factors in suicide, victimization, delinquency recurrence, and the risk of reentry into prison. As a result, prison inmates with mental disturbances are a relevant at risk group. Assessment of needs of care first started in the United Kingdom as a method of care planning, results measuring and finance health care. The method involved the development of certain measuring instruments to be used by patients, caregivers and professionals in order to evaluate needs in various domains (clinical and social). Until the nineties, the assessment of needs of care in a prison context focused mainly on the service’s security needs. However, after the Reed (1992) report on mentally disturbed inmates, a much wider approach was considered, which included evaluation of the inmate’s needs of care. However similar mentally disturbed prison inmates’ needs may appear to those of other psychiatric patients, there are some differences in particular domains, namely, co-morbidity of Axis II, substance abuse and the risk of violence. For this reason, inmates’ mental health care needs are high and very often not met. In order to include these specificities, a forensic version of the Camberwell assessment of need (CAN,) designated CAN – Forensic version (CANFOR) was developed. There is now generalized consensus among international institutions of the duty under the equivalent health care principle to provide inmates with preventative health care and treatment, that are equivalent to the care available to the civil population. This investigation aims to characterize and assess the health care provision of prison inmates admitted to Lisbon’s Psychiatric Prison ward - the Psychiatric Ward of São João de Deus Hospital (HPSJD) - and inmates in the Caxias and Tires Prison Establishments (EP) undertaking outpatient treatment. In order to establish a comparison between prison and civilian patients, a convenience sample was selected from civilian patients being treated in a psychiatric ward in the same geographical area. This sample was paired by gender, age group and diagnosis during a three month period. The study was observational, transversal and comparative. The following measuring instruments were used: a purpose-built questionnaire, Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale 4.0, Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview 5.0.0, Global Assessment Functioning Scale, CAN-R and CANFOR-R. During the research period (12 months), 149 inmates received care, of whom 35 (23.5%) did not comply with the prerequisite criteria of this study. The final sample of inmates (PRs) (n=114) comprised 79 men (69.3%) and 35 (30.7%) women, of whom 77 (67.5%) were convicted prisoners and 37 (32.5%) were in preventive custody. The final sample for Civilian Participants (PCs) was made up of 121 individuals, of whom 76 (62.8%) were men and 45 (37.2%) were women. The most common diagnosis among the PRs was Anti-Social Personality Disorder (57.9%), followed by Major Depression (56.1%). More than half of the subjects in the sample (53.5%) showed three or more diagnostic categories. Approximately one third (30%) of the PRs showed a high level of suicide risk. The probability of this risk was significantly higher among Major Depression patients, those showing a higher level of psychopathology and those with a current conviction. Almost half of the PRs (47.4%) had been given two or more prior convictions and more than half (53.5%) were involved in crimes against people. The probability of multiple convictions was significantly higher among inmates with Anti-Social Personality Disorder and in those with more total needs. With regard to gender, the main significant difference among the PRs was that men were found to have a higher frequency of substance use and a greater number of unsatisfied caring needs than women. Comparison between the PRs prior to detention and PCs revealed that the former held lower educational qualifications and received less psychiatric medication, but had higher levels of employment and showed greater consumption of illicit substances. In addition Anti-Social Personality Disorder (OR=26.4; IC 95%: 10.7-64.9), Post-Stress Traumatic Disturbance (OR=15.0; IC 95%: 3.5-65.4), Substance Dependency/Abuse (OR=8.5; IC 95%: 4.2-17.6), Major Depression (OR=2.6; IC 95%: 1.5-4.4), and High Suicide Risk (OR=2.6; IC 95%: 1.4-5.0) were significantly more frequent amongst PRs than PCs. The results for needs assessment revealed that the PRs showed higher levels of unmet needs and a greater need for professional help in comparison with the PCs. Although various unmet needs may result from the inmate’s condition, other needs - in particular those regarding physical health, personal security and toxic substance use - suggest that the care given to PRs may be inadequate in comparison with that given to PCs. This implies that the principle of equivalent health care for PRs with mental illnesses may not be upheld. Furthermore, the mental morbidity results of the PRs indicated that they suffer predominantly from non-psychotic and high suicide/self inflicted aggression risk associated with depression, caring needs and a prison sentence. They also often showed characteristics that are consistently associated with criminal recidivism (Anti-social Personality, use of toxic substances, prior convictions). This result justifies that there should be special follow-up for this group in the pre- and after release period. The use of CANFOR proved to be simple and the application delay was acceptable. No difficulties were encountered in the understanding of its categories by its users. As a result, itcould contribute towards better planning, supply and assessment of results at an individual level. Given that the PRs and PCs revealed different clinical and needs characteristics, it is recommended that inmates with mental disturbances should be assisted in mental health services that are adequately prepared to address their specificities.


