40 resultados para Additive Manufacturing 3D Printing FDM TPU nanocompisiti
This thesis is one of the first reports of digital microfluidics on paper and the first in which the chip’s circuit was screen printed unto the paper. The use of the screen printing technique, being a low cost and fast method for electrodes deposition, makes the all chip processing much more aligned with the low cost choice of paper as a substrate. Functioning chips were developed that were capable of working at as low as 50 V, performing all the digital microfluidics operations: movement, dispensing, merging and splitting of the droplets. Silver ink electrodes were screen printed unto paper substrates, covered by Parylene-C (through vapor deposition) as dielectric and Teflon AF 1600 (through spin coating) as hydrophobic layer. The morphology of different paper substrates, silver inks (with different annealing conditions) and Parylene deposition conditions were studied by optical microscopy, AFM, SEM and 3D profilometry. Resolution tests for the printing process and electrical characterization of the silver electrodes were also made. As a showcase of the applications potential of these chips as a biosensing device, a colorimetric peroxidase detection test was successfully done on chip, using 200 nL to 350 nL droplets dispensed from 1 μL drops.
A Engenharia de Tecidos surge da necessidade recorrente de regenerar ou recriar órgãos e tecidos danificados devido a vários tipos de trauma. A carência de funcionalidades resultante pode ser resolvida através da implantação de substitutos bio-sintéticos. O presente trabalho consiste na produção de matrizes porosas 3D baseadas em réplicas invertidas de cristais coloidais com futura aplicação em substituintes ósseos sintéticos para fraturas de não-união. O substituinte ósseo consiste numa estrutura denominada Inverse colloidal crystal (ICC), em que a sua organização singular resulta numa homogénea proliferação celular e num aumento das propriedades mecânicas, quando comparada com outros substituintes. O primeiro passo para a obtenção desta estrutura é a produção de microesferas de poliestireno, por uma técnica baseada em microfluídica. Posteriormente as microesferas são empacotadas resultando numa estrutura coesa com ligações entre microesferas vizinhas. O preenchimento dos espaços vazios entre microesferas pelo biomaterial pretendido e posterior remoção das microesferas dá origem à estrutura porosa do ICC. ICCs poliméricos (ϕCs = 1,00) e compósitos (ϕCs = 0,86 e ϕHA = 0,14; ϕCs = 0,67 e ϕHA = 0,33; ϕCs = ϕHA = 0,50) são produzidos e as suas propriedades mecânicas são testadas através de ensaios de compressão e comparadas com outros substituintes sintéticos. Para avaliação do comportamento dos materiais em contacto com meio biológico, foram realizados testes de citotoxicidade que revelaram uma viabilidade celular acima dos 80% em todos os ICCs.
The development of human cell models that recapitulate hepatic functionality allows the study of metabolic pathways involved in toxicity and disease. The increased biological relevance, cost-effectiveness and high-throughput of cell models can contribute to increase the efficiency of drug development in the pharmaceutical industry. Recapitulation of liver functionality in vitro requires the development of advanced culture strategies to mimic in vivo complexity, such as 3D culture, co-cultures or biomaterials. However, complex 3D models are typically associated with poor robustness, limited scalability and compatibility with screening methods. In this work, several strategies were used to develop highly functional and reproducible spheroid-based in vitro models of human hepatocytes and HepaRG cells using stirred culture systems. In chapter 2, the isolation of human hepatocytes from resected liver tissue was implemented and a liver tissue perfusion method was optimized towards the improvement of hepatocyte isolation and aggregation efficiency, resulting in an isolation protocol compatible with 3D culture. In chapter 3, human hepatocytes were co-cultivated with mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) and the phenotype of both cell types was characterized, showing that MSC acquire a supportive stromal function and hepatocytes retain differentiated hepatic functions, stability of drug metabolism enzymes and higher viability in co-cultures. In chapter 4, a 3D alginate microencapsulation strategy for the differentiation of HepaRG cells was evaluated and compared with the standard 2D DMSO-dependent differentiation, yielding higher differentiation efficiency, comparable levels of drug metabolism activity and significantly improved biosynthetic activity. The work developed in this thesis provides novel strategies for 3D culture of human hepatic cell models, which are reproducible, scalable and compatible with screening platforms. The phenotypic and functional characterization of the in vitro systems performed contributes to the state of the art of human hepatic cell models and can be applied to the improvement of pre-clinical drug development efficiency of the process, model disease and ultimately, development of cell-based therapeutic strategies for liver failure.
