32 resultados para Accessibility
Its impossible to neglect the changes that internet and e-commerce caused in the retail sector, by increasing customers expectations and forcing retailers to adapt the business to the new digital era. Internet is characterized by the increase in accessibility to everyone, which can be good or not so. For instance, luxury products rely on the sense of exclusivity, instead of being accessible to everyone. Hence, internet represents a challenge for luxury brands once, although they are able to provide a fullness service to their customers, they need to maintain the exclusiveness in which luxury is sustained. Consequently, the appearance of omni-channel was more than a challenge for the luxury sector, in particular, given the need to provide a full integrated experience through different channels. The aim of this dissertation is to find out how important is omni-channel, even in the luxury industry, and how its actually implemented based on the case of one of the most successful companies on luxury fashion e-commerce industry Farfetch. Even though the company started in London, its founder is a Portuguese entrepreneur, and its in Portugal where most of its employees work, divided in two offices Guimares e Porto. Therefore, a literature review was written on relevant concepts and ideas about luxury, e-commerce and the different channels approaches. There were formulated five propositions that were after discussed according to the information gathered about the company and its strategies. In the end, it was possible to identify which propositions are in accordance with theory and which are not, as well as understand which are the most important strategies and trends about omni-channel in the luxury fashion e-commerce sector.
Os Livros de Artista so obras de arte contemporneas cujo nascimento se situa no sculo XX. As colees deste tipo de documentos encontramse em museus e em bibliotecas. Nas bibliotecas os riscos do manuseamento esto mais presentes porque os Livros de Artista so tocados para serem lidos. As particularidades deste tipo de colees, onde os livros tm tamanhos diversos, formas variadas e materiais dspares, levounos reflexo sobre o impacto do seu manuseamento nas bibliotecas. A reflexo baseouse no estudo das prticas em uso na Biblioteca de Arte da Fundao Calouste Gulbenkian. A observao da gesto do risco do manuseamento em Livros de Artista na instituio e a reviso da literatura permitiram a elaborao de um conjunto de regras. As regras devem ser seguidas pelas instituies que tm sua guarda colees de Livros de Artista. Acreditamos que a sua adoo, progressiva e continuada, contribui para a minimizao dos efeitos do manuseamento e constitui um auxlio na disponibilizao e acessibilidade ao longo do tempo dos Livros de Artista. No anula, de forma total e absoluta, os efeitos do uso de uma coleo de Livros de Artista. Os Livros de Artista para serem lidos so tocados e, por isso, existir sempre um dano o desgaste.