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Eletrotécnica e de Computadores


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Dissertation presented to obtain the PhD degree in Biology


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Does return migration affect entrepreneurship? This question has important implications for the debate on the economic development effects of migration for origin countries. The existing literature has, however, not addressed how the estimation of the impact of return migration on entrepreneurship is affected by double unobservable migrant self-selection, both at the initial outward migration and at the final inward return migration stages. This paper uses a representative household survey conducted in Mozambique in order to address this research question. We exploit variation provided by displacement caused by civil war in Mozambique, as well as social unrest and other shocks in migrant destination countries. The results lend support to negative unobservable self-selection at both and each of the initial and return stages of migration, which results in an under-estimation of the effects of return migration on entrepreneurial outcomes when using a ‘naïve’ estimator not controlling for self-selection. Indeed, ‘naïve’ estimates point to a 13 pp increase in the probability of owning a business when there is a return migrant in the household relative to non-migrants only, whereas excluding the double effect of unobservable self-selection, this effect becomes significantly larger - between 24 pp and 29 pp, depending on the method of estimation and source of variation used.


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How do risk preferences affect migrant remittance behaviour? Examination of this relationship has only begun to be explored. Using a tailored representative survey of 1500 immigrants in the Greater Dublin Area, Ireland, we find a positive and significant relationship between risk aversion and migrant remittances. Risk-averse individuals are more likely to send remittances home and are, on average, likely to remit a higher amount, after controlling for a broad range of individual and group characteristics. The evidence we obtain is consistent with a “purchase of self-insurance” motive to remit in that we also find support for more remittances being sent by risk-averse immigrants who face higher wage risks and to individuals with more financial resources.