A produção de estruturas tridimensionais poliméricas tem sido foco de estudo por parte da Engenharia de Células e Tecidos, pelo que mimetizam melhor as condições in vivo dos tecidos. A conjugação das propriedades eléctricas com arquitectura 3D permite uma regeneração tecidual mais eficaz. Desta forma este estudo incidiu na construção de scaffolds, que conjugasse as propriedades mecânicas, eléctricas e biológicas num só suporte. O processo utilizado para produção de scaffolds baseou-se na electrofiação de soluções poliméricas de PCL (8% m/m) com incorporação de óxido de grafeno em diferentes concentrações: 0.01%, 0.1% e 0.25% (m/V). Foram avaliados os parâmetros de electrofiação que permitiram a organização tridimensional. A composição química e a morfologia das membranas foram avaliadas por FTIR-ATR e por microscopia electrónica de varrimento (MEV), respectivamente. Através de ensaios de tracção e de permeabilidade estudou-se a influência de óido de grafeno na matriz polimérica. Foram feitas experiências de redução de óxido de grafeno nas fibras electrofiadas, tanto nas membranas como das espumas, através do uso de vapores de hidrazina. Este mecanismo mostrou-se ineficaz, uma vez que afectou a sua morfologia. As espumas foram avaliadas quanto à sua bioactividade e propriedades mecânicas (ensaios de compressão). Também foram realizados testes de viabilidade celular nas membranas e de adesão celular nas espumas, de forma a avaliar o seu potencial para aplicação biomédica. Os resultados destes ensaios revelaram que óxido de grafeno não apresenta efeitos citotóxicos para o organismo e a sua presença promove a adesão celular ao scaffold.
Esta plataforma foi projetada como auxílio complementar ao processo de reabilitação de doentes afásicos lusófonos. Uma gama de exercícios são disponibilizados de forma a induzir diferentes estímulos (compreensão escrita e auditiva e expressão escrita) sendo a grande maioria destes realizados dentro de um ambiente virtual em três dimensões onde o utilizador (dependendo da tarefa) pode interagir com objetos presentes dentro de uma casa. A principal particularidade desta plataforma reside no facto desta estar alojada online, dispensando instalações e permitindo um acompanhamento mais próximo por parte do terapeuta da fala do progresso feito pelo paciente. A ferramenta desenvolvida está disponível para visualização e teste no endereço www.weblisling.net.
Contém resumo
In the early nineties, Mark Weiser wrote a series of seminal papers that introduced the concept of Ubiquitous Computing. According to Weiser, computers require too much attention from the user, drawing his focus from the tasks at hand. Instead of being the centre of attention, computers should be so natural that they would vanish into the human environment. Computers become not only truly pervasive but also effectively invisible and unobtrusive to the user. This requires not only for smaller, cheaper and low power consumption computers, but also for equally convenient display solutions that can be harmoniously integrated into our surroundings. With the advent of Printed Electronics, new ways to link the physical and the digital worlds became available. By combining common printing techniques such as inkjet printing with electro-optical functional inks, it is starting to be possible not only to mass-produce extremely thin, flexible and cost effective electronic circuits but also to introduce electronic functionalities into products where it was previously unavailable. Indeed, Printed Electronics is enabling the creation of novel sensing and display elements for interactive devices, free of form factor. At the same time, the rise in the availability and affordability of digital fabrication technologies, namely of 3D printers, to the average consumer is fostering a new industrial (digital) revolution and the democratisation of innovation. Nowadays, end-users are already able to custom design and manufacture on demand their own physical products, according to their own needs. In the future, they will be able to fabricate interactive digital devices with user-specific form and functionality from the comfort of their homes. This thesis explores how task-specific, low computation, interactive devices capable of presenting dynamic visual information can be created using Printed Electronics technologies, whilst following an approach based on the ideals behind Personal Fabrication. Focus is given on the use of printed electrochromic displays as a medium for delivering dynamic digital information. According to the architecture of the displays, several approaches are highlighted and categorised. Furthermore, a pictorial computation model based on extended cellular automata principles is used to programme dynamic simulation models into matrix-based electrochromic displays. Envisaged applications include the modelling of physical, chemical, biological, and environmental phenomena.
In recent years a set of production paradigms were proposed in order to capacitate manufacturers to meet the new market requirements, such as the shift in demand for highly customized products resulting in a shorter product life cycle, rather than the traditional mass production standardized consumables. These new paradigms advocate solutions capable of facing these requirements, empowering manufacturing systems with a high capacity to adapt along with elevated flexibility and robustness in order to deal with disturbances, like unexpected orders or malfunctions. Evolvable Production Systems propose a solution based on the usage of modularity and self-organization with a fine granularity level, supporting pluggability and in this way allowing companies to add and/or remove components during execution without any extra re-programming effort. However, current monitoring software was not designed to fully support these characteristics, being commonly based on centralized SCADA systems, incapable of re-adapting during execution to the unexpected plugging/unplugging of devices nor changes in the entire system’s topology. Considering these aspects, the work developed for this thesis encompasses a fully distributed agent-based architecture, capable of performing knowledge extraction at different levels of abstraction without sacrificing the capacity to add and/or remove monitoring entities, responsible for data extraction and analysis, during runtime.
Neurological disorders are a major concern in modern societies, with increasing prevalence mainly related with the higher life expectancy. Most of the current available therapeutic options can only control and ameliorate the patients’ symptoms, often be-coming refractory over time. Therapeutic breakthroughs and advances have been hampered by the lack of accurate central nervous system (CNS) models. The develop-ment of these models allows the study of the disease onset/progression mechanisms and the preclinical evaluation of novel therapeutics. This has traditionally relied on genetically engineered animal models that often diverge considerably from the human phenotype (developmentally, anatomically and physiologically) and 2D in vitro cell models, which fail to recapitulate the characteristics of the target tissue (cell-cell and cell-matrix interactions, cell polarity). The in vitro recapitulation of CNS phenotypic and functional features requires the implementation of advanced culture strategies that enable to mimic the in vivo struc-tural and molecular complexity. Models based on differentiation of human neural stem cells (hNSC) in 3D cultures have great potential as complementary tools in preclinical research, bridging the gap between human clinical studies and animal models. This thesis aimed at the development of novel human 3D in vitro CNS models by integrat-ing agitation-based culture systems and a wide array of characterization tools. Neural differentiation of hNSC as 3D neurospheres was explored in Chapter 2. Here, it was demonstrated that human midbrain-derived neural progenitor cells from fetal origin (hmNPC) can generate complex tissue-like structures containing functional dopaminergic neurons, as well as astrocytes and oligodendrocytes. Chapter 3 focused on the development of cellular characterization assays for cell aggregates based on light-sheet fluorescence imaging systems, which resulted in increased spatial resolu-tion both for fixed samples or live imaging. The applicability of the developed human 3D cell model for preclinical research was explored in Chapter 4, evaluating the poten-tial of a viral vector candidate for gene therapy. The efficacy and safety of helper-dependent CAV-2 (hd-CAV-2) for gene delivery in human neurons was evaluated, demonstrating increased neuronal tropism, efficient transgene expression and minimal toxicity. The potential of human 3D in vitro CNS models to mimic brain functions was further addressed in Chapter 5. Exploring the use of 13C-labeled substrates and Nucle-ar Magnetic Resonance (NMR) spectroscopy tools, neural metabolic signatures were evaluated showing lineage-specific metabolic specialization and establishment of neu-ron-astrocytic shuttles upon differentiation. Chapter 6 focused on transferring the knowledge and strategies described in the previous chapters for the implementation of a scalable and robust process for the 3D differentiation of hNSC derived from human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSC). Here, software-controlled perfusion stirred-tank bioreactors were used as technological system to sustain cell aggregation and dif-ferentiation. The work developed in this thesis provides practical and versatile new in vitro ap-proaches to model the human brain. Furthermore, the culture strategies described herein can be further extended to other sources of neural phenotypes, including pa-tient-derived hiPSC. The combination of this 3D culture strategy with the implemented characterization methods represents a powerful complementary tool applicable in the drug discovery, toxicology and disease modeling.