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Spin-lattice Relaxation, self-Diffusion coefficients and Residual Dipolar Couplings (RDC’s) are the basis of well established Nuclear Magnetic Resonance techniques for the physicochemical study of small molecules (typically organic compounds and natural products with MW < 1000 Da), as they proved to be a powerful and complementary source of information about structural dynamic processes in solution. The work developed in this thesis consists in the application of the earlier-mentioned NMR techniques to explore, analyze and systematize patterns of the molecular dynamic behavior of selected small molecules in particular experimental conditions. Two systems were chosen to investigate molecular dynamic behavior by these techniques: the dynamics of ion-pair formation and ion interaction in ionic liquids (IL) and the dynamics of molecular reorientation when molecules are placed in oriented phases (alignment media). The application of NMR spin-lattice relaxation and self-diffusion measurements was applied to study the rotational and translational molecular dynamics of the IL: 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium tetrafluoroborate [BMIM][BF4]. The study of the cation-anion dynamics in neat and IL-water mixtures was systematically investigated by a combination of multinuclear NMR relaxation techniques with diffusion data (using by H1, C13 and F19 NMR spectroscopy). Spin-lattice relaxation time (T1), self-diffusion coefficients and nuclear Overhauser effect experiments were combined to determine the conditions that favor the formation of long lived [BMIM][BF4] ion-pairs in water. For this purpose and using the self-diffusion coefficients of cation and anion as a probe, different IL-water compositions were screened (from neat IL to infinite dilution) to find the conditions where both cation and anion present equal diffusion coefficients (8% water fraction at 25 ºC). This condition as well as the neat IL and the infinite dilution were then further studied by 13C NMR relaxation in order to determine correlation times (c) for the molecular reorientational motion using a mathematical iterative procedure and experimental data obtained in a temperature range between 273 and 353 K. The behavior of self-diffusion and relaxation data obtained in our experiments point at the combining parameters of molar fraction 8 % and temperature 298 K as the most favorable condition for the formation of long lived ion-pairs. When molecules are subjected to soft anisotropic motion by being placed in some special media, Residual Dipolar Couplings (RDCs), can be measured, because of the partial alignment induced by this media. RDCs are emerging as a powerful routine tool employed in conformational analysis, as it complements and even outperforms the approaches based on the classical NMR NOE or J3 couplings. In this work, three different alignment media have been characterized and evaluated in terms of integrity using 2H and 1H 1D-NMR spectroscopy, namely the stretched and compressed gel PMMA, and the lyotropic liquid crystals CpCl/n-hexanol/brine and cromolyn/water. The influence that different media and degrees of alignment have on the dynamic properties of several molecules was explored. Different sized sugars were used and their self-diffusion was determined as well as conformation features using RDCs. The results obtained indicate that no influence is felt by the small molecules diffusion and conformational features studied within the alignment degree range studied, which was the 3, 5 and 6 % CpCl/n-hexanol/brine for diffusion, and 5 and 7.5 % CpCl/n-hexanol/brine for conformation. It was also possible to determine that the small molecules diffusion verified in the alignment media presented close values to the ones observed in water, reinforcing the idea of no conditioning of molecular properties in such media.


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This study analyses financial data using the result characterization of a self-organized neural network model. The goal was prototyping a tool that may help an economist or a market analyst to analyse stock market series. To reach this goal, the tool shows economic dependencies and statistics measures over stock market series. The neural network SOM (self-organizing maps) model was used to ex-tract behavioural patterns of the data analysed. Based on this model, it was de-veloped an application to analyse financial data. This application uses a portfo-lio of correlated markets or inverse-correlated markets as input. After the anal-ysis with SOM, the result is represented by micro clusters that are organized by its behaviour tendency. During the study appeared the need of a better analysis for SOM algo-rithm results. This problem was solved with a cluster solution technique, which groups the micro clusters from SOM U-Matrix analyses. The study showed that the correlation and inverse-correlation markets projects multiple clusters of data. These clusters represent multiple trend states that may be useful for technical professionals.


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Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) - PhD grant (SFRH/BD/62568/2009)


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The purpose of this work project is to analyze the phenomenon of self-initiated expatriation (SIE) through its link to the Protean Career and Career Capital theories, focusing in particular on Italian and Portuguese students attending a Master in the business area. The main research questions are to understand the reasons driving the intention to expatriate, after the conclusion of the academic path, using three main categories (Adventure Motivation, Work Characteristic Motivation and instrumental Motivation) and the intention to repatriate. A sample of Italian and Portuguese students was obtained. Italians show a higher intention to expatriate relative to Portuguese; nevertheless, no other significant differences were found among the two populations, because of the similar cultural background and economic situation. Additionally, several heterogeneities were observed considering other clusters defined by Gender, Teaching Language of the Master and Past International Experiences, across the two nationalities. Furthermore, possible future researches and practical implications were discussed.


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When assessing investment options, investors focus on the graphs of annual reports, despite lack of auditing. If poorly constructed, graphs distort perceptions and lead to inaccurate decisions. This study examines graph usage in all the companies listed on Euronext Lisbon in 2013. The findings suggest that graphs are common in the annual reports of Portuguese companies and that, while there is no evidence of Selectivity Distortion, both Measurement and Orientation Distortions are pervasive. The study recommends the auditing of financial graphs, and urges preparers and users of annual reports to be wary of the possibility of graph distortion.